There is a reason we Dnt have first use policy. As per my limited knowledge we have thorium reserves in abundance, which will make us energy sovereign. But the generation of electricity through this is a complex process, Homi Bhabha has given us the 3 step process for thorium and that technology is yet to mature. Although we are agressively working on it. A developed nation needs energy sovereignty along with territorial sovereignty. So that no US,Saudi , IRan dictates us terms in future. Till that time we are operating on nuclear fuel with countries who are members of some exclusive club and they are providing us fuel and technology even we not being it's member on the assurance and our track record and intention of that we are a peaceful nation and we intend to use it for peaceful purposes. So please stop this nuclear first strike bravado. Our nuclear policy is well thought off and yes it has grey areas where we can strike first. No FUP is just a tag line for the journalist so that they Dnt go beserk whenever we test or buy anything remotely related to nuclear.