India-China 2020 Border conflict

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Sep 5, 2020
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In 2019, the average height of 19-year-old men in China was 175.1cm.
The average height of a 19-year-old man in India is 166.4cm
Are you still alive in the 19th century
uh oh...someone forgot that you should never use "average" in population or income statistics. Median, mode, percentiles are what is always used. This is the issue with Chinese. Low IQs are being made up with fake rankings like PISA tests etc. Same as faking ease of doing business rankings or bribing the WHO to look the other way into Wuhan Virus investigations. The amount of fakery is so high that a Chinese Han cannot distinguish between a fragrant flower and a piece of shit.
For example: Indian Aircraft Carriers = a fragrant flower; Chinese Aircraft Carriers = a piece of shit. Indian Mountain Corps = a fragrant flower; Chinese Mountain Corps (if any) = a piece of shit. Get it?

It is the outcome that matters. All of CCP's policies have resulted in China becoming a giant landscape of garbage, shut out, laughed at and ridiculed everywhere. CCP has effectively restored the century of humiliation and lost the mandate of heaven. Now of this does not convince the Chinese that CCP is not a fragrant flower but a piece of shit, then the Chinese simply enjoy the filth and dont want to play in beautiful gardens. Just dont keep producing devastating viruses, swimming in that filth everyday. And the world will ignore China and move on. That's all.


लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
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Aug 10, 2020
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Ya'll Nibbiars If in the unlikely scenario I ever have a pet cat, I will name the cat : Chairman Mau.

And in my cousins house alreday have a cat and it's name is Mau. No Chairman, No Premier. No Stars, No Planets. No mustaches, No Cap. No Sickle and No hammer. Only plain old Mani Mau.

Maharaj samudragupt

Kritant Parashu
Oct 9, 2020
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Ya'll Nibbiars If in the unlikely scenario I ever have a pet cat, I will name the cat : Chairman Mau.

And in my cousins house alreday have a cat and it's name is Mau. No Chairman No Premier. No Stars No Planets. No mustaches No Cap. No Sickle and No hammer. Only plain old Mani Mau.
Wow halde , you mean to get a wife?


Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
New Member
Jun 5, 2017
uh oh...someone forgot that you should never use "average" in population or income statistics. Median, mode, percentiles are what is always used. This is the issue with Chinese. Low IQs are being made up with fake rankings like PISA tests etc. Same as faking ease of doing business rankings or bribing the WHO to look the other way into Wuhan Virus investigations. The amount of fakery is so high that a Chinese Han cannot distinguish between a fragrant flower and a piece of shit.
For example: Indian Aircraft Carriers = a fragrant flower; Chinese Aircraft Carriers = a piece of shit. Indian Mountain Corps = a fragrant flower; Chinese Mountain Corps (if any) = a piece of shit. Get it?

It is the outcome that matters. All of CCP's policies have resulted in China becoming a giant landscape of garbage, shut out, laughed at and ridiculed everywhere. CCP has effectively restored the century of humiliation and lost the mandate of heaven. Now of this does not convince the Chinese that CCP is not a fragrant flower but a piece of shit, then the Chinese simply enjoy the filth and dont want to play in beautiful gardens. Just dont keep producing devastating viruses, swimming in that filth everyday. And the world will ignore China and move on. That's all.
Indians have always been one of the tallest race on earth, even Alexander admitted it. No surprise we are retaking our position as the lanksiest nations in the coming decades.
Very soon we will dwarf the Muricans who are 5.9.

See how the chongs are getting paranoid when we posted our data it's their deep rooted inferiority complex playing out.

Kek I sound like a deluded paki


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Sep 21, 2021
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Indians have always been one of the tallest race on earth, even Alexander admitted it. No surprise we are retaking our position as the lanksiest nations in the coming decades.
Very soon we will dwarf the Muricans who are 5.9.

See how the chongs are getting paranoid when we posted our data it's their deep rooted inferiority complex playing out.

Kek I sound like a deluded paki
BIRADARRRR these are MSS guys trying to do their version of psychological warfare..... everybody knows they are smaller in height and in their specialised equipment


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May 20, 2021
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Nothing major will happen media is overreacting like always just like they did with ILIFS crises in India or the real estate bubble in canada and US.

It was evident from last year that China was aiming for course correction followed by fiscal reforms in various sectors.

All those bank stress tests were being conducted for this reason only. They could have bailed them out or provided relief measures if they wished too. evergrande has a lot other branches in EV and many other sectors. CPP is forcing them to sell those assets and to pay back their loans.

Basically they are going for short term pain and long term gains. They will let the company fail and the course correction happen and once that is done they will bring in the fiscal reforms. CCP wants to show everyone in China that real estate is not the safest go to investment and is indirectly forcing them to invest in equities.
Evergrande is not the only problem in China’s debt market. By midyear, Chinese onshore and offshore defaults already totaled more than 25 billion USD which is nearly the same amount as for the entire previous year. Real estate firms accounted for about 30 percent of these defaults. Furthermore, the transportation, tourism, and retailing sectors have been particularly hard hit by the pandemic lockdowns, increasing defaults in those sectors.

Evergrande accounts for 4 percent of total Chinese real estate high-yield debt. The company’s debt is of such significant size that it may pose systemic risk to China’s banking system. Late or defaulted payments by Evergrande could cause a chain reaction of defaults across institutions. Authorities worry that this threatens to destabilize the entire real estate sector, which comprises about 30 percent of the Chinese economy.

Evergrande is expected to be unable to meet interest and principal payments due next week. The People’s Bank of China and the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission warned Evergrande’s executives to reduce its debt risks. Investors confidence has been shaken, as both private and state-linked companies, once considered safe investments, have been in default.

A complete collapse of Evergrande could cause economic turmoil and even civil unrest in China. The future of Evergrande and the Chinese economy depends on whether or not the central authorities will allow Evergrande to go into default, leaving its creditors high and dry, or if the CCP will intervene in order to maintain stability.

The Shrike

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Jun 12, 2021
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Yes but that "7 active air bases" is is really last years news. I am irritated because these guys are getting payed but seem to have less knowledge than random folks who look at google earth once in a while. Garbage journalism to say the least.
Yeh lo... the fake news was planted for this purpose onlee.
Sep 5, 2020
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Indians have always been one of the tallest race on earth, even Alexander admitted it. No surprise we are retaking our position as the lanksiest nations in the coming decades.
Very soon we will dwarf the Muricans who are 5.9.

See how the chongs are getting paranoid when we posted our data it's their deep rooted inferiority complex playing out.

Kek I sound like a deluded paki
The entire communist philosophy is based on this. Build gigantic buildings and unnecessary 10 lane highways to showcase large-ness of everything to compensate for their you know what. It is smoke and mirrors. Scratch a little under the surface and there is no foundation like many of the Chinese buildings which crumble at the first sign of weather events because many buildings are built with no rebars or fake rebars in the RCC.
Now take our entrepreneurs for example - we build products that the world enjoys. Zoom, the most popular video platform that helped millions of people during the pandemic is an Indian company. They beat out video conferencing systems of all established giants. What has Chinese companies produced - badly made face masks and suicide-causing TikTok platforms. India’s vaccines are life savers whereas the Chinese ones are life takers. Cars made in India are driven in North America today. Where are Chinese cars?
India has more international green certified buildings, ISO certified organizations, FDA certified labs than China has. All these certifications make our products better but more expensive than Chinese junk and so we lose out on export volumes. But we are not flooding countries with junk to “show” GDP growth. This is the problem with CCP. Everything is fake and just for show off. They even lowered their universal poverty levels to much below UN defined poverty levels (which India follows) just to announce that there is no poverty in China on the 100th anniversary of the founding of that evil organization aka the Corrupt Criminal Party.
So, whose outcomes does the world trust? India’s. And that’s why we are part of the most elite security organization in the world - MTCR whereas China is not despite them trying several times.
Outcomes matter. An open society is able to deliver real value products with much reduced fakery, whereas a fake country like China just produces absurd, humanity destroying, fake products - all to ”show” they are as good as the west and fake gdp growth. This has consequences which the CHInese Maniacl Peasants (aka CHIMPs) are facing right now. Chimps are good at throwing shit at each other but their fakery of acting like humans falls fat quickly. Same with the unevolved CCP Chimps. Lol.
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