India-China 2020 Border conflict

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Feb 28, 2016
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The difference btw CAATSA sanctions and the theory of 'dethroning and rioting' is one has been legitimately institutionalised (Turkey) and other a mere thought out of chauvinism.
It's not chauvinism, "regime change" happens in many countries, starting from the cold war era, US themselves sponsoring regime change of even "allied" countries isn't unheard off during the Cold War era.
Modi, Erdogan, Netanyahu, Viktor Orban are all on the menu so to speak of the "liberal and progressive" powers that be.
Most recently a stunt like this could be seen in Bulgaria, don't know what become of that later though.
Bulgaria is one of the last CIS countries that is still allied with the RusFed.

We will never get sanctioned, chill, Erdogan is being a thorn in the side of the West as a whole, which is why he is being "punished" in this way.
His numerous stunts in the Mediterranean, in Syria, in the recent Azeri-Armenian war and in the Turkish Republic itself haven't gone unnoticed.
We have been """"good boys""""" on the other hand from the US PoV, a souring of relations over some missile batteries isn't worth it.

Fuck chongs but this was incredibly based.

They were actually based troops wise( not necessarily equipment wise ) during Korean War, now they are based in terms of equipment but about troops it remains to be seen.


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Aug 21, 2020
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Not arrogance, but sheer truth;

Never thought things would go south this quickly for these chamcha states;
With the US compromised, do you really think there is hope for Kangaroos, kiwis, and maple syrup cans. With Biden, they can fuck these nations in daylight and I would be a sight to watch. 🤪 🤪 🤪 🤪 🤪
Not sure about sushi rolls but they generally have a high sense of pride, they might resist.

You have no idea how much basement dwellers have changed the world dynamics. Chinks won't even fist American ass and get their hand dirty, rather with so much of their moles in both big firms and politics, they will ask Americans to fist their own ass.


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Apr 13, 2013
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Feb 27, 2018
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This is a conspiracy theory but Biden sanctioning us for CAATSA as totally legit? :bplease:
In any case just the threat of "sanctions" is enough to get dhoti/trouser/salwar-shivering in this country so who knows.
Biden has yet to come to office, it’s in the Trump period that CAATSA was passed even if there were carve outs asked for and received by Gen.Mattis. It’s the trump administration that has refused to rule out sanctions on India under CAATSA. How exactly is Biden involved? How also is Biden involved in giving Pakistan some aid when he is not in office yet?

Biden may be bad or he may be good for us but we must atleast wait till he is in office to start pronouncing on his administration.


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Dec 21, 2020
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Japan could've defeated US in technology,economy and defence if US didn't have influence over them post WW2.
We should better align with Japan than Russia and make our ties stronger.
Both have same enemies.
Hehehe, the Scars of ww2 are still fresh in American think Tanks mind, they will never let Japanese be an arms exporter.
1) Till today they do not call their army "army' but SDF (self-defence force)
2) They don't have any kind aircraft carrier, because of sanctions pressed on by the US.
Fun fact: They have experience of building 4 aircraft carriers, even more than India. As for tech they have been building heli-carriers since they can't make aircraft carriers.
That is to say at any time they have a full tech to make an advanced aircraft carriers any time they decide to f*ck US sanctions.
Sep 5, 2020
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I hope the NTRO (India's equivalent of NSA) is doing its f$%^ing job collecting signal intelligence on PLAy boys.
If anyone has watched the Netflix movie on Edward Snowden, immense technologies exist to glean sensitive information. I hope NTRO guys are not sleeping and continuously getting technologies and training from NSA, upgrading SigInt technologies every day of the year.
India has no option but to up the game as we are going against a powerful and slimy enemy - the CCP. Right now, the US and Russians are the lesser of the devils.

Upping the game entails:
  • We need to play our cards right to milk the US for the right technologies in a way that still assures us strategic independence. For this, we need to up our research and technology talent in critical areas. This would require programs where budget is set aside for attracting top Indians from around the world. Remember - no money, no talent.
  • We also need to institute a $1 million annual science and technology prize to reward people who have discovered stellar technology that immensely contributes to national security and strategic independence in commercial technologies. Remember - no money, no motivation.
  • Setup a well funded program to invite top indians back home (this is the real ghar wapsi we want) and put them to work on building challenging defense and commercial grade technologies.
  • Single mindedly focus on implementing GAGAN as the preferred navigation system. This includes widely available chipsets for end user applications. ISRO must commercialize faster. They must take a relook at this tendering systems and come out with faster ways of commercializing technologies. Also, ISRO must handover PSLV launches to private parties and use their budget to build next generation technologies.
  • PM Modi must spell out how exactly he intends to up India's technology game. Right now he is way too quiet and is not spelling out any advanced technology vision. Reforming the procurement policies and reorganizing military into theater commands is necessary but NOT sufficient. While business reforms are good and roads are good, in 21st century possessing critical, world beating technology is the real deterrence. No one cares about a million member poorly equipped armies anymore, even if organized as theater commands. In 21st century, regimes are afraid of remote destruction of their infrastructure like their power grids, transportation systems, communications systems, finance and economic systems, decimating of their economic interests via competition etc. A cyber attack on BSE will cause much much more damage to India's strategic interests and harm than a physical attack on BSE.
  • Reduce religious fervor and illiteracy through mass and compulsory education - even for all illiterate adults - sufficient to function as an informed a citizen in a highly complex 21st century world and generally, in a democracy (many people are of the opinion that democracy means the ritual of just voting; they dont understand that active participation of citizens is required for any democracy to flourish). A misinformed, naive citizen is the biggest threat to national security. I consider the current farmers' movement a significant national security threat - not because these farmers are terrorists but because they are ignorant, illiterate and ,therefore, misinformed. They hardly understand the big picture like how their demands may lead to reduction in government revenues that funds national security infrastructure, and thus, inadvertently, contribute to gaping holes in our security. Emotional blackmail by folks such as the farmers and reservation janata should be discouraged.
  • Form a joint charter with all states as to how exactly we will fund national security programs and how prioritized this funding will be. In other words, get them to agree that, for a period until we become very strong technology wise, subsidies for citizens will take a back seat to funding national security and R&D related to national security.
  • For Ganesha's sake, make the country get to decent wealth standards, and that requires everyone making much more income so we can get to $5-6 trillion quickly. Move these traditional rice farmers to better crops or train them to move into manufacturing/services. Generating low incomes and committing suicides is not sustainable. 50-60% of our country's citizens' incomes must double. And for that, many rural folks must get out of the agricultural economy. The government should force this transition via monetary incentives - such as buying their land for buildng roads, new cities etc or tying subsidies to the kinds of crops they grow.
  • Retrain all the diplomatic corps to be savvy communicators who can sell the country's business and military strengths in countries they are based in. Right now, the communication and social skills of our "diplomats" are terrible, to say the least.
  • Get rid of reservation systems in strategic leadership positions and key official positions. Reservation and quota system must be limited to lower mass cadre positions only. Post that, promotions should be strictly based on merit or if internal candidates are not available, bring in external professional hires into government.
  • Decriminalize politics as much as possible. Truly bring in a corruption elimination system such as a strong whistleblower act with quick trials/prosecution of government officials. Be strict on barring people with criminal records from participating in elections or in government business. Do not do appeasement politics here. Corruption is the #1 enemy to national security and social fabric. Recognize this and tackle this with an iron hand. There is a reason CCP is purging thousands of corrupt officials. They are serious security risks for the CCP.
  • Overall, become more serious and purposeful in running the country and democracy. Right now, the citizens think of everything in india including governance, education, health, democracy, national security, wealth creation etc as jokes. Well, they are not jokes. Lack of sincerity and will in tackling fate-deciding issues in our country will make us lose our strategic independence very very quickly, and ourselves becoming the joke of the world once again - like we were for several decades after independence under incompetent and sometimes even criminal Congress-led governments, becoming the biggest clowns in the world when we bankrupted ourselves.


New Member
Dec 21, 2020
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I hope the NTRO (India's equivalent of NSA) is doing its f$%^ing job collecting signal intelligence on PLAy boys.
If anyone has watched the Netflix movie on Edward Snowden, immense technologies exist to glean sensitive information. I hope NTRO guys are not sleeping and continuously getting technologies and training from NSA, upgrading SigInt technologies every day of the year.
India has no option but to up the game as we are going against a powerful and slimy enemy - the CCP. Right now, the US and Russians are the lesser of the devils.

Upping the game entails:
  • We need to play our cards right to milk the US for the right technologies in a way that still assures us strategic independence. For this, we need to up our research and technology talent in critical areas. This would require programs where budget is set aside for attracting top Indians from around the world. Remember - no money, no talent.
  • We also need to institute a $1 million annual science and technology prize to reward people who have discovered stellar technology that immensely contributes to national security and strategic independence in commercial technologies. Remember - no money, no motivation.
  • Setup a well funded program to invite top indians back home (this is the real ghar wapsi we want) and put them to work on building challenging defense and commercial grade technologies.
  • Single mindedly focus on implementing GAGAN as the preferred navigation system. This includes widely available chipsets for end user applications. ISRO must commercialize faster. They must take a relook at this tendering systems and come out with faster ways of commercializing technologies. Also, ISRO must handover PSLV launches to private parties and use their budget to build next generation technologies.
  • PM Modi must spell out how exactly he intends to up India's technology game. Right now he is way too quiet and is not spelling out any advanced technology vision. Reforming the procurement policies and reorganizing military into theater commands is necessary but NOT sufficient. While business reforms are good and roads are good, in 21st century possessing critical, world beating technology is the real deterrence. No one cares about a million member poorly equipped armies anymore, even if organized as theater commands. In 21st century, regimes are afraid of remote destruction of their infrastructure like their power grids, transportation systems, communications systems, finance and economic systems, decimating of their economic interests via competition etc. A cyber attack on BSE will cause much much more damage to India's strategic interests and harm than a physical attack on BSE.
  • Reduce religious fervor and illiteracy through mass and compulsory education - even for all illiterate adults - sufficient to function as an informed a citizen in a highly complex 21st century world and generally, in a democracy (many people are of the opinion that democracy means the ritual of just voting; they dont understand that active participation of citizens is required for any democracy to flourish). A misinformed, naive citizen is the biggest threat to national security. I consider the current farmers' movement a significant national security threat - not because these farmers are terrorists but because they are ignorant, illiterate and ,therefore, misinformed. They hardly understand the big picture like how their demands may lead to reduction in government revenues that funds national security infrastructure, and thus, inadvertently, contribute to gaping holes in our security. Emotional blackmail by folks such as the farmers and reservation janata should be discouraged.
  • Form a joint charter with all states as to how exactly we will fund national security programs and how prioritized this funding will be. In other words, get them to agree that, for a period until we become very strong technology wise, subsidies for citizens will take a back seat to funding national security and R&D related to national security.
  • For Ganesha's sake, make the country get to decent wealth standards, and that requires everyone making much more income so we can get to $5-6 trillion quickly. Move these traditional rice farmers to better crops or train them to move into manufacturing/services. Generating low incomes and committing suicides is not sustainable. 50-60% of our country's citizens' incomes must double. And for that, many rural folks must get out of the agricultural economy. The government should force this transition via monetary incentives - such as buying their land for buildng roads, new cities etc or tying subsidies to the kinds of crops they grow.
  • Retrain all the diplomatic corps to be savvy communicators who can sell the country's business and military strengths in countries they are based in. Right now, the communication and social skills of our "diplomats" are terrible, to say the least.
  • Get rid of reservation systems in strategic leadership positions and key official positions. Reservation and quota system must be limited to lower mass cadre positions only. Post that, promotions should be strictly based on merit or if internal candidates are not available, bring in external professional hires into government.
  • Decriminalize politics as much as possible. Truly bring in a corruption elimination system such as a strong whistleblower act with quick trials/prosecution of government officials. Be strict on barring people with criminal records from participating in elections or in government business. Do not do appeasement politics here. Corruption is the #1 enemy to national security and social fabric. Recognize this and tackle this with an iron hand. There is a reason CCP is purging thousands of corrupt officials. They are serious security risks for the CCP.
  • Overall, become more serious and purposeful in running the country and democracy. Right now, the citizens think of everything in india including governance, education, health, democracy, national security, wealth creation etc as jokes. Well, they are not jokes. Lack of sincerity and will in tackling fate-deciding issues in our country will make us lose our strategic independence very very quickly, and ourselves becoming the joke of the world once again - like we were for several decades after independence under incompetent and sometimes even criminal Congress-led governments, becoming the biggest clowns in the world when we bankrupted ourselves.
No offence, but to implement this we will need what we call a blood bath, not just politician but the whole of the Indian government, otherwise it will never be successfully implemented.
After all, it is said that "a Government is a very robust body, no kind of scheme can make it falter or take it down, hence it is needed to parasite it from inside out to make it a hollow carcass for efficiently taking it down."


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
New Member
Oct 14, 2020
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Imagine terrorists can bring down CH-4 with Small Arms fire, for those who don’t know what small arms are, Small arms means the guns that a soldier carry. Hence a magazine dump on a CH-4 UCAV can easily bring it down. And porkis are buying 50 of these cheap MQ-9 copies because they are diplomatically isolated and no one sells them their weapons and they literally have only Cryna which itself is dependent on the west for copying weapons. And these CH-4s have very bad operational record, Algeria and Jordan have decommissioned these within 1-3 years of service due to poor capability and quality and Jordan in fact auctioned these stupid MQ-9 copies called CH-4. AFAIK its the 3rd CH-4 Saudi Arabia has lost due to small arms fire (literally small arms fire lmao) while any other UCAV/UAV made by India or the West or by Russia have enough flight ceiling to dodge even Anti-aircraft gun fire but the chinks have 0 aviation expertise and are like porkis, if somehow they get foreign weapons for copying then only they will make it else they won’t. Literally every chinese equipment used by their army navy and airforce is a copy, even the weapons, aircrafts, drones, clothing, literally everything. There is not even a single 100% chinese developed and designed aircraft in service.

Edit: its the 4th Wing Loong of Saudi Arabia to get shot down with small arms fire by terrorists not 3rd.


New Member
Dec 25, 2016
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Off Topic : Just came across this 2018 Vlog about Chandra Taal lake in Spiti and i started remembering a post in this thread or another someone writing about some mysterious chinese trinagle type drones coming out of lakes . Not able to find that exact post . but this is interesting video



New Member
Dec 25, 2016
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Don't know why Armenian armed forces were not able to replicate the same success again turkish Baktyarar drones in the latest war . their maximum casualties came from drone strikes only .

Imagine terrorists can bring down CH-4 with Small Arms fire, for those who don’t know what small arms are, Small arms means the guns that a soldier carry. Hence a magazine dump on a CH-4 UCAV can easily bring it down. And porkis are buying 50 of these cheap MQ-9 copies because they are diplomatically isolated and no one sells them their weapons and they literally have only Cryna which itself is dependent on the west for copying weapons. And these CH-4s have very bad operational record, Algeria and Jordan have decommissioned these within 1-3 years of service due to poor capability and quality and Jordan in fact auctioned these stupid MQ-9 copies called CH-4. AFAIK its the 3rd CH-4 Saudi Arabia has lost due to small arms fire (literally small arms fire lmao) while any other UCAV/UAV made by India or the West or by Russia have enough flight ceiling to dodge even Anti-aircraft gun fire but the chinks have 0 aviation expertise and are like porkis, if somehow they get foreign weapons for copying then only they will make it else they won’t. Literally every chinese equipment used by their army navy and airforce is a copy, even the weapons, aircrafts, drones, clothing, literally everything. There is not even a single 100% chinese developed and designed aircraft in service.

Edit: its the 4th Wing Loong of Saudi Arabia to get shot down with small arms fire by terrorists not 3rd.


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
New Member
Oct 14, 2020
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Off Topic : Just came across this 2018 Vlog about Chandra Taal lake in Spiti and i started remembering a post in this thread or another someone writing about some mysterious chinese trinagle type drones coming out of lakes . Not able to find that exact post . but this is interesting video

Just go for kailash mansarovar UFO sighting is common, many of my friends have seen it too.


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
New Member
Oct 14, 2020
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Don't know why Armenian armed forces were not able to replicate the same success again turkish Baktyarar drones in the latest war . their maximum casualties came from drone strikes only .
Because the Azeris used loitering munition to destroy their SAMs and then wrecked havoc with their Bayraktar TB2s, Armenia using MANPADS was able to down only 2 Bayraktar TB2s.


New Member
Oct 12, 2020
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Imagine terrorists can bring down CH-4 with Small Arms fire, for those who don’t know what small arms are, Small arms means the guns that a soldier carry. Hence a magazine dump on a CH-4 UCAV can easily bring it down. And porkis are buying 50 of these cheap MQ-9 copies because they are diplomatically isolated and no one sells them their weapons and they literally have only Cryna which itself is dependent on the west for copying weapons. And these CH-4s have very bad operational record, Algeria and Jordan have decommissioned these within 1-3 years of service due to poor capability and quality and Jordan in fact auctioned these stupid MQ-9 copies called CH-4. AFAIK its the 3rd CH-4 Saudi Arabia has lost due to small arms fire (literally small arms fire lmao) while any other UCAV/UAV made by India or the West or by Russia have enough flight ceiling to dodge even Anti-aircraft gun fire but the chinks have 0 aviation expertise and are like porkis, if somehow they get foreign weapons for copying then only they will make it else they won’t. Literally every chinese equipment used by their army navy and airforce is a copy, even the weapons, aircrafts, drones, clothing, literally everything. There is not even a single 100% chinese developed and designed aircraft in service.

Edit: its the 4th Wing Loong of Saudi Arabia to get shot down with small arms fire by terrorists not 3rd.
Small arms? As in MANPADS?
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