India-China 2020 Border conflict

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Feb 16, 2009
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woman of color!
americans and their classifications.
When will they put own nations security, economy and interest than be politically correct for the liberals whose confused about own gender.
putting the wolf in charge of the sheep . I said Biden does everything by race and that is how he is
making his picks. Security dosen't mean anything to democrats who would sell the country in a minute.


तस्मात् उत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिष्चय
Senior Member
Aug 15, 2016
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That's because we have got soundly shafted in the perception war once again.
Agree ! I mean what the heck, why did not our MEA babus or MOD babus or even the army just immediately put out an approx chinese casualty figure like 40 KIA along with 20 of ours , why only mention our casualties, don't they know that only announcing our casualties will make it look like we are the losers :facepalm: . Even a school kid has more sense goddamn it:frusty:


तस्मात् उत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिष्चय
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Aug 15, 2016
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Top Chinese professor boasts of operatives in top of US ‘core inner circle’

Di added during the lecture that “for the past 30 years, 40 years, we have been utilizing the core power of the United States.”
Indeed ! Further to the discussion regarding chinks and bharatiyas in IT and computer science, even though we may have an edge in coding and other jobs, the chinks are more in core research areas not just computer science, while we just do the usual high level coding jobs and less in core research. And don't forget that many chinks are sent over there bankrolled by ccp with the express intent of learning the best tech and core research and take it back to chinkland (steal if reqd), whereas we have no such agenda ! Our only aim is to escape Bharath, and live the american dream (not that I blame them , given the reservation and quota ridden system here filled with corrupt babus who stifle many a youngster's dream)


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Agree ! I mean what the heck, why did not our MEA babus or MOD babus or even the army just immediately put out an approx chinese casualty figure like 40 KIA along with 20 of ours , why only mention our casualties, don't they know that only announcing our casualties will make it look like we are the losers :facepalm: . Even a school kid has more sense goddamn it:frusty:
simple answer is PLA did not release those numbers.


तस्मात् उत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिष्चय
Senior Member
Aug 15, 2016
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simple answer is PLA did not release those numbers.
Eh ? Why should we wait for PLA ? We can quote our own estimates right ? If PLA can say 20 of us were killed, we can do the same esp. since we have more credibility as a democratic nation where information is not hidden.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Eh ? Why should we wait for PLA ? We can quote our own estimates right ? If PLA can say 20 of us were killed, we can do the same esp. since we have more credibility as a democratic nation where information is not hidden.
1) current “rules of engagement” are still as per WW2 era, warfare has evolved but not the rules. As per the old rules a country is expected to declare their casualties after cessation of military action. CCP does not follow this rule, and no body can make them.

2) an adversary can always inflate the other party’s casualties. Hence officially not considered.

3) democracy has higher weightage is a myth.

4) when it comes to India, as I keep saying any entity working against the Indian state is always given benefit of doubt. It is intrinsically part of global discourse. It applies here too. Churchill’s and Kissinger’s legacy on India still runs deep in global discourse .
5) We are on our own, it has always been the case. level playing field simply does not exist for India. The sooner we realise it the better.


तस्मात् उत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिष्चय
Senior Member
Aug 15, 2016
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1) current “rules of engagement” are still as per WW2 era, warfare has evolved but not the rules. As per the old rules a country is expected to declare their casualties after cessation of military action. CCP does not follow this rule, and no body can make them.

2) an adversary can always inflate the other party’s casualties. Hence officially not considered.

3) democracy has higher weightage is a myth.

4) when it comes to India, as I keep saying any entity working against the Indian state is always given benefit of doubt. It is intrinsically part of global discourse. It applies here too. Churchill’s and Kissinger’s legacy on India still runs deep in global discourse .
5) We are on our own, it has always been the case. level playing field simply does not exist for India. The sooner we realise it the better.
I agree to the reasoning, but why was no *attempt* made to atleast announce the chink figures. Its like we have lost the perception battle before even it begins. Also nowadays, SM actors will quote state media figures, forget about usual tv channels. Atleast the online battle could have been won.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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I agree to the reasoning, but why was no *attempt* made to atleast announce the chink figures. Its like we have lost the perception battle before even it begins. Also nowadays, SM actors will quote state media figures, forget about usual tv channels. Atleast the online battle could have been won.
GoI did release the figures via friendly channels in the news media, that’s how the number of 46 PLA casualties came about in public discourse.

any India related data faces higher scrutiny in global discourse.

another good example is the , pak had been doing the same thing for decades and much more openly, but you never saw such a report exposing pak. India did one EU MEP visit to Kashmir, within months counter narratives emerges. That’s how the odds are stacked against us.


तस्मात् उत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिष्चय
Senior Member
Aug 15, 2016
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GoI did release the figures via friendly channels in the news media, that’s how the number of 46 PLA casualties came about in public discourse.

any India related data faces higher scrutiny in global discourse.

another good example is the , pak had been doing the same thing for decades and much more openly, but you never saw such a report exposing pak. India did one EU MEP visit to Kashmir, within months counter narratives emerges. That’s how the odds are stacked against us.
I think that figure of 46 was announced much later (I could be wrong). However what I remember was that our own guys (MEA babus) in the *first* statment announcing that 20 of us KIA and *unknown* number of chinks killed. This is what I have an issue with. Instead of unknown they should have put out a statement like "as per the best estimates of army around 40 chinks were KIA". But it appears that MEA did not want ruffle their chink masters


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Sep 9, 2020
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I guess on 16 June, we said that PLA casualties were 5 dead and 11 wounded while ours were 3 dead...even in the Article PLA disclosed that only 5 soldiers died from their side....if we returned 16 bodies then how did the PLA officials said 5 dead in commanders meeting? I say we returned 16 bodies(5 dead and 11 wounded-captives) which were on our side of LAC...even in kangxiwa war memorial, new grave construction was spotted in only one row(4 new graves were spotted from August 24 video-can be 5 due to rushed camera angle).


United States of Hindu Empire
May 29, 2009

Haramzada has quickly started working on G2.

Modi was quick to reset and gave signals to all his diplomatic core to de-hyphenate from old regime. Modi specifically mentioned the Indo-Pacific vision in one of his tweets.

India has to become a nuisance in the region and start working on punitive offenses along Pakistani and Chinese borders.

This playing good boy is not working, Either we keep continuing to display old behavior and keep compromising or we change the strategy altogether. The choice must be made now.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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I think that figure of 46 was announced much later (I could be wrong). However what I remember was that our own guys (MEA babus) in the *first* statment announcing that 20 of us KIA and *unknown* number of chinks killed. This is what I have an issue with. Instead of unknown they should have put out a statement like "as per the best estimates of army around 40 chinks were KIA". But it appears that MEA did not want ruffle their chink masters
ok, let’s run with this scenario.

let’s say MEA releases a number say 40 PLA casualties, CCP publicly does funeral of 5 soldiers just because we officially announced a number. all the global media which has been on the take from CCP, will keep reiterating MEA lied in all their news items for decades. Is that OK?

keep in mind India did the same during balakot strikes, nobody bothered to publish our side of the story in international media. if they didn’t do it then, why would they do it now.


तस्मात् उत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिष्चय
Senior Member
Aug 15, 2016
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will keep reiterating MEA lied in all their news items for decades. Is that OK?
Absolutely A-OK, why the fk care for the west. State your figure and stand by it, else we don't deserve
to be called an aspiring super power or a strong nation, always seeking approval from the white apes.

keep in mind India did the same during balakot strikes, nobody bothered to publish our side of the story in international media
Doesn't matter, online SM did pick it up and more importantly we stood by our figures.
Here we did not do that in this case.
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