Idiotic Musings From Firangistan


Senior Member
Dec 26, 2016
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another unique thing is that mumbai would have more population than whole finland , hungary combined. That's pretty impressive for a country with high population and low income people :salute::salute:
Firstly, a typical Mumbaikar would find it much more difficult and time consuming to get to the address - unlike Helsinki, population about the same as Ghatkopar or Andheri, with far less crowded transport.

Secondly, if I read correctly, they all got the equivalent of USD 50. Barely half a day's wages for Helsinki, a significant chunk of cash for a poor but, as it turns out, honest traveller in Mumbai.


Regular Member
Feb 27, 2023
All of this just for a law that asks foreign funded NGO's to register themselves as agents, doesn't even ban them.

FCRA was one of the few good things to come out of the IG's emergency era. Though the original law wasn't that strong, mota bhai and dictator ji have made many improvements to it over the last decade. Barring countries like China, we probably have the strongest foreign NGO laws now
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Senior Member
Oct 27, 2019
Hopefully the gora nations get a woke Sanjay Gandhi equivalent 🤲
They as it is long for free health care, Inshallah in goro ka FREE me katna chahiye
Western Gora trash wanted to do this to Indians especially Hindus to kill of the population using Sanjay and his witch mother glad the reverse is happening to them now
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Senior Member
Oct 27, 2019

Fortunately for Poland they aren't taking in peaceful immigrants.
Interesting that western part of Poland one close to Germany is becoming less religious. The region is bordering former East Germany. That whole has one of the highest concentration atheist populations in Europe. These areas could be fertile ground for new religions to exploit especially Islamists. It is my opinion that Hindus organizations in Europe should look into region before Islamists start setting up base there.

Super Flanker

Aviation and Defence Enthusiast
Senior Member
Nov 9, 2021
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The more I see it, the more crystal clear the big picture becomes to me.

In my state of Goa, there is a sizeable number of anti national Liberals whom I have met, interacted, and had my fair share of feuds with them pertaining to the topic of India.

My definition of an anti-national liberal: An individual, who moves from his native country to and migrates to another country, then starts bad mouthing his own native country all the while praising the country he/she moved too.

Just a few days back, a friend (not really like a friend, I just know him personally through some other people) of mine, he is in his later 20s and he moved to the U.K. a few years back.

He is literally a living example of an Indian who goes to a "gora nation" and looks down at the brown savages at home as some tribalistic, primitive race.

I told him how the British mouthpiece BBC regularly posts news defaming India not because they want to highlight the issue in a way for it to get resolved but rather because that is the only thing they can do to vent out their frustration at seeing a former colony of theirs race ahead of them in missile technology, economy, global reputation, space programme, defence industry, society etc.

I had a discussion (rather an argument because of his brain-dead zombie nature) with him on why BBC lies about India being the rape capital of the world. I put forth points such as
1. India is a very large country with a huge population. Indian population is more than a billion. UK's population is far less It's obvious that there will be several cases of rape in India and there are many under reported cases too but more than 50% of rape cases registered in India turn out to be fake (this was proven by a investigation).
2. Even though the overall rape cases maybe higher in India, it is better to compare the rape cases per capita, i.e how many rapes happen for every 1000 people. And here if we were to make the calculation, we would get the numbers of the rape rate of the UK/USA being more than 10-20 times that of India or any western country, and even if you factor in any value given by western media and you do the calculation of per capita rape, it still comes out to be far, far more than that of India.
3. I told him to Google up the Rotherham scandal which happened in the UK many years ago where many British girls were kidnapped and groomed for months together, and all this came to news only after many months. There may be several undiscovered scandals happening right now as we speak.
4. In the end I said "Nikal, pehle phursat se nikal"

And his counter argument? My gosh, is this how dumb the Indian population is? I am astounded.

"No bro, all these rapes are done by Indian men themselves because they have never seen white women"
"Bro all that you have said is fake, check your facts bro, India is Rape Capital"
"Bro, all this is Godi media, BBC doesn't lie, they are international media, Godi media spreads lie of Modi who is uneducated"

Yes, he genuinely said all this and I am not kidding. And wait, there will be several Indians like this. At this point, I think it's better that such people should not be alloted dual citizenship.

Oh man, there isn't a single day that goes by where I am not grateful for coming across this forum (DFI), I learnt so much here, particularly about how western media lies. Even my English sir commended about my skills and too appreciated how I am not a Brain dead zombie who blindly believes the white man's words. All I can do from my side to educate Indians is to have a factual conversation with them, if they don't want to listen and refuse to accept the truth then it's their problem. You can't talk sense into a hard rock, your efforts will be in vain.


Senior Member
Dec 26, 2016
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Blighty has solar power setup !? Where it rains for 267 days a year and a general miserable weather is present year around .
Good lord ,what else do they have ?
They also have notices against sexual harassment on the tubes.
That, in a country where they allow large scale, unchecked child molestation by muslims, sorry, Asians.
Solar power in a cloudy, wintry climate looks a lot less absurd in comparison.


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2021
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They also have a holier-than-thou inflated self-image like those NZ-f4gs and those No(r)dic country folks tho.

Inshallah their fate is to be cut down by those with talwars and kirpans which they have imported over, and in who's support they wag their white fingers indignantly towards us :megusta:
And the very interesting, though not unexpected, thing is, almost none of them want to live with those people! There was an article in a Canadian newspaper more than a decade ago, about how many Caucasian Canadians, particularly from the Anglo-saxon community, decided to pack their bags and move out of Brampton, a town to the northwest of Toronto, where huge numbers of Punjabis have setttled. The issue was a feeling of alienation and incongruence of culture, of being swamped by the Sikhs specifically.

And this certainly also exists with Moslems, though as with Sikhs, they are willing to use them as a pressure point against India and any other country that is not wholly in their good books.

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