IAF MiG-21 shoots down Pakistani F-16

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Oct 10, 2014
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DG ISPR retracted his claims which were due to fog of war on that day. We had only 1 Pilot which we returned. Indians on this very thread are posting videos claiming about a Sikh Pilot.

So Where is Group Captain Harpreet?
DG ISPR was in a fog caused by smoking too much weed, but this is something all ISPR interns do.

GC Luthra is commanding 221 Squadron as we speak. PAF incompetent pilot is looking for his 72 hoors :pound::pound:


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Apr 24, 2016
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someone tweet these photos to that genius sameer joshi as well so he can modify his analysis
What's the big deal?
I'll do it for you:
  • Same pic of the same 2 missiles.
  • While one missile's warhead has clearly detonated.
Done & debunked, next.

An airforce so desperate to prove something only proves to us that no one believes its lies.

Pakistan has earned the right to no one believing in its horse shit.
You have lied about F-16 downings before and there's no reason for us or the rest of the world to give you pakis an ounce of the benefit of the doubt.



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Aug 16, 2019
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Meanwhile Pakistan Airforce confirming that the Second Parachute that was sighted was of Ejection Seat.

It took the PAF one year to come up with this logic? Was the ejection seat admitted to the hospital and later died also ?

Also supposedly this explains two pilots, what about the 3rd one ? Mig-21 has two ejection seats for one pilot ?


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Jun 17, 2009
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LOL. Mate where is the proof Of F-16 kill? Going by your logic you are even more retard than Americans who tried to coverup F-16 kill with propoganda piece

Meanwhile Pakistan Airforce confirming that the Second Parachute that was sighted was of Ejection Seat.

If the other person is an ejection seat , does that mean Abhinandan has a smoke trail while he was coming down?

What about the medal given to your Pilot for downing imaginary Su 30 ?

What is the next lie your establishment are going to tell ?


New Member
Mar 22, 2019
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LOL. Mate where is the proof Of F-16 kill? Going by your logic you are even more retard than Americans who tried to coverup F-16 kill with propoganda piece

Meanwhile Pakistan Airforce confirming that the Second Parachute that was sighted was of Ejection Seat.

Just to educate you low IQ Pakistanis. The Mig-21 and SU-30 use two totally different ejection seats. What you posted was clearly from the downed Mig-21which is a KM-1M. The SU-30 uses the K-36D.

The Mig-21 has two parachutes, one from the pilot and one from the aircraft’s (drogue parachute). Now to address the utterly moronic and impossible claim of a second aircraft parachute in Pakistan from an Indian jet. Firstly the Pakistanis falsely claim an SU-30 crashed in India, so how can there be a parachute from this fantom SU-30 all the way in Pakistan?

If there really was an SU-30 parachute in Pakistan, then there would have to be an ejection seat near by and obviously a dead pilot(s) since that’s the Pakistani narrative. However, the ejection seat in the picture is from the Mig-21, Pakistan had no other Indian pilots in its custody, there is no SU-30
Wreckage in Pakistan and in fact SU-30s never crossed the LOC. But genius Pakistanis think they uncovered the holly grail because they have Abhis ejection seat. Pakistanis will turn anything into propaganda after all look at the museums, monuments, awards, patches, etc they parade due to a single skirmish.

Ejection seat from SU-30:


Pakistanis will next probably take multiple pictures of Abhis helmet and claim they have found two different helmets. You low lives have no shame in the amount of stupid propaganda you spread. Amazing and shameful how a Mig-21 ejection seat is being spread as SU-30.
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New Member
Dec 15, 2019
Seems like one moron @StealthFlanker completely agrees with another inbred @Sayaaf no surprise chinese are first one to believe in retarded fantasies of porkistanis. Together they both can form a world largest imbecile brotherhood.


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Aug 12, 2016
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Seems like one moron @StealthFlanker completely agrees with another inbred @Sayaaf no surprise chinese are first one to believe in retarded fantasies of porkistanis. Together they both can form a world largest imbecile brotherhood.
Chinese? the fuck? you can't even distinguish flag yet have the confidence to call others moron? that a bit ironic to say the least
Regarding to who believes what, you can go to any non Indian, non Pakistani forum and ask the third party what they actually believe. That is assuming you want a real discussion instead of just everyone patting you on the back
Surely in an Indian forum you will have most people agree with you as long as what you said is pro Indian, if you goes to Pakistan forum you will have most people agree with you as long as what you said is pro Pakistan ...etc. It is like going to a Russian aviation forum and ask if US fighter is better or going to Poland forum and ask if the Russian are good. You already know what answer you gonna get.
The truth is when Indian or Pakistani discussing this incident, neither side want to hear the truth, Indian want to hear F-16 got shot down by Mig-21 and Pakistani want to hear JF-17 shot down Su-30. You guys both want an excuse to thumb your chest rather than to know the truth. It is like an echo chamber so whatever "analysis" you see that fit your predetermined opinion then you will believe it immediately instead of questioning it reliability, and whatever "analysis" you see that doesn't fit your predetermined opinion then you will be quickly attacking the poster and assuming that it is wrong. When politics is involved, the whole discussion is pointless. It became a contest of who can throw out more insults and who have more people with them to throw personal insults. It is fucking pointless and there are better use of my time.
And while I am not Chinese, it is undeniable that they are not in any way, shape, or form imbecile,their GDP is practically speaking second only to USA, and their advance in science is rather hard to deny
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Assassin 2.0

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Aug 13, 2019
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Man I’m not happy at all how thing panned out at 27. 26th was the benchmark and IMO we should have went went hard on Muzzi forces even after downing of mig 21( it’s crap anyway).
Should have bombed all the airbases from where PAF aircrafts took off. We don’t behave like a powerful nation at all.
Have you noticed earlier before 2011 and specially 2014 pakis used to post images of their SSG and other forces wearing good camouflage and armed with M4 with proper sights and posing like some filmstars.

Now they don’t post pictures of their Army and Nevy at all. Reason is simple. They now see our boys and feel humiliated at their own forces looking like local militias.
They only post pictures of their airforce now. I want that too end. I want them to feel humiliated wit their Airforce too.
I feel differently.
How a army wins a war? By rage or through strategic thinking or to make fight war for some news agencies or for some internet trolls?
India attacked pakistani base (strategically as a reply to terrorist attacks).
Pakistan shot down one of our jets it's fine many countries have lost equipments in war it's nothing new.
But what could have been the next biggest step? Next biggest step was to break backbone of Pakistani sponsorship in Kashmir break bones of terrorist start new operations to wipe terrorism in Kashmir.
Kill and wipe those chaps who used to say no one will pick up indian flag if article 370 removed.
India removed article 370 what roti stealer pakistani army did cried on twitter president cried in front of world that some millions of peeps are in lock down what world did? What pakistan was able to do.
Pakistani army whole narrative killed it's own citizens were getting gathered together to target india because their army failed to do so.
Because of current affairs india changed the whole strategic structure around kashmir. Now we focus on POK.


New Member
Jan 22, 2016
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I feel differently.
How a army wins a war? By rage or through strategic thinking or to make fight war for some news agencies or for some internet trolls?
India attacked pakistani base (strategically as a reply to terrorist attacks).
Pakistan shot down one of our jets it's fine many countries have lost equipments in war it's nothing new.
But what could have been the next biggest step? Next biggest step was to break backbone of Pakistani sponsorship in Kashmir break bones of terrorist start new operations to wipe terrorism in Kashmir.
Kill and wipe those chaps who used to say no one will pick up indian flag if article 370 removed.
India removed article 370 what roti stealer pakistani army did cried on twitter president cried in front of world that some millions of peeps are in lock down what world did? What pakistan was able to do.
Pakistani army whole narrative killed it's own citizens were getting gathered together to target india because their army failed to do so.
Because of current affairs india changed the whole strategic structure around kashmir. Now we focus on POK.
That was important too but don’t underestimate the importance of breaking morale of Islamists on both sides. What do you think Muzz brigade in Kashmir,Delhi , Aligarh and other parts of India takes inspiration from ?. It’s simple They know their brothers across the border are there to grab any opportunity. Until and unless It’s made very clear them that we are capable to fuq them at will, it’s not going to stop.

Assassin 2.0

New Member
Aug 13, 2019
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That was important too but don’t underestimate the importance of breaking morale of Islamists on both sides. What do you think Muzz brigade in Kashmir,Delhi , Aligarh and other parts of India takes inspiration from ?. It’s simple They know their brothers across the border are there to grab any opportunity. Until and unless It’s made very clear them that we are capable to fuq them at will, it’s not going to stop.
How you can sell any propaganda to a country were most of the people Mary their first cousins were in madras music is banned were they have quality production of terrorist. Were the people are getting only dumber because of qurana virus.
Were people believe that they didn't lost the 1971 war and believe that they only lost it because Bangladeshi were traitors but failed to acknowledge that how pakistani plan to capture Delhi in the war or even kashmir and had a utter defeat in western border too? Were Osama Biladen is treated as a hero? They somehow believe that they won Kargil they hide their utter defeat in siachin war and what not.
Pakistani gernails in 1965 war claimed that Hindu moral cannot stand against Muslim fauji but well when the war started they were scared to make sure lahore in under their control.

They even said we have captured Amritsar and peeps in Amritsar till date laugh at that joke.

But i think you should not believe selling any agenda to these people they are idiots to their core. Their media news is controlled by army brainwashed from the day one. I would say if some one try to show them facts he/she will go dumb.

In today's era might depends on technological growth and development. Have pakistan till date developed a scooter engine on its own?

They are such a worthless scums which will troll our efforts to go to moon when in reality they are decades behind us.
If you think we can sell some propaganda against these brainless fools then you are wrong.


New Member
Jan 22, 2016
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Chinese? the fuck? you can't even distinguish flag yet have the confidence to call others moron? that a bit ironic to say the least
Regarding to who believes what, you can go to any non Indian, non Pakistani forum and ask the third party what they actually believe. That is assuming you want a real discussion instead of just everyone patting you on the back
Surely in an Indian forum you will have most people agree with you as long as what you said is pro Indian, if you goes to Pakistan forum you will have most people agree with you as long as what you said is pro Pakistan ...etc. It is like going to a Russian aviation forum and ask if US fighter is better or going to Poland forum and ask if the Russian are good. You already know what answer you gonna get.
The truth is when Indian or Pakistani discussing this incident, neither side want to hear the truth, Indian want to hear F-16 got shot down by Mig-21 and Pakistani want to hear JF-17 shot down Su-30. You guys both want an excuse to thumb your chest rather than to know the truth. It is like an echo chamber so whatever "analysis" you see that fit your predetermined opinion then you will believe it immediately instead of questioning it reliability, and whatever "analysis" you see that doesn't fit your predetermined opinion then you will be quickly attacking the poster and assuming that it is wrong. When politics is involved, the whole discussion is pointless. It became a contest of who can throw out more insults and who have more people with them to throw personal insults. It is fucking pointless and there are better use of my time.
And while I am not Chinese, it is undeniable that they are not in any way, shape, or form imbecile,their GDP is practically speaking second only to USA, and their advance in science is rather hard to deny
100 % agree. Anyway Paki forces are punching above their height, while IAF is bogged down in a quagmire of procurements. Their military acquisitions are more goal oriented and streamlined than ours. IAF just behave shortsighted and procure for immediate needs.
We purchased Mig 29 , M200 and Su30 to counter what essentially was different blocks of single fighter ie F16. We went farther and purchased Su 30 without even realising the cost of maintaining and upgrading them in near future.


New Member
Jan 22, 2016
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How you can sell any propaganda to a country were most of the people Mary their first cousins were in madras music is banned were they have quality production of terrorist. Were the people are getting only dumber because of qurana virus.
Were people believe that they didn't lost the 1971 war and believe that they only lost it because Bangladeshi were traitors but failed to acknowledge that how pakistani plan to capture Delhi in the war or even kashmir and had a utter defeat in western border too? Were Osama Biladen is treated as a hero? They somehow believe that they won Kargil they hide their utter defeat in siachin war and what not.
Pakistani gernails in 1965 war claimed that Hindu moral cannot stand against Muslim fauji but well when the war started they were scared to make sure lahore in under their control.

They even said we have captured Amritsar and peeps in Amritsar till date laugh at that joke.

But i think you should not believe selling any agenda to these people they are idiots to their core. Their media news is controlled by army brainwashed from the day one. I would say if some one try to show them facts he/she will go dumb.

In today's era might depends on technological growth and development. Have pakistan till date developed a scooter engine on its own?

They are such a worthless scums which will troll our efforts to go to moon when in reality they are decades behind us.
If you think we can sell some propaganda against these brainless fools then you are wrong.
We don’t have to. I explained it earlier. Have you seen @Zarvan or any other eminent paki posting pictures of their Beautiful Army or Nevy boys in recent times?
Reason is simple we have overgrown them.
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