IAF MiG-21 shoots down Pakistani F-16

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Feb 26, 2019
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Wow You are cheering a victory of Indian army who rode on the coat tails of traitors and rebels. Those traitors who took Indian help money and weapons and did all the dirty work so indian army can easily walk in and capture East Pakistan then. Shouldn't you be ashamed instead of boasting that you rented out the East Pakistanis to do your dirty work like how Pakistanis now are using Kashmiris to do their dirty work ? and now boasting of capturing XYZ amount of West Pakistan army when In similar circumstances you were not able to contain the kashmiri rebellion. Imagine If Pakistan army pull 1971 on Indian army with the help of Kashmiri rebels. Irony is lost here

Good thing is Kashmir is attached with Rest of india so Indian supply line is open and you can easily resupply your Army unlike Bangladesh back then
Chalo chootiyon ko samaj to aaya ki Victory ka matlab kya hota hai aur PKMKB kar diya tha Bharat ne..


Regular Member
Feb 26, 2019
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Why i need to remind Pakistani civilians this again and again. Pakistan actually tried very hard to gain land in kashmir but it's pathetic army lost every single time it's so funny that Pakistani army lost in 1999 when they had huge strategic advantages.


Eastern Front:

Western Front:

  • Indian forces captured around 5,795 square miles (15,010 km2) land in the West but returned it in the 1972 Simla Agreement as a gesture of goodwill.[5][6]
Pakistan was raped on both sides.
Before indian army involvement Pakistani army men were enjoying war booty. Millions of refugees crossed to come into Indian side to protect themselves. It was indian navy victory to block Pakistani navy and destroy Karachi port. Pakistan tried to win new Delhi in 1971. Ho ho ho but was fearing to loss lahore when they attacked india. :pound:
If kafir army was capturing Bangladesh why jihadi army failed to capture new Delhi?
Gadbad to yahi hui ki jameen wapas kar di ka.meeno ko..


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2019
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I tracked down more pictures of SB 155 aka Avenger 1:



The Pakistanis on PDF have been hit hard by Avenger1. Arguing amongst each other; trying to disprove Avenger1 when they can’t prove it ever got shot down is rather sad. They need some Preparation H for the chafing.


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2019
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Is it possible to change the number on Tail-fin number ???

I suppose so, but why? Different countries and Air Forces have different rules.

At this point the Pakistanis have no evidence of Avenger1 shoot down, nor could they provide any details about the serial number or pilots so it’s impossible for them to refute India about the SB 155 SU-30mki being Avenger1. If the Indian Air Force gave two shits about Pakistani propaganda and Ghafoor’s verbal diarrhea they would have come out and showed Avenger1 or some other evidence almost 8 months ago.

By now no one has respect for the PAF or the Pakistani government. The Israelis, Russians and Indians know they are liars, when they can’t win they make up stories that eventually get busted. Even American officials have called Pakistanis liars. The Pakistanis have made a lot of tall claims over the years but never seem to bring evidence to the table, and evidence is most important. The lack of evidence is extremely suspicious, even more so with Pakistan considering how self loathing and narcissistic Pakistanis are. Bottom line is, if you bring hard evidence you have nothing to hide, if you are lying then you don’t want to bring ‘evidence’ because it can be debunked and used against you. Is anyone not surprised Pakistan has refused to present gun camera footage of its most famous and publicized air encounters such as the magic 5 aircraft shot down in 30 seconds?


Regular Member
Aug 16, 2019
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I saw this video on YouTube and it makes my blood boil seeing how these animals treated Abhinandan.
(First 4 minutes contains a graphic violence).

After capturing Abhinandan:

At 4:25 one person asks "Doosra kidhar hain? "

Scroll to 4:38, he clearly says one is captured and they are looking for the other one.

At 4:46 someone says 2 are under custody. At 5:24 again people asking where is the other pilot ?

Another Video I came across:

Old man says he saw three parachutes, one landed close to him and one a bit further away. He captured one and the blood on his hands is of a Sikh pilot who was injured. This can't be Abhinandan.

Multiple other videos showing more than one parachute in the sky and more than one plane going down. ISPR says two pilots captured, one is injured in the Hospital. Prime Minister of Pakistan says two pilots captured. So many people in this video say two pilots captured. Later ISPR says other pilot has died in who was in the hospital.

And we still have people saying Pakistan only captured one pilot ? Can our esteemed Pakistani members or neutral foreign observers tell us what happened to the 2nd pilot?

One more video of the Abhinandan capture, everyone is talking about the "doosra pilot":

I'm not sure how this stuff doesn't get coverage in the international press. The evidence is overwhelming but people still remain in denial.


Senior Member
Feb 26, 2010
One more video of the Abhinandan capture, everyone is talking about the "doosra pilot":

I'm not sure how this stuff doesn't get coverage in the international press. The evidence is overwhelming but people still remain in denial.
The only ones in denial are the Napakis. GoI and IAF narrative has been pretty clear and consistent from the start.

West has been non-committal for their own reasons.

Only the Napakis have been barking and changing their narratives as the house of lies gradually crumbles down.


Senior Member
Jul 4, 2013
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One more video of the Abhinandan capture, everyone is talking about the "doosra pilot":

I'm not sure how this stuff doesn't get coverage in the international press. The evidence is overwhelming but people still remain in denial.
That was the video of Abhinandan being taken right?
If so, the "doosra banda" cannot be in the same region. Their plane was shot down at a different area.


United States of Hindu Empire
May 29, 2009
One more video of the Abhinandan capture, everyone is talking about the "doosra pilot":

I'm not sure how this stuff doesn't get coverage in the international press. The evidence is overwhelming but people still remain in denial.
Not only they kept talking about Doosra Banda but asking where is the other plane (Tiyaaraa) is. Few other kept yelling and pointing at, that the Second plane is there. One said, Fouji kuchey aa. Its with Fauji (army).

Banda in Punjabi in this context will be used for a stranger. Also, note after dispatching Abhinandan in a Jeep and celebrating only then they started talking about the Second pilot with usual boasting and showing self-importance. This is a very natural human conversation. One guy was freaking that he Surrendred but thought Abhinandan will shoot at them but he shot in the air.

Few other conversations.

Mera weapon de.

Give my weapon. Probably a senior officer asking Junior officer while sitting in the Jeep along with Abhinandan. Just trying to make Abhinandan know that he is carrying a weapon.

Mulkammal Talashi lo, Barosa ne karna Bhenchod.

Do thorough body search, do not trust this #$&**

Rasta chood.

Give way.

One more point I may add, the spontaneous crowd never lies. Only individual lie when they are asked specific questions.

It is very easy to brief Muslims because they gather in Mosques every Friday.


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2019
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A lot of new information about Mig-29s role on the 27th have surfaced, apparently India scrambled two upgraded Mig-29UPGs as well as additional Mig-21s and PAF fled once their numerical superiority started to dwindle. Some of my own thoughts here, I remember a lot controversy as to the SU-30s not firing at F-16. By now it’s clear the F-16s had the altitude advantage, higher altitude means greater missile range, apart from that the SU-30MKIs could not fire off missiles because they were in a defense position trying to evade AMRAAMS. The two SU-30MKIs had a mission to confront the PAF and deny them from intruding and targeting Indian installations. Being heavily outnumbered 4:2 or 8:2 depending on how you look at it, and not having the luxury of airborne AWACS the SU-30s still accomplished their task and held off a much larger enemy. It’s interesting how Pakistan claims they downed an SU-30 but could not shoot down the second Mig-21 or any Mirages. If anything it’s an embarrassment for Pakistan, they could not down Mig-21 Alpha 1 until it was about 7km inside Pakistani airspace, the other Mig-21 Alpha 2 also breached Pakistani airspace and Pakistan probability fired at it but missed.

Aditya_V posted this on another forum. Very detailed and likely mostly accurate account of what happened

That was the key, the sequence of events most probably was this all IST

1) PAF Mirage 5 and JF-17 launch h-4 and 8- 83REK bombs trying to hit hit IA targets- 2 IAF chiefs have now stated PAF came to hit IA targets, with the 2 M-2000 and 2 Su-30 on Patrol, they probably launched these weapons at max range and without the Mirage 5 flying close 10-15KM radio range of the H-4, the last part the H-4's could not be guided to the IA targets. This was probably Launch at 10:08 and by 10:15 PAF realized these missed by a mile.

2) PAF then restorted to the 2nd stage of their plan, people like Squadron leader Hassan Siddiqui came in fast at High altitude with full afterburners while other F-16's were shadow boxing with the Su-30MKI and launched 4-5 AMRAAMS at them expecting a kill, these pushed the Su-30MKI's to go into tactical maneuvers to start dodging the AMRAAMs.

3) Squadron leader Minty Agarwal seeing the situation asks the IAF to start scrambling, 2 Mig 21 Bisons from Srinagar Budgam AFB on ORP are prabably the first to scramble.

4) Seeing the Su-30MKI's doing evasive maneuvers and unable to engage a group of 3 F-16's with the lead F-16 twin seater come in close to the LOC to bomb Brigade HQ at Rajouri, while they are targeting, the SAAB ereye "VIGIL' warns them 2 bogies have suddenly appeared over the Pir Panjal, the lead F-16 quickly releases a LGB and all 3 engaging afterburner to go back.

5) Using the superior straight line speed the 2 Mig-21 Bisons catch up and get the 2 seater F-16 near Charhoi with a R-73 missile and then turn to engage the other F-16's to possibly get another kill. this happens at 10:22 AM

6) While the 2 Mig 21 Bisons are engaging other F-16's and facing in a Southwesterly direction and about 45-50 seconds after the 1st F-16 is down a F-16 coming from the Westerly direction and probably outside the Kopyo radar cone and the RWR angle of the Mig-21 Bisons an F-16 probably flown by Wing Commander Noman Ali gets Alpha-1 Wing Commander Abhinandan's with an Amraam- who probably has a tone and about to launch his 2nd R-73 missile. This happens at 10:23 AM

7) Alpha-2 Wingman of Wing commander of Abhinandan who was guarding him from a rear attack is now ordered to get back to this side of the LOC while the F-16 now is targeting him, he now turns and heads towards Srinagar Budgam AFB using afterburners , A F-16 approaches using afterburners approaches to the edge of the LOC a few Kilometers north west of were Wing Commander Abhinandan was hit and Launches an AMRAAM. You can see from the Mirpur video that after an aircraft is coming down (totally different from the Tadpole shaped burning fuselage shot in the videos at Charhoi in POK and Tanamandi in J&K)- an aircraft is turning and engaging after afterburners at 15 sec to 22 secs and heading North East, another aircraft comes in after 1 minute and launches a missile a few Kilometers from the Mig 21 Bison coming down. 1 minute afterburner of a Mig 21 Bison should mean a head start of around 20-23KM. This probably too much for the AMRAAM to catch up in a Tail Chase engagement and falls in Chassana Police station limits of Reasi District, it is this particular AMRAAM which is brought to New Delhi for display.

8 ) By 10:25 AM, the Mirage 5 and and the JF-17's have landed at their airbases , the F-16's are now ordered to get back to PAF bases with full afterburners, the SAAB erieye aircraft also now deceides to land at Chaklala.

9) 4 Mig-21 Bisons from Srinagar Budgam, 2 Mig 29's from Adampur , Avenger -1 and Avenger -2 Su30MKI, 2 M-2000 I/TI are now in the air but now there are no PAF aircraft to do battle, they are all well within Pakistan or have landed at PAF bases. It has taken 5-10 minutes IAF has now control of the Air.

PAF probably correctly predicted without Political clearance IAF- IA even if they control the air cannot do another strike immediately and it was very unlikely. PA knew this thats why thier T-80 Tanks in Mirpur area all left thier Barracks and decided to mingle with civilians messing up the roads in the area, they realized thier air cover was nanga and they were juicy targets.

The only reason the PAF decided to respond was not because of Balakot but the best laid plans at Chakoti and Muzaffarabad area in POK got destroyed on 26-Feb-19 morning. Our MEA for international opinion tried to omit these 2 strikes.


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2019
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Not really related directly to the thread but American pilots pretty much confirmed Pakistani pilots, particularly F-16 pilots are terrible and have poor weapons “employment “. This would explain Pakistani F-16s firing off AMMRAM like crazy on the 27th and losing dogfights to Mig-23s and then in another incident they supposedly shot down F-16 by accident when engaging more Mig-23s....”accident”.


“I flew BFM against a variety of dissimilar aircraft as a Tomcat pilot. During a memorable week off the coast of Pakistan we flew a number of BFM and BVR sorties against the Pakistani Air Force. I still have some spectacular HUD footage from engagements against MiG-21s (J-7s).

I remember being amazed at the lack of proficiency and proper weapons employment from their F-16 pilots.”

If you ever listen to Pakistanis online they swear they have the best pilots in the world that have defeated Israelis, Soviets and Indians except they are full of themselves.


Senior Member
Apr 28, 2019
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Not really related directly to the thread but American pilots pretty much confirmed Pakistani pilots, particularly F-16 pilots are terrible and have poor weapons “employment “. This would explain Pakistani F-16s firing off AMMRAM like crazy on the 27th and losing dogfights to Mig-23s and then in another incident they supposedly shot down F-16 by accident when engaging more Mig-23s....”accident”.


“I flew BFM against a variety of dissimilar aircraft as a Tomcat pilot. During a memorable week off the coast of Pakistan we flew a number of BFM and BVR sorties against the Pakistani Air Force. I still have some spectacular HUD footage from engagements against MiG-21s (J-7s).

I remember being amazed at the lack of proficiency and proper weapons employment from their F-16 pilots.”

If you ever listen to Pakistanis online they swear they have the best pilots in the world that have defeated Israelis, Soviets and Indians except they are full of themselves.
This is true , they churn out shityy patches while reality is something else lol


Regular Member
Jan 7, 2019
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Not really related directly to the thread but American pilots pretty much confirmed Pakistani pilots, particularly F-16 pilots are terrible and have poor weapons “employment “. This would explain Pakistani F-16s firing off AMMRAM like crazy on the 27th and losing dogfights to Mig-23s and then in another incident they supposedly shot down F-16 by accident when engaging more Mig-23s....”accident”.


“I flew BFM against a variety of dissimilar aircraft as a Tomcat pilot. During a memorable week off the coast of Pakistan we flew a number of BFM and BVR sorties against the Pakistani Air Force. I still have some spectacular HUD footage from engagements against MiG-21s (J-7s).

I remember being amazed at the lack of proficiency and proper weapons employment from their F-16 pilots.”

If you ever listen to Pakistanis online they swear they have the best pilots in the world that have defeated Israelis, Soviets and Indians except they are full of themselves.
God you are right. Pakistanis more than any other group I know of go on about how amazing their pilots are. They are ridiculous.

learn from failures

Regular Member
Aug 1, 2019
This is true , they churn out shityy patches while reality is something else lol
It's quite common practice for paf to keep issuing plastic patches and write something MACHO over it and feel good... they literally run threads over every patch issued and bash IAF.... we need to get used to it.... as it says you can choose your friends but not your neighbors...
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