I was offered a bribe of Rs. 14 crore, says Army Chief


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Aug 15, 2010
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As PM, Deve Gowda was offered bribes for defence equipment, says his son

Bangalore: The Army Chief's disclosure this week that he was offered 14 crores to purchase trucks for the Army has Opposition parties and military experts pointing to the exigent need to look at how defence equipment is bought.

Today, in Bangalore, the son of former prime minister Deve Gowda made the startling claim that while he was PM, his father too had been offered bribes by middlemen involved in defence deals. HD Kumaraswamy, who has in the past been the chief minister of Karnataka, said the middlemen had approached his father and him. He did not offer any evidence to support his claim.

Deve Gowda was prime minister of India between June 1996 and April 1997.

When asked why he had not shared these details earlier, Mr Kumaraswamy said that the army chief's revelations had provoked him to share his experience.

In Delhi today, Defence Minister AK Antony today said that six companies have been blacklisted by him after they were named in a chargesheet against former Ordnance Factory Board chief Sudipto Ghosh. "The government has a zero tolerance policy for corruption and has decided that in the procurement process, if any malpractices are found at any stage, it would not hesitate to cancel the contracts," he said.

As PM, Deve Gowda was offered bribes for defence equipment, says his son


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Aug 15, 2010
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Yes ORACLE and now what you know, this gentle man Mr.Kumaraswamy says that they did not approach his father and they approached him and he did not tell his father............

The backtracking has started already.............


New Member
Aug 15, 2010
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Now this man Kumaraswamy says that he does not remember what had happened and it was before 17 years............


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Aug 17, 2009
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Really ? He didnt speak a thing till he had a chance to get his extension issue sorted out. Now he is going after everyone like a sore looser!! Didnt he know most of the weapons are obsolete ? What stopped him to use the funds allocated to IA to make it modern ? FYI only 80% of the fund were used last year and he can fight better against corruption when he is in active service than after retirement. I am not supporting politicians btw and to make it clear i would have respected this guy if he came out and said everything before.
I didn't know Army Chief was guarding our Borders!! :D

well he posinted out lapses in IA in a letter to PM .. that letter was written in year 2010 or 2011 . it is know that its content has been liked in media. GoI acknowledge that they have recieved letter from cheif. so what steps they took after receving letter nothing
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Mad Indian

Proud Bigot
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Jan 27, 2012
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Why dont we make this thread a sticky?

Corruption in Armed forces? Will stand as a Testimony to the commitment of our society to Corruption :D


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Jul 11, 2011
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The Congress is in a tizzy over defence minister AK Antony's hurry to order a Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) into army chief VK Singh's allegations that he was offered a Rs14 crore bribe to clear the purchase of substandard Tatra trucks. The party fears that the probe may open a can of worms as the deal opting for Tatra trucks was signed in 1986 when Rajiv Gandhi was prime minister as well as defence minister. Businessman Rajiv Rishi who got the deal to purchase the high-technology Tatra trucks was believed to be a close friend of Gandhi.
Congress leaders are upset that Antony has handed over the bribe allegation case to the CBI without even discussing the issue with party colleagues in the absence of prime minister (PM) Manmohan Singh. He scribbled his directive on the press clipping mentioning the bribery charge and asked the defence ministry to pass the matter to the CBI.

"There is a proper way of ordering a probe. He could have consulted his senior-most colleague Pranab Mukherjee to set the terms and references for the probe," a visibly upset senior minister told DNA.

In the absence of terms and references, the party fears that the CBI may dig up minute details of the deal and sully Rajiv Gandhi's name.

The Bofors ghost continues to haunt the Congress to date and now, the CBI probe may end up naming Gandhi by probing Gen Singh's charge that substandard Tatra trucks were bought for exorbitant prices over the years. Though respected in the party for his integrity, Antony may now face the high command's ire for ordering a probe without examining its implications. "He may be saving himself from facing the wrath of the opposition, but he has made the first family of the ruling party vulnerable," Congress leaders told DNA.

Sources said Gen Singh's interview in a newspaper in which he made the bribery allegations enraged Antony so much that he called up the defence secretary from his Parliament house chamber itself and asked him to order a CBI probe. "He did not even call for the files to examine the deal," sources said.

Congress loyalists are working overtime to ensure the CBI limits its inquiry to the army chief's bribe allegations and that Rajiv Gandhi's name does not crop up in connection with the Tatra trucks deal.

Insiders, however, said the defence ministry letter has called for a "comprehensive probe" and therefore, the CBI will be forced to unearth details from the day the proposal to buy Tatra trucks was made. The probe may also cover how the supplies took place over the years and if any special favour was accorded to its manufacturer over and above the offers made by other competitors. Interestingly, the deal for Tatra trucks was made around the same time when the Bofors deal was inked.

Meanwhile, the government has decided not to touch Gen Singh unless he creates a new problem. Some members of the Congress and the opposition, particularly the JD(U), have sought the army chief's dismissal following Wednesday's DNA report about him having written a letter to the PM mentioning the army's lack of preparedness for war. The PM chaired a meeting on Wednesday and rejected demands to sack the army chief.

Congress spokesperson Rashid Alvi said such issues need not be debated in public. He, however, said Antony's statement declaring India's full preparedness to take on any eventuality was encouraging and answered all doubts raised by the army chief's leaked letter.



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Jul 11, 2011
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The tread is basically and boils down to Corruption of Rajiv Gandhi and Family. Rishi is old Rajiv Gandhi friend and filling party coffers since 1986. That is what DNA report says .


Section Moderator
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Sep 15, 2009
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As PM, Deve Gowda was offered bribes for defence equipment, says his son

Bangalore: The Army Chief's disclosure this week that he was offered 14 crores to purchase trucks for the Army has Opposition parties and military experts pointing to the exigent need to look at how defence equipment is bought.

Today, in Bangalore, the son of former prime minister Deve Gowda made the startling claim that while he was PM, his father too had been offered bribes by middlemen involved in defence deals. HD Kumaraswamy, who has in the past been the chief minister of Karnataka, said the middlemen had approached his father and him. He did not offer any evidence to support his claim.

Deve Gowda was prime minister of India between June 1996 and April 1997.

When asked why he had not shared these details earlier, Mr Kumaraswamy said that the army chief's revelations had provoked him to share his experience.

In Delhi today, Defence Minister AK Antony today said that six companies have been blacklisted by him after they were named in a chargesheet against former Ordnance Factory Board chief Sudipto Ghosh. "The government has a zero tolerance policy for corruption and has decided that in the procurement process, if any malpractices are found at any stage, it would not hesitate to cancel the contracts," he said.

As PM, Deve Gowda was offered bribes for defence equipment, says his son
wow thanks for sharing your experinces Mr.kumaraswami....btw how much you guys got after tough negotiations?


New Member
Mar 24, 2009
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Yeah right. Even I was offered commission because I am an admin f a defence forum :rofl:

The father son duo will sell anyone for money. I bet they would have jumped on the first opportunity to make money from an arms purchase.

Mad Indian

Proud Bigot
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Jan 27, 2012
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The Congress is in a tizzy over defence minister AK Antony's hurry to order a Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) into army chief VK Singh's allegations that he was offered a Rs14 crore bribe to clear the purchase of substandard Tatra trucks. The party fears that the probe may open a can of worms as the deal opting for Tatra trucks was signed in 1986 when Rajiv Gandhi was prime minister as well as defence minister. Businessman Rajiv Rishi who got the deal to purchase the high-technology Tatra trucks was believed to be a close friend of Gandhi.
Congress leaders are upset that Antony has handed over the bribe allegation case to the CBI without even discussing the issue with party colleagues in the absence of prime minister (PM) Manmohan Singh. He scribbled his directive on the press clipping mentioning the bribery charge and asked the defence ministry to pass the matter to the CBI.

"There is a proper way of ordering a probe. He could have consulted his senior-most colleague Pranab Mukherjee to set the terms and references for the probe," a visibly upset senior minister told DNA.

In the absence of terms and references, the party fears that the CBI may dig up minute details of the deal and sully Rajiv Gandhi's name.

The Bofors ghost continues to haunt the Congress to date and now, the CBI probe may end up naming Gandhi by probing Gen Singh's charge that substandard Tatra trucks were bought for exorbitant prices over the years. Though respected in the party for his integrity, Antony may now face the high command's ire for ordering a probe without examining its implications. "He may be saving himself from facing the wrath of the opposition, but he has made the first family of the ruling party vulnerable," Congress leaders told DNA.

Sources said Gen Singh's interview in a newspaper in which he made the bribery allegations enraged Antony so much that he called up the defence secretary from his Parliament house chamber itself and asked him to order a CBI probe. "He did not even call for the files to examine the deal," sources said.

Congress loyalists are working overtime to ensure the CBI limits its inquiry to the army chief's bribe allegations and that Rajiv Gandhi's name does not crop up in connection with the Tatra trucks deal.

Insiders, however, said the defence ministry letter has called for a "comprehensive probe" and therefore, the CBI will be forced to unearth details from the day the proposal to buy Tatra trucks was made. The probe may also cover how the supplies took place over the years and if any special favour was accorded to its manufacturer over and above the offers made by other competitors. Interestingly, the deal for Tatra trucks was made around the same time when the Bofors deal was inked.

Meanwhile, the government has decided not to touch Gen Singh unless he creates a new problem. Some members of the Congress and the opposition, particularly the JD(U), have sought the army chief's dismissal following Wednesday's DNA report about him having written a letter to the PM mentioning the army's lack of preparedness for war. The PM chaired a meeting on Wednesday and rejected demands to sack the army chief.

Congress spokesperson Rashid Alvi said such issues need not be debated in public. He, however, said Antony's statement declaring India's full preparedness to take on any eventuality was encouraging and answered all doubts raised by the army chief's leaked letter.

So its official then. That the CONgi Bastards and its voters are the greatest criminals for the Nation's Security and survival.

Bastards, the way these C.H.U.T.I.Y.A.S selling out this country, i am surprised the Chicoms have not bought us yet. Probably thats the reason the CON-gi bastards are sticking to Aman Ki Tamasha and Also the Chicom aggression in the North:notsure:

Mad Indian

Proud Bigot
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Jan 27, 2012
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When asked why he had not shared these details earlier, Mr Kumaraswamy said that the army chief's revelations had provoked him to share his experience.

In Delhi today, Defence Minister AK Antony today said that six companies have been blacklisted by him after they were named in a chargesheet against former Ordnance Factory Board chief Sudipto Ghosh. "The government has a zero tolerance policy for corruption and has decided that in the procurement process, if any malpractices are found at any stage, it would not hesitate to cancel the contracts," he said.
The Boldened part-Jokes of the year. Govt has Zero tolerance on Corruption and the response to why that CON-gi fcker from Karnataka did not take this issue before?


Mob Control Manager
New Member
Feb 12, 2009
Here it comes, if any one can guess kumarswamy is talking about T 90, his father wanted IA to upgrade the T 72 and start inducting Arjun, but here we are stuck with a farce called T 90.


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Mar 24, 2009
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The way things have been going on, be it the Tatra issue, chopper, Rafale it seems that we will not be able to modernize our armed forces any time soon.

Being a realist and knowing at my level how business is done in the country, corruption is part and parcel. Like they say in cricket so that it does not get consumed by march fixing, legalize betting. I know none of you will agree, but I'd say that rather than have the army be left with stone age equipment, if we get good equipment in a proper and timely manner, make middlemen as legal.

Bofors was a bloody good gun. What has the kickback allegations got us? 25 years of no more guns. We have blacklisted major and good equipment manufacturers because there was one allegation here and another there.

I will not be surprised that vested foreign interest are found to be the ones who have "leaked" or rumored allegations so that our armed forces dont modernize ever over the years."

Let me tell you more about business that I have seen. Two or three companies have a similar product. They are all good with one having something better than the other and vice versa. They both need the contract as its big. What do you do? That's when they explore the possibility of using bribes to secure the contract. Now it may be from their own pocket and not added to the cost the customer spends. I explained the other day as well.

Let me check all our foreign purchases.
Bofors, MiGs, Jaguars, Mirage, Sukhois, T72, T90, Poseidon, C130, C17, SAM systems, etc. I feel we have never got ourselves a bad bargain both in quality and price.

If there was any kickback paid, so be it. We have got the best of equipment of its time.

All the equipments found wanting as far as quality and timely delivery is concerned are the indigenous systems.

All major deals involve all kinds of lobbying, and money is spent on it. There will be some money exchanging hands. At the end of the day if we get the best equipment that keeps our armed forces fighting fit and ready rather than be stuck with obsolete or no weapons or no ammo then I would not bother about kickbacks.

I know the knives will be out against me, but then I have the interest of my nation in mind. Without the weapons we are sitting ducks for our enemies, esp the Chinis. Ironic that all this is happening while Hu is in town and is getting a ring side view.


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Sep 15, 2009
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So its official then. That the CONgi Bastards and its voters are the greatest criminals for the Nation's Security and survival.

Bastards, the way these C.H.U.T.I.Y.A.S selling out this country, i am surprised the Chicoms have not bought us yet. Probably thats the reason the CON-gi bastards are sticking to Aman Ki Tamasha and Also the Chicom aggression in the North:notsure:
oho..its now the congress party and its supporters are the only bad boys in the great indian history?
AFAIK there was scam abut acquiring akms from bulgaria which happene during great saints atalji and adwaniji.
does any one forget about the substandard corpses bought during the kargil war for a great price.then also atalji,fernandesji and great adwaniji was in power enjying their honeymoon in the centre.

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
New Member
May 26, 2010
oho..its now the congress party and its supporters are the only bad boys in the great indian history?
AFAIK there was scam abut acquiring akms from bulgaria which happene during great saints atalji and adwaniji.
does any one forget about the substandard corpses bought during the kargil war for a great price.then also atalji,fernandesji and great adwaniji was in power enjying their honeymoon in the centre.
Koi bhi Dood ka dhula nahi ha...

No one is clean..

Mad Indian

Proud Bigot
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Jan 27, 2012
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oho..its now the congress party and its supporters are the only bad boys in the great indian history?
AFAIK there was scam abut acquiring akms from bulgaria which happene during great saints atalji and adwaniji.
does any one forget about the substandard corpses bought during the kargil war for a great price.then also atalji,fernandesji and great adwaniji was in power enjying their honeymoon in the centre.
The commitment shown by CONs is making me :puke:, despite the anger against corruption. Any way 50+ years of CONgi rule against the 10yrs(approx.) of others, make the CONs 5 times more responsible, for what has happened. Lets see shall we, how this issue is being Tackled:fyeah:. I am sure as hell that nothing positive will come out of this neither against the corruption nor the improvement of the Armed forces :tsk:

Mad Indian

Proud Bigot
New Member
Jan 27, 2012
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The way things have been going on, be it the Tatra issue, chopper, Rafale it seems that we will not be able to modernize our armed forces any time soon.

Being a realist and knowing at my level how business is done in the country, corruption is part and parcel. Like they say in cricket so that it does not get consumed by march fixing, legalize betting. I know none of you will agree, but I'd say that rather than have the army be left with stone age equipment, if we get good equipment in a proper and timely manner, make middlemen as legal.

Bofors was a bloody good gun. What has the kickback allegations got us? 25 years of no more guns. We have blacklisted major and good equipment manufacturers because there was one allegation here and another there.

I will not be surprised that vested foreign interest are found to be the ones who have "leaked" or rumored allegations so that our armed forces dont modernize ever over the years."

Let me tell you more about business that I have seen. Two or three companies have a similar product. They are all good with one having something better than the other and vice versa. They both need the contract as its big. What do you do? That's when they explore the possibility of using bribes to secure the contract. Now it may be from their own pocket and not added to the cost the customer spends. I explained the other day as well.

Let me check all our foreign purchases.
Bofors, MiGs, Jaguars, Mirage, Sukhois, T72, T90, Poseidon, C130, C17, SAM systems, etc. I feel we have never got ourselves a bad bargain both in quality and price.

If there was any kickback paid, so be it. We have got the best of equipment of its time.

All the equipments found wanting as far as quality and timely delivery is concerned are the indigenous systems.

All major deals involve all kinds of lobbying, and money is spent on it. There will be some money exchanging hands. At the end of the day if we get the best equipment that keeps our armed forces fighting fit and ready rather than be stuck with obsolete or no weapons or no ammo then I would not bother about kickbacks.

I know the knives will be out against me, but then I have the interest of my nation in mind. Without the weapons we are sitting ducks for our enemies, esp the Chinis. Ironic that all this is happening while Hu is in town and is getting a ring side view.
Yusufji, Come on. Its about time we stopped this non sense. We have become so used to corruption so much so that we have started to tolerate even the Corruption in our own security. When will we change then?

Armchair General

New Member
Mar 30, 2012
The Bribeable and the Non-Bribeable

Yusufji, Come on. Its about time we stopped this non sense. We have become so used to corruption so much so that we have started to tolerate even the Corruption in our own security. When will we change then?
In a play by Shakespeare, somewhere it says that even Ceasers wife must be seen to be above suspicion.

In India today, there are only two categories of people - the Bribeable and the Non-Bribeable.

AK Antony is a Non-Bribeable and that is why nobody will even think of offering him a bribe.

V K Singh .... well .... many say he is clean ..... but somebody did offer him 14 crores ...eh? Does that mean the perception was that VK Singh was the Bribeable type???