I have a doubt!


Ghanta Senior Member?
New Member
Jan 1, 2015
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From the past 2-3 days I have noticed that Pakistan has been giving a lot of false information or some sort of unreliable information on its media or through some Russian source.

First was, the joining of BRICS by Pakistan, another came just few hours back that Russia may supply SU35 to Pakis. (here is the link http://www.i-mash.ru/news/nov_otrasl/68905-pakistan-mozhet-rasschityvat-na-su-35.html )

Looks like Pakis are desperate to sit on Russian lap too. And looks like this Raheel Sharif is formulating this Policy. They want to start an aggressive diplomacy exactly with those countries, (except Israel) which whom India has got good relations. And they are starting this with Russia.

Such kinds of news and articles show that , Pakistan is ready to welcome all Russian equipments and strategic partnership specially directed to counter India.


New Member
Mar 10, 2009
Anyone can buy a domain link. If we want to know authentic Russian sources, we can look for ITAR-TASS, RIA-Novosti, RT, RBTH, Sputnik, Pravda, Komsomolskaya Pravda, Segodnya, Kommersant, and perhaps Lenta.

WARNING: Moscow Times and St. Petersburg Times are not Russian sources. Those are Finnish owned, Finnish run, and perhaps NATO controlled propaganda publications, and they are also distributed free (let that sink in) in certain places frequented by the pro-western gentry of Moscow and St. Petersburg.


New Member
Jul 29, 2014
Anyone can buy a domain link. If we want to know authentic Russian sources, we can look for ITAR-TASS, RIA-Novosti, RT, RBTH, Sputnik, Pravda, Komsomolskaya Pravda, Segodnya, Kommersant, and perhaps Lenta.

WARNING: Moscow Times and St. Petersburg Times are not Russian sources. Those are Finnish owned, Finnish run, and perhaps NATO controlled propaganda publications, and they are also distributed free (let that sink in) in certain places frequented by the pro-western gentry of Moscow and St. Petersburg.
Actually they are now Russian owned, Finnish Sanoma had to sell their share due to new Russian media laws.


New Member
May 30, 2015
From the past 2-3 days I have noticed that Pakistan has been giving a lot of false information or some sort of unreliable information on its media or through some Russian source.

First was, the joining of BRICS by Pakistan, another came just few hours back that Russia may supply SU35 to Pakis. (here is the link http://www.i-mash.ru/news/nov_otrasl/68905-pakistan-mozhet-rasschityvat-na-su-35.html )

Looks like Pakis are desperate to sit on Russian lap too. And looks like this Raheel Sharif is formulating this Policy. They want to start an aggressive diplomacy exactly with those countries, (except Israel) which whom India has got good relations. And they are starting this with Russia.

Such kinds of news and articles show that , Pakistan is ready to welcome all Russian equipments and strategic partnership specially directed to counter India.
u raised the question, u answered the question, where is the doubt :)
paki allways tries to copy indian diplomacy style. we called obama for parade they called xi(thats another matter he not gone)
we tried to neutral china (which seems we failing).they trying to neutral russia.which they will fail too coz when u have large no of working CIA group and half ISI agents works as CIA double agents . this strategy will be like playing with lighter on petrol station


Ghanta Senior Member?
New Member
Jan 1, 2015
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u raised the question, u answered the question, where is the doubt :)
paki allways tries to copy indian diplomacy style. we called obama for parade they called xi(thats another matter he not gone)
we tried to neutral china (which seems we failing).they trying to neutral russia.which they will fail too coz when u have large no of working CIA group and half ISI agents works as CIA double agents . this strategy will be like playing with lighter on petrol station

I have a doubt that whatever I am thinking is it logical or not.

Their Paki COAS Jahil Sharif made visit to South Africa, China, Russia before the BRICS - SCO meet.
And now such fake(which I posted above) news are becoming a trend among Paki forums and Media. To me it looks like....

1) Pakistan is trying to counter India's move in every organisation India is a member. So that India does not divert any group against Pakistan specially on terrorism issues.

2) Secondly to maintain a positive and welcoming stance unlike before for all the countries with which India enjoys very good relations.

3 ) Silently , Pakistan military has shifted it's diplomacy not for their trade deals but to give a setback to India through their aggressive diplomacy which has recently taken up the momentum.


New Member
Jan 5, 2015
Such kinds of news and articles show that , Pakistan is ready to welcome all Russian equipments and strategic partnership specially directed to counter India.
russians not gonna give stuff for free,atleast not in big numbers like chinese does,
maybe russians dont have that kind of cheap stuff anymore, :laugh:

chinese giving free stuff to pakis because chinese need pakis for that road and port they built in paki country for oil or goods transport,

unless russians have that hugh interest in pakis,russian not do much for paki for free,
maybe russian are just probing india because indias close ties with usa.


New Member
May 6, 2013
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The doubt comes to the forefront when someone asks a question like why Pakistan does not have the same embargo to weapon purchase like PRC does (1989 ------ terrorism center of excellence).

Suppose to remove that doubt the PRC can do a lot of R&D and the like if Pakistan buys weapon systems on its behalf (and paid for in Yuan). Another doubt is how the American systems and training gets used inside Pakistan.


New Member
May 30, 2015
according to some sources Pakistan is looking for india like nuclear deal n easy access to uranium thats y they trying to build lil global repo n 1 of the main reason paki given entey in sco easy access to energy rich Central asia by China


New Member
Nov 1, 2013
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WARNING: Moscow Times and St. Petersburg Times are not Russian sources. Those are Finnish owned, Finnish run, and perhaps NATO controlled propaganda publications, and they are also distributed free (let that sink in) in certain places frequented by the pro-western gentry of Moscow and St. Petersburg.
What about advertising revenues? Of course, for propaganda publications you don't need that. A media person once told me, that the actual printing cost of an english newspaper in India is 20-30 rupees. But, they sell it at rs 2-5, which basically means free. But they make up lacs by advertising. How much true is that?

Sakal Gharelu Ustad

Detests Jholawalas
New Member
Apr 28, 2012
Russian apologists are everywhere on DFI. There have been many similar threads on Russians paying some lip service to Pak now.

I see it more as a Russian move than Pak move. It is not just about advertising.


New Member
Oct 24, 2014
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There is nothing "strategic" in Indian-Russian relationship any longer, the romance is over. No lap is big enough to accommodate us. Good news is that we are knocking at the door of the big guys' club and we must learn to behave as such.

Bad news: China may indirectly finance Russian arms sale to Pakistan and Putin may do this just to prick India. On defence production front, China will reap dividend of it's investments in coming decades, Pakistan will continue to behave as a wh0re, Q is where do we stand?

Sakal Gharelu Ustad

Detests Jholawalas
New Member
Apr 28, 2012
There is nothing "strategic" in Indian-Russian relationship any longer, the romance is over. No lap is big enough to accommodate us. Good news is that we are knocking at the door of the big guys' club and we must learn to behave as such.

Bad news: China may indirectly finance Russian arms sale to Pakistan and Putin may do this just to prick India. On defence production front, China will reap dividend of it's investments in coming decades, Pakistan will continue to behave as a wh0re, Q is where do we stand?
Very good summary. India is getting into big guys' club and should behave like one!!


Ghanta Senior Member?
New Member
Jan 1, 2015
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Russian apologists are everywhere on DFI. There have been many similar threads on Russians paying some lip service to Pak now.

I see it more as a Russian move than Pak move. It is not just about advertising.
Mate I am not a Russian apologist. But a sensible person who sees Russia more closer to India geographically than US.
The China, Pak And Russia alliance is the most dangerous thing India could ever face. And we do not want India to become a battle field of Asia.

There should be atleast one nation with whom India should have highly trust worthy relations, not necessarily friendship.

We do not go well with Nepal,
we do not go well with Lanka
we always have some hiccups on B'desh issue
we do not trust Myanmar
Our hero Pakistan, doesn't need an introduction
China sitting over head to eat our territory

With whom do you go well? Some one sitting 14K Km away whose example of friendship is Pakistan at the edge of getting divided.

Even in the next 20 years India may not get UNSC membership due to China. But Russia is the only hope to convince China.

Highly cordial Back Channel talks with Russia is something which India needs. Other wise the nexus of China, Pak Russia will not be a boon for India.


Ghanta Senior Member?
New Member
Jan 1, 2015
Country flag
There is nothing "strategic" in Indian-Russian relationship any longer, the romance is over. No lap is big enough to accommodate us. Good news is that we are knocking at the door of the big guys' club and we must learn to behave as such.

Bad news: China may indirectly finance Russian arms sale to Pakistan and Putin may do this just to prick India. On defence production front, China will reap dividend of it's investments in coming decades, Pakistan will continue to behave as a wh0re, Q is where do we stand?
Till now (edit: one of the motives) of our diplomacy was to contain such supply of weapon from China to Pak, and India did have little success in doing this. But Now if you lose Russia, it will be a blunder. Because Market is full of buyers and a buyer who sees India as the biggest enemy will see this opportunity to create a vicious circle around India.
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Sakal Gharelu Ustad

Detests Jholawalas
New Member
Apr 28, 2012
Mate I am not a Russian apologist. But a sensible person who sees Russia more closer to India geographically than US.
The China, Pak And Russia alliance is the most dangerous thing India could ever face. And we do not want India to become a battle field of Asia.

There should be atleast one nation with whom India should have highly trust worthy relations, not necessarily friendship.

We do not go well with Nepal,
we do not go well with Lanka
we always have some hiccups on B'desh issue
we do not trust Myanmar
Our hero Pakistan, doesn't need an introduction
China sitting over head to eat our territory

With whom do you go well? Some one sitting 14K Km away whose example of friendship is Pakistan at the edge of getting divided.

Even in the next 20 years India may not get UNSC membership due to China. But Russia is the only hope to convince China.

Highly cordial Back Channel talks with Russia is something which India needs. Other wise the nexus of China, Pak Russia will not be a boon for India.
Good that you clarified that you are not one.

We are improving relations with our neighbours now barring Pakistan and I think that is good. Russia is going down and the current tensions created by them only point towards last gasps of a powerful nation. The next century will not be dominated by minerals and fossil fuels and I see Russia falling into darkness unless it reforms its crony society. The best deal for future Russia is to be China's lackey.

India is getting into big guys' club as @DingDong pointed out and should behave as one. Also, it should not expect deep trustworthy relationships with anyone. Favours will only be determined by what India brings on table for others benefit.

Sakal Gharelu Ustad

Detests Jholawalas
New Member
Apr 28, 2012
Till now (edit: one of the motives) of our diplomacy was to contain such supply of weapon from China to Pak, and India did have little success in doing this. But Now if you lose Russia, it will be a blunder. Because Market is full of buyers and a buyer who sees India as the biggest enemy will see this opportunity to create a vicious circle around India.
Russian state coffers are empty and they would sell to whoever they can persuade.

Also, this Make in India campaign and clear-up and increased transparency of MoD by Parrikar has hit the Russians middle-men hard. The only way India can bargain with Russians to not sell their stuff to Pak is by buying their sub-standard products. Anyway, Russia is more than eager to sell to China which in turn would sell everything to Pak. So, Russia directly selling to Pak is not much different than Pak acquiring knowhow indirectly through China.


New Member
Mar 10, 2009
Actually they are now Russian owned, Finnish Sanoma had to sell their share due to new Russian media laws.
Thank you for the update.

Yay! Now, the names of these newspapers are no longer fake. :clap2:


United States of Hindu Empire
New Member
May 29, 2009
No lap is big enough to accommodate us.
Achi line hai, Kabi use karoonga. :biggrin2:

In a thread re: 'Myanmar raid' I requested that we shouldn't suffer from small nation syndrome.


New Member
Jul 1, 2010
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Russian state coffers are empty and they would sell to whoever they can persuade.

Also, this Make in India campaign and clear-up and increased transparency of MoD by Parrikar has hit the Russians middle-men hard. The only way India can bargain with Russians to not sell their stuff to Pak is by buying their sub-standard products. Anyway, Russia is more than eager to sell to China which in turn would sell everything to Pak. So, Russia directly selling to Pak is not much different than Pak acquiring knowhow indirectly through China.
Ya right ,"Parrikar has hit the Russians middle-men hard"

Do you know Parrikar is going to legalize middle men in India ? what do you know about Russian middle men? do you know if they are Russians or Indians ? and how to you think Israel does arms business with India ? or for that sake any other European companies ?

The only companies that don't employee a middle man are American companies, but they lobby in a different way.

Russia is important to India as long as they have vast natural resources that India is going to need to grow for the next 30 years. Our foreign policy should be balancing rather then choosing sides.

Please don't judge others, i might have an different opinion and stop name calling.
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