Hypersonic Missiles

Feb 16, 2009
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PAD/AAD (India), Self-propelled surface-to-air missiles

Self-propelled static surface-to-air missile system

India is developing a complete suite of air defence missiles that are both endo-atmospheric and exo-atmospheric that will employ Network Centric technology and will be able to engage all types of targets including:Short-Range Ballistic Missiles (SRBM)Intermediate Range Ballistic Missiles (IRBM)Air breathing targets such as aircraftCruise missilesThe system is expected to be deployed in a mix and match group to counter short reaction threats. Details of at least two missiles have been released, the PAD and AAD. There has however been some discussion as to whether an air-to-air missile currently in development - the Astra - has already been involved in user firing trials in a surface-to-air role. This may well be used as a means of either point defence, or at the very least in defence of the two primary missile systems against SEAD (Suppression of Enemy Air Defence) attacks. A further missile development that will increase the range and capability of the system is know as the PDV, this is also due for firing trials sometime early in the FY2010. With this capability, India will have protection cover in the western region and the northeastern region against those targets that are launched from 2,500 km. The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has developed technologies including Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), Nano materials and Nano sensors to enable it to enter this particular area for missile defence and has laid down a solid foundation for the indigenous missile defence of India from its local adversaries such as Pakistan and


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Apr 24, 2010
The fastest cruise missile in the world is the BrahMos. It is jointly developed by India and Russia

It travels at speeds of Mach 2.5 to 2.8 and is about three-and-a-half times faster than the U.S.A's subsonic Harpoon cruise missile.
Feb 16, 2009
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DRDO readies shield against Chinese ICBMs

The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has begun developing an extended range versions of its home-grown missile defence shield to shoot down intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) or missiles which have ranges greater than 5000 km. Phase 2 of the missile defence shield will be the class of the US Terminal High Altitude Area Defence (THAAD) missiles, Dr V.K. Saraswat, DRDO Chief Controller (Missiles and Strategic Systems), said today.

While Saraswat did not mention it, defence analysts feel that Phase 2 of the missile defence shield is almost certainly meant to defend India from China's arsenal of ICBMs. China is the only Asian country which has an ICBM arsenal, including submarine-launched ballistic missiles.

The Ballistic Missile Interceptor, which successfully intercepted a Dhanush-ballistic missile test-fired from a warship -- the INS Subhadra -- is part of the ballistic missile defence system which can only shoot down intermediate range ballistic missiles (IRBMs) of upto 2000 km range like Pakistan's Ghauri and Shaheen missiles. "This system will be out mainstay until we enter Phase 2," Dr Saraswat said, addressing the media after Friday's successful test-firing of the Advanced Air Defence System from Wheeler Island. The Phase 1 is to be completed and ready for induction by 2011.

Dr Saraswat said that Phase 2 was far more challenging because it calls for detecting ICBMs hurtling at twice the speeds of intermediate range missiles. It not only requires bigger interceptor missiles flying at hypersonic speeds of between six and seven times the speed of sound (present interceptor speeds are between Mach 4 and Mach 5) but also radars to detect incoming ICBMs at ranges of over 1500 kms as opposed to the current detection ranges of over 600 km.

Phase 2 will be part of the DRDO's attempts at incrementally increasing the BMD capabilities of the home-grown system. Friday's test was the third successful test of the ballistic missile since it was first test-fired in December 2006 -- the first test shot of the exo-atmospheric interceptor down a missile 45 km away; the second test a year later proved the endo-atmospheric or Advanced Air Defence (AAD) interceptor, which shot downed an incoming ballistic missile 15 km away and Friday's test, shot down a ballistic missile 48 km away. The interceptor used a 'gimbaled directional warhead' or a warhead only one side of which explodes close to an incoming ballistic missile, shattering it.

For Phase 2, Dr Saraswat said that the organisation had already begun development of a two-stage hypersonic missile interceptor called the PDV and it would be ready in two years. It had also put in place the building blocks for developing extended range radars of over 1500 km.

Unlike the exo-atmospheric interceptor, which was test-fired on Friday, the PDV has two stages, a liquid and a solid. The PDV is a longer missile with two solid stages. It is in the class of the THAAD or Terminal High Altitude Area Defence missiles deployed by the United States as part of its missile shield beginning this year. THAAD boasts of missiles which can intercept ballistic missiles over 200 km away and tracking radars with ranges of over 1000 km.

The only Achilles heel in the Phase 1 of the ballistic missile interceptor is that it cannot tackle strategic cruise missiles like the Tomahawk flying a little over tree-top height. For intercepting such flat-trajectory weapons would call for airborne systems capable of tracking them, Saraswat said.
Feb 16, 2009
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Chinese article about Brahmos 2


India said the two supersonic Brahmos missile striking is incredibly powerful

For a long time, India has been actively developing strategic nuclear forces, Dream "hegemony in South Asia." Since 1983, began implementing the "Integrated Guided Missile Development Program" has successfully developed the "Prithvi" and "Fire" in two series of ballistic missiles.

In addition, in February this year, land and naval exhibition in New Delhi, the Indian army openly stated that in India, near the border between India and Pakistan could carry out the deployment of additional long-range precision strike missions, the "Brahmos" -2 ultra sonic cruise missiles, and hinted that more than the power of such missiles and similar weapons in China and Pakistan.

"Brahmos" -2 is still the core technology research and development stage belonging to the Russian

In order to meet the Indian Army attacked the ship and the demand, India's Defense Research Development Organization in the "Brahmos" cruise missile, based on the continued development of "BrahMos" supersonic cruise missile development -2. The missile on December 22, 2004 launched the first test.

Professor of the Second Artillery Command College Senior Colonel Shao Ling interview In an interview with reporters, said Ben Wang, "Brahmos" -2 can only say that research and development stage, but did not successfully developed. Have been successfully developed is the "Brahmos."

"Bula" refers to India's Brahmaputra River, "Moss" is taken from Russia's Moscow River. This is a supersonic anti-ship cruise missiles.

Supersonic anti-ship cruise missiles and cruise missiles on the general meaning is different. In a general sense of the cruise missiles, such as the U.S. "Tomahawk", China's "sword -10"³ are to subsonic flight, a range of more than 1,000 kilometers, using a turbo-fan engines. Some are subsonic anti-ship cruise missiles, using the turbo-fan engine; supersonic rocket engine is used is also a flight within the atmosphere, the speed very quickly.

"Brahmos" is a supersonic anti-ship cruise missiles, there are several models, such as ship-launched and air-launched and land-launched. Supersonic anti-ship cruise missiles, fuel-consuming, it actually could only handle a range of 300 km.

As the "BrahMos" is a use of supersonic anti-ship cruise missiles, rocket engines, Russia accounted for technology components were relatively large proportion of the core technology is still part of Russia, and India is mainly involved in the development of some software.

India is already equipped with the "Brahmos" cruise missile, but Russia did not use, because Russia has better weapons and equipment. India is not satisfied on this point, because Russia, as developed countries are not equipped with their own words, is bound to affect "Brahmos" exports.
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Feb 16, 2009
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Two separate missile regiments of the BrahMos Mark II

Missile Man Sivathanu Pillai's successful rapid-fire demonstrations of the BrahMos have scuttled a move in the army to import the Tomahawk or its clones and it is now set to order 260 of the home-grown weapons system. A missile race is currently intensifying in South Asia — though both India and Pakistan deny it — and the militaries of both countries are trying to outdo each other in the acquisition of ordnance delivery systems. India's army chief, General Deepak Kapoor, is now in France. French firm MBDA is a supplier of different categories of missiles to India's army, navy and air force. Although the Indian Army has finally been awed by Pillai's Mark II version of the BrahMos, the Indian Navy has been overtaken by the pace of the technology that Pillai's outfit has set. It cannot spare a single one from its ageing fleet of submarines for BrahMos to test the underwater version of the missile. The army has raised one regiment (numbered 861) of the BrahMos Mark I that has an inferior quality of seeker or homing device. Now two separate missile regiments of the BrahMos Mark II, which has a seeker that can discriminate and zero in on a small target in an urban clutter, will be raised and are likely to be numbered 862 and 863. The BrahMos cruise missile regiments follow the raisings of the 333, 444 and 555 Prithvi and Agni II ballistic missile regiments. Each of the two new BrahMos cruise missile regiments would have between four and six batteries of three to four Mobile Autonomous Launchers that can be connected to a general mobile command post. Pillai is now negotiating the order for the BrahMos Mark II with the army that could total between Rs 8,000 and Rs 10,000 crore. The deliveries of the missiles may be staggered for about 10 years after user trials. The user trials would involve actual test-firings of the missile by the army to practise using the missile in tougher-than warlike scenarios because the Pokhran desert range (maximum length 52km) does not allow the BrahMos to be tested to its full range of 290km. "Sometimes, technology sets a pace that the armed forces cannot absorb," Pillai told The Telegraph. "If we get the support of the users (the armed forces), it becomes much easier. Right now we are facing problems with the navy."A submarine-launched missile has the supreme advantage of concealment. But the navy cannot spare even one of the 13 submarines in its fleet for Pillai to test the underwater version of the BrahMos. Pillai says testing the missile from a pontoon to simulate a submarine under water will not suffice.The missile and its launcher would have to be integrated vertically — the picture that he draws is like a long snorkel — on the submarine. Pillai says the navy's Kilo-class (Russian-origin) submarines are not built to last long enough for the capability. Even the French-origin Scorpene submarines that were ordered in 2006 and are now being built in France and co-developed in Mumbai's Mazagon Docks are not configured for the BrahMos — a crucial failure when the contract for the submarines was drawn up. So Pillai will have to wait till a subsequent contract for six additional submarines is drawn up before he can move his submarine-version BrahMos from the drawing board to the test-bed. But most of the navy's ships are being configured for the BrahMos either in India or in Russia. The INS Kolkata, a 7,000-tonne stealth destroyer being built in Mumbai, would have the BrahMos has its main weapons system. The Indian Air Force has allotted two Sukhoi 30 Mki aircraft in which the air-to-air and air-to-ground versions of the BrahMos are being configured. Pillai expects the air force version of the missile to be ready by 2011.
Feb 16, 2009
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US's hypersonic Falcon missile test a dud?

Washington, Apr 27(ANI): The Pentagon's test launch of an experimental hypersonic space vehicle last week aimed to develop a new generation of high-altitude weapon systems is being considered a dud.

The United States Air Force (USAF) and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) had test launched the Hypersonic Technology Vehicle 2 (HTV-2), known as the Falcon, at the Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.

One part of the program aimed to develop a reusable, rapid-strike Hypersonic Cruise Vehicle (HCV), while the other was for the development of a launch system capable of accelerating a HCV to cruise speeds, as well as launching small satellites into Earth orbit.

The Falcon was believed to be a part of the Pentagon's effort to develop the capability to strike anywhere in the world with a conventional warhead in less than an hour - known as Conventional Prompt Global Strike.

The test vehicle launched last week reached Mach 5 on launch, and was designed to crash and sink into the sea and sink near Kwajalein Atoll, 2,000 miles of Hawaii, 30 minutes later and 4,000 miles from the launch site.

However a DARPA statement released last Friday indicates that all was not perfect with the hypersonic craft.

"Approximately nine minutes into the mission, telemetry assets experienced a loss of signal from the HTV-2. An engineering team is reviewing available data to understand this event," The Fox News quoted the statement, as saying.

The statement does not specify whether the Falcon completed any of the test maneuvers before controllers lost communications with the craft.

Meanwhile, conspiracy theorists believe that the Falcon seems to be the culmination of the secret project known as "Aurora", a hypersonic spy plane capable of speeds up to Mach 6 (3,700 mph). (ANI)
Feb 16, 2009
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Hyperfast missile to hit anywhere in an hour

HAUNTED by the memory of a lost opportunity to kill Osama Bin Laden before he attacked the World Trade Center in New York, US military planners have won President Barack Obama's support for a new generation of high-speed weapons that are intended to strike anywhere on Earth within an hour.

Obama's interest in Prompt Global Strike (PGS), a nonnuclear weapons programme, has alarmed China and Russia and complicated nuclear arms reduction negotiations.

White House officials confirmed last week that the president, who won the Nobel peace prize last year, is considering the deployment of a new class of hypersonic guided missiles that can reach their targets at speeds of Mach 5 — about 3,600mph.

That is nearly seven times faster than the 550mph Tomahawk cruise missiles that arrived too late to kill Bin Laden at an Al-Qaeda training camp in Afghanistan in 1998.

"The ability to attack a wide range of targets at intercontinental range, promptly and without resort to nuclear weapons, is of central importance to US national security," said Daniel Goure, a defence analyst at the Lexington Institute in Virginia.

The White House has requested almost $250m in congressional funding next year for research into hypersonic technologies, some of which harness the shock waves generated by a fast-moving missile to increase its speed further.

The new weapon could be launched from air, land or sea on a long-range missile travelling at suborbital altitudes above 350,000ft. The missile releases a hypersonic pilotless plane that receives updates from satellites as it homes in on its target at up to five times the speed of sound, generating so much heat that it has to be shielded with special materials to avoid melting.

Depending on the version the Pentagon chooses, the warhead would either split into dozens of lethal fragments in the final seconds of its flight or simply smash into its target, relying on devastating kinetic energy to destroy anything in its path. As a precision weapon its effects would be quite different from the mass destruction inflicted by nuclear warheads delivered by intercontinental ballistic missiles that can reach 13,400mph.

The development of PGS has won praise and criticism as the president seeks to reduce the strategic US nuclear arsenal in favour of tactical weapons that can be used swiftly to counter terrorists or rogue states. "Conventional weapons with worldwide reach ... enable us to reduce the role of nuclear weapons," said Joe Biden, the vice-president, recently.

Sergei Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister, warned earlier this month that "states will hardly accept a situation in which nuclear weapons disappear, but weapons that are no less destabilising emerge in the hands of certain members of the international community".

General Yuri Baluyevsky, a deputy secretary of the Russian National Security Council, complained that US concessions at nuclear arms reduction talks were not because of America's love of peace, but because "they can kill you using conventional high-precision weapons".

US analysts have also warned of the risk that Chinese or Russian monitors might mistake a hypersonic launch for nuclear attack. "The short flight time ... leaves very little time for an assessment of the situation, putting an enormous strain on national decision-making mechanisms and increasing the probability of an accident," argued Pavel Podvig of Stanford University.

General Kevin Chilton, the US air force commander supervising the PGS programme, told The New York Times that the Pentagon's current options were not fast enough.

"Today we can present some conventional options to the president to strike a target anywhere on the globe that range from 96 hours to maybe four, five, six hours," he said. "If the president wants to act faster than that, the only thing we have that goes faster is a nuclear response."

The Pentagon has already begun testing missile systems that might be used in a PGS programme. Last week the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa) launched a test flight of a prototype labelled the Hypersonic Technology Vehicle 2 (HTV-2), also known as the Falcon.

The prototype was launched from Vandenberg air force base in California on a solid-fuel rocket booster made from a decommissioned ballistic missile. There was no comment from US Strategic Command, which controls the programme, on either the success of the test or a timetable for future deployment.

"It is premature to discuss the actual implementation of this capability until the technology has sufficiently matured," a Pentagon statement said.

The Washington Times reported last week that Darpa is building two Falcon vehicles, the second of which is scheduled for launch early next year.

US officials have sought to reassure Russian and Chinese authorities that the new weapons will be developed in small numbers and will be kept well away from US nuclear launch sites so there is no confusion that might trigger an accidental nuclear war.

The new arms reduction treaty signed by Obama and Dmitri Medvedev, the Russian president, in Prague two weeks ago also contains a provision that Washington will reduce its arsenal by one nuclear missile for every PGS weapon that it deploys.

Obama's efforts to placate Moscow and Beijing have been criticised by US arms control hawks. Dean Cheng, a China specialist at the conservative Heritage Foundation, accused the administration of "pursuing a strategically incoherent policy, one that is ostensibly aimed at reassuring other nations but will more likely lead to greater instability and uncertainty".

Cheng added: "This is not the path to another Nobel peace prize."
Feb 16, 2009
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Forwarded by Satish


How to win in the missiles race. Part 1.

This is an interview with the chief of Russian 'Tactical Missiles Weapon Corporation' Boris Obnosov about the latest development. Initially it was published in 'Expert' journal.

The tendency toward the total liquidation of strategic carriers and warheads, fixed in the new Russian- American agreement , unavoidably will lead to the fact that the role and the significance of conventional weapons will sharply grow in the very near future. But if with our arsenal of strategic weapon we actually can on the equal talk with the Americans, in the sphere of conventional armaments there is no basis for parity. For example, the number of our contemporary combat aircraft is approximately 15 times less than in the USA, the disparity in the number of 'blue water' combat ships between USA and Russia is as 20 times. This means that in "global nuclear zero" situation Russia has no enough against its potential enemies.

The problem here is not in the quality of our tactical armaments, but in their quantity. While the Americans during the last ten years stocked up more than hundred thousands aircraft bombs alone, our army within the same period purchased the air based weapons for only one day of war. This is so despite the fact that the new Russian missiles, are not worse than American, but even they are better in a number of characteristics. The main developer of them is "Tactical missile weapon corporation' (KTRV in Russian abbreviation). This is one of most secret corporation in whole Russian military-industrial complex [VPK in Russian abbreviation]. It was created about eight years ago during the consolidation process of Russian MIC, now it includes almost two ten different enterprises, plants and design houses, dealing in the sphere of air, ground-based and naval weapons. The general director of KTRV Boris Obnosov said us about the development of new missiles and torpedoes and how they differ from the American analogs, why we should fear China and in what direction it is necessary Russia to develop its air-based weapon .

Q - At the beginning of February the flight tests of the future 5th gen fighter PAK FA were started. What armaments does make KTRV for this aircraft?

A - PAK FA weapon system will include only new models . These are air-to-air missile, tactical and medium-range missiles of the "air-surface" class, antiradar and antiship missiles, and also the guided bombs.The main requirement to this weapon is its intra-fuselage arrangement. In addition: the increased distance, noise protection, accuracy. I.e., those characteristics, which make possible to successfully complete all kind of combat missions, like destruction of radars without the entrance into enemy air defense zone .

Q - The Prime Minister of Russia Vladimir Putin promised that the first series of the fifth generation fighters will enter service in the Lipetsk pilot education center already in 2013. Will you complete your developments till this?

A - We now complete whole series of experimental design works and for the next two years will go to the final official tests of fourteen types of new missiles and corrected aerial bombs (KAB). They cover practically entire spectrum of targets, including VLRAAMs. Some of them will appear already in the next year, other after a year. Moreover the new missiles for the 5th gen fighter will be adopted, also, on other carriers - Su-34, Su-35 and MiG-35. It is necessary to say that this is a bulk number of weapons. Nevertheless, I think, we will successfully complete the task.

Q - How the new missiles are different from its predecessors?

A - Almost by all things. These are fundamentally new models of high-precision weapon. Despite the fact that many of them preserved the exterior forms of its predecessors, inside they have got much more advanced systems, than those that they are established on the 4th gen fighters. These are new self-homing heads, with increased sensitivity and better jamming protection, the new combined missile-ramjet engines with the controlled parameters (for the supersonic "air-surface" missiles), new warheads, fuses, the system of intellectual support and much other. The tactical-technical characteristics of this new weapon will grow considerably because of all these systems. For the first time a missile at the moment of start does not see the target but find it in the process of autonomous flight. If we speak about the criterion of distance, the new missiles will exceed the current range two times. Our classification of "air-to-air" weapons includes three types of missiles - small, medium and long range. Now the short distance – is considered up to 40 kilometers, and the average – up to 100 kilometers. So the targets, which are now attacked by intermediate range missiles, will be destroyed by the short distance weapon.

Q - What will be the radius of action of the new long range air-to-air missiles?

A – I should not say the number. I can only say that it's very long. At the current moment no one aircraft missile of this class has such characteristics.

Q - How your new missiles stay in comparison with the American analogs, in arsenal of F -22 and F -35. Who 'wins' in this comparison?

A – In average we keep the parity with the USA. The American F -22 and F -35 aircrafts are armed with AIM-9X sidewinder short distance air-to-air missiles , different modifications of medium distance AMRAAM AIM-120 . Our new missiles RVV-MD and RVV-SD, with small and medium range respectively, are nowhere inferior to them, but even exceed them in some characteristics. For example, the combat range of RVV-MD exceeds AIM-9X almost twice. The Russian missile is equipped with upgraded heat-seeking head. It is identical to American one in its sensitivity, and very comparable in area of jamming protection. This missile is intended not only for the fighters and the attack aircraft, but also for the combat helicopters. As far as the weapon of medium distance is concerned, our missiles have approximately 10 percent higher combat distance . In other respects Russian missiles of this type have practically the same characteristics as the American. Therefore I am completely confident, that we will not lose.

Q - And in the "air-surface" class?...

A - Here the Americans have the basic antiradar missile - AGM-88 HARM, which is capable to strike targets at a distance up to 80 kilometers, in almost 3 Machs (three speeds of sound. - "Expert"). If comparing it with our new antiradar missile X -31PD, then with other equal combat capabilities the Russian missile exceeds the American analog three times in the term of range. It was possible to reach this due to the new ramjet engine. In the field of energy consumption it two and half times more economical than its predecessor. This makes it possible not only to increase the combat distance, but also to realize the more sophisticated trajectory of flight. Particularly X -31PD used to be able to win a duel combat with the air defense systems 'patriot'.

Furthermore, in the "air-surface" class we have two additional missiles - X -38ME and X -58UShKE. The first of them is of modular type. I consider that this is an unique multipurpose missile. It can be equipped with the combined guidance systems - laser, thermal-vision, radar type or satellite navigation. But the second missile (X -58UShKe) is equipped (as X -31PD) with broadband passive homing heads, which ensure the capture of all kind of radar targets that it is also very important. Until now there were only the so-called selective heads on our missiles, each of them could capture only one type of targets (along the frequency spectrum). It created some inconveniences, since it was necessary to hang three or four sister missiles under the wing, if it was intended to act against several types of targets.

Q - The new RuAF fighters will be armed with these missiles. But what with the antiship missiles for naval aviation?

A – We are going to complete the creation of two new types of missiles - tactical supersonic X -31AD and subsonic X -35UE. These will be completely digitalized missiles, which will ensure them better interrelation with the aircraft and will enlarge the spectrum of tasks. In contrast to the predecessors the combat distance will grow twice as minimum . In this case the mass of X -31AD warhead will grow by 15 percent. Well one have to say about KABs (corrected air-bombs). Here we can offer a lot against our potential competitors. Now we complete the development of an entirely new series of guided bombs with weight between 1500 and 500 kilograms, and also smaller caliber, with the increased range and new systems of satellite and laser guidance. They are intended for attacking of different ground and above-water targets, including bridges, ships, transport vessels, the objects of infrastructure etcetera. I consider KABs – as a very important weapon, which must be installed on all versions of the 5th gen fighters . It's because after the destruction of air defense system the enemy in his own territory is erradicated precisely with the aid of KABs. For example, the Americans during ten years of their operations in Iraq and Afghanistan stocked up more than hundred thousand corrected aircraft bombs.

Q - What trend in development of aviation missile do you consider as the most promising?

A - All last wars with the participation by the USA showed that they bet on the high-precision weapon. If during operation "Desert Storm" in 1991 in Iraq the share of high-precision weapon was seven percent, eight years later in Yugoslavia it already reached 70 percent. I think that this trend will be developed further. And we should be ready for this. Our country is currently not longer as large as it was earlier, moreover its population decreases. And if we make a war, it would be better done without a "hot" contact.

Q – The impression is, that the US government and the Pentagon literally go crazy with the concept of the so-called 'smart wars'. The Americans have already several times conducted the tests of hypersonic flight vehicles. Is this a future of air-based missile development?

A – Without any doubts. I consider that the development of such missiles, capable of flying with a speed of 10-12 times higher than speed of sound, is the most promising trend in development of air armament. Undoubtedly, this is a head-on project – the quintessence of entire missile technologies development. New engines, new materials, new onboard radio-electronic equipment will be here used here. This project by its significance could be compared with launching of first satellite or with launching a human to the space. For solution of this problem the resources of state, including intellectual, must be concentrated.

Q - In what, strictly, does consist technological breakthrough?

A - In reality the autonomous flight at hypersonic speed – is a very complex problem. The 'Hypersound' - means 5 Machs's minimum. Our X -31 missile in a number of cases reached speed 4 Mach, but not more. But in order to develop the minimal hypersonic speed, the new combined engine installation, capable of working both on the subsonic and at the high supersonic speeds is necessary. Now we have the direct-flow air jet engine, which wonderfully works at supersonic speeds. Here we keep pace with the most advanced countries. But in order to be pulled out forward and to reach higher speed, it is necessary to ensure supersonic fuel combustion in a similar ramjet engine, or to create a totally new engine. This task must be solved by designers. But this is not at all. The action on onboard radio-electronic equipment sharply increases at the speed more than 7 Machs, the plasma is formed, the ionization occurs, the fairing is heated to unthinkable temperatures. But indeed it must keep the transparency for the self-homing radar . Accordingly, the new materials, and the nonstandard design solutions are necessary. I.e., it is necessary to begin the entire complex of new aerospace researches. However, I am confident, that this task will be solved sooner or later.

Q - As I know, the developments of the hypersonic air armaments were conducted long ago in our country, and in the USA, but, according to the common opinion, it is nothing to brag with"¦

A - IN the USA serious work began in the eighties. If I do not mistake, in 1982 NASA started the 'national aero-Space plane' (NASP) program for hypersonic technology creation . It united more than 60 subprograms, which covered all key directions - aerodynamics, engines, onboard radio-electronic equipment, fuel- and so on. By the way, within the framework NASP widely adapts the nano-technologies. And as a result Americans already came to the stage of tests.

Q - And we?

A - Such works conducted at the beginning of the seventies and the prototypes even were created. But then, in the ninetieth , as you know, all this matter was stopped. First of all it happened because the continuation of works required very large capital investments. But now many things were changed, there are positive shifts. This theme was discussed on the military industrial board. We won the appropriate tender and are now actively occupied by the production of a prototype. I hope that in the next two years there will already be the first results. I will say nothing more, fear to make a slip of the tongue"¦
Feb 16, 2009
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ICBM to be a reality by next year: Saraswat

India is likely to enter the elite club of nations with Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) capability as the over 5,000 km range Agni-5 missile was expected to become a reality by next year.

"Work is progressing satisfactorily in the development of Agni-5, which is expected to become a reality next year. With this, DRDO would have given India a comprehensive indigenous strategic capability, available with only a few nations of the world," DRDO chief V.K. Saraswat said at the National Technology Day awards function.

Agni-5 will be the first canistered ballistic missile with range of over 5,000 km into Indian inventory, bringing possible military targets in the whole of China and Pakistan within striking range. The missile is likely to be tested early next year.

Missiles which are capable of being launched from canisters can be fired from multiple platforms and are easily transportable.

Commenting on the Indian missile programme, Mr. Saraswat said, "the success of Agni-3 and other tests have confirmed India's strategic deterrence capability, which could not have been possible without the preceding developmental efforts in these programmes."
Feb 16, 2009
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US Air Force tests hypersonic UAV

The US Air Force on Wednesday test launched a hypersonic cruise missile, with the vehicle accelerating to Mach 6 before splashing down in the Pacific Ocean, officials said.

The Air Force said the test flight of the X-15A Waverider lasted more than 200 seconds, the longest ever hypersonic flight powered by scramjet propulsion. The previous record was 12 seconds in a NASA X-43 vehicle.

"We are ecstatic to have accomplished most of our test points on the X-51A's very first hypersonic mission," Charlie Brink, program manager with the Air Force Research Laboratory at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio.

"We equate this leap in engine technology as equivalent to the post-World War Two jump from propeller-driven aircraft to jet engines," he said.

But about 200 seconds into the flight, "a vehicle anomaly occurred and the flight was terminated," the Air Force said in a statement.

"Engineers are busily examining the data to identify the cause of the problem," it said.

The Waverider was launched from Edwards Air Force Base in California, then carried under the wing of a B-52 aircraft before being released at an altitude of 50,000 feet off the Pacific coast.

A solid rocket booster then propelled the vehicle to about a speed of about Mach 4.8, before the X-51's special scramjet engine ignited.

The Waverider, built by Boeing and Pratt and Whitney Rocketdyne, reached an altitude of 70,000 feet and a top speed of Mach 6, the Air Force said.

Hypersonic flight begins at Mach 5, or five times the speed of sound.

The X-51 fits in with US plans to hit distant targets with conventional weapons within an hour, dubbed "prompt global strike."

The Waverider, or an experimental hypersonic plane also under development, could substitute for a ballistic missile armed with a conventional warhead, as other countries might suspect the missile represented a nuclear attack.


The southern Man
Senior Member
Jul 15, 2009
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India Thought Leaders: Hypersonic BrahMos Missile By 2015

BANGALORE - The Indo-Russian BrahMos supersonic missile program has made its mark in the international arena with a series of successful launches and subsequent rapid induction by the Indian Army and Navy. Now an air version of the missile is currently under development and will be fitted onto the Su-30MKI platform when ready. AVIATION WEEK caught up with BrahMos Aerospace CEO and Managing Director A. Sivathanu Pillai to learn more.

AW: Indian media has often hailed your role in making BrahMos a major hit. What do you think has led to your successes so far?

A.S.P.: Joint venture BrahMos is built upon the technological synergy of strengths of the two nations – India and Russia. Moreover, the superiority of the product such as Speed, Precision and Power has ensured the realization of this high-tech product and attracted the users to go for induction of the system in the shortest possible time. It can be proudly said that the Indian Army is the only land force in the entire globe to have a supersonic maneuverable land-attack cruise missile regiment.

AW: Could you please give an update on the program? How many missiles (squadrons) have the Army and Navy inducted?

A.S.P.: As you are aware, the development of both antiship and land-attack versions of BrahMos had been completed successfully and we are in the process of delivering the systems to the Navy and Army. Recently, contracts have been signed for induction of the mobile complex for Indian Army and Indian Air Force. Further orders are in the pipeline. The number of systems will depend on the force strength the services need to have.

AW: What kind of additional orders are we talking about for Army and Navy? What's the order value?

A.S.P.: As BrahMos will be the first strike weapon with punch, there will be a greater number of ships, mobile launchers and aircraft fitted with the missile. Our order value will exceed $5 billion.

AW: When will the hypersonic version come out? What's the latest from this front?

A.S.P.: The hypersonic version is on the drawing board and mutual discussions are in progress. We would like to freeze the design aspects in the near future. The realization of the missile would be taken up. Probably five years down the line, we can start testing of the missile.

AW: What kind of role are private industries playing in the success of BrahMos?

A.S.P.: BrahMos is an ideal example for the public-private industries consortium. Many industries had been identified in both India and Russia for manufacture of subsystems. Industries have become the production partners and are extending full support in the timely manufacture of the systems/subsystems. In short, the Missile Industry Consortium has been established in both the countries.

AW: Over the last two years BrahMos Aerospace Thiruvananthapuram Ltd. (BATL) has taken shape in Kerala. Where do you see BATL in the next couple of years?

A.S.P.: BATL was established as a leading aerospace industry and a role model for Kerala. It is expected to grow in the coming years. BATL is primarily for supporting various projects of BrahMos, Defense Research Development Organization and Indian Space Research Organization. In addition, we will be supporting Bhabha Atomic Research Center for the robotic system and Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. (HAL) for engines. The Phase-II expansion will begin after we get additional land and the Phase-III thereafter. The first fully-integrated BrahMos missile is expected to roll out from BATL by 2012

Feb 16, 2009
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Indian Rockets To Soon Use Atmospheric Oxygen As Fuel

In an attempt to make its rockets lighter and carry heavier satellites, the Indian space agency is planning to flight test by the end of this year its own air-breathing engine that will use atmospheric oxygen as fuel.

Air-breathing engines use atmospheric oxygen and burn it with the stored on-board fuel to generate the onward thrust.

Conventional rockets carry both oxygen and chemical fuel on board.

"We will be doing a series of ground tests of the air breathing engine soon. We are planning an actual launch of a sounding rocket - ATV D02 - powered by such an engine by the end of this year," an official of Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) told IANS on condition of anonymity.

The rocket will fly from Sriharikota, India's rocket port located around 80 km from here.

In March, ISRO flew an advanced technology vehicle D01 (ATV-D01) weighing three tonnes from Sriharikota.

ATV-D01, the heaviest sounding rocket developed by ISRO, carried a passive scramjet (supersonic combustion ramjet) engine combustor module as a test bed for demonstration of air breathing propulsion technology.

A scramjet consists of a tube through which inlet air is compressed by the high speed of the vehicle, a chamber where fuel is combusted, and a nozzle through which the exhaust jet leaves at higher speed than the inlet air.

Jet engines use a compressor to squeeze air into the engine, then spray fuel into the compressed air and ignite it to produce thrust by funnelling it through the back.

The advantage of air breathing engine is that it makes the rocket lighter - as oxygen is not carried - enabling it to carry heavier satellites.

Further, it reduces the cost of launch and will help make ISRO a very cost competitive player in the global satellite launch industry.

However, as air breathing engine systems can operate only during the atmospheric phase of flight, they will have to be adapted along with the conventional chemical rockets


Regular Member
Sep 9, 2009
An Indian news channel claims US has successfully tested Hypersonic X-51 cruise missile. If its true, that's a great leap for them. going hypersonic straightaway. Brahmos now has a benchmark and needs to hasten testing of proposed hypersonic missile.
Feb 16, 2009
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Russia's SS-27 Makes Bush's Missile Defense A Fantasy

By Charles Assisi
The Times of India

On November 2, a rather staid little story appeared on a ticker powered by Itar-Tass, a Russian News Agency. The tone was decidedly Russian-matter-of-fact and shorn of all hyperbole. It reported the test launch of a ballistic missile called the Topol RS 12 at 8:10 pm Moscow time. After taking off from the Kapustny Yar test range in the Astrakhan region, it hit the intended target at Balkhash in Kazakhstan at 8:34-24 minutes later.

"The target was precisely hit," said the report, quoting a top-ranking official from the Russian armed forces.

In conclusion, Itar-Tass added some jargon that sounded like regulation copy to most people tracking defence:

"The advanced Topol missile has three cruise engines and can develop hypersonic speed. The high thrust-to-weight ratio allows the warhead to manoeuvre on the trajectory and pass through a dense air defence system."

At that time, not many defence analysts thought much of the report. After all, Kapustny Yar, located on the banks of the Volga river, 75 miles east of Volgograd (formerly Stalingrad), had gone to the dogs and was infrequently used. Whenever the base was lucky to see some action, all it witnessed was small payloads.

But what the mainstream media missed was analysed in great detail on internet discussion boards. For starters, something about the time mentioned in the report sounded astounding.

For anything to travel from Kapustny to Balkash in 24 minutes, it had to fly at a speed of three miles a second. That's 180 miles a minute or 10,800 miles an hour.

If the reports were indeed true, the Topol RS 12 or the Topol SS 27, as it is known in military circles around the world, had to be the fastest thing man has ever seen. And if you will for a moment excuse the breathlessness, it also represented the pinnacle of modern missile technology. Until this test, the fastest thing known to man was the X43 A. A hypersonic, unmanned plane built by NASA. It flew at 10 times the speed of sound-almost 7,200 miles per hour.

But the Topol isn't attracting attention for its speed alone. It has got more to do with the sheer viciousness it demonstrates. A conventional intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), once deployed, takes off on the back of a booster. After attaining a certain altitude, it follows a set flight path or trajectory. When it reaches the intended target, it lets loose a set of warheads that home in on the target with devastating accuracy. Given these dynamics, military establishments build defence systems that can intercept an ICBM before it strikes. Often, the defence works.

With the Topol, these dynamics simply don't come into play. To start with, the damn thing can be manoeuvred mid-flight. This makes it practically impossible for any radar system in the world to figure out what trajectory it will follow.

The other thing is the kind of evasion technology built into the missile. That makes it invulnerable to any kind of radiation and electromagnetic and physical interference.

Then there is the question of ground-based nuclear warheads traditionally deployed to stop ICBMs in their path. Until now, any ICBM can be taken down by detonating a nuclear warhead from as far as 10 kilometres. The Topol doesn't blink an eyelid until the time a nuclear warhead gets as close as 500 meters. But given the Topol's remarkable speed and manoeuvrability, getting a warhead that close is practically impossible.

That leaves defence establishments with only two options. Target the missile at its most vulnerable points - either when it is on the ground or when it is just being deployed (also known as the boost phase).

Apparently, the Russians have gotten around that problem, too. Unlike virtually every ICBM that exists on some military base or the other, the Topol doesn't have to be on a static base. All it needs is the back of a truck. And trucks can be driven anywhere, anytime. That makes it practically impossible for any country to monitor how many of these missiles have been deployed and where.

Writes Scott Ritter, a former intelligence officer and weapons inspector in the Soviet Union and Iraq in the Christian Science Monitor:

"The Bush administration's dream of a viable NMD has been rendered fantasy by the Russian test of the SS-27 Topol-M.. To counter the SS-27 threat, the US will need to start from scratch."

But when you're done marvelling at the technology, sit back for a moment and consider this. You thought the cold war was over. You thought wrong. Cold War II has just begun. And the world just became a more dangerous place.

To recap the SS-27 'highlights'...

The Topol SS 27 can be manoeuvred mid-flight. this makes it impossible for radar systems to figure out its flight path.

It is invulnerable to radiation and electromagnetic and physical interference.

It can be mounted on the back of a truck, which makes it difficult to monitor how many of these missiles have been deployed and where.
Feb 16, 2009
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US Air Force tests hypersonic cruise missile

Washington The US Air Force has test launched a hypersonic cruise missile, with the vehicle accelerating to Mach 6 before splashing down in the Pacific Ocean, officials said.

The Air Force
said the test flight of the X-51A Waverider lasted more than 200 seconds, the longest ever hypersonic flight powered by scramjet propulsion. The previous record was 12 seconds in a NASA X-43 vehicle.

"We are ecstatic to have accomplished most of our test points on the X-51A's very first hypersonic mission," Charlie Brink, program manager with the Air Force Research Laboratory at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio.

"We equate this leap in engine technology as equivalent to the post-World War Two jump from propeller-driven aircraft to jet engines," he said yesterday.

But about 200 seconds into the flight, "a vehicle anomaly occurred and the flight was terminated," the Air Force said in a statement.

"Engineers are busily examining the data to identify the cause of the problem," it said.

The Waverider was launched from Edwards Air Force Base in California yesterday, then carried under the wing of a B-52 aircraft before being released at an altitude of 50,000 feet

off the Pacific coast.

A solid rocket booster then propelled the vehicle to about a speed of about Mach 4.8, before the X-51's special scramjet engine ignited.

The Waverider, built by Boeing and Pratt and Whitney Rocketdyne, reached an altitude of 70,000 feet and a top speed of Mach 6, the Air Force said.

Hypersonic flight begins at Mach 5, or five times the speed of sound.

The X-51 fits in with US plans to hit distant targets with conventional weapons within an hour, dubbed "prompt global strike."

The Waverider, or an experimental hypersonic plane also under development, could substitute for a ballistic missile armed with a conventional warhead, as other countries might suspect the missile represented a nuclear attack.


Senior Member
Nov 25, 2009
New missile interceptor test in end June: DRDO chief

The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) would be testing a new missile interceptor in Balasore by the end of this month, DRDO chief Dr VK Saraswat told India Today. "We will have a test in end June or early July and are calling this new missile the PDV and it will have two solid stages," Dr Saraswat said. He revealed that the DRDO would begin ground-testing of AD-1 next year, a missile meant to shoot down intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs).

The DRDO-developed missile shield uses a system of long range radars and long-range missiles to shoot down incoming enemy missiles. The system has been tested successfully three times since December 2006. A fourth test in March this year was a failure. For the test planned in June, the DRDO now plans to replace the PAD-1 or the exo-atmospheric interceptor which has two stages, one liquid and one solid besides a 'kill vehicle' which destroys the enemy missile. It will be tested against an 'enemy' missile 100 km away.

An AAD missile being test fired from Wheeler Island
The PDV is a modified version of stage 1 missile interceptors which can shoot down intermediate range ballistic missiles (IRBMs) of upto 2,000 km range like Pakistan's Ghauri and Shaheen missiles. "The PDV will be the mainstay of the defence shield," Dr Saraswat said.

DRDO officials say this system will be the backbone of the missile defence shield until Phase 2 missiles are fully deployed. Phase 1 of the system is to be completed and ready for induction by next year.

Dr Saraswat said that the AD-1 and AD-2, extended range missiles meant to shoot down ICBMs, were on the drawing board and would be fielded by around 2012 under Phase 2 of the missile shield. "Ground testing of the AD-1 will begin next year and the AD-1 missile will be test-fired in 2012," Saraswat said. These would be capable of shooting down missiles which have ranges greater than 5,000 km. Phase 2 is far more challenging because it calls for detecting ICBMs hurtling at twice the speeds of intermediate range missiles. It not only requires bigger interceptor missiles flying at hypersonic speeds of between six and seven times the speed of sound (present missile interceptor speeds are between Mach 4 and Mach 5) but also radars to detect incoming ICBMs at ranges of over 1,500 km as opposed to the current detection ranges of over 600 km.

Phase 2 will be part of the DRDO's attempts at incrementally increasing the BMD capabilities of the home-grown system. The system has been successfully test-fired three times since December 2006-the first test shot of the exo-atmospheric interceptor downed a missile 45 km away; the second test a year later proved the endo-atmospheric or Advanced Air Defence (AAD) interceptor which shot down an incoming ballistic missile 15 km away. A third test in March 2009 shot down a ballistic missile 48 km away. The interceptor used a 'gimbaled directional warhead' or a warhead only one side of which explodes close to an incoming ballistic missile, shattering it.

The DRDO has put into place the building blocks for developing extended range radars of over 1,500 km. The Phase 2 missiles will be in the class of the THAAD or Terminal High Altitude Area Defence missiles deployed by the United States as part of its missile shield beginning this year. THAAD missiles can intercept ballistic missiles over 200 km away and track radars with ranges of over 1,000 km.


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