HAL Advanced Light Helicopter Dhruv


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Feb 16, 2009
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Thursday, December 31, 2009

ALH Complete High-Alti Op-Validation, Await CEMILAC Certification

The operational validation of the Advanced Light Helicopter-Dhruv (ALH) has been completed and the data compiled by the Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) personnel is with the Bangalore-based Center for Military Airworthiness and Certification (CEMILAC), awaiting approval before induction of the new engine.

The validation tests included high altitude under high temperature, low temperature and increased payload with the new Shakti engine, which has been developed jointly by HAL with assistance from the French Turbomeca. The twin-engined helicopter uses the TM333 2B2 engine, but an advanced engine was required for high altitude, which had more power, hence the original engine was replaced by the new one, after more than 200 helicopters have been fitted with it.

An HAL source told People's Post that with the new engine, the chopper has been able to carry more than 200 kilograms, and has shown successful flights to heights upto 20,000 feet in high temperature and low temperatures, adding that the power of the engine decreases in high altitude in high temperature, due to which the need for a more powerful engine was felt. The low altitude high temperature trials were conducted in Nagpur. These tests were basically for utility purpose, as the choppers would be used in a utility role, which are casualty evacuation and supply dropping, which the single-engined Chetaks and Cheetahs have been performing, but they need replacement now.

The 159 helicopters made by HAL would be divided among the army aviation and the Indian Air Force (IAF). There would be about two squadrons of the army in high altitude areas, while the chopper already has three functional squadrons. The Leh-based 203 Squadron would have its Dhruv helicopters fitted with the new Shakti engine, thereby replacing the existing ones.

The validation tests have been going on for about a year, and after the certification of the new engine from CEMILAC, the choppers would be inducted into service, which is most likely in early 2010. The Indian Army has projected its need for 197 choppers to replace its existing fleet of Chetaks and Cheetahs, besides the indigenous ALH Dhruv.

The army has around 170 Chetaks and Cheetahs and operates approximately 12 squadrons around the country. The Dhruv underwent weaponisation tests in Bangalore, two years back, where the chopper was loaded with weapons and powered by the new Shakti engine. The helicopter developed by HAL, were introduced for the first time in 2002, in the IAF, army and later even the Ministry of Home. The turret, air-to-air missiles and guns have all been tested successfully, and the choppers are awaiting the indigenous anti-tank missile Nag, renamed 'Helina' to be finally tested and integrated.

The helicopters suffered a major set-back in its export programme after it crashed in Ecuador in November 2009, the reason for which was ascertained as pilot error. Ecuador had purchased seven choppers earlier this year. A thorough investigation was carried out by a HAL team to ensure that the crash didn't affect the prospects of further export of the helicopter in other countries, most of whom were South American, who had showed interest in the chopper. Earlier Brazil had cancelled its order for the indigenous chopper in favour of the American Bell.

There is talk of the helicopters in the Manasbal-based 202 Squadron also being replaced with the new engines. Sources have also indicated the coming up of an Operational Squadron in the high altitude area, comprising the weaponised Dhruv with the new Shakti engine, in due course. The Nasik-based squadron is 201, which has the original engine on it. A new squadron is being raised in Bangalore shortly.

Chindits: ALH Complete High-Alti Op-Validation, Await CEMILAC Certification


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Dec 17, 2009
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Ecuador inquiry on Dhruv crash finished

The Accident Investigation Board determined that the crash of 604 was by FAE human failure.

Judicial Writing

Sumila not bear the costs of the Dhruv helicopter which crashed on 27 October at the Mariscal Sucre airport.

Juan Cortez, president of the company (representative in Ecuador of Hindustan Aeronautics Limited), said the cause of the accident reported as human error would not apply the guarantees of the contract of sale of aircraft.

"It was a manufacturing problem, or structure, so we are not obliged to return the helicopter." However, he clarified that the Armed Forces may request payment from the firm assured the aircraft.

For Cortez, the IAEA report confirmed that the Dhruv are "good quality" and have modern equipment.

"These helicopters, unlike others who are in the country, have black box, to know exactly what happened in an accident," he said.
Yesterday, the IAEA said the copilot made a turn properly during an anniversary ceremony of the SAF, at the airport in Quito.

"At the point where it would exit the turn, the co-pilot to pilot confirms that managers are not responding. Level treatment but without response. "
They concluded that the probable cause of the accident was mechanical failure. The helicopter crew, the pilot and copilot were treated for minor injuries in two nursing homes in the capital. FAE 604, however, was destroyed.

But the accident allowed revealing anomalies in the performance of the sales contract. Three of seven Dhruv helicopters to Ecuador acquired from India (five came to Ecuador) did not meet the technical specifications of the agreement.

The fifteenth clause of the contract dated in Quito on 5 August 2008 - states that "the helicopters, composed of cells, parts and assemblies will be new factory.

But engines are made in three ships before. The FAE-602 engines were manufactured in June 2007 and December 2006. And the FAE-603 in April and March 2007.

The SAF-601, which was assigned to transport the President, Rafael Correa, however, had six components manufactured before 2008: the four blades (propellers, three dated to November 2007 and to December 2007) and the two motors (June-October 2007).

The case even reached the National Assembly. The Audit Commission and Political Control of the process started yesterday call for the impeachment raised by Assemblyman Fausto Cobo against Defense Minister Javier Ponce. He accuses him of committing irregularities in the acquisition of

In 15 days, the parties present their evidence and prosecution and the defense may request a time extension of up to five days. Then the Commission will issue a report to the Assembly President Fernando Cordero.

If the House believes that there are grounds for prosecution, the Minister may be dismissed, but the case will be shelved.

Some findings of the report
The Accident Investigation Board was established on 30 October

A. Career
The flying experience of the pilot and copilot of the aircraft is limited, as the flying hours they have accumulated and the short time of service with the SAF.

B. Flight time
The pilot, Luis Armas, completed all the instruction as a pilot operating the helicopter Dhruv. Ivan April still is not qualified ... He lacks complete phases of navigation, night and sling.

C. Legislation
Regulations were breached operations REGOPS No. 98-37 regarding the minimum height (500 feet) that should keep aircraft
(squadron Guayaquil), during the parade.

N. Outline
There was no detailed planning of the operation that was to run in the levels of command ... so the 'briefing' given to the crew did not include necessary details.

P. Maintenance
Maintenance staff True Flight 221 ha Group commented on the manner in which certain activities are being carried out maintenance of the helicopters.

S. Pilot Health
After the analysis carried out is determined that there were no human aspects especially related to physical health and mental health. FAE 604 riders were fit.

El Comercio


About time... confirms it wasn't faulty engines by Turbomecca like those idi0ts in the parliament were claiming. They are going to impeach their DefMin for what? Just because engines were 2007 and not 2008. There is absolutely no difference in the model and had zero flight hours, just been sitting on the shelf. Hope this will shut up their politicians looking for a fire where there is none.


Mob Control Manager
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Feb 12, 2009

MBDA's Mistral twin-tube has reportedly been successful in the recent weapons tests of the ALH Dhruv, conducted in Leh. Four such packs would be mounted on the chopper.

MBDA is in talks with the Indian Navy for the PARS 3 LR to be mounted on the Kamov-31 and have also proposed it to Russia. There's another proposal for Mistral to be mounted on Ka-31 (two of them), while MDL's Scorpene's will have the Exocet SM 39 on them.


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Feb 16, 2009
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Dhruv helicopter crashlands while rehearsing for air show

An Advanced Light Helicopter ‘Dhruv’ of the Indian Air Force today crash-landed in Rajasthan’s Jaisalmer district while rehearsing for the ‘Vayu Shakti’ air power show to be held there tomorrow.
The helicopter was part of the Sarang Helicopter Display Team of the IAF and was rehearsing for tomorrow’s air show, when the incident occurred, IAF officials said here.
“Both pilots are safe after they had to make a controlled crash-landing due to loss of power in the chopper,” they added. The IAF has ordered a Court of Inquiry to look into the reasons behind the incident, the officials said.
In 2005, the entire ALH Dhruv fleet had been grounded for several months after a similar incident in Andhra Pradesh and the subsequent probe had found a fault with the tail rotor blades of the choppers.
On whether the display team comprising four ALH Dhruvs will take part in the air show tomorrow, for which the president and the defence minister are also coming, they said, “Sarang’s participation is not yet cancelled.”
This is the fifth incident involving the helicopter since 2004 when one of the choppers being operated by the Royal Nepal Army suffered a hard landing. In October 2009, an ALH Dhruv of the Ecuadorian Air Force crashed during display manoeuvres at the Mariscal Sucre International Airport there.
After the formation of Sarang team in 2003, this is the second accident involving its Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL)-built Dhruv helicopters.
In the first incident on February 2, 2007, one of the choppers crashed in Bangalore killing its co-pilot during rehearsals before the Aero India show.
All the three Services along with the state governments operate the helicopter and it has been exported to various countries including Nepal, Ecuador, Mauritius, Maldives and Israel.



House keeper
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Feb 16, 2009
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Despite Saturday’s crash-landing at Jaisalmer, the Sarang team performed with its ALH Dhruv helicopters. A chopper of the team had crash-landed due to loss of power in flight on Saturday while rehearsing for the show.



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Dec 17, 2009
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5 incidents and only one death, this has to be the safest helicopter ever built!


New Member
Apr 6, 2009
but why is it crashing? Design flaw? HTT-32 trainer had several crashes to its credit and around 19 pilots including instructors lost their lives , due to unexplained engine stalling!!!. HAL To Install Control Saturation Warning System on Dhruv!!!! but i tried to google it,no such system is readily available in the aviation market!!! That means this kind of pheneomenon happens only for Dhruv?


New Member
Oct 2, 2009
but why is it crashing? Design flaw?
I have fallen over and hit the ground clearly there must be a design flaw with my legs or my nervous system.

HPT-32 trainer had several crashes to its credit and around 19 pilots including instructors lost their lives , due to unexplained engine stalling!!!.
Now dont mix up all the products just to try and paint he picture you want.

For one thing the HPT-32 flew in 1977 more than 30 years ago.
And has been in use in one form or the other since them.

Look at the crash records and the time frame.
Unless you can find me means of transportation in the world that has 0 fatalities, we can agree there is an inherent risk in operating any of these machines.

I will agree the safety record can always be better, But this particular plane is already an aged design with a history behind

And to be honestly fair, all small propeller aircraft are well know for their shaky saftey records around the world. While modern planes may have tries to improve that reputation.

The HPT-32 is a plane built in the late 70's. It has the same qualities that gave propeller aircraft their reputation

HAL To Install Control Saturation Warning System on Dhruv!!!! but i tried to google it,no such system is readily available in the aviation market!!! That means this kind of pheneomenon happens only for Dhruv?
well my guess is this system is being designed and installed on request by Ecuador. The article only says there are planes to install it on the Ecuador Dhurvs .

Control Saturation Warning System or CSWS is just pilot aid system that gives the pilot a warning when maneuvers might de-stabilize aircraft control and subsequently cause a crash.

In all honesty this is not the first time the Dhurv has crashed, Its happened before in India. And also underwent a series of tests and User trials in India, its operated in our armed forces and various other civilian organizations for over 8 years, its being used by multiple different nations. even if only in smaller number.

Even after the Crash Ecuador still has ordered more Dhurvs from HAL.

In over 8 years of operations, Its had 4 incidents and only one fatality .

Lets get some perspective shall we.

Military operators


* Indian Army Aviation Corps
* Indian Air Force (~35)
* Indian Navy (8)
* Indian Coast Guard (9)
* Border Security Force (8 Ordered)
* Central Reserve Police Force (10)


* Myanmar Air Force (speculated transfer or plan to transfer although no proof exists)


* Ministry of Defense (1)


* Nepalese Army Air Service (4)


* Bolivian Air Force (2 on order)


* Ecuadorian Air Force (7) + 2 on order


* Turkish Armed Forces (air ambulance - 3 on order)


* Surinamese National Army - 3 on order


* Mauritius Police Force


* National Defence Force - 1 on order

Civil operators

HAL Dhruv air ambulance in Bangalore, India.


* Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) (3)
* Chhattisgarh State Government
* Jharkhand State Government for VIP transportation and Police (2)
* Karnataka State Government for VIP transportation (1)
* Geological Survey of India (GSI) (1 on order)
* National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) (12 on order)


* Peruvian health services (2 on order)

The Dhurv is not perfect its had its problems.

* In 2005, the entire ALH Dhruv fleet had been grounded for several months after an incident in Andhra Pradesh and the subsequent probe had found a fault with the tail rotor blades of the helicopters.

* On February 2, 2007, during rehearsals before Aero India, a HAL Dhruv of the Sarang helicopter display team of the Indian Air Force crashed, killing its co-pilot Sqn Ldr Priye Sharma and wounding the pilot Wg Cdr Vikas Jetley. The accident was later found to have been caused by pilot error. The helicopter team continued to perform in the air show.

* In 2009, a Dhruv helicopter of the Ecuadorian Air Force hit the ground after veering off course while flying in formation with two other helicopters over an air force base near Quito. Air force general Leonardo Barreiro told reporters that the helicopter had been destroyed in the crash. The remaining six aircraft where grounded pending an investigation.

* In 2010, a Dhruv helicopter team of the Indian Air Force was forced to make a crash landing while rehearsing for the "Vayu Shakti" air power show. An IAF offical is quouted as saying "Both pilots are safe after they had to make a controlled crash-landing due to loss of power in the chopper".
4 incidents in the last 5 years. with an average of 50 plus aircraft in use at any time

Only one of them(2005) may be two(2010) had technical fault. And any such faults have been and will be corrected.

And we only have one fatality. in all the time they have been in use.

India does not produce sub-quality product. There is no need to look at it from that point of view when ever something goes wrong.

It this mentality that if its India, Clearly is the quality, we would not ask teh same question about an American Blackhawk


New Member
Apr 6, 2009
"I have fallen over and hit the ground clearly there must be a design flaw with my legs or my nervous system."Boy !!! gogbot!!! Either you must be drunk or having congenital birth defect . Get yourself examined by a competent neurologist!!!! please dont go to Gynecologist and dont get over excited with your BS defence. Neither i have criticised Dhruv nor expressed any misgivings!!! i hope you know the meaning of the term " RELIABILITY" and SAFETY!!!! If you are aware of aviation history, there were many crashes with inherent design defects in the aircrafts. google them...you will surely get some cases!!! one such case is super constellation aircraft ,once operated by BOAC(now british Airways)!!!!DHRUV has xxxx designed AFCS(automatic flight control system) which is used during hover and hands free flying!!! i was just pondering over whether this kind of saturation warning system is employed in similar rotor crafts , from some of our Gurus!!! Has the report of Equdorian dhruv crash been made public!!! no its not!! All that has been told is its pilot error!!! The reason for crash during Aero India 2009 reharsals ,which killed a pilot has it been made public? during vayushakti, why there was sudden power loss? what caused sudden loss of power?The Maruti 800 which has changed the auto industry scene in our country and made cars affordable to the middle class and brought revolution in our mind sets ,who have only seen Ambassador mk-1 to mk-n and Fiat premier padmini ,has gained a name for itself with its QUALITY , RELIABILITY and SAFETY!!!!kindly dont come up with your lecture about accidents involving marutis!!!!
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New Member
Aug 13, 2009
but why is it crashing? Design flaw? HTT-32 trainer had several crashes to its credit and around 19 pilots including instructors lost their lives , due to unexplained engine stalling!!!. HAL To Install Control Saturation Warning System on Dhruv!!!! but i tried to google it,no such system is readily available in the aviation market!!! That means this kind of pheneomenon happens only for Dhruv?
here -

Saturday, March 06, 2010

EXCLUSIVE: Ecuador Lesson Learned, HAL To Install Control Saturation Warning System on Dhruv

HAL was lucky that the investigation into the October 2009 Dhruv crash in Ecuador turned out to be a clear case of pilot error (excessive manoeuver leading to cyclic saturation), but the company has obviously drawn lessons from the mortifying episode. HAL has put out a tender to fit the ALH Dhruv with with a Control Saturation Warning System (CSWS). The system will be added to the Dhruvs operated by Ecuador and could be retrofitted on all Dhruvs so far sold to the armed forces. The system will be standard fit on all Dhruvs manufactured from the time the system is finalised.

HAL is looking for a CSWS primarily to detect control saturation and provide incipient audio and visual warnings to the pilots (the audio and visual warnings should be provided to the pilots well before the Dhruv enters into the envelope of control saturation). Secondly, to command piezoelectric actuators towards reducing airframe vibrations Third, to compute and display mast moment and generate mast moment warning on exceedance of predefined limits. And finally, to generate a warning for rotor blade stall.

According to the RFP, "The control saturation warning system (CSWS) should be a current state-of-artfully digital microprocessor based processing unit capable of interfacing various input and output sensors/systems of the helicopter, implementing linear/nonlinear control laws, built in test (BIT) facility to monitor health of the unit, in-flight monitoring, better reliability and growth capacity." Compatibility with the conventional and glass-cockpit variants of the Dhruv is, of course, mandatory. The CSWS will of course be required to interface with the Dhruv's Flight data recorder (FDR) to record control saturation, mast moment and blade stall warnings(discrete output signals) and the analog output of the mast moment.


New Member
Oct 2, 2009
"I have fallen over and hit the ground clearly there must be a design flaw with my legs or my nervous system."Boy !!! gogbot!!! Either you must be drunk or having congenital birth defect . Get yourself examined by a competent neurologist!!!! please dont go to Gynecologist and dont get over excited with your BS defence. Neither i have criticised Dhruv nor expressed any misgivings!!! i hope you know the meaning of the term " RELIABILITY" and SAFETY!!!! If you are aware of aviation history, there were many crashes with inherent design defects in the aircrafts. google them...you will surely get some cases!!! one such case is super constellation aircraft ,once operated by BOAC(now british Airways)!!!!DHRUV has xxxx designed AFCS(automatic flight control system) which is used during hover and hands free flying!!! i was just pondering over whether this kind of saturation warning system is employed in similar rotor crafts , from some of our Gurus!!! Has the report of Equdorian dhruv crash been made public!!! no its not!! All that has been told is its pilot error!!! The reason for crash during Aero India 2009 reharsals ,which killed a pilot has it been made public? during vayushakti, why there was sudden power loss? what caused sudden loss of power?The Maruti 800 which has changed the auto industry scene in our country and made cars affordable to the middle class and brought revolution in our mind sets ,who have only seen Ambassador mk-1 to mk-n and Fiat premier padmini ,has gained a name for itself with its QUALITY , RELIABILITY and SAFETY!!!!kindly dont come up with your lecture about accidents involving marutis!!!!
Well this is what you said.

but why is it crashing? Design flaw? HTT-32 trainer had several crashes to its credit and around 19 pilots including instructors lost their lives , due to unexplained engine stalling!!!. HAL To Install Control Saturation Warning System on Dhruv!!!! but i tried to google it,no such system is readily available in the aviation market!!! That means this kind of pheneomenon happens only for Dhruv?
Why is crashing.
well that means, you find the frequency of crashes unnatural.

even considering the fact that 3 out of 5 of the crash were in fact crash landings.

and in most incidents the aircraft was still used after the crash, meaning there was no immediate safety concern for those involved.

My point was to prove to you, there is'nt a unexplained string of crashes, but simply 5 unfortunate incidents in the last 8 years.

HTT-32 trainer had several crashes to its credit and around 19 pilots including instructors lost their lives , due to unexplained engine stalling!!!.
What does a 30 year old plane have anything to do with the Dhurv, All you did was put it in with the Dhurv so as to Insinuate a history of unreality and safety with regards to HAL.
The fact that this aircraft has only 19 fatalities in the last 30 years is better then the safety records of most aircraft over a period of that amount of time

i tried to google it,no such system is readily available in the aviation market!!! That means this kind of pheneomenon happens only for Dhruv?
Well your hinting at design flaw right there, despite the fact no one other than the Ecuadorians had such a problem or even requested such a system.

i hope you know the meaning of the term " RELIABILITY" and SAFETY!!!!
I am aware of that , as well as that of Murphy's LAW .

If you are aware of aviation history, there were many crashes with inherent design defects in the aircrafts. google them...you will surely get some cases!!! one such case is super constellation aircraft ,once operated by BOAC(now british Airways)!!!!
There has been a long history of badly designed aircraft.

Not many make it into mass use now at days.

I suppose there could always be flaw. But is there was then why is we have so few crashes. If there was major fault with the heli surely there would be more crashes and more deaths.

That suspicion simple is not there for me. All i see a few unpreventable incidents.

Has the report of Equdorian dhruv crash been made public!!! no its not!! All that has been told is its pilot error!!!
And what have we seen as a result.
A new warning system to help the pilot from making this mistake again.

That to installed on request by the Ecuadorian government on their Dhurvs.

That seems to me like they have identified pilot error and looking into a new system to ensure the pilot wont make the same mistake twice.

The reason for crash during Aero India 2009 reharsals ,which killed a pilot has it been made public?
Yet even after the crash the Dhurv continued to operate unshaken. They were not grounded and they remained in the .

If there was even the remote chance there was something wrong with the aircraft, Wouldn't they have grounded all flight.

during vayushakti, why there was sudden power loss? what caused sudden loss of power?
That is still a new incident, Lucky for is the pilots are unharmed, and were still able to make a crash landing.

Its an ongoing investigation, hopefully if it as a preventable accident then action will be taken, if not then tell the pilots to feel
lucky to get out in one piece.

The Maruti 800 which has changed the auto industry scene in our country and made cars affordable to the middle class and brought revolution in our mind sets ,who have only seen Ambassador mk-1 to mk-n and Fiat premier padmini ,has gained a name for itself with its QUALITY , RELIABILITY and SAFETY!!!!kindly dont come up with your lecture about accidents involving marutis!!!!
A maruti 800 represents quality and safety does it.

Reliability is trait of all cars the JAp are involved with.

But No the Maruiti 800 does not represent safety or reliability.

I have had an 800 and its a good car, a lot of good memories mostly of being driven around.

By almost any given standard, there a number of cars more deserving of quality and safety

what safety features does it even have airbags. seat bealts. traction control, anti lock breaks. In terms of quality. what is it about the 800 that says quality to you. Its a Cheap Japanese car produced in India for the low end market.

You cant just give it safety and quality, because the car works and does not kill you every time you try to drive it.
Honestly man its just your perception of something that all, an 800 kills some one everyday.Yet that in no way means all 800's must be taken of roads, and be checked for design faults.

well Toyota on the other hand had to do that with their Prius , but think how rarely something like that even happens.
The last one i remember was with Lansia stratos Beto Coupe. And since then LAnsia has gone bust, so there your go.

Not every crash or even a number of crashes over half a decade means that there is something wrong. some times there is something wrong, but there is no need evidence here to jump to your conclusions on why the Dhurv has a problem


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Jun 29, 2009
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Jun 29, 2009
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These are some of the Carbon Composite parts fabricated by Tata Advanced Materials Ltd. (TAML) for the Dhruv Advanced Light Helicopter at their Autoclave facility in Jigani, Bangalore. TAML is an ISO:9001 and ANSI-RAB QMS Certified organization.

They presently manufacture composite products only for the Dhruv, but are also aiming at the LCA Tejas.


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Jun 29, 2009
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. The first engines will not be ready before 2006 and will replace the existing TM33-2B2 engines on the production line. The engine will eventually be the standard power plant on the Dhruv and earlier production examples that entered service with the TM333-2B2 engine, will be retrofitted with the new engine. HAL had a 11% stake in the overall program and Indian engineers are based at Turbomeca's headquarters at Bordes in the southwest of France to assist with the development.


New Member
Oct 2, 2009

What are the Indian components in ALH ?
Design your own helicopter with those listed parts,

What ever other parts you need to build a helicopter are Indian made, but most of the foreign parts are made in India anyway.

