Gurmeet Ram Rahim - An internal security perspective


Mera Bharat mahan
Senior Member
Mar 19, 2016
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he couldn't keep his little baba in his pants are to blame.
By this logic RR's chotte baba should be punished.


RR's chotte baba raped someone,not RR himself.


Chutiya samarthaks.

Khatna karo saale ka.

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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By this logic RR's chotte baba should be punished.


RR's chotte baba raped someone,not RR himself.


Chutiya samarthaks.

Khatna karo saale ka.
He claims he is impotent. Didn't some other Godman (maybe it was Asaram but I don't want to slander) do the same? :notsure:

In his defence, the dera head tells the court, “Since 1990, I am not medically or physically fit to do sex with anyone. I am not potent.”


Nicky G

Tihar Jail
Nov 24, 2014
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These politicians(Modi included) are like snake oil salesman. They support anyone and say anything just to get popular vote. Complete absence of any morality or basic human decency.

People of India voted for a change but they got same old,
wrapped in a new package.

Yet, there are those who worship such politicians. According to some Bhakts their favourite brand of politicians are never wrong. Just like followers of Babas who believe their Baba can never do anything wrong. We can argue with them all we want but they have shut their brain to all logic and reason, truth and reality. Reducing themselves to mare cheerleaders of political parties and/or religious cults. Advocates and apologists of policies that are against their own interests. Just all around stupidity. A symptom of a nation drowning in idiocracy.

My hopes and preyers goes to those who suffered loss of loved ones and those who saw their properties being destroyed, those people who have to spend sleepless nights and those families who have to live in fear in their own home.

Maybe tomorrow will bring winds of change.

Good Night people.
There is nothing moral or decent in sticking to childish ideas of morality and not playing dirty in a rigged system. If people are foolish enough to vote based on caste, religion etc. there is no choice but to use that to your advantage,

False equivalence, a lot has changed. No point listing it here though.

Show me a nation where the kind of blind following you mention does not happen in some form. Most people are followers, they need a leader to follow. Everyone questions, merely to different degrees.

They are in the business of TRPs. Of course they will sensationalize and exploit the heck out the situation. However, they have zero culpability. The chutias who picked up arms and started rioting because their chutia baba got his due because he couldn't keep his little baba in his pants are to blame.
You contradict yourself. How can they have zero culpability and be exploiting the situation? The rioters are to blame for sure and the media for making it worse and spreading rumors.

As for the baba himself, I don't know much about teh case or the baba himself save for him enjoying political backing from all sides.


Mera Bharat mahan
Senior Member
Mar 19, 2016
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Nicky G

Tihar Jail
Nov 24, 2014
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I am sure when you can ask this question then the defence lawyer might have asked it. And evidence would have been provided.
Do you really have so much faith? When Col. Purohit can be kept in jail and tortured for 9 years? You think his lawyer did not argue that there is nothing there for 9 years?

I do not the details of teh case, so will refrain from speculation.


Mera Bharat mahan
Senior Member
Mar 19, 2016
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:confused1: Let's say there is a flood. I start making rafts and selling it to people. I am exploiting the situation. Am I culpable?
Technically you are helping and improving,playing a constructive role.

Desi drunk media plays a destrctive role.


Mera Bharat mahan
Senior Member
Mar 19, 2016
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But Nicky G is on his rooftop yelling "Evil @Project Dharma exploiting the situation, he should be giving out rafts for free or not selling them to the people who live in the next neighborhood. He is culpable."
Far left liberal.

Please refer him to good mental hospital.



Strategic Issues
Senior Member
Oct 28, 2016
So if tomorrow somebody accuses u of rape, should i presume that u r a rapist just by accusation ? Or u want medical tests and other evidences??
political conspiracies in such cases can not be ruled out....

the evidence produce was the testimony of the victim , and the detail of her statement about the gufa (cave) of ram rahim where the incident took place....
because victim was minor at time of incident , according to law her statement will be treated as truth and the police investigation will only collect evidence to support viictims claim....responsibility to prove innocent fall on the accuse entirly , he himself will have to bring evidence to prove himself innocent.......

same , identlcal , in the another case of asharam ....
there also , a minor made alligations of rape and discribe the room of incident , medical examnation does not prove rape , but responsibility fall on the accuse to prove himself innocent....

both states were under congress rule......


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2016
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Yes CBI is just a trail court and they can always appeal in higher courts like HC or SC ..So this verdict what will be issued on 28th Aug will off course will be challenged in HC and SC

Here is what i understood the violence would have happened even if the entire state was put in army control guess why the bigger the violence the more the pressure it will fall on the higher courts to decide on their judgement so basically this GRR has used a typical psy op technic to create pressure on the judiciary and on the govt ..

I hope the govt don't back step and go ahead and punish him if he is proven guilty...

How does this CBI court work? Can someone appeal in supreme court after being convicted in CBI court?

Science Singh

Regular Member
Jun 4, 2016
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i might come out to be rude or blatantly belligerent but i don't have time to entertain your bullshit, @Science Singh. for you, he may be pitaji but for me, he is nothing more than a criminal. btw do you think that the judge who presided over this case was selected due to ashirwad of your guruji? this trend of eroding the legal credibility and challenging legal acumen has gone on for many decades, shut your mouth and take your propaganda somewhere else as people here understand how judges and judiciary work
note 1... this cult leader is called pitaji by his followers...
note 2 please, don't feed this troll.. he pushes his agenda while punjab and haryana burns due to blessings of his pitaji.
note 3 situation is under control here, police have started patrolling, there is calm in city howsoever it may be imposed one.
Angrily calling something bullshit doesn't makes it bullshit.

I am a atheist, i don't call gurmeet pitaji nor do i follow him. Although i know about tremendous work he did against drugs alcoholism prostituition foeticide etc in punjab region. Majority of his followers are dalit punjabis.

Answer my questions with facts and reasoning.

3 women said without any medical or camera evidence that gurmeet raped him for 3 years, so he is guilty??

Hindus should fund 100 women of different ages who will accuse every single leader prominent leader of congress cpi islam and christianity in india for rape and judges should be bought to pronounce all of them guilty. Hope you will believe courts than.

Anti Hindu ecosystem is so deep in our country, just few cases in last 15 years - kanchi jayendra saraswati, pragya, col purohit, asaram, gurmeet, rampal.

Jayendra, Asaram, Rampal and gurmeet were thorns in way of missionaries, so they use their system to eliminate them.


Ghanta Senior Member?
Senior Member
Jan 1, 2015
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Do you really have so much faith? When Col. Purohit can be kept in jail and tortured for 9 years? You think his lawyer did not argue that there is nothing there for 9 years?

I do not the details of teh case, so will refrain from speculation.
There is a difference between this man and col Purohit..

Hemu Vikram Aditya

Senior Member
Jan 18, 2017
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hey support anyone and say anything just to get popular vote. Complete absence of any morality or basic human decency.
Real World politics dont work according to Bollywwod,Narendra Modi is not Anil kapoor from Nayak.See Narendra Modi is in a political party and he wants that political party to win and perfrom better than its opponent,The diffrence between BJP and CONgress is BJP also care about the country while cong goons try to stay in power

Bharat Ek Khoj

Senior Member
Apr 21, 2016
because victim was minor at time of incident , according to law her statement will be treated as truth and the police investigation will only collect evidence to support viictims claim....responsibility to prove innocent fall on the accuse entirly , he himself will have to bring evidence to prove himself innocent.......
Yeah right, if she was minor, then the law was changed long ago that the accused has to prove his innocence in such cases.

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