Global Think tank discussions on India & neighbourhood


Senior Member
Jan 2, 2018
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Keep calm and liberate Balochistan


India liberated Bangladesh because of one idiot PM Indira

India became a nuclear power because of one idiot PM Vajpayee..

And India will liberate Balochistan because of another idiot PM Modi..

If America has "idiots" who keep invading nations for American interests, we have our own "idiots". Otherwise we Hindus have nothing to do with Indira, Vajpayee or Modi, we believe in Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam. Hinduism is a religion of peace just like America is a bastion of human rights and Islam is a religion of peace. This is a game two can play. :troll:


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
Country flag your logic is to co-operate with them and encourage more of that?

This "we were wrong, our policy makers are stupid" is a drama by US think tanks to insulate themselves from criticism by separating the think tanks from policy makers. What is the credibility of these think tanks if their own government don't listen to them? and our government is supposed to formulate our policy based on a foreign think tank lobby? Who funds these think tanks? they are official mouthpieces of the CIA, and claiming that "those other stupid people sitting in pentagon messed it, but I am clean, so buy my snake oil".

The US supported Pakistan in the past knowing very well that the Mujaheedin fallout will move to Kashmir, today they try to placate you by saying "ohh no no..we didn't anticipate that..we didn't mean it, we were naive back then, Pakistan fooled us, now we know how wrong we were to trust them..". It's all hogwash. The US deliberately allowed Pakistan to acquire nuclear weapons because they saw the rising power differential between India and Pakistan and they feared that if India does cold start, their pet dog will get killed. Today they tell you that China nuclear-armed Pakistan. Did the CIA not know that Pakistan was diverting their "war on terror" funds to build the nuke? they allowed it because it suited them. The biggest supporter of Pakistani economy and defense industry is the US.

This logic of co-operating with the US now is the same thing Indian National Congress gave in 1940's when they said "if we co-operate with Britain then they will see us as friends and give us our independence". "If we co-operate with UN then they will give us Kashmir"..and later, "if we co-operate with China then we will get the UNSC seat" and now.."if we co-operate with US then our Afghan policy will be taken care of". We expect others to take care of our interest, and somehow pretend to be surprised when that doesn't happen. US and Indian interests don't align, they want to stem the rise of Asia. They want to hit Iran, while India wants Iranian oil. They want to hit Russia, while Russia is the biggest defense supplier of India. They want to give foreign aid to Pakistan while they are our biggest enemy. And we are supposed to take policy diktats from them?

These are not your friends. Pakistan was created as a buffer by the West to stop India from expanding its influence into Central Asia. Read between the lines, she's not encouraging you to eliminate terrorists, she's indirectly telling you to LIMIT your anti-Pakistan activities to sub-conventional level so that we don't do anything beyond eliminating terrorists (indirectly threatening us not to use conventional options like cold start). This goodwill is the same way Indians cryptically say "aagli baar aoge toh khaana jarur khake jaana", meaning "aaj daawat nahi milegi". Ask her on Twitter if she supports a free Baluchistan. If not, there's no need to take sermons from her. India has the Northern Alliance with Iran and Russia, we don't need a foreign power from another hemisphere to tell us how to shape our backyard policy, especially after they themselves created the mess. They aren't part of the solution. They are the problem. Having a think tank allows them to speak with a forked tongue. This witch says something else and Pentagon does something else. Which version do you believe? If the Pentagon isn't on the same page as her then she should go back and convince them before expecting us to take them seriously.
By the way c. fair is a member of DFI. She responded once in 2015..


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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This is level of clueless ness of so called india experts of the U.S
March 2018: "critical" op necessity so RFP for limited number of assault rifles and carbines February 2019: contract to be signed This is via "fast-track" procurement route.



Senior Member
Jan 2, 2018
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Trump says in state of the Union : "If I hadn't become president, America would have been in a war with N.Korea today"

This is a good example of how the deep state controls narratives. They built his whole election campaign on "war with N.Korea and Iran" rhetoric, to see how those nations behave to that bluff. That was America's last attempt to secure a deal and settle down. That's how America bargains. Make a loud and visible threat, get people to give you concessions, and withdraw that threat. If you call their bluff, you get much more dividends than if you heed it (and then the president proclaims "I averted a major calamity").

They tried the same with China, they imposed sanctions to blackmail China into a lopsided "free trade" agreement. China imposed counter-sanctions and America had to run to the negotiating table. They imposed sanctions on Indian companies. India started dumping the US$ and started buying oil in rupees.

Even now, they are purposely promoting the story of "withdrawal from Afghanistan; Talks with Taliban", to get India's attention. "Taliban" here is a trope for "we are going into Pakistan's camp and handing over Afghanistan to the ISI". They want India to come running to them to plead to them. No power hands over such a lucrative land to someone else after having spent a trillion $ over a decade. America will always stay put here. This troop withdrawal is just a troop rotation hogwash. Today they withdraw their troops to put pressure on Afghanistan's neighbors. Tomorrow they will create a false flag attack and replenish their troop strength at will.

It's an imperial power in decline, playing its last cards to bluff its way into the next century. India should play it cool, and not get sucked into their bluff. The century belongs to us.

Very interesting video : Can India Be Cunning?



Senior Member
Jan 2, 2018
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US Senate Passes Amendment Opposing Plans to Exit Syria, Afghanistan

WASHINGTON - The US Senate passed an amendment opposing President Donald Trump’s plans for a quick withdrawal of forces from Syria and Afghanistan by a large bipartisan majority.

The Senate passed the amendment by a 70 to 26 vote on Monday.

The amendment was non-binding but reflected widespread support among Democrats and Republicans in the Senate.
Le lo, benco. Shuru ho gaya inka drama. Not even a week into announcing their exit, they are already mulling cancelling the exit. They announced an exit. Russia invited Taliban for talks. Murica immediately cancelled their exit.

Everything these chews say and do is a negotiating tactic. None of it is to be taken seriously.

Context : Picture of Taliban - Russia talks held in Moscow this week, which prompted the Senate to oppose a US withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Meanwhile, India and China didn't issue a single statement as this whole flip-flop unfolded because we knew this was a drama. After spending trillions of $ and 10k+ soldiers/PMCs, who are they trying to fool, claiming that they are leaving. The Americans will never leave Afghanistan. It will be their permanent base in this part of the world. Staying in Afghanistan allows them to keep an eye on Russia, Iran, China, India, all from one convenient location.
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Regular Member
Apr 28, 2017
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In a way
US Senate Passes Amendment Opposing Plans to Exit Syria, Afghanistan

Le lo, benco. Shuru ho gaya inka drama. Not even a week into announcing their exit, they are already mulling cancelling the exit. They announced an exit. Russia invited Taliban for talks. Murica immediately cancelled their exit.

Everything these chews say and do is a negotiating tactic. None of it is to be taken seriously.

Context : Picture of Taliban - Russia talks held in Moscow this week, which prompted the Senate to oppose a US withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Meanwhile, India and China didn't issue a single statement as this whole flip-flop unfolded because we knew this was a drama. After spending trillions of $ and 10k+ soldiers/PMCs, who are they trying to fool, claiming that they are leaving. The Americans will never leave Afghanistan. It will be their permanent base in this part of the world. Staying in Afghanistan allows them to keep an eye on Russia, Iran, China, India, all from one convenient location.
I think in a way its good for us, we dont need any spilover shit coming from Afghanistan to kashmir. Kashmir is also stabilizing, more pigs are getting slaughtered also fewer casualties on our side.

Presence of America will be stabilizing factor, so we don't need to put more of our resources there. As India need to focus on much needed economic development in the coming decade


Senior Member
Jan 2, 2018
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In a way

I think in a way its good for us, we dont need any spilover shit coming from Afghanistan to kashmir. Kashmir is also stabilizing, more pigs are getting slaughtered also fewer casualties on our side.

Presence of America will be stabilizing factor, so we don't need to put more of our resources there. As India need to focus on much needed economic development in the coming decade
Yes, that's the Indian deep strategy as well. America is seen as a stabilizing factor in Afghanistan. Indian intel agencies get an envelop to operate when Murica is present in Afghanistan. The bulk of $ for securing the perimeter, paying off the warlords, etc is taken care of my Murica, we don't have to put our boots on the ground. Murica is the hammer there, we are the scalpel. They drop big bombs and gain nothing; We focus on sensitive operations that change the playing field in our favor (dams, parliament etc).
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Regular Member
Apr 28, 2017
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Yes, that's the Indian deep strategy as well. America is seen as a stabilizing factor in Afghanistan. Indian intel agencies get an envelop to operate when Murica is present in Afghanistan. The bulk of $ for securing the perimeter, paying off the warlords, etc is taken care of my Murica, we don't have to put our boots on the ground. Murica is the hammer there, we are the scalpel. They drop big bombs and gain nothing; We focus on sensitive operations that change the playing field in our favor (dams, parliament etc).
This explains the American, piggistani and Indian side but what about Taliban and Afghanistan government.. What do they want ??( I mean in your perspective)


Senior Member
Jan 2, 2018
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This explains the American, piggistani and Indian side but what about Taliban and Afghanistan government.. What do they want ??( I mean in your perspective)
Afghan govt. is just a consensus govt. nominated by the consensus of the major powers. US, Russia, India, Iran have agreed not to assassinate or topple anyone, so it remains there as a figurehead.

The Taliban is like the aliens in the story. They are paid mercenaries, they fight for the sake of fighting. The US loves their existence, because they create the excuse to remain deployed and make it look like the US is needed to keep the stability. Sometimes the aliens win, like they did in Iraq. That's a risk management failure.

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Senior Member
Jan 2, 2018
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Very interesting comments by Alok Bansal (RE : US withdrawal from Afghanistan)

He suggests that if US decides to take unilateral destabilizing actions in Afghanistan, then India should work with Iran. If the US also threatens India not to deal with Iran, then India should collaborate with China to stabilize Afghanistan.
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