Failed Terrorist State of Pakistan: Idiotic Musings


Senior Member
Nov 25, 2012
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A Paki on Mai-baap's army

american can have technology at their side but one think they can not have is courage to fight. which Pakistani troops got.
americans are so jealous of Pakistan now they are taking out troops from afghanistan borders so that Pakistan army fails.
INSHALLAH Pakistan will live on and Pakistan Army will win this war that is imposed by american on us and american will loss it the way they are dealing with it


Senior Member
Nov 25, 2012
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Mate, please edit the pic. We may despise Pakistanis, or laugh at them, but bringing kids into it is unbecoming of us. They are begger kids, and in this case blind. Dude they are no ones enemies with no fault of theirs Except being born to poor parents. Hell they cannot ever know their pics were used as a joke on someone, that os if they know what pictures are.
Deleted. :cool2:


Senior Member
Jan 1, 2013
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Evolutionary biologists are descending into Pak NWFP to witness a strange and rapid case of evolution amongst the stray dogs.

Incidentally, the Taliban too have declared a fatwa against chasing or harming stray dogs, calling it haram. Anyone who dares to violate this proclamation will be minus their hand.

The reason for this: Faced with constant threat of being hunted by the new national bird of Pakistan, the Predator, the dogs have evolved acute hearing to detect the sound of the Predator as it approaches. The physical identification of the evolution are very long ears.

There has also been a remarkable change in the behaviour of the dogs in this short time period since the bird appeared. Whenever the sound of the bird is heard by the dogs, they are known to run as far as possible from any man armed with a gun, the primary prey of the bird.

The evolutionary biologists are excited at this development. And so are the taliban, who have declared the evolved dogs as Gods gift to them in their fight against the infidel bird.

The new bird, seen exclusively over the skies of Pakistan and Afganistan, is very healthy and breeding very fast, thanks to abundance of easy prey. It is known to have its nest near the AFPAK border.

Wildlife activists are forcing Pak to declare the illusive bird as endangered animal, while the tribals want to kill it, as it destroys their harvest.
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Jul 11, 2011
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Evolutionary biologists are descending into Pak NWFP to witness a strange and rapid case of evolution amongst the stray dogs.

Incidentally, the Taliban too have declared a fatwa against chasing or harming stray dogs, calling it haram. Anyone who dares to violate this proclamation will be minus their hand.

The reason for this: Faced with constant threat of being hunted by the new national bird of Pakistan, the Predator, the dogs have evolved acute hearing to detect the sound of the Predator as it approaches. The physical identification of the evolution are very long ears.

There has also been a remarkable change in the behaviour of the dogs in this short time period since the bird appeared. Whenever the sound of the bird is heard by the dogs, they are known to run as far as possible from any man armed with a gun, the primary prey of the bird.

The evolutionary biologists are excited at this development. And so are the taliban, who have declared the evolved dogs as Gods gift to them in their fight against the infidel bird.

The new bird, seen exclusively over the skies of Pakistan and Afganistan, is very healthy and breeding very fast, thanks to abundance of easy prey. It is known to have its nest near the AFPAK border.

Wildlife activists are forcing Pak to declare the illusive bird as endangered animal, while the tribals want to kill it, as it destroys their harvest.
I appreciate your sense of humour as also some realism....

In CT operations as also for the SF dogs can really be very helpful....


Senior Member
May 18, 2009
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I've said it before, I will say it again, Kargil actually did work out for us; we did after all gain an extremely strategic hill that can choke or be used to choke the only road route to siachin. There is a reason why the indians tried wave after wave to take tiger hill and had hundreds of their indian soldiers slaughtered. They knew how critically important that peak is. Alas, they gave up and couldn't retake it. After all, it IS Tiger Hill, manned by some REAL Tigers, OUR Tigers.

15 years later, that peak is still in our firm control, heavily fortified and well protected with artillery and air cover.
Tiger hill controlled by pakistan ?

Do these people have no knowledge about how to access basic informations like these ?


Tihar Jail
Aug 30, 2012
Tiger hill controlled by pakistan ?

Do these people have no knowledge about how to access basic informations like these ?
Indeed under Pakistan.

We lost nothing in kargil(area wise) while got highest peak aka 5353..when india was not able to get it back they said 5353 was never under india control.


Senior Member
Jan 9, 2012
Indeed under Pakistan.

We lost nothing in kargil(area wise) while got highest peak aka 5353..when india was not able to get it back they said 5353 was never under india control.

you should read ur own general aziz book. rather than watching madrasa videos


Senior Member
Nov 25, 2012
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Paki on Indian looks

Only tall and fair coloured people who live in India are resident near indo-pak and china border. If you go away further it just gets darker and shorter.
As usual racist scum. I cannot imagine these people are staying in US/UK and keep posting such trash. Anyways enjoy the TFTA's mocking SDRE's.:laugh:


Senior Member
Nov 25, 2012
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On "Ghauri (Nodong) missiles failing during Kargil"

It is well known that the hindus employed by AQKhan in Dubai, were supplying Pakistani nuclear secrets to indinas.

Every Indian knows India stole Pakistani nuclear technology.

Fact is that, Musharraf occupied Krgil without firing a bullet, rest of all is jealousy and lot of bla bla.

1st of do we care no can u indians tell me how many of your missiles are fully opertnl NOW dont even talk about 1999

the main reason of Pak nukes is 2 stop india if these missiles were a failure India would have attacked Pakistan but they didnt even have the guts 2 cross loc after 1999 and every time they stationed their army at border that tells You How good Pakistani missiles are you dont need some story or article to tell you how good thing or not facts show that Still Now Pakistan is way ahead of indians missile tech the only thing in indian stockpile works which is from russian origin So Guys chill Dont give Us that indigenous crap we aint indians who just paint every thing with mighty indigenous title
and still if u think pak missile dont work why dont u fire 1 and u will se those missiles work or not
I though painting the weapons was indigenous to Pakistan. :laugh:


Senior Member
Jan 9, 2012
On "Ghauri (Nodong) missiles failing during Kargil"

It is well known that the hindus employed by AQKhan in Dubai, were supplying Pakistani nuclear secrets to indinas.

Every Indian knows India stole Pakistani nuclear technology.

Fact is that, Musharraf occupied Krgil without firing a bullet, rest of all is jealousy and lot of bla bla.

I though painting the weapons was indigenous to Pakistan. :laugh:

this guy should be nominated for Albert Einstein award for IQ


Senior Member
Nov 25, 2012
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On India Israel relations:

Jews are learning what Pakistan has known for Decades , only india can befriend both Arabs by playing the Muslim card and also get the Phalcon AWAC from jews out smarting them..
They think that like them, we got the AWACS in bakshish. :laugh:

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