Failed Terrorist State of Pakistan: Idiotic Musings


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May 20, 2021
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Bangladesh is already ahead of another G20 economy - South Africa. The thing is, you don't just need high GDP numbers to be a part of G20. The bare minimum they should hope for is to not take any loans in FY24-25 to repay the loans that have reached maturation date but we all know how that will go.
Bongdesh is on the same boat as Pakiland.

Feb 26, 2023
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Bongdesh is on the same boat as Pakiland.

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Their problem exists precisely because they're over reliant on textile industry and it's exports to Western markets who are experiencing slowdown. Add on to that, you have rising energy costs because of the Russia-Ukraine war and Saudi Arabia refusing to increase production enough to keep prices stable. What they're facing now is typical for pretty much every other developing economy in the world currently with the exception of India. Pakistan's problems are far more chronic. They're hardly on the same boat.


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Mar 30, 2021
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This efficiency is a double-edged sword. China experienced meteoric rise from '90s till 2021 in their socioeconomic parameters but the disastrous one-child policy ensured that they speedran what Japan faced over the course of some 70+ years in a very short 30-odd years. Back in the 2000s and 2010s, many people discussed how China would surpass the US by 2030s but now many even doubt that they would be able to surpass it at all.

Most of your arguments about everything being systematic and hiring technocrats can only take place when you have a benevolent dictator in-charge who have always been been far and few in-between. For every Lee Kwan Yew or Deng Xiaoping, you have dozens of Zia Ul Haqs, Mao Zedongs, Kim Il Sungs, Idi Amins, Pol Pots and so on. The probability that you will end up with a competent dictator who will push the nation into an economically prosperous direction is very less. Nobody in the current political landscape in India is worthy to be one.
There is nothing special about democracy. It is just a political system that worked in extremely homogeneous western society. This system is a Western design for western needs.

When this democratic model is copy pasted in other non western countries this model becomes extremely inefficient and most of the time self destructive.

This simple democracy vs Dictatorship debate doesn't really explore various differences between authoritarian states. How can one combine religious theocratic Dictatorship like Iran and an atheist communist dictatorship like Cuba in one group? What about monarchy systems? As per western propaganda a prince in a historical monarchy is just as bad and oppressive as some genocidal warlord in Sudan.

One size doesn't and cannot fit all. There is a need for various types of political systems across the world that fulfills aspirations of people. For every poor and failed dictatorship there is equal number of poor and failed democracies.

Democracy isn't a guarantor of prosperity, it is a guarantor of freedom. This is a requirement in an advanced phase of society where basic needs are already taken care of. In an impoverished society freedom is not sought after but basic necessities are more important and whoever provides it or promises to provide it becomes a favorite of the people regardless of his/her democratic credentials.
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Senior Member
Aug 29, 2020
This efficiency is a double-edged sword. China experienced meteoric rise from '90s till 2021 in their socioeconomic parameters but the disastrous one-child policy ensured that they speedran what Japan faced over the course of some 70+ years in a very short 30-odd years. Back in the 2000s and 2010s, many people discussed how China would surpass the US by 2030s but now many even doubt that they would be able to surpass it at all.

Most of your arguments about everything being systematic and hiring technocrats can only take place when you have a benevolent dictator in-charge who have always been been far and few in-between. For every Lee Kwan Yew or Deng Xiaoping, you have dozens of Zia Ul Haqs, Mao Zedongs, Kim Il Sungs, Idi Amins, Pol Pots and so on. The probability that you will end up with a competent dictator who will push the nation into an economically prosperous direction is very less. Nobody in the current political landscape in India is worthy to be one.
China already surpassed, any country with that level of manufacturing and population has real economy but not perfect. 70 years of shamocracy where every dick gets a vote has done nothing and only converts and few other boot lickers in this country get off on the democracy and what not. China is our enemy but that does not mean you can ignore what they have achieved. You can eat your fuking democracy in India if you want, it did nothing but create shit and anything multiplied by shit is still shit.
Feb 26, 2023
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There is nothing special about democracy. It is just a political system that worked in extremely homogeneous western society. This system is a Western design for western needs.

When this democratic model is copy pasted in other non western countries this model becomes extremely inefficient and most of the time self destructive.
Okay, so what kind of political system do you want here? India is far too diverse and any other system but a democracy where the interests of each state (which broadly represents the individuals of communities that speak a particular language) can always be represented and taken seriously. You talk about democracy working in homogeneous Western countries but why is it that so many dictatorships have persecuted or genocided ethnic groups that are either minorities or form plurality? There are plenty of regimes like that. The neighbouring Myanmar is a Bamar supremacist regime and is well documented to have been the one to genocide the Rohingyas while strongarming the Aung San Suu Kyi's government to not take action against the military leaders who orchestrated it and went on to form the current junta, the Afghan Taliban openly treats the former Northern Alliance composed of Tajiks and Hazaras as second class citizens, the Pakis murder Baloch and Ahmediya with impunity and have imposed Urdu as the national language, the CCP has imposed Mandarin on the Mongolians, Tibetans, Turks and ethnic Koreans, I could literally keep going on.

There is no guarantee that an Indian dictator with unprecedented power wouldn't do the same. Like it or not, democracy allows the steam built from all the ethnic and religious tensions to be expressed relatively calmly but in almost all autocracies, there is no way for the steam to escape with the walls of repression. It will build and build until one day it will explode and collapse the whole country.

This simple democracy vs Dictatorship debate doesn't really explore various differences between authoritarian states. How can one combine religious theocratic Dictatorship like Iran and an atheist communist dictatorship like Cuba in one group? What about monarchy systems? As per western propaganda a prince in a historical monarchy is just as bad and oppressive as some genocidal warlord in Sudan.
The differences between authoritarian states have been explored. There is a reason everybody refers to the Arab kingdoms as oil monarchies, the former communist bloc as the second world and countries like South Korea and Singapore as benevolent dictatorships in the past. There are a lot of research papers on this topic. Stop making Strawman arguments to claim that this is all some western propaganda. All you need to do is look this up on Google Scholar.

One size doesn't and cannot fit all. There is a need for various types of political systems across the world that fulfills aspirations of people.
This is why a democracy isn't a monolithic unit. The constitution of India is fundamentally different from the constitution of the US, UK, France, Germany, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Israel or any other country even if inspiration had been taken from some of these countries while framing our constitution. The fact that we have about 106 amendments in the Constitution is a further indication that we are actively trying to make sure that the constitution reflects the nature of the Indian society and to realise the aspirations we have as a people.

One size doesn't and cannot fit all. There is a need for various types of political systems across the world that fulfills aspirations of people. For every poor and failed dictatorship there is equal number of poor and failed democracies.
Yeah, I need a source for that bullshit claim. For the sake of argument, even if it were true, all you'd be saying here is that a dictatorship isn't necessarily any better or any worse than a democracy.

Democracy isn't a guarantor of prosperity, it is a guarantor of freedom. This is a requirement in an advanced phase of society where basic needs are already taken care of. In an impoverished society freedom is not sought after but basic necessities are more important and whoever provides it or promises to provide it becomes a favorite of the people regardless of his/her democratic credentials.
Freedom is not sought after? I think you need to read the history of the Indian independence movement. Just a little spoiler alert though, the need for individual freedom was a pretty big thing.

There are also 'n' number of autocracies in this world which cannot provide the people with their basic necessities. I would rather be in a shithole where I'd have at least some rights even if I were likely to be malnourished or starving than be in a shithole that has no respect for an individual and then starve all the same.
Feb 26, 2023
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China already surpassed, any country with that level of manufacturing and population has real economy but not perfect. 70 years of shamocracy where every dick gets a vote has done nothing and only converts and few other boot lickers in this country get off on the democracy and what not. China is our enemy but that does not mean you can ignore what they have achieved. You can eat your fuking democracy in India if you want, it did nothing but create shit and anything multiplied by shit is still shit.
Japanese manufacturing had seemingly surpassed every country in manufacturing output as well from the '70s till the '90s. They are a democracy too. You want a more diverse example? Take the present day USA which as of the past nearly 2 years, has grown FASTER than China despite all the propaganda narrative that they are a stagnant society that is starting to degenerate. The simple fact is that the educated population in this country refrains from voting in large numbers and the politicians have to target populist measures meant for the barely literate people of the past generations to secure votes. China despite being a dictatorship was worse than India in all aspects till Deng Xiaoping took over and reformed the country's economy. If a Maoist fundamentalist had succeeded Mao Zedong instead, you would've had a very different country.

You seem to have the perception that by claiming every dick has a right to vote, you in fact would not be a dick yourself. If you hate democracy so much, please don't vote this year and boycott every election henceforth as a show of your displeasure concerning democracy.


Senior Member
Jun 17, 2022
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Pedostanis cuckverts gets middle finger from Original momin..

Saudi govt would bear the expenses of ASP Syeda Shehrbano Naqvi's travel to Saudi Arabia with her family as a royal guest.


Regular Member
Jun 27, 2023
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Pedostanis cuckverts gets middle finger from Original momin..

Saudi govt would bear the expenses of ASP Syeda Shehrbano Naqvi's travel to Saudi Arabia with her family as a royal guest.
In India so called liberals are supporting burqa in schools.

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