Failed Terrorist State of Pakistan: Idiotic Musings


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2022
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Literally all sources regarding this are from sardars, and they specifically mention Hindus only as victims as if their Sikh women were spared. Gave them too much credit, more than those supremacist scums deserved.
What about Hindu women ? Practically every Punjabi Hindu family raised one of their sons to be a Sikh . To add to that they had roti beti rishta with the Hindus . So whom exactly were they saving ? That Hind di Chaddar myth owes itself to writings more than a century after their 9th Guru was murdered by Zebu. Subsequently a huge myth was created around it .

His own son their 10th Guru never mentioned anything of this sort in his Bicchitar Natak only mentioning in verse form - He died for the sacred thread & caste marks aka Janeu & Tikka with the caveat being it was HIS janeu & tikka , since the Gurus like all Khatris were obliged to wear both .

Mughal chroniclers are on a different track altogether. They describe the 9th Guru as a charlatan who was busy hoodwinking people & extorting money from them under the garb of donations to a holy man & his mission , moving around Punjab & surrounding areas with bands of armed men .

Since the Mughals never took alternative centres of power lightly especially since the Sikhs under their previous Gurus had sided with Dara Shikoh in the battle of succession with Zebu which inturn brought the Sikhs & their Gurus under a cloud , he summoned the Guru to his court for an explanation & asked him to convert to Islam which the Guru declined.

Long story short , he was executed under Zebu's orders. The rest is mostly if not all myth making something the Hindus played their part in propagating & sustaining much to their regret now.


Senior Member
Sep 5, 2020
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eeindians lost 371 billion $ in one day --- :basanti:
same value as pakistan annual GDP---:frusty:
India’s stock markets erase $371 billion after ruling BJP falls short of election expectations

Rahul baba thinks Adani and Modi played the markets. So Adani and Modi have become bigger than Packi GDP. Apparently Modi has parked his yachts in hiding in Adani’s Haifa port per CongI IT cell. If Packis can seize modi’s wealth, they will get their geee deee peee back and gernails can build more bakhrias and dee-yech-ayes.

vin bharat mahan

Kumaoni, Uttarakhand
Senior Member
Jan 7, 2023
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Literally all sources regarding this are from sardars, and they specifically mention Hindus only as victims as if their Sikh women were spared. Gave them too much credit, more than those supremacist scums deserved.
yeah 100% agree...first thing no gurus (10 sikh gurus) consider them seprate from hindus,,,,thats why hindu family elder son of certain areas (north india) become sikh. if they were not hindus, why they didnt save buddhist, jain, muslim etc common people in their areas. why only they save hindus? like current genration sikh says, they r different religion nd respect all religion. so sikh who save hindus, consider them their own people. unlike many today's sikh.
second thing sikh mostly active in north india nd current pakistan area. so they help only those hindus, who r from that areas. before sikhism, they were hindus. many hindu kings save their ancestors live also. thats why they survive to form a new religion or join it. so its a both ways relationship to save each other. but today's fake sikh told this "we save hindus" as superiority over hindus. many hindu kings was saving indian people from maurya time period (2500 years approx) from different invaders (greek, hun, shaka etc). hindus dont brag about it, like "hey we save jain, buddhist etc".


Senior Member
Apr 4, 2019
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Literally all sources regarding this are from sardars, and they specifically mention Hindus only as victims as if their Sikh women were spared. Gave them too much credit, more than those supremacist scums deserved.
While living in Punjab did I realise how all pervasive this Hinduon nu bachaya si mentality is

vin bharat mahan

Kumaoni, Uttarakhand
Senior Member
Jan 7, 2023
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While living in Punjab did I realise how all pervasive this Hinduon nu bachaya si mentality is
these type of chutiyas hv no brain....they r already wiped out from Afghanistan nd pakistan. they need more protection to survive in india, coz low birth nd missionary conversion r readucing their number. khalistani already out of sikhism. but their enemy r not invader converts, only hindus. 😂


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
Senior Member
Oct 14, 2020
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Confirmation After So many Denials 🤣🤣

PeeAF is master at hiding crashes and and it's debris which none can compete with. Pretty sure they covered up the shootdown of their F-16 the same way especially considering they had obvious prior considerations of probable attrition in combat unlike situations like these when it is uncertain whether the plane will crash or not.


Senior Member
Feb 8, 2021
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Thread on their cricket forum from an year back.

Too many gems to post here.

Screenshot 2024-06-11 173052.png


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2021
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"We had never thought that this could happen to us"- one liner of Hindu tragedy story all across. Stay quiet, you're stirring up things a lot. You are disturbing the peace and for what. That's what it's ingrained all through. Here take free bus tickets and stay quiet. Stay quiet with those bus tickets as long as there aren't terrorists around shooting bullets at your bus. Then, it's game over.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
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yeah 100% agree...first thing no gurus (10 sikh gurus) consider them seprate from hindus,,,,thats why hindu family elder son of certain areas (north india) become sikh. if they were not hindus, why they didnt save buddhist, jain, muslim etc common people in their areas. why only they save hindus? like current genration sikh says, they r different religion nd respect all religion. so sikh who save hindus, consider them their own people. unlike many today's sikh.
second thing sikh mostly active in north india nd current pakistan area. so they help only those hindus, who r from that areas. before sikhism, they were hindus. many hindu kings save their ancestors live also. thats why they survive to form a new religion or join it. so its a both ways relationship to save each other. but today's fake sikh told this "we save hindus" as superiority over hindus. many hindu kings was saving indian people from maurya time period (2500 years approx) from different invaders (greek, hun, shaka etc). hindus dont brag about it, like "hey we save jain, buddhist etc".
That's some horrible English grammar.

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