Failed Terrorist State of Pakistan: Idiotic Musings

ThE BrOkEn HeArT

Regular Member
Sep 2, 2019
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A Musalman will never want to live with a kafir, because a kafir is an oppressor by default as per their green comic book. They would rather live like a slave in pakistan than live like equals in "Hindu" India. Add to that the decades of "India is a hindu supremacist state where non-Hindus have all been kept in concentration camps and could be gassed anytime, while pakistan is heaven for all muslims" kind of agitprop propaganda done to them by islamabad making sure pro-India feelings never arise there. Why do you think they add so much of blatant anti-Kafir propaganda in their school textbooks like Muatala-e-Pakistan where justifications to hate Hindus, Sikhs and Christians along with Ahmediyyas is given every year? It is to make sure that anti-partition sentiments never arise back. Their artificial country was created upon the "do qaumi" schizophrenia, not on some civilisational or ethnic lines, they need to justify the existence and creation of their very shithole.
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If anything pro-Pak sentiments in PoJK is good for us, coz if there is a 0.1% chance we invade PoJK in future, it will make sure that none of those haramis ever feels that he/she should become a part of India due to paki oppression and instead will force them to shift to mainland punjabistan. Only the land belongs to us. The people decided their destiny in 1947-48.
They do This propaganda not to degrade India but to save their own country. We have to look back in history to find out the reason why Pakistani rulers tells their own people that Indian Muslims are suffering bcz of evil Indu (but they are not) , the reason is, Pakistan is Pakistan till India is evil for Muslims. The day Paki public got to know the ground reality , Pakistan will be collapsed immediately. Pakistan is still standing on broken legs just bcz of this propaganda.
That is why you find on their media many spreading "Thank you jinna" slogan just to do fear mongering in the mind of paki people. .


Senior Member
May 5, 2024
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But Saar indians brainwashed we paki superior ppl we now the truth Saar mf you started all 4 wars with us lost and you are salty to an extent that your government stoop to any level to destroy India and killing innocent Indians also what media brainwash dumbass twitter is banned in your country and still your pm tweets addressing god knows who inbred pakis and their Suhana sapne smh


Senior Member
Aug 9, 2021
Oh it's nothing new, Paxtan is an experienced pr*stitute

"The reports of China’s demand for a massive counterterrorism operation are reflective of Beijing’s concerns over the escalating threats to Chinese nationals working on CPEC-related and other projects in this country. Pakistan has a history of launching such counterterrorism operations at the request of China. The Lal Masjid operation in Islamabad in 2007 was launched after Chinese President Hu Jintao called Gen Musharraf. Prior to the operation, women students of the Jamia Hafsa madressah had kidnapped Chinese health workers who they believed were commercial sex workers."


Satish Sharma

Senior Member
Dec 3, 2023
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Advanced Paxtani Handmade Passenger Bus Manufacturing Factory :lol:
@gslv markIII
I like how they add metal strips to strengthen already dead rusted ladder frame. Jaan daldi usme. Also how they put polythene material between metal sheet and frame to prevent noise. Wow adbhanced noise cancellation.


Senior Member
Jan 10, 2013
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Wolfpack/WLVN is becoming Baba Banarasi type handle lately.
Not really he is just saying old knowledge. China and Pakistan with direct/Indirect BD has been trying to create issues for many years. What might be in interest for our agencies would be if they are trying to create diversion for IA by embroiling it another cookie like situation.


New Member
Aug 1, 2022

But Saar indians brainwashed we paki superior ppl we now the truth Saar mf you started all 4 wars with us lost and you are salty to an extent that your government stoop to any level to destroy India and killing innocent Indians also what media brainwash dumbass twitter is banned in your country and still your pm tweets addressing god knows who inbred pakis and their Suhana sapne smhView attachment 256132


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
Senior Member
Oct 14, 2020
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Majority of Porkies live in their "Lala" land where they are nothing but paak saaf, sadick and Amin momin. Zero accountability with respect to how their country was ran for 75 years.
Latest example is PeeDoFile forum where a thread on paki Hindu persecution was created yesterday, some paki abdul came with sem2sem posting rape news and then more came saying "Hindutva India is same for musalmans", including their mod saying "What happens to them is sad but we too can create a thread on anti-muslim violence in India". When Indians asked him to make one with also one for documenting crimes done by musalmans on Hindus in India, he was like "BS, muslims are minority in India how can they persecute Hindus" with confidence, then posted an al khanzeera video of some "Hindutva Pop" with some supposed bhojpuri singer saying "mullo jao pakistan" (i.e. muslims go to pakistan) saying that hating muslims is an "Industry in India" but the original video was nowhere on YT, and then deleted the thread. When pointed out the nasheed music industry of porkistan with lyrics urging musalmans to massacre Hindus and Jews and annihilate the "disbelief, idolatry, polytheism" and everything that quran urges the ummah to do, he banned the Indian posters :lol:.

That was the real eye opener for me on how shameless and munafiq these sulleh are. And these are the supposed more intelligent bunch of people from a country with the 2nd lowest literacy rate in asia, most out of school children on earth, amongst the poorest places on planet, with 70% rate of inbreeding and most kids madarsa educated. They are totally out of touch with realities, and genuinely think that India is some saffron equivalent of pakistan where "Hindutvavadis" are reigning terror upon non-Hindus like how mullahs actively hunt for kafirs to kill and any data that points out that it isn't the case is a lie.

They consume too much paki news media where they are fed every news of some sulla getting lynched or some church getting destroyed in Manipur violence but news of Hindus getting killed by sulleh and news of temples being attacked in Manipur and all are suppressed. To such an extent they genuinely think that minorities in India are always on the receiving end and they live in fear and don't do any wrong like how it happens in their own shithole. Their bigwigs, think tanks, journos and "experts" simply have no clue about India, its culture, its society and its internal affairs. They just consume whatever some they/them Indian JNU graduate with coloured hair and ukraine/palestine/commie flags in SM bio writes in western media and call themselves an expert and then behave like clueless mutts.

I mentioned this in my previous post as well...
Its common with porkis to obsess over what others did instead of doing something for your own betterment. Indian commentators make many analyses on Pakistan and they end up being true. Many predictions made on DFI in past ended up being true for pakis.

Ever since their creation they've been suffering from equal-equal disease to attain parity with India in all things and be equivalent or proportional to India and because of this they've been biting more than they could chew.

When all your think tanks publish garbage conspiracy theories about imaginary "minority persecution" and hindutva extremism and kind of stuff happening in Kashmir which even Kashmiris are unaware of your population ends up believing that along with your government. The latest lollipop is 'Manipur' sold to paki awaam as some anti-christian pogrom by their media to such an extent that porkis after recent anti-christian pogrom in Faisalabad were saying "Pakistan is becoming like Manipur" and even the IG of Punjab police said it's an Indian conspiracy to divert attention from Manipur. As if Pakistanis don't already worship terrorists and are not already sympathising with extremists to kill anyone over blasphemy accusations.

Most of them aren't really willing to understand India, Indians, and Indian society, politics or even economy. They will equate islamist extremism to "Hindutva" even though Hindus don't indulge in blasphemy killings of others over blasphemous remarks. Standup comic Munawwar Faruqui and politician Akbaruddin Owaisi, both of them muslims who made shitty comments on Prabhu Shri Ram and are still alive, nobody chopped their heads off neither did hundreds of thousands of people gather around to call for beheadings like it regularly happens in pakistan. Ironically, the only community in India that indulges in beheadings over blasphemy are muslims, over anything remote they call for beheadings and they actually do it.

Majority of Pakis have no clue about the condition, representation and influence of minorities in India. People don't even consider non-Hindus as different, since our religion doesn't have any concept of momin-kuffar and we don't consider fellow brown guys any different. That's why you have non-Hindus in all arenas be it culture, arts, music, acting, military, politics, business, Judiciary, entrepreneurship, sports, law enforcement, bureaucracy, foreign diplomacy, science and tech, and even in things like criminal gangs, separatist militancy and other smuggling etc etc like any normal human being (the latter is not normal but you get the point). Which is completely absent in Pakistan.

When a paki says "ohh minorities have no representation in India", one should ask them how many non-muslim standup comics you have, how many non-muslim singers you've had, how many non-muslims you have in paki military and law enforcement, how many renowned non-muslim actors they've had, how many non-muslim advocates and judges pakis have, how many non-muslim political leaders they have, how many non-muslim architects Pakistan has had, how many non-muslim business tycoons they've had, how many startups are being run by non-muslim entrepreneurs, how many non-muslim sports players they've had, how many non-muslim bureaucrats they've had, how many non-muslim diplomats they've had, how many non-muslim scientists they've had or even how many non-muslim gangsters and mafias they've had, how many non-muslims have indulged in separatist militancy or how many non-muslims indulge in crime over there.

Pakis would have to google to answer most or all of them, Indians won't. Like look at sports, Danish Kaneria a Hindu cricket player was first (idk) forced to keep a muslim name, and as Shoaib Akhtar revealed was discriminated against due to his faith and is still abused. Christian singer Shae Gill who sung the famous Pasoori was being abused for saying RIP Sidhu Moosewala (a famous Indian Sikh singer btw from 'minority' community) when he was killed by gangsters since saying RIP to non-muslims is shire and haram. Even in scientists like Abdus Salam are abused for being Qadiyani despite bringing fame to pakistan just because he was a qadiyani.

There are no gurudwaras and temples in the capital city of Pakistan, literally. Even the temple that pakis were building to show how tolerant it is was ransacked by islamists and has never seen the light in the end of the tunnel. There are slums and manual scavenging jobs exclusive for christians in Pakistan and and just 3-4 churches in their capital city. Same for Lahore their 2nd largest city with just 2 Hindu temples and some Gurudwaras most of whom are now ruins. Which is funny since Lahore used to be the heart of Hindus and Sikhs a few centuries ago.

And big cities are supposed to be cosmopolitan, not there though. While you can find more mosques, churches and gurdwaras in random Indian towns that you'll find in the largest paki cities.

You don't have much non-muslim representation in their military either, so much so they just have a few Sikh soldiers (that too is an assumption) one of whom is Major Hercharn Singh who's dozens of pictures they've clicked and uploaded so that every time "Sikh" soldier pak army is searched his image can pop up.

I still remember a few months back there was a 3-day annual event in my alma mater and 3 guests were invited, 2 of whom were not even Hindus. Only Hindu was Vishal Dadlani (who by the way is a Sindhi Hindu who's ancestors fled islamic persecution in Pakistan) and the other two were Asees Kaur (Sikh) and Vivian Fernandez aka Divine (Christian) both of whom are big names, where are the paki equivalents? Bohemia who left Pakistan (for obvious reasons) to USA? lol.

When was the last time a non-muslim murdered a muslim in Pakistan? I can list multiple that happened today done by "minorities" in India. Can anyone imagine a non-muslim being Pakistan's biggest gangster or militant? Majority of India's biggest gangsters have been muslims, not Hindus.

Indians won't go blank if one asks them name a few prominent non-hindus in various fields like the ones I mentioned earlier, Pakis surely will.

There are no districts in Pakistan where non-muslims are majority while there are multiple states/provinces in India where Hindus are a minority, leave districts.

They know that their own minorities live in hell. Which is why they need "Hindutva" coolaid to justify their own subhuman savagery.

So doesn't surprise me what they think of the afghans they hosted, as if they did it on their own expense. They rented out their country for americans to destroy afghanistan for decades, got paid for it in hard USD cash, then exploited those afghans, killed their people, destroyed their country, then cry when TTP flourishes there and kill them everyday.

Same goes for their relationship with Iran, chutiyas want cheap oil from them, market access from them, but will support terror groups like Jaish al-Adl to carry out attacks against them as they are "Shia Kafir".

They abuse america everyday for one reason or the other for "ruining their country" but will beg them for visas and most importantly, "Alms".

And even in the Indo-paki context, the less said the better, these haramis haven't spared us either.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
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They rented out their country for americans to destroy afghanistan for decades
Not just rented out but trained Mujahid.
Pakistan is the primary country responsible for millions of Afghan deaths and present Afghan economic misery.

Afghanistan's future and fortunes, an entire national dream, were ruined by Pakistani proxy wars. So, it is actually an abnormal thing if every Afghan doesn't hate Pakistan through the last drop of his blood.

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