Failed Terrorist State of Pakistan: Idiotic Musings


The only one
Regular Member
Jun 16, 2016
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They'll never be grateful, at least most of them. They view it as jiziya, their birthright and it's not just patients. Ghulam Ali had once remarked to an Indian diplomat (whom he mistook for a Paki) that he "hated the (Hindu) kaffir but loved their money"

They are aware that their ancestors were weak and submitted to the invaders instead of standing their ground. It also infuriates them that the "pure people" who ravaged their ancestors, refused to consider them as equals, instead consider them to be no more than the "bastards" of conquest.

Pakis (and many others) are fully aware and cognizant of this shameful aspect of their history. They are also deeply resentful of those who stood their ground retained their Indic identity. Over the time these feelings have morphed into a convoluted mix of shame, regret, jealousy, fury, denial and psychosis, which we know today as Pakistaniyat or Kashmiriyat or even those found amongst many in India and Bangladesh.

India was not supposed to have lasted, India was supposed to have failed, India was supposed to have lost all wars and simply rolled over and let them walk over our land. It infuriates them that not only the kaaffirs did not fail, but are actually progressing and moving into what their considered were their fiefdom- Afghanistan and Middle East. Every successful space launch, every successful missile test, every new road/highway/expressway/railway/metro build, every new investment, every new airport, $150 billion IT exports and and even bigger IT industry, every time an Indian (VIP or commoner) is feted or is successful overseas, is like highly concentrated acid dripping on their soul. How dare the "yeevil black kuffar yeendus" achieve any success that too when the "superior denizens of the land of the pure" have failed and miserably at that. That India did not fail is the fault of the Americans and of course us Indians. How dare we defy their delusions? How dare we prick their neurotic bubbles. How dare we continue to develop despite our internal and external troubles.

This in nutshell is Paki psychology, the root of their schizophrenic and psychotic behaviour- India exists, while Pakistan no longer does, at least in the form it came into being in 1947; India has no right to exist in its present form, it should only exist in a form that is palatable and acceptable to Pakis- a weak cowering shivering nation that should exist solely so that Pakis can take whatever they want and whenever they want.

I am not sure there are freebies. These are private hospitals that charge them a good amount of money, there are a few charity cases but in most instances Pakis have to pay. There was a recent news report that a Paki family unable (or unwilling) to pay their bills had their passports retained by a hospital in Bangalore and they were able to get by with help from "local contacts in the community" (whatever that means). Travelling to China is more expensive, there's language barrier, cost of treatment is higher and of course problems with Halal food and no "charitable" organisations to bail them out if they fail to cough up.
Does this article also apply to Paki sympathizers living in India ?

As there are many.


Senior Member
Feb 26, 2010
Does this article also apply to Paki sympathizers living in India ?

As there are many.
You are right, there are many Paki sympathisers in India. You've raised an extremely interesting and important query, the answer to which (at least as per my understanding) is far more complex.

The short answer would be- No it does not apply to all Paki sympathisers in India (it does to some of them), because Paki sympathisers in India come in many different hues and shapes, religious and ideological denominations and have very different motivations for their public or not so public display of sympathy for TSP, its "people" and Pakistaniyat.

When they do come together to push the Paki agenda in India, it's more of an alliance of convenience. They believe in strength in numbers, even if they strongly dislike, if not outright hate each other, but their hatred for the common enemy- the assertive Hindu, Narendra Modi, the Indian state itself, makes them temporarily push asside these differences, to take on the "common foe".

I'll elaborate on these in my next post.


The only one
Regular Member
Jun 16, 2016
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You are right, there are many Paki sympathisers in India. You've raised an extremely interesting and important query, the answer to which (at least as per my understanding) is far more complex.

The short answer would be- No it does not apply to all Paki sympathisers in India (it does to some of them), because Paki sympathisers in India come in many different hues and shapes, religious and ideological denominations and have very different motivations for their public or not so public display of sympathy for TSP, its "people" and Pakistaniyat.

When they do come together to push the Paki agenda in India, it's more of an alliance of convenience. They believe in strength in numbers, even if they strongly dislike, if not outright hate each other, but their hatred for the common enemy- the assertive Hindu, Narendra Modi, the Indian state itself, makes them temporarily push asside these differences, to take on the "common foe".

I'll elaborate on these in my next post.
The "some of them" are mostly the preachers and funders who run this shop behind walls creating "many of them" who grizzling poison.

Yes,may be some youth align to share some anti national mentality ( Indo Pak cricket matches or politically induced may be) but thats not extremism.

Their further brainwashing leads them to the edge where it becomes all serious.

So whom to check ?

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
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Make Pakistan Great Again!
LOL, when was Pakistan great?:lol:
At first place, where was pakistan before Muslim league's concept in 40s?:rofl:
BTW, funny to see their love for this couping, intervening and weak army.
raheel sharif!
Army chief na hua, bhagwan ho gaya.:pound:


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Jun 6, 2016
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Pakistan maintains silence as India talks about atrocities in Balochistan, PoK -

Pakistan’s growing consternation about the plight of Kashmiri people at the hands of the Indian army and its vehement criticism towards India’s actions in the Valley was mirrored on Saturday when residents of Gilgit-Balchistan protested against the rigged elections and the false promises made to them by the Pakistani government.
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi earlier warned Pakistan not to meddle in India’s affairs lest their own skeletons in the close should be exposed. Imminently, a vast group of activists from Balochistan in Pakistan occupied Kashmir thanked Modi for raising the Balochistan issue.
“We can’t solve the Kashmir conflict through Pakistan’s bogus elections. Pakistan’s assembly is packed with looters, liars and corrupt people,” said one protester, who profusely criticised the government for its heavy-handed relationship with the people. “They are the biggest road-block to democracy.”
In places like Balochistan, Gilgit-Balchistan where alleged atrocities by the Pakistani army go unaccounted for, Human Rights activists are shunned and media coverage is repelled by the Pakistani government. There have been over 500 cases of enforced disappearance where some are believed to have been killed by the very institution which has sworn to protect them.
With many prominent Indian politicians turning the heat on Pakistan, the plight of the Balochi inhabitants are deteriorating under intense army vigilance in the Valley.
Talking to NewsX, Nawab Brahumdagh Bugti, President of Balochistan Republic Party, said that Pakistan had no right to raise the Kashmir issue when it held no concern about the people inside Pakistan occupied Kashmir.
“Enough is enough. They cannot use us just to get oil and gas and then abandon us when we talk about our rights,” said the scion of Akbar Bukti, whose party has been designated a terrorist orghanisation tag by the Pakistani government. “There is no local media or no international allowed in Balochistan. Army operations are carried out when people ask about their rights in the region,” said Bugti.
Since the encounter of Hizbul Mujahideen Commander Burhan Wani, Kashmir Valley has erupted into protests which have been largely quelled by the use of pellet guns, a move criticised by many across the world. Pakistan, while bringing up the issue with India many a times, has maintained silence over the atrocities being practiced in the Pakistan occupied Kashmir.

Sent from my Micromax Q380 using Tapatalk


The only one
Regular Member
Jun 16, 2016
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Before few centuries all of our ancestors were Hindus.You may have blood ancestors anywhere in India.

For above culture,we are nothing ashamed of,then what happened and some started liking camel piss instead of cow piss.Because the janab shaikhs like it ?

We are proud of what we are ,let it be if some one thinks us as Orthodox.We do mistakes,we have different social threads,some gets stressed and tangled and some tensions are felt but we learn from our mistakes don't we ? Isn't history the best teacher ?

A metaphor for dessert "First see the darkness below self's arse before peeking on others".

And yes Karma is a b!tch !

PS- Above comments are purely fictional and has nothing to do with any living or dead.

Reality of India :pound:

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
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Topic (on a pakistani source):
India launches 20 satellites in a single launch

My reply:-
Don't worry, tomorrow pakistan will launch 30 satellites in a launch.
A paki replied to me,
Shut up you Israeli terrorist occupier agent! Don't spread hate among south asians.
Kasam se yaar, rona aa gaya.


Regular Member
Mar 11, 2014

Reality of India :pound:
Man How many times do I have to do this for the Pakis to realise their own worth??? Here we go again:

To our esteemed terrorist Paki panel (stolen from @rock127, lol) here @Neo, @Hamza Baloch and the likes, however disgusting we may be, Pakis are desperate to come to India from everything to medical treatment, to work in movies, to play in our sports leagues. Even after we treat them like dirt (richly deserved, I may add) they still have no option but to come here in bulk to make a living or just survive.

Let's delve into some facts with sources:

Medical Treatment Issue:

A simple google (you remember google, don't you Pakis? It named your country topping animal porn and animal sex in the world??) search of "Pakistani Medical Patients in India" yielded the following results

I think the google results are pretty self explanatory but since Pakis have peas for brains, I can explain them for you if you want.

I also googled "Indian medical patients in Pakistan" you know, just to level the play field.

Here are the results

Again, search results are pretty self explanatory.

Citizenship Issue:

Model Saima Azhar

Adnan Sami

Salma Agha

Unnamed Paki Singers - 3 of them

Many many more ordinary people (just do a google or youtube search, too many to post here)

IPL Issue:

The desperation of Paki players to play in IPL knows no bounds it seems:

Guys, anything else I missed out on???

This is the true worth of Pakis? However disgusting we Indians might be, you Pakis are even worse?

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