DRDO, PSU and Private Defence Sector News


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Jul 15, 2018
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Captive loading analysis for full flight envelope.jpg
Dynamics of Store Separating from Platform.jpg

Barhmos Simulation

EW Sensor-Installation-Fighter-Aircraft-Aerodynamics.png
EW sensor_Locations.png

EW sensors and its aerodynamic CFD Study . RWR may be

external sensor on an aircraft through an interface beam which is designed to be fitted betwee...png

Aerodynamic Simulation of an airborne sensor in which the sensor is placed in between Missile and pylon.

Flow features around the supersonic BVR missile.png

Flow features around BVR , Astra MK2 may be

Smoothened and clustered structured grid.png

HSTDV Cruise Vehicle

Versatility of CFDExpert-Missile in Analyzing Various Missile Configurations.png

Design and CFD analysis done on a variety of Designs for Missiles .

Validation results on a NASA benchmark configuration.png

Simulation of kill vehicle of 5000Km Interception missile.

stealth_Bomber_CEM Representative surface current plots on the fighter aircraft geometries.png

this one is very interesting , the second one is Ghatak , the first one is possibly considered and later rejected or may be two different versions with different purposes ?


New Member
May 31, 2020
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View attachment 83783View attachment 83784

Barhmos Simulation

View attachment 83785View attachment 83786

EW sensors and its aerodynamic CFD Study . RWR may be

View attachment 83787

Aerodynamic Simulation of an airborne sensor in which the sensor is placed in between Missile and pylon.

View attachment 83789

Flow features around BVR , Astra MK2 may be

View attachment 83790

HSTDV Cruise Vehicle

View attachment 83791

Design and CFD analysis done on a variety of Designs for Missiles .

View attachment 83793

Simulation of kill vehicle of 5000Km Interception missile.

View attachment 83792

this one is very interesting , the second one is Ghatak , the first one is possibly considered and later rejected or may be two different versions with different purposes ?
:hmm: both look like US aircrafts to me.


New Member
Jul 15, 2018
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Demonstration of the capabilty of Passive Radar to the Customer.jpg
PAssive rradar4.jpg

Passive radar India. IAF had Passive radar and details not Known. there are chances that army may also procure passive radar .

Passive Radars are better capable than conventional radar on detecting stealth targets. These systems exploit existing radio emissions, such as FM, TV and cellular telephony signals, trying to detect echoes which would indicate the potential presence of a flying target. The above one in the pic uses FM signals .

Passive radars cannot be detected, allowing for covert operation. On the other hand, the coverage of such systems is limited up to medium altitudes, since there is practically no broadcast at higher altitudes. The use of active, low frequency band radars, along with passive radars covering the lower tier, would provide an ideal combination against stealth threats.

A basic passive radar is comprised of a “reference” antenna, directly receiving the broadcast of a transmitting source, and a “target” antenna, searching for echoes of this broadcast, indicating that a target might be there. If a target is present, then the signal from the transmitting station will be reflected on it and the echo received by the “target” antenna will be shifted in time (due to the longer distance covered to and from the target), shifted in frequency (due to the Doppler effect, since the target is moving), and of course at a considerably lower power level (due to the longer distance and the reflection on the target). Comparing the direct signal of the “reference” antenna and the signal received by the “target” antenna, taking also into account the relevant geometry (positions of antennae and of the transmission source), the position of the target can be estimated.

When a stealth aircraft “illuminated” by a radar, the incident radiation is not reflected back but scattered towards other directions. This technique is effective against all common, monostatic radars, where the same antenna is used for both transmission and reception. The multistatic nature of passive radars, where the transmitting and receiving antennae are in different positions, allows in most cases a more suitable geometry that favors the detection of the target. Even more so, as the frequencies used are relatively low, the corresponding wavelengths become comparable to the target-aircraft structural parts (wings, empennage, stabilators etc.), so that resonance phenomena appear, triggering scattering modes that increase the target’s echo. Finally, Radar Absorbent Material (RAM) coatings are less efficient at lower frequency bands. In consequence, hiding an aircraft from a passive radar becomes much more difficult.

The exact range of the above radar is not known , but I think it has several hundreds of Km range and can be extended if we deploy more receiving stations


New Member
May 31, 2020
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View attachment 83876View attachment 83877

Passive radar India. IAF had Passive radar and details not Known. there are chances that army may also procure passive radar .

Passive Radars are better capable than conventional radar on detecting stealth targets. These systems exploit existing radio emissions, such as FM, TV and cellular telephony signals, trying to detect echoes which would indicate the potential presence of a flying target. The above one in the pic uses FM signals .

Passive radars cannot be detected, allowing for covert operation. On the other hand, the coverage of such systems is limited up to medium altitudes, since there is practically no broadcast at higher altitudes. The use of active, low frequency band radars, along with passive radars covering the lower tier, would provide an ideal combination against stealth threats.

A basic passive radar is comprised of a “reference” antenna, directly receiving the broadcast of a transmitting source, and a “target” antenna, searching for echoes of this broadcast, indicating that a target might be there. If a target is present, then the signal from the transmitting station will be reflected on it and the echo received by the “target” antenna will be shifted in time (due to the longer distance covered to and from the target), shifted in frequency (due to the Doppler effect, since the target is moving), and of course at a considerably lower power level (due to the longer distance and the reflection on the target). Comparing the direct signal of the “reference” antenna and the signal received by the “target” antenna, taking also into account the relevant geometry (positions of antennae and of the transmission source), the position of the target can be estimated.

When a stealth aircraft “illuminated” by a radar, the incident radiation is not reflected back but scattered towards other directions. This technique is effective against all common, monostatic radars, where the same antenna is used for both transmission and reception. The multistatic nature of passive radars, where the transmitting and receiving antennae are in different positions, allows in most cases a more suitable geometry that favors the detection of the target. Even more so, as the frequencies used are relatively low, the corresponding wavelengths become comparable to the target-aircraft structural parts (wings, empennage, stabilators etc.), so that resonance phenomena appear, triggering scattering modes that increase the target’s echo. Finally, Radar Absorbent Material (RAM) coatings are less efficient at lower frequency bands. In consequence, hiding an aircraft from a passive radar becomes much more difficult.

The exact range of the above radar is not known , but I think it has several hundreds of Km range and can be extended if we deploy more receiving stations
@porky_kicker posted this while back , i think he said it was from BEL .

i think its a joint venture with a UK company , forgot name ,

:hmm: company had specs on it on their page , unjammable , cannot be targeted , can detect stealth aircraft like you said .

