DRDO, PSU and Private Defence Sector News


Laughing member
Senior Member
Nov 23, 2017
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I don't usually have reasons to doubt your words, but I am right in this case. You can see it's an opaque blanket covering the the parts producing most signature.

Note the parts still producing the most signatures in the T-90 with Mobile Camouflage... The suspension & near turret-ring, that can easily be painted, but not easily covered up.
The surface behind the engine, however can be easily converted by the blanket & is not emitting thermal/IR radiations anymore.

Probably got a paint backup though. The wheels definitely look different. Still the sideskirts need to reach the ground.
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Senior Member
Sep 13, 2010
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Facts still doesn't change because of HAL asking unacceptable cost in 2k16 that forced IAF from stopping further orders and engaged them into useless negotiations and from 2k16 those negotiations ended in 2020 Lengthy negotiations between the Defence Ministry's finance wing, the Indian Air Force (IAF) and government-owned Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) has resulted in major relief. The deliberation has now resulted in the IAF sealing the deal for a price Rs 10,000 crore lesser than the earlier quoted price by HAL.
Apply some critical thinking, how do you think HAL magically brought the price down so drastically?

They engaged in the same creative accounting practices that other OEMs do- they hid (by stripping them away) the costs of support (PBL), weapons, training, base infra etc etc and just gave a price for a barebones flyway unit.

So in a sense HAL learnt their lesson- they have to play these stupid games with the babudom inside MoD even for India's own equipment.

No i dont think so

This is the Indian replacement of French MFCR . it has greater range and capabilities.

You must have heard of radars for BMD coming up in 2 sites . This one is part of it.

It looks like the one in the project 20 ship is a version of land based LRMFR.
Any updates on the HPRs that IAF ordered to form the backbone of their AD network?

Indian Army to reduce orders of sniper rifles by about 70%
Economic Times

20th November, 2019

The Indian Army plans to buy just 1,800 state-of-the-art sniper riflesand 2.7 million rounds of ammunition -- less than a third of its total requirement -- driven by budgetary constraints and the need to speed up deliveries, people with knowledge of the matter said.
The military pruned its original requirement of 5,720 sniper rifles and 10 million rounds of ammunition, which would have cost $140 million.

Indian Army spokesman Aman Anand said he had no comment to offer on the change in procurement plans.

Indian Army’s previous efforts to buy 5,720 sniper rifles in a process that began in Feb. 2018 was scrapped in July this year after four vendors, including the U.S.-based Barrett, Indonesia’s PT Pindad and Russia’s Rosoboronexport, failed to meet technical requirements, such as technology transfers for manufacturing the ammunition by local industry.
Fking jokers! They consume 50% of the ENTIRE defence budget (>$20bn) every single year but haven't got the money to buy 6,000 odd small arms?*

This is why the first, second and third priority of the CDS has to be "rightsizing" the IA, the Indian military cannot modernise with this noose around their neck.

*Funny how they find the money to buy 6 needless Apaches though

Timeline for manufacturing of 50kN non-afterburner variant of Kaveri Engine for Ghatak UCAV.

- Upto 5 Kaveri dry-thrust (DT) engines will be manufactured by or before 2024 for first TDs/series of Ghatak. (1-2 engines per year).

- Upto 15 more Kaveri DT engines will be made from 2024-28. (~4 engines per year).

- Upto 60 more Kaveri DT engines will be made from 2028-32. (~15 engines per year).

Totalling upto 80 Kaveri engines in 12 years for our Ghatak UCAVs.

Ghatak will ofcourse stand up to its name and incorporate many cutting-edge techs from AMCA.
Timelines are good but the numbers are not- 80 in a decade plus? Not good enough when you have an adversary that is pumping out kit like toys.

View attachment 41896

Battlefield Surveillance Radar (BSR) and Battlefield Multi-Function Radar (BMFR).

First time in the world in my knowledge to see search and track radars incorporated in high mobility vehicles in a flush conformal configuration. Correct me if i am wrong.
This is unique .
Very unique and impressive, this is for the QRSAM battery AFAIK?

Gotta upgrade the engines,ASAP
View attachment 42029

Air defence tactical control radar
Heavy Recovery Vehicle

The Heavy Recovery Vehicle (HRV) is Designed,Developed &Test Evaluated for handling of equipment’s weighing from 12 tons up to 25 tons and their launchers. The HRV is also capable of recovering Solo vehicles/ Tractor-trailer trains of lengths even up to 31m and 110t of train weight.View attachment 42121
View attachment 41375

Shakti thermal torpedo
When it comes out of development it will be the fastest and with the highest endurance amongst all the available torpedoes.
View attachment 41504

Akash resupply vehicle with missile rounds in individual pressurized storage containers.

This is not the latest pic though , the vehicle has since got some modifications
It blows my mind that DRDO is still putting its latest products on these foreign (TATRA is foreign) trucks even to this day when there are ample substitutes in India by now.



Senior Member
Apr 8, 2016
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Apply some critical thinking, how do you think HAL magically brought the price down so drastically?

They engaged in the same creative accounting practices that other OEMs do- they hid (by stripping them away) the costs of support (PBL), weapons, training, base infra etc etc and just gave a price for a barebones flyway unit.

So in a sense HAL learnt their lesson- they have to play these stupid games with the babudom inside MoD even for India's own equipment.

Any updates on the HPRs that IAF ordered to form the backbone of their AD network?

Fking jokers! They consume 50% of the ENTIRE defence budget (>$20bn) every single year but haven't got the money to buy 6,000 odd small arms?*

This is why the first, second and third priority of the CDS has to be "rightsizing" the IA, the Indian military cannot modernise with this noose around their neck.

*Funny how they find the money to buy 6 needless Apaches though

Timelines are good but the numbers are not- 80 in a decade plus? Not good enough when you have an adversary that is pumping out kit like toys.

Very unique and impressive, this is for the QRSAM battery AFAIK?

It blows my mind that DRDO is still putting its latest products on these foreign (TATRA is foreign) trucks even to this day when there are ample substitutes in India by now.

I am guessing to keep BEML employed , the morons should have reverse engineered the tatra trucks with enough modifications to bypass any IPR claims from Tatra. I am guessing the thought did not even occur to them.

I dont know if you all guys know this that Tatra trucks was the initial reason why TSD cover was blown. A retired indian army general turned arms dalal who was trying to sell tatra trucks when snubbed by v k Singh then coas , tried to blackmail using knowledge about existence of tsd which he learnt through his serving colleagues in army.
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Senior Member
May 21, 2016
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Cross-posting from other threads,

What we saw was not 100% indigenous or 100% OEM rebranding, what they doing is proxy selling, in details what they do they take 2 or 3 good samples from chetos sellers products and reverse engineer them when they got contract for specific product they mass produce them, for public show and PR they use the chetos seller products and claim its their product, but once contract signed their reverse engineered product start to mass produce, bml and bel do this starr every time most of our so called indigenous radars are just asmbled from thales radar's parts after significant order these parts get 100% indignation, becoz without sure contract's spending million's on these Tech's make them file bankruptcy,
As you all know OFB to this day didn't make any decent looking carbine or assault rifles, did any one wonder why?

Answer is simple its bureaucracy, becoz one of college Friend use to work in a famous OFB in south India, so for him in his first year he was so eager to impress his superior,he done so many online research and come up with a decent AR type rifle design when he submitted his deagin to review it take them 3 weeks to give zeroth review just to say it's feasibility, and after one week he got the replay like every other new startup's or aspiring defence innovators get from OFB

" we are impresses with your design and its really innovative design, but unfortunately on feasibility study we found that the environment and equipment need to Carry out prototyping not present at the moment, there for we are considering you're proposal in future weapon development program's "

After this he found out the real States of pur OFB most of OFB and their management reluctant or lazy to do anything innovative they just like to do add-on or Minor upgrades to their existing design, on contrary the OFB my friend worked only make some specific ak clone and make a Minor mods to it , in his word's adding picatinny rail on to ak is considered as cutting edge, so what ever current defense startups doing 100 times better than what some of our OFB doing


Senior Member
Apr 8, 2016
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Cross-posting from other threads,
Regarding what @rone wrote wrt radars it's not true perse

All indigenous radars are from drdo either developed by self or through co-development etc , cross pollination of tech is there but IPR of all radars is solely with DRDO. DRDO is a R&D agency.

BEL etc are production agencies they don't own any IPR with respect to any radars . They produce radars under ToT from DRDO or foreign companies.

Eg initial radars were developed by drdo through collaboration or tech transfer from Poland.

So visually some of them look same , if you google . Later DRDO improved them by itself and used it as a foundation to develop new radars. Also there was collaboration with Israelis wrt radars later on .

All radars coming out of DRDO stables are indigenous .

Same is not true for BEL etc because they are PRODUCTION COMPANIES , they simply make products based on designs they acquire from others be it drdo or other foreign companies.

State owned production agencies like OFB , BEL , BEML etc they rebrand foreign stuff , just like majority of big private companies who are doing the same including companies like TATA etc.

So kindly don't mix stuff up
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Regular Member
Dec 23, 2016
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Regarding what @rone wrote wrt radars it's not true perse

All indigenous radars are from drdo either developed by self or through co-development etc , cross pollination of tech is there but IPR of all radars is solely with DRDO. DRDO is a R&D agency.

BEL etc are production agencies they don't own any IPR with respect to any radars . They produce radars under ToT from DRDO or foreign companies.

Eg initial radars were developed by drdo through collaboration or tech transfer from Poland.

So visually some of them look same , if you google . Later DRDO improved them by itself and used it as a foundation to develop new radars. Also there was collaboration with Israelis wrt radars later on .

Blame lies on state owned production agencies like OFB , BEL , BEML etc they rebrand foreign stuff , just like majority of big private companies are doing now including companies like TATA etc.
what i said abt radrs like Ashwini, and other radars, at initial stages they where OEM kit assembled once they entered in contract with Indian manufacturer particular TOT happened, but not 100% becoz no country transfer their products 100% tot so drdo reverse engineered TR modules from GS100 radar and improved it and made it suitable to new requirements like for IAf and IA , regarding OFB whatever statement i made still stands to today correct may be other PSU different but OFB rotten to its core rather than one or two products they made worth a look but the taxpayers money they spend on so-called R&D above my tolerance, it is the reason i encouraging destroying monopoly in indian weapon manufacturing segment for PSU , as wise man once said necessity is the mother of invention when the weapon manufacturing segment saturated with private players the lazy ass PSu leeches forced to do their work they have to introduce competitive products to stand ground with priv8 players,

ps: the sad part is this priv8 defense manufacturing ecosystem will take time to mature up to the global level market until then we have to see our forces ruing behind overpriced Cheetos seller products, also it sad still our military establishment wegih over foreign mal than sowdeshi ones


Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
Senior Member
Jun 5, 2017
BEL etc because they are PRODUCTION COMPANIES , they simply make products based on designs they acquire from others
Wait I thought BEL had its own R&D bureau. :notsure:

Also is DRDO obligated to help out PSUs like OFB, BEL, HAL.

Suppose I am a owner of a private defence firm and I want to integrate some sub systems from DRDO into my own products so can I reach out to them or is it restricted by Government?
There must be some terms T&C right?


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Wait I thought BEL had its own R&D bureau. :notsure:

Also is DRDO obligated to help out PSUs like OFB, BEL, HAL.

Suppose I am a owner of a private defence firm and I want to integrate some sub systems from DRDO into my own products so can I reach out to them or is it restricted by Government?
There must be some terms T&C right?
Other way around.. if you have sub-components to sell, you will get the design from DRDO manufacture it and sell it BEL to integrate into the main equipment. In this case BEL will give you DRDO design.

BEL just like HAL is lead integrator.

For now.


Senior Member
Apr 8, 2016
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what i said abt radrs like Ashwini, and other radars, at initial stages they where OEM kit assembled once they entered in contract with Indian manufacturer particular TOT happened, but not 100% becoz no country transfer their products 100% tot so drdo reverse engineered TR modules from GS100 radar and improved it and made it suitable to new requirements like for IAf and IA , regarding OFB whatever statement i made still stands to today correct may be other PSU different but OFB rotten to its core rather than one or two products they made worth a look but the taxpayers money they spend on so-called R&D above my tolerance, it is the reason i encouraging destroying monopoly in indian weapon manufacturing segment for PSU , as wise man once said necessity is the mother of invention when the weapon manufacturing segment saturated with private players the lazy ass PSu leeches forced to do their work they have to introduce competitive products to stand ground with priv8 players,

ps: the sad part is this priv8 defense manufacturing ecosystem will take time to mature up to the global level market until then we have to see our forces ruing behind overpriced Cheetos seller products, also it sad still our military establishment wegih over foreign mal than sowdeshi ones
Ashwini ?

Shown me Israeli analogue of ashwini radar ?

And importantly

Do you visit trishul blog ?

TRM modules are the hardest thing to reverse engineer , practically impossible.

And importantly how do you reverse engineer the production technology associated with producing the said TRM modules ?

Or are you saying the French shipped their TRM production facilities to India ?

Or the French invited and allowed DRDO to reverse engineer their TRM production technologies based in France ?

Are the French that stupid ?

Do you know how extensive are the sale documentations with hundreds of clauses to take care of stealing / reverse engineering ?

And the penalties included with iron clad guarantees signed in by drdo and sometimes under the hand of President of India / concerned foreign government as the sovereign guarantor.

And i dont give a fuck about state owned production agencies like OFB BEML BEL etc.

They are a burden on the nation and should be sold off / privatized. Then if they can compete with private companies , good otherwise good riddence to bad rubbish.
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Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
Senior Member
Jun 5, 2017
Other way around.. if you have sub-components to sell, you will get the design from DRDO manufacture it and sell it BEL to integrate into the main equipment. In this case BEL will give you DRDO design.

BEL just like HAL is lead integrator.

For now.
I don't get it sir? :notsure:

Suppose My company wants to manufacture A torpedo.
I have the motor, chassis, battery, explosive and Hydraulics. I'm lacking the naviagtion module so can I get TOT from DRDO for the same and integrate it into my final product after which i offer it to Navy?
Of course I pay the Settled amount and due credits to DRDO.


Senior Member
Apr 8, 2016
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Wait I thought BEL had its own R&D bureau. :notsure:

Also is DRDO obligated to help out PSUs like OFB, BEL, HAL.

Suppose I am a owner of a private defence firm and I want to integrate some sub systems from DRDO into my own products so can I reach out to them or is it restricted by Government?
There must be some terms T&C right?
Only since last 2 years , till then they were present but in kumbhakarna sleep.

Their R&D is pretty much useless , i would say because they have nothing to show for it. Only screwgiri
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