DRDO, PSU and Private Defence Sector News


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Aug 12, 2015
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That's one giant load of bullcrap, small repeated orders are good, How exactly ?

Oh let me guess, By keeping the suppliers second guessing if the next order is ever going to come or not so he decides to not invest money in making an upgrade to the product or production line (bcz he fears his investment is going to fail)
(This is exactly the reason screwdriver giri is so popular in Indian MIC)
This has nothing to do with the thread. Any reply to this over here would only derail the thread. So replying you on this in DM.

It has been 12 years since it's first flight, T 129 also had its first flight around the same time and there are nearly 80 in service right now, but go on tell me why is LCH is still in testing and why was LSP ordered so late even though On 26 August 2017, Defence Minister Arun Jaitley formally inaugurated full-scale production of the LCH.
Very good. Just bring in an apple when discussion is on orange.

Now just answer my one question.

Did any of the Turkish air force chief said that T129 should be solely operated upon by them as handing them over to Turkish Army would just create mini airforce.

Sounds like Copium to me.

I wonder how does this process works with imported items, because this bak*hodi of piece meal order to form "StRaTeGy" doesn't seem to happen with imported items.
How did IAF know it wanted 126 aircraft in MMRCA deal, how was the "StRaTeGy" formed then.
How do you not know how many aircraft you need, I mean I understand the maximum number can not be guessed but how do you not know your own minimum requirement, why was the number of 114 LCH being kept thrown around then.
The only way you are not sure of the minimum number is when you are not even sure you need the platform in the first place which was not the case with LCH
Ofcourse it would sound like Copium because we never look at history and details. So lets try to look at it a bit.

What Helicopter gunships we were using till date?
Mi-24, Rudra and Apache lately. Now could these be compared with Prachand head on?

Prachand is a totally new platform which was designed for a specific reason. So you don't go on and replace it with some existing one. You are getting a brand new platform, equivalent of which you have never ever operated. So yes, you need to device a strategy around it to use it optimally in any given condition.
Based on their usage in wargames, forces can say that how many squadrons needs to be raised and how many numbers of copters each squadrons needs to have.
Based on their live usage, they could come up to the type of spare inventory they need to maintain at base depots.
Take the case of Astra. Its LSP has been ordered with which firing trials has been conducted. These trials has nothing to do with the user trials. These were all about formulating a usage strategy around the weapon and its done for all the equipments.

Case of IA is more complicated. If you do follow news, it has been discussed in open that IA is losing out on their pilots. They don't have adequate pilots to man their existing birds. So these LSP do act as additional training platform. You don't go on and order a regiment of trainer variant and then start looking for pilots to train.

So yes, what is Copium for you, is a Practical approach by user.

