DRDO, PSU and Private Defence Sector News


शक्तिः दुर्दम्येच्छाशक्त्याः आगच्छति
New Member
Aug 14, 2015
TATA countermeasure control center (CCC) for EW system

View attachment 19195
from ECIL

artillery radio-jammers, the jammers operates in HF and VHF

these shells are fired into target areas to disrupt enemy radio communications

View attachment 19190
some old shots relating to EW systems from DRDO, nevertheless interesting

1.jamming and intercept post

2.search and intercept post

3.direction finding and intercept post

View attachment 19200
View attachment 19201
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Mobile Ground based ELINT System

The system is configured as an Integrated ELINT and Wide-open ESM System and consists of three Receiving Stations (RS) and one Control Station (CS).

The system is designed with state of the art digital receiver and DF technology to search, intercept, measure, monitor, analyze, identify and locate detectable Radar emitters within the required frequency spectrum to provide information necessary for strategic and tactical operations.

1.Warning capability of pulsed and continuous wave signals.
2.High sensitivity and DF accuracy.
3.Tactical information, with high probability of Intercept, accurate identification and tracking of targets.
4.Intelligence gathering capabilities, performing ELINT processing during mission time or recording data for further analysis.
5.Tools to record and process signature data.
6.Built-in Radar Finger Printing System.

View attachment 19211
Are these from Samyukta EW system? An upgrade?


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May 10, 2017
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Mobile Ground based ELINT System

The system is configured as an Integrated ELINT and Wide-open ESM System and consists of three Receiving Stations (RS) and one Control Station (CS).

The system is designed with state of the art digital receiver and DF technology to search, intercept, measure, monitor, analyze, identify and locate detectable Radar emitters within the required frequency spectrum to provide information necessary for strategic and tactical operations.

1.Warning capability of pulsed and continuous wave signals.
2.High sensitivity and DF accuracy.
3.Tactical information, with high probability of Intercept, accurate identification and tracking of targets.
4.Intelligence gathering capabilities, performing ELINT processing during mission time or recording data for further analysis.
5.Tools to record and process signature data.
6.Built-in Radar Finger Printing System.

View attachment 19211
The mobile ground-based ELINT is named "HIMRAJ" for mainly COMINT ops and its different than Samyukta
This shit is dope AF :cool1::cool1::cool1:


शक्तिः दुर्दम्येच्छाशक्त्याः आगच्छति
New Member
Aug 14, 2015


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May 10, 2017
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Nonsense, Russia is far ahead in Electronic Warfare. Their equipments can jam an entire medium-sized country like Pakistan.


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Apr 8, 2016
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Nonsense, Russia is far ahead in Electronic Warfare. Their equipments can jam an entire medium-sized country like Pakistan.
SAMYUKTA is a Indian mobile integrated electronic warfare system.

The System is fully mobile and is meant for tactical battlefield use. It covers wide range of frequencies and coverage of electromagnetic spectrum is handled by the communication segment and the non-communication segment. Its functions include various ELINT, COMINT and ECM activities.

It is an integrated EW system covering the 1.5MHz–40GHz bandwidth. The system comprises both communications (com) and non-communications (non-com) segments and encompasses 145 wheeled vehicles for housing sensors for electronic surveillance, interception, monitoring, analysis and jamming of all communications and radar signals.and can cover an area of 150 km by 70 km.

samyukta is a 145 vehicles based integrated EW system consisting of electronic intelligence (ELINT), communications intelligence (COMINT) combined with electronic countermeasures (ECM) and electronic support measures (ESM) blocks covering both radar and communication frequency bands ranging from 1.5 MHz - 40 GHz i.e all the way from High Frequency (HF) to Millimetre Wave (MMW).

samyukta is capable of intercepting, detecting and classifying pulsed, CW, PRF agile, frequency agile and chirp radars is very much in keeping with the move towards wideband digitally flexible SIGINT systems in the ISR domain to deal with an increasingly congested and complex threat spectrum. The key enabler of wideband jamming capability in the case of samyukta is a multiple beam jammer array antenna with Rotman lens that can handle numerous threats simultaneously in X - Ku bands.

The com segment’s COMINT/ELINT sensors include those for detecting emissions from pulsed airborne synthetic aperture radars (SAR), from the active radars of air-to-surface precision guided-munitions and from radar altimeters, from airborne early warning & control radars, and from terrain-following radars while they are still 150km away.

The three types of active jammers employed include those for wide-band jamming of hostile field artillery radio proximity fuzes over an area of 600,000 square metres, and for simultaneous jamming up to eight hostile X-band airborne radars in azimuth and elevation. SAR radars operating up to 80km away can be jammed, while the X-band monopulse pulse-Doppler airborne radars of combat aircraft can be jammed out to a distance of 50km. The efficient emitting power of the jammer is not less than 580kW. The jammers can be deployed in two patterns: 16 as a battalion, and 6 as a company.

Frequency detection sensitivity is 110-123dB/W, while the frequency measurement accuracy is 1MHz. Bearing accuracy is automatically achieved between 1-3 degrees. The measurement accuracy of temporal pulse parameters 0.05 milli-second at a pulsed length of 0-2-70 milli-seconds. The measurement accuracy of the pulsed repetition period is 0.05 milli-second for a minimal pulse duration of 1 milli-second. Measurement accuracy of the pulse string-repetition period is 0.1 second.

The system’s internal database contains frequency libraries of up to 2,000 types of radars. Another type of jammer operates in the 13,333-17,554MHz frequency bandwidthand can process incoming signals like simple-pulse, quasi-continuous wave (CW) and CW, pulsed chirp-modulated, and phase code-shift keyed with pseudo-random frequency-tuning signals. The input sensitivity of a receiver fitted with frequency determination and reproduction sensors is minus 90, while the radiated power is 600 Watt. The frequency-accurate interference signals reproduction is +/-0.5MHz. Spectrum-matching of the reproduced interference signal is fully automated. Jamming signals emitted include MP-1, MP-2, MP-1 + noise, MP-2 + noise, quasi-CW noise, spot jamming in frequency and range deception signals. The system can also jam GPS signals out to a distance of 70km, and multi-frequency autodyne radio proximity fuzes.

The non-com component’s COMINT/ELINT suites can operate autonomously and are also available in man-portable versions with GIS and digital moving map overlays. They can undertake panoramic frequency-band surveillance and produce time-and-frequency analysis in three formats: gain-frequency panorama, time-and-frequency panorama, and frequency-intensity panorama. Frequencies are monitored in the 30-18,000MHz bandwidth, and the direction-finding error is not more than 3 degrees. The suites are thus optimized for providing search, intercept, analysis and monitoring capabilities of hostile communications emissions.




New Member
Apr 8, 2016
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Better explanation of HIMRAJ EW System
View attachment 19223
HIMRAJ receiving station II

it is used to intercept, monitor, analyze and identify hostile RF transmissions (radar , comms signals etc)


i believe HIMRAJ to be part/sub system of HIMASHAKTI which is the latest integrated EW system dedicated for use in mountainous and hilly regions .

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Apr 8, 2016
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Communication Jamming System

This is a communication EW System in the frequency range of VHF and UHF Bands and capable of carrying out ESM as well as ECM functions. It is capable of doing many functions simultaneously like search, Monitoring, Data decoding, Recording & replay of demodulated signal in V/UHF bands. System is equipped with state of the art highly sensitive and very fast search receiver. System has ECM functionality with all the mode of communication jamming facility. System can also intercept and jam the cell phones in GSM and extended GSM band.


1.Light vehicle based communication jamming system
2.Performs Search, detection, monitoring, recording, analysis and jamming
3.Detection and jamming of FF, FH and burst signals
4.High Sensitivity and High Dynamic range
5.Signal Classification / Analysis / Data Decoding as per CCITT standards
6.Integrated digital audio recording & play back on hard disc
7.Complete band search, interception and jamming of GSM
8.Replay of recorded messages



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Apr 8, 2016
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Direction Finding System

This is state-of-the-art direction finding and intelligence gathering system designed to gather, process and produce COMINT information for creating real-time picture. The DF system provides a continuous and dynamic flow of COMINT derived intelligence data in real-time. The DF system is designed to operate in the battlefield, where the modern frequency agile transmitters do not allow an operator to listen. The DF system is able to support a wide range of operations from low intensity conflict or peace support operations to full-scale war.


1.Communication EW System works in Standalone & Integrated mode
2.High DF Accuracy
3.Finds LF information very quickly in integrated mode
4.Secured point –to- point communication in integrated mode of operation
5.Broadcasts the LF information to the Foot Soldier
6.High speed scan
7.Detection of FF, FH and Burst signals
8.Location Fixing on Raster Maps
9.Database for storage & retrieval of system status
10.Mission Management & Report Generation



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Apr 8, 2016
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Surveillance and Jamming COM based EW system

This is a V/UHF communication electronic warfare (EW) system capable of carrying out ESM as well as ECM functions. The system works in a cluster of three mobile sensor stations, which can operate either independently as stand-alone units or in form of a direction finder network (cluster) to identify location of the transmitters. The system is designed to gather process and produce COMINT information for creating in real time tactical situation picture within the system surveillance area. The system provides a continuous and dynamic flow of COMINT derived intelligence data in real time to the supported units and relevant intelligence to higher military echelons.


1.Communication EW System works in Standalone & Integrated mode
2.High DOA Accuracy
3.Quick LF information
4.High Speed scan
5.Secured point –to- point communication
6.Broadcasts the LF information
7.Jamming of single or multi frequencies
8.Detection & Jamming of FF, FH and Burst signals
9.Database for storage & retrieval of system status
10.Mission Management & Report Generation



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Apr 8, 2016
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Digital Mobile Radio Relay (DMRR) system

Multi Layer Communication System referred as DMRR / MCT when deployed in the tactical defence network will provide last mile access connectivity to remote subscriber over radio/satcom/fiberlink via NLDSP point of presence.


1.IP based Network centric solution for voice & data
2.Integrated, Shelterized, Quick deployable Mobile communication system
3.All terrain single vehicle solution with hydraulic stabilization
4.LOS / SATCOM/ Fiber Multi layer communication
5.Network security with Intrusion prevention system & Data security with IP Bulk encryption
6.Self sufficient power system with DG set & UPS
7.Centralized Network Management System



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Apr 8, 2016
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Mission Control Centers from tata

Design, development & integration of Mission control centers enabling situational awareness and tactical decision making beyond Line of Sight areas with the key deliverables like

Trailer and shelter based MCC hardened for HEMP , EMI/EMC and BC events

Scalable, reliable & secure communications for voice, video and data services

Multi-Layer, fail safe communication link over Satellite, Line of sight, Leased line and Optical fibres

Ruggedized Gateways provide interoperability with radios operating in different frequency


