CDS news, updates, discussions and reports


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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Is there a official DFI twitter handle?

Maybe would be nice to congratulate India’s first CDS officially... (with a graphic).


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Jan 2, 2018
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May Gen Rawat have an illustrious tenure as the first Chief of Defence Staff.
Someone please give a quick overview on how this change will reflect in a war scenario in contrast to the older way of doing things? i.e earlier if the Army was fighting on land and needed the Navy to impose a blockade, this order could only be given by the gormint, and now the CDS can do it on his authority?


New Member
Dec 25, 2016
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Nope CDS still don't have such powers he heads DMA which is separate division in MoD . If another kargil type situation happens the chiefs will still take the orders directly from RM and not from CDS as of now .But in the long run CDS will get time to create theatre commands aka Tri service commands which he might have command to control . Abhi toh bacha paida hua ab kaise bolenge he will run 100 metres or 10k marathon . Lets wait and watch it will take minimum 10 years to see the effects of CDS

Someone please give a quick overview on how this change will reflect in a war scenario in contrast to the older way of doing things? i.e earlier if the Army was fighting on land and needed the Navy to impose a blockade, this order could only be given by the gormint, and now the CDS can do it on his authority?

Shashank Nayak

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Nov 27, 2017
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Nope CDS still don't have such powers he heads DMA which is separate division in MoD . If another kargil type situation happens the chiefs will still take the orders directly from RM and not from CDS as of now .But in the long run CDS will get time to create theatre commands aka Tri service commands which he might have command to control . Abhi toh bacha paida hua ab kaise bolenge he will run 100 metres or 10k marathon . Lets wait and watch it will take minimum 10 years to see the effects of CDS
Only cyber and space commands directly under CDS..


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Sep 7, 2015
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Now Congis and their B team, the Left, go hammer and tongs after the appointment of CDS Gen Bipin Rawat. Not surprising at all. People like chief ranter Manish Tiwari and his ilk get paid by the Cong dirty tricks department for doing just this!

abhay rajput

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Apr 10, 2016
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All the joint commands of indian army , airforce and navy will be under him. ex- defence cyber agency, defence space agency, special forces tri service command, Andaman and Nicobar Islands tri service command will be under him. He will be responsible for trimming weapons procurement procedure. He will advise to PM and DM. So in a way DM and Pm will get primary military advice from CDS rather then CHIEF from now on. But military chief will only follow DM order and he will not have any power over them. Basically it's just nice words, CDS will indirectly control all three forces through DM AND PMO..


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Jul 11, 2011
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Looks like Bi ra sold his soul to become 1st CDS by giving complete control to the babudom what is the use of CDS and DMA when it again needs approvals from DS and babulog . Babudom control capital procurement which is the gravy train for them and they will never give it to armed forces
Well that is one way to look at it but a negative and prejudicial way indeed.
It must be looked as a beginning of fructification of an idea which remained deliberately buried for 18 years in spite of Cabinet approval in 2001. It is better to start with a half cocked gun rather than sabotage a beginning with some grievances and false egos. Well begun is half done and there could not have been a better man for that at the moment.

All higher direction government institutions such as NSA, NIA, Cab Secy etc etc are dynamic and evolutionary in nature where the powers and responsibilities have been changing or evolving as per existing situations and govt's willingness to make use of an agency to attain desired objectives.

When it is the beginning against such fierce bureaucratic and political climate, one can not expect creation of a CDS who is boss of MoD in operational as also organisational matters. There continues to be very many inspired journalists, commentators, columnist and political leaders like that Chiddu or Tiwari even today to raise a shindy on imaginary grounds and perceive threats from military institutions.

Let the CDS start humbly and then do a Dein Bein Phu on MoD. The waters of power will find its own balance in due course of time. To begin with, SFC, Cyber Command, Space Commands, SoD, A&N. Out of area Contingencies, Joint operations. permanent Chief of Defense Staff etc etc is by no means a small job. He has been designated as Secretary of a Department of MoD so that he discharges vast financial powers of a Secretary.

Let us not resort to personal insuanations and attacks which as baseless. Rather wish them well to start a good institution in right earnest.


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Jul 11, 2011
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Giving military command to CDS will make babus and cheifs powerless Indira Gandhi also tried to make sam manekshaw CDS but it was opposed by babus and chiefs. I thought that CDS would work for MOD and there will be a proper military representation but instead they made it for new department of military affairs which is still under MOD and all those babus. so basically it is a bluff and showoff nothing else.IAS association still won.
Is a Babu supposed to exercise powers of military operations? The answer is no.
Do the Chiefs excersise operational control over theatres ? The answer is no. Nehru had defanged all C-in_C after independence and made them Chiefs of Staff. So why worry about the chiefs ?
CDS will the Secretary Deptt of Military Affairs and will exercise full powers over the matters of the Deptt as good as Secretaries OF DoD, DoDP, Secretary R&D and Secy Deptt of Ex Servicemen Welfare. So he is fully part of MoD.

Besides, he is a single point of reference in all matters that concern all three services - Pay and Perks, Conditions of Service, restructuring, logistics, works, rear echelons, movements, Medical, Repair organisations, Supplies, Ex Servicemen affairs, etc.

Four joint operational commands, joint intelligence, and other joint services organisations is no mean business either. This would entail minimum eighteen Lt Gen or equivalent Commands to begin with.

You all are Johnny's Head in Air.


New Member
Feb 19, 2017
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@Bhadra sir, what actually will be the role of CDS at times of war? Also, the notification regarding the creation of CDS office and DMA which was released a week ago says CDS will look into the development of theatre commands in near future(although Gen Rawat said we don't necessarily mimic the West), is there any chance of the chain of command going directly to theatre commanders from the uppermost decision making body- a la UCC of the US military setup?
How would CDS work in such case?


New Member
Jul 11, 2011
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I honestly expected Modi to see through coup shit. Instead he ate it.

The CDS prescribed post-Kargil was that who can make the CoAS tie his shoelace while simultaneously making the CNS prepare his tea, and the ACM pulling the car out from his garage. A Manekshaw-like, CDG-like, Patton-like military figure who can swiftly respond to a 2.5-front threat from chicoms, porkis, and desi cryptos.

We instead got a 4-star stick-in-the-mud who can't even order a subedar around. A past-shelf-life babu who happens to wear a military uniform.
Unfortunately, Indian democratic and bureaucratic institutions do not believe in the principles of Unity of Command. Our Parliamentary as also bureaucratic systems believe in and functions through Committee approaches. Every ministry has three to six secretaries, bureaucratic decisions are arrived at by Committee of Secretaries, Parliamentary decisions are arrived at through Parliamentary Committees, Govt decisions are arrived at Cabinet Committees and if nothing else than GoM. This so called democratic system is essentially meant to build and arrive at consensus of majority decision.

Indian bureaucrats and Politicians have no clues about matters military and simply apply bureaucratic norms even on military matters. So Military matters will be decided on collegiate principles - is the norm that has been successindingly pushed down the military leadership throat as if it is not war but someone's promotion that needs to be decided. This shortcoming has come in way of many inter ministerial agency integration, departments cohesion and joint leadership command such as in J&K. So live with it till there is a strategic shift in thinking of those who matter.


New Member
Jul 11, 2011
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@Bhadra sir, what actually will be the role of CDS at times of war? Also, the notification regarding the creation of CDS office and DMA which was released a week ago says CDS will look into the development of theatre commands in near future(although Gen Rawat said we don't necessarily mimic the West), is there any chance of the chain of command going directly to theatre commanders from the uppermost decision making body- a la UCC of the US military setup?
How would CDS work in such case?
Joint Operations is the term used but future wars will be all joint operations at least between Army and IAF and IAF and Navy. IAF will be involved in all contingencies.

Operations involving more than one service as also more than one theatre of operation might also come under CDS perview,
Theatre commands need three Services consesus and will take long time to come.
The main difference between between operation by foreign armies and Indian forces is that while the former are conducted as expeditionary mission outside their countries, Indian Armed Forces are essentially focused on our borders which necessitates predominance of land oriented operations particularly when more than half of our borders are undemarcated and conflict prone.

Hence we can not follow any foreign model on joint operations.

To start with CDS will be focussed on cutting the flab and integration of Supplies, repairs, rear area echelons, logistics, works, signal support, may be engineer support, may be AD, aviation assets, recce, intelligence, procurements, prioritisation etc where some major saving in defense expenditure can be achieved.
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Designated Cynic
New Member
Jul 12, 2014
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Integrated Air Defence Command and consolidation of Logistics and Support Arms of Services soon

The CDS also set out priorities for execution of synergy between the three services by June 30 and December 31, 2020. As per an Indian Ministry of Defence (MoD) release, the areas identified for jointness and synergy among the Services include the creation of common logistics support structures in stations where two or more Armed Services have their presence. In such stations, the logistics and support arms of the three Services (such as the IA’s Army Service Corps, Ordnance, Electronics and Mechanical Engineers/EME and their counterparts in the IAF and the IN) will be integrated in a phased manner.

