Burger boys and the India-US Relations

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Nov 23, 2014
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Let's test out a theory since it is early days in the new murican administration, we get to make observations afresh. lots of stuff will be happening around the world some relevant mostly irrelevant. since CCP is on our minds these days, we could test out probable causes of relevant/interesting events against a proposed theory or paradigm.

I propose a paradigm "Any country that has ongoing unresolved issue with CCP, will be at the receiving end of American administration directly or thru their various instruments of their foreign policy"

Answer will be either "Valid" or "Invalid" .

For example :
1) Current Australian govt has an issue with CCP, but google has threatened Australia. In this scenario paradigm gets "Valid", because google is an instrument of murican foreign policy.
2) Taiwan has a historical problem with CCP, but murican administration starts recognising Taiwan. In this scenario, paradigm is "Invalid".

No hurry, we can test it out for years to come. if anyone is interested in improving it further, you are welcome, but objective is to measure an event in simple binary.
I agree lets ignore the clutter (noise) and monitor the Asia policy for couple of years. Its gut feeling that Biden will try to befriend but will be very wary of getting an egg on his face. This will weigh heavily in his mind, so he & his team is avoiding any too much friendly gestures in public.

Lets monitor the Asia policy w.r.t Quad and wall street (later is more important). As much as we may worry, its also US ass & status on the line. Once there is potential alternative to US dollar the gravy train will likely slow down causing lot more turmoil.

Tupac slayer

Regular Member
Aug 6, 2019
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We are back to Obama Administration with Joe Biden as president now. Most of his men are ex Obamaites. Does America have to recreate not so smart Administration of the bygone era. Yes, Obama smiled a lot which convinced the people that everything is OK. Not true.........

Russia was threatened with war if they stepped one step further in Ukraine. As a matter of fact, neutralistic Eastern Europe closer to Russia is good for everybody. it is a buffer for advanced Western Europe, but Obama could not control his advisors not work to grab Ukraine into its own fold. Now there is an unending war with no results.

And many more issues like that in Iraq and Pakistan. The latter could be told to end terrorism or else. All he is got to do is to stop the spare parts. China cannot supply the spares the Pakistanis need.

Now the new Obama administration under the name of Biden is a bad news to the world, India included. This middle of road Joe Biden Administration with all Obama’s ex advisors in a bad news, no matter where you look.
Russia called Obama bluff first in Crimea and then in Syria, Obama ran like headless chicken convincing European allies for an response against Russia.

Yes Military Aid to Pakistan will resume, this is a reality which we need to accept soon or later. I dont think Biden will stop spares supplies to Pakistan like Trump. Biden and his national security team very well know the double game Pakistan played in Afghanistan more than any one, but still military aid will not stop, expecting Pakistan to stop terrorism based on US threating is living in a Gaga Land, the one in which Nehru lived.

Modi so far did the right thing, But things like Howdy Modi should be avoided irrespective of whoever is the President of United States.

In earlier post a member has posted 40 American Armor vehicles and trucks have entered Syria, This is very much expected. More wars and More economic ruins in the middle east, while Americans escape the blowback due to geographical advantage of Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Rest of the world is experiencing the blow backs caused by their policies.

Again I would like to repeat a few things, " American Deep State, Islamic terrorists and leftist leeches have successfully have created an situation, that an average American is ready to live with atrocities of Islamic terrorism. If any one asks what has Obama achieved in his years of presidency, above line is the answer.

Trump at least reinforced deterrence of United States against their potential enemies, Trump taken out Qassim Soleimani, an action like this was unthinkable under Obama Administration and his human rights group of advisors, Trump also very well understood the mentality of Jihadist terror groups, He was clear no matter what is the consequence, We need to get out of Afghanistan and middle east? Trump told in a interview that " We build a school, they destroy that school" world expects us to build that school again and again which I am not ready to do so" now that deterrence is gone, enemies of humanity is going to have a free reign, while an average American soldier should be more worried about human rights charter rather than defending his post using available resources in the middle east. Navy Seals who are the tier 1 special force warriors have to learn Power Point Presentations because they focused more on Power Point slides to get approval for the raids, ( If any one of the members want to point out Maersk Alabama Raid, Operation Neptune Spear ( Bin laden raid), Luke Somers rescue mission in yemen, they are free to do so about bravery of seals, but how much power point presentatons did the seal team leaders made to get mission approved must also be mentioned to our members in Defence Forum India.


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Apr 13, 2013
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Apr 13, 2013
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Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Is math racist? New course outlines prompt conversations about identity, race in Seattle classrooms

Ofcourse math is racist, without math white man wouldn't have dropped a nuke on asians.

Nicky G

Tihar Jail
Nov 24, 2014
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Is math racist? New course outlines prompt conversations about identity, race in Seattle classrooms

The white American kids will get a taste of what Indian kids have for hundreds of years. Be forced into an educational system that demeans their very identity and existance.

Basically, all that the imperialists in the West have forced on other nations will be visited on them.
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Maharaj samudragupt

Kritant Parashu
Oct 9, 2020
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The white American kids will get a taste of what's Indian kids have for hundreds of years. Be forced into an educational system that demeans their very identity and existance.

Basically, all that the imperialists if West have forced on other nations will be visited on them.
How , I suppose the Democrat and leftist are modern imperialist .
Why would they harm their own progeny.

Nicky G

Tihar Jail
Nov 24, 2014
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How , I suppose the Democrat and leftist are modern imperialist .
Why would they harm their own progeny.
Democrats and leftists have always been the real fascists. Look up KKK and it's political affiliations. Look at Hitler and Mussolini and Stalin and Mao and Pol Pot and on and on. All mass murders are leftists, without exception. Yet they boldly claim the moral high ground.

Who's progeny are you talking about? The privileged ones will be fine. They will retain their power as they always have. The real power is trans-national, it has always been. The chosen country is merely a tool for wielding power.

Just look at left leaders anywhere. They will preach against free markets while typing from their latest iphones and exotic holiday locations. Those who promote local languages will send their kids to the priciest of English mediums. The hypocrisy is never ending and all pervasive.


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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How , I suppose the Democrat and leftist are modern imperialist .
Why would they harm their own progeny.
Cuz the american politics found new vote blocks and with more immigrations and their border opening up..new factions and voting blocks..
Their politics dont care a damn about their land..its only the power they are interested in..
The citizens..they are all " peasants.."

India also have that..but we have somehow learned to gel together and find a common course despite it all..cuz we have been seeing it from day 1.
For america..the voting blocks are new..it will take a few hoops and loops for them to settle down..THe world dynamics are even powerful than a century ago.. its easy to drag them down under. Technology has changed the landscape and the pace at which covert actions can be perfomed on a nation.

Next thing coming to america...reservations in jobs..admissions etc on their newly marked categories and "inclusiveness" than merits..just like in India.
While India is trying back to the "merits" part kicking the factions and blocks..

interesting times anyway.


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2016
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Democrats and leftists have always been the real fascists. Look up KKK and it's political affiliations. Look at Hitler and Mussolini and Stalin and Mao and Pol Pot and on and on. All mass murders are leftists, without exception. Yet they boldly claim the moral high ground.

Who's progeny are you talking about? The privileged ones will be fine. They will retain their power as they always have. The real power is trans-national, it has always been. The chosen country is merely a tool for wielding power.

Just look at left leaders anywhere. They will preach against free markets while typing from their latest iphones and exotic holiday locations. Those who promote local languages will send their kids to the priciest of English mediums. The hypocrisy is never ending and all pervasive.
"Fascists" are right wing, the OG Fascist was Mussolini.
Mussolini was an atheist socialist cuck first, then turned Italian nationalist screeching WE WUZZA DI ROMANZA N SHEEEITA, but still got his fellow's asses whupped by Greek farmers.

Only thing is Fascisss avoid killing their own people as a part of economic schemes or insane purges like Pol Pot, Mao and Stalin.

Every ideology out there goes to eliminate it's enemies, commie, "fascist", or even religions like Islam.
Except elected politicians who fearful of optics, votes, etc etc etc

Agree with the rest of your post though

Hari Sud

Senior Member
Mar 31, 2012
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India -US could not hit out together even culturally and naturally we are close to each other, a lot more closer than either Chinese were or will be and Pakistanis whose fundamental organization wish death & destruction except who is not Muslim. Then why we seem to be coming closer as in last four years then drift apart before we close close enough. US has undergone a dramatic shift in its politics with a lifetime leftist personality becoming the President. If Indian came closer during right wing Trump presidency then with Joe Biden as the new person in charge either the relationship will be frozen at current state or begin drift apart.

US ambassador to India Ken Juster let the cat out of bag. If Indian does not relent to US demands of minor trade issues and continue to buy the S-400 anti missile system from Russia then he said take for guaranteed, India will get sanctioned and future relationship is in Jeopardy. ...... Think again. The missile system in question is not much of the issue, it is the denial of US military planes to fly over India is denied. They don’t care about Chinese and Pakistani planes and missiles shot down, they care about their own planes being shot down. Moreover $5 billion in Russian pocket is bothering them US too much. Moreover US does not have a comparable product. One small component to tie a number of Russian, Indian system into one one and co-ordinate is being purchased from US for about $1 billion.

Trade is least of the issues. Ambassador Ken Juster is listing an issue for future talks. Trump had made trade as main issue of his presidency. He failed miserably with China, Canada and Mexico. He could not alter the trade equilibrium there. A few very minor changes were made with trade deal with Canada/Mexico. With China he put 10% to 20% import duty on $300 billion of Chinese imports, which is not worth a lot. It did not force Chinese to import more of US grain. Rather whatever consumer bought earlier were more more expensive hence everyday consumer was the looser. He or she had to pay more from his tax paid income. Hence the whole trade issue with China is a failure. Had he ordered cut back in imports from China, told the Wall Street to invest less in China and worked hard to develop alternative supply routes outside of China, in three years the situation would be different. The great China would have been tamed.

India has hardly any trade issues with US. If you wish to pick up a fight then you list high import duty on American made motor cycles etc. In a single hand shake all these trade issues will disappear. But if you want lower import duty on motor cycle then you would have to remove all restrictions on H1 Visa etc. Hence no trade deal could be reached. This will end up in a fiasco, same way as the China import duties are turning into a fiasco. But in order to keep the issue burning, US will keep harping on trade deal.

So where do we go from here with a less sympathetic new President Of US. India is lead by a very competent Prime Minister. He does not take a second place to none. If US orders Sanctions, India can take US name out from import deal of $20 billion MMRTCA fighter import program. US f-16 and f-18 are top contenders for this deal. Now think who is a bigger looser, the US companies who would have supplied the planes or sanctioned items or persons in India who would not be allowed entry into US. Remember, the current Indian leadership is not Anglophilic. They were born and bread in India. They can forego visiting US. Looser in US.

In addition that major QUAD initiative is on hold in India awaiting for new US president to spell out his policy. If is rude and rough then QUAD will not get off the ground. India is the fourth leg of this program. With Indian reluctance, containment of China in South and North China Sea will fall apart. Now think who is a bigger looser. It is definitely US.

Hence before Ambassador ken Juster opens his mouth too wide, consider all the i,-locations. India is not a pushover. China just learnt last year and Pakistan has been learning for the last 20 years after Kargil defeat.

Nicky G

Tihar Jail
Nov 24, 2014
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"Fascists" are right wing, the OG Fascist was Mussolini.
Mussolini was an atheist socialist cuck first, then turned Italian nationalist screeching WE WUZZA DI ROMANZA N SHEEEITA, but still got his fellow's asses whupped by Greek farmers.

Only thing is Fascisss avoid killing their own people as a part of economic schemes or insane purges like Pol Pot, Mao and Stalin.

Every ideology out there goes to eliminate it's enemies, commie, "fascist", or even religions like Islam.
Except elected politicians who fearful of optics, votes, etc etc etc

Agree with the rest of your post though
How are fascists right wing? Nationalism isn't synonymous with right. That's a modern aberration.

In European terms, fascists have always been left wing. All of them were socialist or communists. They have it in their very names.

Fascists being right wing is a modern distortion by the leftist to whitewash their bloody history.

KKK was born out of democrats. They were the textbook example of fascists and terrorists.

In fact, to be fascist, you need to use state authority to crush any dissent, antithetical to right and completely in sync with the authoritarian left.
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Rassil Krishnan

Senior Member
Apr 16, 2019
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I agree lets ignore the clutter (noise) and monitor the Asia policy for couple of years. Its gut feeling that Biden will try to befriend but will be very wary of getting an egg on his face. This will weigh heavily in his mind, so he & his team is avoiding any too much friendly gestures in public.

Lets monitor the Asia policy w.r.t Quad and wall street (later is more important). As much as we may worry, its also US ass & status on the line. Once there is potential alternative to US dollar the gravy train will likely slow down causing lot more turmoil.
Remember we want both both of them to go lower in effective power,it is just that china is an immediate geographic threat and it is a developing country while usa is a declining country.

Any damage to either of them is good for us.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
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How are fascists right wing? Nationalism isn't synonymous with right. That's a modern aberration.

In European terms, fascists have always been left wing. All of them were socialist or communists. They have it in their very names.

Fascists being right wing is a modern distortion by the leftist to whitewash their bloody history.

KKK was born out of democrats. They were the textbook example of fascists and terrorists.

In fact, to be fascist, you need to use state authority to crush any dissent, antithetical to right and completely in sync with the authoritarian left.
Fascists have religious tendencies while communists have atheistic. Socialism or capitalism is secondary. Most political organisations in world were socialist after 1930s.
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