BrahMos Cruise Missile


New Member
Sep 29, 2016
i have one doubt.Generally the GOI releases the video of their missile launch.but why they didnt released the video of target being destroyed ??


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Nov 23, 2016
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not related to brahmos missile.. i would like to know about agni missiles
wikipedia is your friend then
AFAIK we have missiles called Agni and they are pointed in the east towards commies and to the west on the braindead jehadi packies and they are capable enough to deliver a nuke warhead through a window right into Jahil Rahil Sahrifs ass.

Neeraj Mathur

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Feb 1, 2012
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range was always 800 KM+ believe it or not i mean we can't officially claim that since that would mean Russia bypassed the MTCR but anyone in the knows knew the range was always 800 km+ and it is very evident from the news coming out afterwards that Brahmos will require a Software upgrade to unlock the range yeah right lolololol
well if its true shorts for everyone
thanx for info


New Member
Nov 23, 2016
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well if its true shorts for everyone
thanx for info
its not true who the fuck told you that we are slowly upgrading the range of brahmos after entering MTCR and now are adding fuel tanks and new software code in every missile in inventory we always follow the law and there was nothing illegal here and we didnt modify the design in our own production plants lol true story let the PN and packie fanboys be happy for a little while longer:hehe::hehe::biggrin2::bounce:


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Mar 24, 2013
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range was always 800 KM+ believe it or not i mean we can't officially claim that since that would mean Russia bypassed the MTCR but anyone in the knows knew the range was always 800 km+ and it is very evident from the news coming out afterwards that Brahmos will require a Software upgrade to unlock the range yeah right lolololol
As reported earlier here on Livefist, a ‘final’ BrahMos version, sporting a range of just under 1,000 km, will complete modifications and be ready for a first test by the end of 2019.
The range of Brahmos was always 750-800 kms, I had already stated this on my earlier posts, months before this test. It is only now India accepting Brahmos range to be around 1000 KMS after MTCR membership.

It is not software that has to be changed, it remains same. Brahmos came with baffled tank (a partitioned tank to lower fuel and range to 290kms) to circumvent MTCR by Russia and it was always understood (wink wink by Russia) that during war this baffle (partition) can be removed to increase fuel and hence the range to 750-800 kms.

Practically every nook and corner of Pakistan and most of China's Tibetan military assets are on the hitting range of Brahmos. China's nervousness wrt Brahmos is obviously seen on many occasions. It is only Porkies who somehow downplay Brahmos due to their retard mindset.
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Feb 17, 2009
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The range of Brahmos was always 750-800 kms, I had already stated this on my earlier posts, months before this test. It is only now India accepting Brahmos range to be around 1000 KMS after MTCR membership.

It is not software that has to be changed, it remains same. Brahmos came with baffled tank (a partitioned tank to lower fuel and range to 290kms) to circumvent MTCR by Russia and it was always understood (wink wink by Russia) that during war this baffle (partition) can be removed to increase fuel and hence the range to 750-800 kms.

Practically every nook and corner of Pakistan and most of China's Tibetan military assets are on the hitting range of Brahmos. China's nervousness wrt Brahmos is obviously seen on many occasions. It is only Porkies who somehow downplay Brahmos due to their retard mindset.
Someone asked this question in one of the conference on Brahmos, most controversial question and the answer was amazing.

I wish he would have avoided it.


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Feb 17, 2009
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Our enemies must be thinking WTF, Brahmos was supersonic with 290 kms that was dangerous and now with 490 and 800 kms. But real is around 1000-1200 kms is giving all headaches and they wont venture out in sea. Its better to sit in land and wait ships to get destroyed, rather then sink in bottom of sea.


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Aug 9, 2014
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BrahMos now deadlier, Army and Navy to upgrade existing missiles

Attaining a 'major milestone', BrahMos, India's and arguably the world's fastest supersonic cruise missile, demonstrated that it could extend its capability to hit targets from 290km up to 450km. The missile did not have to undergo major modifications to acquire this capability, sources informed.

At 11:30 am on Saturday, the Indo-Russian venture test-fired the extended range version termed BrahMos Extended Range from the Integrated Test Range Chandipur at the coast of Odisha, BrahMos Aerospace. Fired from a Mobile Autonomous Launcher (MAL) - a land attack version - the 'text book launch' achieved '100 per cent results', said a release.

What will make matters worse for India's adversaries is this - BrahMos Aerospace will work retrospectively to extend the range of all the missile systems already in service with the Indian Army and Indian Navy from 290km to 450km. Newer supplies, it was revealed, will be provided in the extended configuration only.

"In terms of accuracy, the missile fared very well. We fired much more accurately than what a rifle would fire at a distance of 400m. Our accuracy count was 99.943 per cent," declared Dr Sudhir Mishra Chief Executive Officer, BrahMos Aerospace. "This is a historical occasion as it comes after India joined the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) last year," he added.

A Ministry of Defence (MoD) official familiar with the programme said no more tests would be required. The new missile would directly enter the production process. "Today's test comes after validation in the laboratory. We don't need any more validation," he said.


Explaining the modifications, the official said, "Changes in the missile for it to achieve this range pertained to software and internal dynamics which were always doable but we held ourselves back as earlier we were not a part of MTCR and could not go beyond 290km. Now the cap has been removed."

During the recently concluded AERO INDIA 2017, the Chairman of Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), Dr S Christopher had set March 10 as the deadline for this test which ultimately happened a day later.

The BrahMos flies at 2.8 times the speed of sound to cover a kilometer every second. Originally designed as an anti-ship missile for the Navy, based on the Army's request, it was modified to perform land attack role as well.

Before the team BrahMos now lies the challenge of extending the BrahMos speed to 800km - a task which will take about two and a half years. In addition, the team is also gearing up for an air-launched version, the test which is likely to take place later this month. Going ahead, miniaturisation of the missile for it to be launched from submarines and fighter jets will be carried out as well.

BrahMos is an 8.4m long, two-stage missile which can carry a 300kg conventional warhead. It emerged out of an inter-governmental agreement signed in 1998 between India and Russia.


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Nov 23, 2016
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Our enemies must be thinking WTF, Brahmos was supersonic with 290 kms that was dangerous and now with 490 and 800 kms. But real is around 1000-1200 kms is giving all headaches and they wont venture out in sea. Its better to sit in land and wait ships to get destroyed, rather then sink in bottom of sea.
i think 1000-1200 would be for air launched version Sea skimming version i have heard tops out at 600KM if it goes in all lo-lo-lo profile and in hi-lo format it reaches 800ish

but 1000-1200 would not be possible unless its all high high mission in a perfect straight line maybe ALCM version would be able to because it has altitude and Acceleration to begin with but im skeptical about ground version

thats why we need nirbhay that can travel upto 1500-2000 KM with last stage as dual pulse supersonic i believe something akin to this is already in the works.


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Nov 21, 2016
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Brahmos with the range of 600km+ brings every nook & cranny of Pakistan under it's range. This test has far bigger implications than suggested.

Brahmos II was supposed to have "290km" range in compliance with MTCR. That is not the case anymore. Russian Zircon on which Brahmos II is rumoured to be based on has 400km+ range.

So in short, any Paki TEL can be engaged & neutralized in under 5 mins of detection. And that my friends will substantially reduce the nuclear blackmail.


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May 28, 2016
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The Hi-Hi profile is speculatively 800km indeed. Considering the earlier test were conducted form SU30Mki an A2GM munition can be fired from a flight profile at 7-12K km altitude. I'll refrain myself from speculating anything of the range of the weapon to be 1000km as quoted by livefist to be "over 900km" that about 432 Nm appx and not anything closer to 1000km. The test must've been conducted in a Lo-Lo attack profile with an expected range of 450km. Considering the dimensions of the weapon I can only speculate "around 900km" range, equitably to 800km range. But if we could achieve even that range, any nation would be really really worried from us.

Now if we could do that, than let's arm Vietnam, Taiwan and Japan and S.korea with this and see chinkies have there pants on fire.
Feb 9, 2013
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Can they increase of the missiles that are already in service or we have to wait for tests and production of ER version?

Tarun Kumar

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Dec 12, 2016
4 regiments are not enough . We need 40 regiments for Paki border and 40 for chinese and 10 for nuke missiles