BrahMos Cruise Missile


New Member
Jul 8, 2016
My goodness.............. What you do have in breakfast? Or is it some sort of CT Syndrome which have effected you?
Where in any official comment you have read that it is able to fly only half the distance of what it is designed for? Only because its design is based on Oniks doesn't mean that it carries each and every aspect of Oniks. Lets have a look at their dimension and rather then following some unknown mysterious source, I'd use the well known public source.
For Brahmos:
Weight--------------------------- 3 ton
Length--------------------------- 28ft
Diameter------------------------ 2 ft
Warhead------------------------ 200 kg (land attack version)
Speed--------------------------- Mach 2.8 to 3
For Oniks:
Weight--------------------------- 3 ton
Length--------------------------- 29.2.ft
Diameter------------------------- 2.3 ft
Warhead------------------------- 250 kg
Speed---------------------------- Mach 2.5

Now if you compare, Oniks is bigger then Brahmos in Dimension and interestingly still weighs the same. So by going through your logic, a half filled Brahmos is on terms with Oniks regarding weight issue. So by increasing the fuel, we would be increasing its weight.
Now lets look at another aspect, speed. Oniks is bit slow and also its minimum flight altitude is double of Brahmos. Now it does produce a thrust of 4 ton and by that logic, Brahmos should also produce thrust equals to that or a bit more given its comparative higher speed at lower altitude. It means the RAMJET used in Brahmos is using more fuel per second in comparison to that of Oniks. Now if you change its fuel injection rate and bring it down, it would effectively decrease its thrust and thus its speed, but no way you are going to attain the range.
So in short, if you want to attain range you would have to increase the fuel capacity or would have to tweak with the engine. Now increasing fuel would eventually mean increase in weight and to perform with the new weight just like what it is doing now, you do seriously need to have a relook at its engine. Brhmos is just based on Oniks, it doesn't carry the same specifics of Oniks.
Dude!! @Chinmoy!! How did this magic happen?? DRDO geniuses redesigned the ramjet engine, fuel tank and everything else in just a few months....probably they weren't versed in the F=md physics (thank god for that!!)!!

If you remember, I asked you to look out for this announcement imminently!! And here you have it!!!

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New Member
Aug 12, 2015
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Dude!! @Chinmoy!! How did this magic happen?? DRDO geniuses redesigned the ramjet engine, fuel tank and everything else in just a few months....probably they weren't versed in the F=md physics (thank god for that!!)!!

If you remember, I asked you to look out for this announcement imminently!! And here you have it!!!

Kiddo........... Read what I wrote previously. I did said that if it was some conspiracy theory to hide the actual range of Brahmos as @sayareakd mentioned, there is nothing left to discuss.

Now see................

At first, Brahmos is not only with some basic improvements over Oniks, but it does come with lot of improvement which are basically for export customer. One being accuracy and another being its guidance system. CEP of Brahmos is said to be 1 m which by far make it one of the most accurate missile. One thing you should know that India does have a share of 50.5% in this JV. As I have mentioned earlier also, its engine and guidance is Russian whereas its structure along with fuel system and software part is Indian. Now if it was as simple a case as software tweak and half filled fuel canister, India could have done it on themselves after being a member of MTCR. Why go on for such a lengthy time frame of 3 years? Moreover just mind what the report which I quoted earlier said, "Russians had started working on the extended range and expecting it to be ready by 2019". They have no where said that it would be inducted in 2019. It means it would be ready for testing and evaluations only by 2019. Moreover if you would follow its history, it was first created and then later the orders were put in place unlike other weapon system which we had. So to talk about order being placed and renaming of missile is immature enough.

Moreover as far as relation between Thrust and Mass is concerned, you can't refute the fact that increase in mass means you have to increase the thrust to propel it over the same distance. Now how you want to increase the thrust with same engine, its up to you.

Now as @sayareakd mentioned about some sort of conspiracy theory of it already being able to cover 600 km, there is nothing technical left to discuss on that point of view. The only thing you could discuss is how corporate politics work.
Now if you would carefully read the tweets, it is mentioned that......

here some more how much truth who know...............?????????????

It means as per conspiracy theory Brahmos is already of 450 or 500 km range. Moreover by the time when India would test the 800 km in June, it would already complete 1 year of membership and if 150 km of range could be hidden, do you think it would take much to hide the work in progress of this for last 2 year?

What I would suggest to you is to keep ice beneath yourself and chill for the time being till spec of this ER version is out in public.


New Member
Jul 8, 2016
Kiddo........... Read what I wrote previously. I did said that if it was some conspiracy theory to hide the actual range of Brahmos as @sayareakd mentioned, there is nothing left to discuss.

Now if you would carefully read the tweets, it is mentioned that......

It means as per conspiracy theory Brahmos is already of 450 or 500 km range. Moreover by the time when India would test the 800 km in June, it would already complete 1 year of membership and if 150 km of range could be hidden, do you think it would take much to hide the work in progress of this for last 2 year?

What I would suggest to you is to keep ice beneath yourself and chill for the time being till spec of this ER version is out in public.
Perhaps you have an early (late?) onset of Alzheimer's. Just go back to your early posts and your physics lectures to refresh your memory!! My original post was about the fact that Brahmos was always designed as 600 km range missile - and you wasted several hours/days (of mine) arguing some BS.

Anyways, I am not going to waste anymore of my time arguing with you. My suggestion to you is to not use any ice.....let it burn; you need to burn off that thick layers of adipose to let logic and commonsense get inside you!!


New Member
Feb 12, 2017
China, Pak are shivering..800-km range BrahMos is coming

Bengaluru: India will increase the range of the supersonic BrahMos cruise missile to 450 km from the present 290 km, and a test is likely around March 10, DRDO Chief S. Christopher said on Wednesday.The DRDO chief, however, denied any plans of increasing the range of the Agni missile, which has a range above 5,000 km.
This comes after India became a member of the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) in June 2016.The MTCR is an informal and voluntary partnership of countries to prevent the proliferation of missile and unmanned aerial vehicle technology capable of carrying above 500 kg payload for more than 300 km.
This prohibits member countries to give such technology to countries outside the club.
The range of the BrahMos missile, a joint venture of India and Russia, is 290 km, though it is capable of going beyond that range.Christopher said a change in the software will be needed, after which the missile will be tested for an enhanced range of 450 km."We will tentatively test it around March 10," he said.
Besides this, the DRDO is also developing a second version of the BrahMos missile which will have a range of 800 km.
This missile, Christopher said, is likely to be developed over the next two-and-a-half years.
Asked if India will also increase the range of the Agni V missile, which can reach targets as far Beijing with a range of over 5,000 km, Christopher denied it.
"We may not do it, because it can antagonise someone," he said without naming any country.
The Indian Army has already inducted three regiments of BrahMos in its arsenal. All are equipped with Block-III version of the missile, which was tested last May.
The land-attack version of BrahMos has been operationalised in the Indian Army since 2007.
The fire-and-forget BrahMos has the capability to take on surface-based targets by flying a combined hi-lo trajectory, thus evading enemy air defence systems.
Inclusion of the powerful weapon system in the Indian Army has given it a distinct operational advantage to knock down any enemy target even in the most difficult and hidden terrains.
The BrahMos missile, having a range of 290 km and a Mach 2.8 speed, is capable of being launched from land, sea, sub-sea and air against sea and land targets.
BrahMos is a joint venture between DRDO of India and NPOM of Russia.


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
New Member
Oct 13, 2015
China, Pak are shivering..800-km range BrahMos is coming

Bengaluru: India will increase the range of the supersonic BrahMos cruise missile to 450 km from the present 290 km, and a test is likely around March 10, DRDO Chief S. Christopher said on Wednesday.The DRDO chief, however, denied any plans of increasing the range of the Agni missile, which has a range above 5,000 km.
This comes after India became a member of the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) in June 2016.The MTCR is an informal and voluntary partnership of countries to prevent the proliferation of missile and unmanned aerial vehicle technology capable of carrying above 500 kg payload for more than 300 km.
This prohibits member countries to give such technology to countries outside the club.
The range of the BrahMos missile, a joint venture of India and Russia, is 290 km, though it is capable of going beyond that range.Christopher said a change in the software will be needed, after which the missile will be tested for an enhanced range of 450 km."We will tentatively test it around March 10," he said.
Besides this, the DRDO is also developing a second version of the BrahMos missile which will have a range of 800 km.
This missile, Christopher said, is likely to be developed over the next two-and-a-half years.
Asked if India will also increase the range of the Agni V missile, which can reach targets as far Beijing with a range of over 5,000 km, Christopher denied it.
"We may not do it, because it can antagonise someone," he said without naming any country.
The Indian Army has already inducted three regiments of BrahMos in its arsenal. All are equipped with Block-III version of the missile, which was tested last May.
The land-attack version of BrahMos has been operationalised in the Indian Army since 2007.
The fire-and-forget BrahMos has the capability to take on surface-based targets by flying a combined hi-lo trajectory, thus evading enemy air defence systems.
Inclusion of the powerful weapon system in the Indian Army has given it a distinct operational advantage to knock down any enemy target even in the most difficult and hidden terrains.
The BrahMos missile, having a range of 290 km and a Mach 2.8 speed, is capable of being launched from land, sea, sub-sea and air against sea and land targets.
BrahMos is a joint venture between DRDO of India and NPOM of Russia.
Christopher is Shivering not China or Paki that's why he said about extending the range of Agni beyond 5000 km


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Oct 4, 2016
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If the 450km Brahmos test is successful,can the already produced Brahmos be modified in a short time to attain that range?