BrahMos Cruise Missile


New Member
Aug 22, 2012
Re: BrahMos missile cant be intercepted in next 20 years

Aster can't do jack shit yet. It has never dealt with anything like Brahmos, but to say it can't be done in 20 years is BS. They better come up with Brahmos hypersonic soon.


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Aug 25, 2012
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Re: New Brahmos Cruise Missile- Range 500kms

BRAHMOS validates deep penetration
capability in latest test firing

An advanced version of BRAHMOS supersonic cruise missile system was successfully test fired by the Indian Army at the Pokhran test range in Rajasthan at 1055 hours on Monday 18th November 2013.
The Block III variant of BRAHMOS with deep penetration capability was test launched from a Mobile Autonomous Launcher (MAL) deployed in full configuration with Mobile command Post (MCP) . The missile after launch followed the predetermined trajectory and successfully pierced the designated concrete structure at bull's eye owing to sheer velocity of the missile.
"The launch has successfully validated the deep penetration capability of the supersonic cruise missile system against hardened targets," a company official said.
Core Commander Lt. General Amit Sharma who witnessed the launch along with GoC's and senior officers from the Indian Army congratulated the operational Army team for the successful launch. CEO & MD BrahMos along with senior officials from MoD and scientists from DRDO and BrahMos Aerospace also witnessed the launch.
The Block III variant of land-attack BRAHMOS has already established its credence in achieving supersonic steep dive with precision strike capability in mountain operations.
The Army has inducted two regiments of the missile in its arsenal, while the third regiment induction is in progress.
The sanction by the Government for the Fourth regiment of the highly maneuverable steep dive capable missile for deployment in hilly terrains is awaited.
The 290-km BRAHMOS flies at a speed of 2.8 Mach and carries a conventional warhead of up to 300 kg. The missile can be launched from multiple platforms including land, sea, sub-sea and air.
Both the Army and Navy have already inducted the missile in service, while the air-version of the weapon is scheduled to be flight tested by the IAF soon.


Long walk
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Feb 21, 2012
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re: New BrahMos Cruise Missile: Range 500kms

BrahMos successfully tested in deep penetration mode

India on Monday successfully tested an advanced variant of the BrahMos supersonic cruise missile at the Pokhran test range in Rajasthan, validating its deep penetration capability.

The 290-km range missile, an Indo-Russian joint venture, was tested from a Mobile Autonomous Launcher deployed in full configuration with Mobile Command Post at 10.55 am, a BrahMos official said soon after the launch.

The Indian Army test-fired the Block-III variant of the missile and it followed the pre-determined trajectory. It successfully pierced the designated concrete structure at bull's eye owing to sheer velocity of the missile, which can touch 2.8 Mach or nearly three times the speed of sound, he said.

"The launch has successfully validated the deep penetration capability of the supersonic cruise missile system against hardened targets," the official said.

The test was witnessed by BrahMos chief Dr Sivathanu Pillai, senior Defence Ministry officials and senior Army officers, including Corps Commander Lt Gen Amit Sharma.

The Block III variant of land-attack BrahMos has already established its credibility in achieving supersonic steep dive with precision strike capability in mountain operations.

The Army has inducted two regiments of the missile, while the third regiment is in the process of being inducted.

The sanction by the government for the fourth regiment of the highly maneuverable steep dive capable missile for deployment in hilly terrains is awaited.

BrahMos carries a conventional warhead of up to 300 kg and it can be launched from multiple platforms including land, sea, sub-sea and air.

Both the Army and Navy have already inducted the missile in service, while the air-version of the weapon is scheduled to be flight tested by the IAF soon.

BrahMos successfully tested in deep penetration mode - The New Indian Express


New Member
Jul 17, 2011
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I surely missed it. Why don't you post it? I assume it was one of those regular tests, or was it a new version?


New Member
Apr 3, 2010
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Brahmos Mini


Length - 6 m
Diameter - 0.5 m
Range - 290 km
Speed - 3.5M
BrahMos Mini - 1.5 ton missile - as compared to the regular 3 ton - was announced by the team
the fifth-generation fighter and carrier-based MiG-29K/KUB jets will be able to carry two BrahMos-M missiles, while Su-30MKI aircraft will carry three ones
BrahMos to showcase a mockup of a new missile at DEFEXPO-2014 held in India - News - Russian Aviation - RUAVIATION.COM

@Kunal Biswas kindly merge this thread to "sticky: BrahMos Cruise Missile" as I am not getting any reply option on that thread, thank you.
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Tihar Jail
Jul 22, 2012
re: New BrahMos Cruise Missile: Range 500kms

what is the Indian contribution to this missile as well as the Russian one? I read that the on board computer and navigation is Indian while propulsion is Russian?


New Member
Feb 17, 2009
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re: New BrahMos Cruise Missile: Range 500kms

what is the Indian contribution to this missile as well as the Russian one? I read that the on board computer and navigation is Indian while propulsion is Russian?
yeah its navigation is India, that is why Mark-1, which is land attack, Mark-II which can get targets from cluster and Mark-III for steep dive mode to take out target on the other side of mountain. All this possible because of navigation by India.


United States of Hindu Empire
New Member
May 29, 2009
re: New BrahMos Cruise Missile: Range 500kms

Thanks for above video. Thanks Saya, for pointing out under water launch. I never knew it can be launched from subsurface platform.

So only two missile were launched during salvo mode test. Please anyone who can explain, what kind of guidance it has and how much it can be guided by the operator (lack of right word) I mean how much it can talk back to its operator and be guided accordingly.

The salvo test would have been interesting learning for the crew who wrote commands on its trajectory after acquiring the target and then did the telemeter or mid air corrections and guidance (not sure of this part).

One last thing, why its targets on few clips seem to be assisting the tracking ?
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Long walk
New Member
Feb 21, 2012
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re: New BrahMos Cruise Missile: Range 500kms


Saw The Video

In AShM mode It's Penetrated and Destroyed the Ship

In Land Targets It's Penetrated and Going

:truestory: It's can give a Clean Hit to Bunkers ..All I saw It's a Bunker Buster Sometimes Ships Hull Sometimes Concrete


New Member
Feb 17, 2009
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re: New BrahMos Cruise Missile: Range 500kms

Thanks for above video. Thanks Saya, for pointing out under water launch. I never knew it can be launched from subsurface platform.

So only two missile were launched during salvo mode test. Please anyone who can explain, what kind of guidance it has and how much it can be guided by the operator (lack of right word) I mean how much it can talk back to its operator and be guided accordingly.
if you see the video at 0.20 frame and after for anti ship mode its onboard radar turn on for few second search the target at the horizon and them go after it. If is fire and forget missile, actually they dont want to tell how it works, so that enemy cant take counter measures.

The salvo test would have been interesting learning for the crew who wrote commands on its trajectory after acquiring the target and then did the telemeter or mid air corrections and guidance (not sure of this part).
I think they will be testing new guidance based land version Mark-II where it can take out target from cluster of building, same way salvo launch can be programmed to take out specific ships from the Carrier battle group or it can take out specific ships from the cluster of ships based on the ships radar signature. May be they need more tests on this.

One last thing, why its targets on few clips seem to be assisting the tracking ?
didnt get you please explain.

added later on:

it appears that earlier tests shows that ships is having large radar signature with those pool and nets, it is to give seeker (in the initial tests) large radar cross signature. Now they are using regular ship for the test.
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Tihar Jail
Jan 21, 2014
After Army and Navy, IAF gears up for supersonic BrahMos missile

After Army and Navy, IAF gears up for supersonic BrahMos missile punch on Sukhois - The Times of India
Rajat Pandit,TNN | Feb 10, 2014, 12.22 AM IST

NEW DELHI: India will begin testing its deadliest conventional missile, the 290-km supersonic BrahMos cruise missile, from its most potent fighter jet, the heavy-duty Sukhoi-30MKI, by the end of this year.

After the Army and Navy, IAF is now gearing up to induct the BrahMos missile which flies at Mach 2.8, almost three times the speed of sound. A tactical or non-nuclear missile touted to be the best in its class in the world, with "nine times more kinetic energy than sub-sonic missiles", BrahMos is jointly produced by India and Russia.

"The air-launched version of BrahMos, which at 2.5 tonne is lighter than the 3-tonne land and sea variants, and its launchers are ready,'' said BrahMos Aerospace chief A Sivathanu Pillai, speaking exclusively to TOI.

"The missile has been cleared for flight after simulation tests. Work is now underway in the Hindustan Aeronautics facility at Nasik to strengthen the Sukhoi fuselage to ensure the fighter can carry the heavy missile. After integration, we plan to test the missile from the fighter in December," he added.

Though Pillai was reluctant to talk numbers, sources said IAF has placed a Rs 6,516 crore order for the air-launched BrahMos missile. With the Army having already inducted three BrahMos regiments and the Navy having installed the missiles on six warships till now, including the latest stealth frigates, BrahMos is fast becoming the missile of choice for the armed forces for its sheer lethality and precision-strike capabilities.

Sources, in fact, say the total order book for BrahMos stands at Rs 26,776 crore, with the Army alone notching up Rs 13,618 crore, though there is some disquiet about its high costs. From 2007 onwards, Army has progressively inducted three regiments of BrahMos Block-II missiles developed to hit a specific small target with a low radar cross-section in a cluttered environment.

The missile's Block-III version, which will constitute the 4th regiment, has "trajectory maneuver and steep dive capabilities" to take out targets hidden behind mountain ranges. The government has also approved the deployment of BrahMos missiles in Arunachal Pradesh to counter China's huge build of military infrastructure all along the 4,057-km Line of Actual Control, after the earlier nod for the western sector facing Pakistan.

As for the air-launched BrahMos, sources say 42 Sukhois have been earmarked for structural and software modifications to carry the missiles. IAF has till now inducted around 190 of the 272 Sukhois ordered from Russia for over $12 billion, with a bulk of them being produced at the HAL facility at Nasik under licence.

"The launcher, which weighs around 300-350 kg, will be fitted on the fighter's belly. It will take another three months to perfect the Sukhoi's software and mission computer for the BrahMos missiles,'' said an official.

IAF is progressively basing its Sukhoi-30MKI "air dominance" fighters both on the western and eastern fronts to add to the dissuasive posture against Pakistan and China. Pune and Bareilly already have two Sukhoi squadrons each, while one each is based in Tezpur, Chabua, Halwara and Jodhpur.

Another squadron is coming up at Sirsa, with Tezpur, Chabua, Jodhpur and Halwara slated to get their second squadrons thereafter. The last Sukhoi squadron will be based at Thanjavur in south India by around 2018 to keep "a strategic eye" on the Indian Ocean region.


New Member
Feb 17, 2009
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re: New BrahMos Cruise Missile: Range 500kms

I think we need to modify Brahmos mini with at least 50-100 km tarpedo capability thereafter it gets out of water and go after ship targets. That way subs are safely out of anti sub platforms and ships including carrier battle group will have hard time defending against it.

i dont know if 50-100 km tarpedo is possible but it will give any enemy commandor complete headack in the entire war, not knowing when he will be hanging to life jacket.

The Fox

New Member
Aug 22, 2012
re: New BrahMos Cruise Missile: Range 500kms

The Header " BrahMos successfully tested in deep penetration mode " sounds like a title for some porn movie
BrahMos successfully tested in deep penetration mode

India on Monday successfully tested an advanced variant of the BrahMos supersonic cruise missile at the Pokhran test range in Rajasthan, validating its deep penetration capability.

The 290-km range missile, an Indo-Russian joint venture, was tested from a Mobile Autonomous Launcher deployed in full configuration with Mobile Command Post at 10.55 am, a BrahMos official said soon after the launch.

The Indian Army test-fired the Block-III variant of the missile and it followed the pre-determined trajectory. It successfully pierced the designated concrete structure at bull's eye owing to sheer velocity of the missile, which can touch 2.8 Mach or nearly three times the speed of sound, he said.

"The launch has successfully validated the deep penetration capability of the supersonic cruise missile system against hardened targets," the official said.

The test was witnessed by BrahMos chief Dr Sivathanu Pillai, senior Defence Ministry officials and senior Army officers, including Corps Commander Lt Gen Amit Sharma.

The Block III variant of land-attack BrahMos has already established its credibility in achieving supersonic steep dive with precision strike capability in mountain operations.

The Army has inducted two regiments of the missile, while the third regiment is in the process of being inducted.

The sanction by the government for the fourth regiment of the highly maneuverable steep dive capable missile for deployment in hilly terrains is awaited.

BrahMos carries a conventional warhead of up to 300 kg and it can be launched from multiple platforms including land, sea, sub-sea and air.

Both the Army and Navy have already inducted the missile in service, while the air-version of the weapon is scheduled to be flight tested by the IAF soon.

BrahMos successfully tested in deep penetration mode - The New Indian Express

