Astrological predictions thread!!!


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2010
abe was shot from behind, it seems security was at bare minimum. The bodyguards cannot allow the VIP to have its back open. I think this was a very big lapse.
With regards to NAMO, yes there will be an attempt on his life, abdul and many are getting desperate for that. Hopefully it never materialise.


Senior Member
Apr 14, 2020
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With 1.4 billion people and growing, hoping for a bright future in the current scenario for India is like expecting a dead body to rise from coffin, rejuvenate and dance in a wedding party.

The problem with the human race is that no matter how much scientific achievements we acquire, we still need food and water 3/4 times a day. As long as you have food on the table and money in pocket, the world is really beautiful.

But once you have no money and no food on the plate, your eyes will become red, mind will go mad and you will do things even devil can not imagine. Remember French revolution. The peasants did some unspeakable things.

Come to India. There is a strange pattern here. Every other lowlife here wants to cheat. There are very less honest people here. Observe the general population. The common idea is to acquire quick money through deceit, scam or exploiting others. Whole culture is based on one principle - "how to exploit others and make/acquire money". That is not a good thing. That is not how human values are made. And the same people blame the politicians for corruption. Like they are Himalayan sages themselves. (Astrological reason behind this - Rahu sitting on Lagna/Taurus sign, master of illusion, cheater and deceiver).

Then comes a strange inferior/superior complexity. Keeping religion aside, there is caste system and it is nasty. Everyone here thinks he is superior than the other. Even if we choose a blind eye to the caste system, the superiority complex kicks in in every aspect of the society. Every lowlife thinks he is superior to someone else. This superior complexity is incorporated into the minds of Indians from birth. A student is inferior if he acquires less marks than others. So in order to become superior, he needs to acquire more marks than others. Otherwise he is useless.

A person needs to get a high level job otherwise he will be inferior. Only doctors, engineers, Administrative officers, Military officers, police officers, CA or rich businessmen are considered human beings in India. Other than these high profile jobs, if you get any other job, you are inferior. And even if the scumbag gets one of these jobs, his sole motive is to acquire and hoard money for at least 10 generations. Acquiring a profession without being a professional is more important here. This is the sad state of India.

The rot is everywhere. Whole system, culture is not only outdated but detrimental to the future of India. This is not how a society/nation prospers. And suddenly after Modi's win in 2014, people are even more day dreaming that India will beat China and Pakistan then become world superpower. What a joke.

Human resource is important but it is useless if it doesn't contribute for the betterment of the society. We had a glimpse of desperation during COVID lockdown, what can happen to the general poor population. And once the upcoming depression kicks in, the bloodbath will begin.

Even before WW3 occurs around 2029 or so, India would face more internal disasters

-Huge unemployment
-High inflation (worse than Sri Lanka situation)
-Pandemic 2.0 (highly transmissible and extremely lethal) around 2025-2026.
-Great depression (gift package of Pandemic 2.0 probably)
-Religious conflicts (already started in April-May 2022 and will become more severe)
-Civil war (coming very soon)

See, Pakistan or China are not India's troubles, the internal problems are much more severe and dangerous. Nobody realizes that. Everyone just dreams of a safe and secure future just because their favorite Hindu leader Modi is the Prime Minister. Everyone forgot Modi's performance during Corona 2nd wave. They still think he is savior.

The above factors and added WW3 devastation, India would be highly depopulated. Not only India, but the future after ww3 would be much better for the world.
You summed up nicely
It's indeed a miracle that Indians still have a country binded
Maybe its due to the good karma of ancestors which till now saved us from total annihilation


लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
Senior Member
Aug 10, 2020
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Ya'll @everyone Nibbiars The Transit Saturn now again going back to Makar on retrograde mode. Expect war to heat up again as Saturn comes near to the exact degree position of Ukraine's moon. The Russians will pound Ukraine hard. The Yes, Russians will bomb Ukraine like never before.

And On the other hand, it is taking place on 12th house of Indian chart. Plus, Venus will enter Mithuna soon. The Very bad for India. The Sun will enter Karkat on 16th. By that time Sat will return back to Makar. Definitely not a good period for the rulers.
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Dharma Dispatcher
Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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Ya'll @everyone Nibbiars The Transit Saturn now again going back to Makar on retrograde mode. Expect war to heat up again as Saturn comes near to the exact degree position of Ukraine's moon. The Russians will pound Ukraine hard.

Yes, Russians will bomb Ukraine like never before.

On the other hand, it is taking place on 12th house of Indian chart. Plus, Venus will enter Mithuna soon.

Very bad for India.

The Sun will enter Karkat on 16th. By that time Sat will return back to Makar. Definitely not a good period for rulers.
Tumko kon sikhaya hai astrology.


Senior Member
Jul 20, 2015
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Hello, I am not an astrologer.

Just know this. The severity of the civil war would be unfathomable. It will be considered as the greatest civil war in the history of mankind and will make french revolution/Afghanistan/Iraq/Syrian Civil wars look like child's play. There are many rivers in India but they all will turn red from the blood. The blood will flow in so much quantity that each and every street, sewers, gutters will turn red. And it will not be a short period, it will continue for a long period.

Wars are nasty but civil wars are nastiest.

To understand, I will tell from astrological point of view. War needs 3 things, 1. enemy (Rahu), 2. aggression (mars) and 3. Justice (Saturn).

See, wars don't occur just for money, land or resources. It is the need of "justice" which triggers the wars. Although Mars/Aries is considered as God of War, the real reason behind wars is Saturn who delivers justice. Without the need of justice, wars don't just happen overnight.

Take example of a common man in India. lets pretend for a minute that he is not a cheater or scammer. He earns money, pays taxes and votes for his ideological party. And his party wins. So what does he expect? He expects job, career growth if he is unemployed. If he is employed, he would expect better services from government like good education for his children, better medical services in govt. hospitals, electricity in his village and other things.

But if his party doesn't deliver the same, he is disappointed. He may vote for another party in the next election after 5 years, but think here for a minute. What can he really do against the government even if he votes for another party and the same will do nothing like his previous favorite party? Nothing.

This pattern is repeating since 1947. But people refuse to acknowledge.

There is a reason why Indians prefer the government only when it comes to jobs. They need government jobs. But strangely they go to private hospitals, private schools, private telecom provider, private transportation (except railway), private courier. Because each and every institution of government have become a place for scumbags to hoard money, not to provide service to the public.

Professionalism is almost non existent in India. A politicians job is to win election by any means and to become the government. But here is the catch. Once the scumbag becomes a minister, he doesn't focus on the job at hand, he focuses on how to siphon money for at least 30 generations. This is highly unprofessional. he may fight in elections with corrupt black money all he wants but after becoming the government, his sole purpose is to serve the public and not fool the public with freebies or fake promises. Yes, he can hoard some money for next election but that is not an excuse to do nothing at all for the public.

The saturation point is near. People are somehow waking up to the fact that politicians/officers are enjoying rich life with the poor peoples' taxes. And enslaving them in the same 5 year cyclic scam.

You are asking me for guarantee because you haven't witnessed revolution. It means radical change to the existing system or complete destruction of the system.

There is a revolution going on in India, but I doubt very few people have actually noticed it.
India is witnessing "Sex" revolution. Which America witnessed after WW2.

Indian women/girls are becoming more independent and seek sexual liberation. They do not want to marry the guy which their parents approve. They do not have to marry a guy from her own caste or religion. They can and have the freedom to choose their life partner irrespective of religion/caste/wealth/social status. Although it is causing other social repercussions; it is happening and will continue.

Go 20-30 years back and ask whether you notice a difference. It is called change and change is inevitable.

The same way when people will start rebelling against the existing system, the government will use force and things will become extremely violent. Decades of anger and frustration of the common people will burn the nation into ashes. This is the only way.
Every single point here is debatable but it's an astrological thread so we should rather stick to astrological prediction. Regarding divine justice well that's a different topic.


Regular Member
Aug 10, 2019
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What may happen after July 16 | Powers of Mars and Rahu in Bharani

human genetics started transforming in 2021 without people even knowing. See the rise in myocarditis and heart attacks - MRNA aka (paneer tika)... I hope you guys have not taken paneer tika


Senior Member
Sep 4, 2019
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Yo, what's up with this Mukesh Vats fella? He says Kalki has already taken birth or some shit.
Why can't these people just keep their mouth shut, not be pathological liars and fuck right off into the sunset?


Senior Member
Oct 15, 2015
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Details Please...
Mecca was once a Shiva mandir. Muhammed is the nephew of the head priest of that temple, who emergently wrote a letter to the then King and patron of the Shiva mandir in Mecca, Cheruman Perumal. Cheruman reached Saudi, then a prosperous Hindu area and saw the moon split in two. He consulted his astrologer who decreed there was the birth of a great man or something. Cheruman allegedly met Muhammed and converted to Islam. He died on his return journey. His remains are in Salalah, Oman. Who truly knows how he died. Anyways some messenger, allegedly, returned to Kerala where a "royal letter" decreed the king had converted. A mosque was built to honor that. However it's not really clear if he converted or what actually happened.

Mecca though, without any question whatsoever was a Hindu place. The more I even think about it, the more obvious it becomes.


Senior Member
Aug 16, 2014
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Mecca was once a Shiva mandir. Muhammed is the nephew of the head priest of that temple, who emergently wrote a letter to the then King and patron of the Shiva mandir in Mecca, Cheruman Perumal. Cheruman reached Saudi, then a prosperous Hindu area and saw the moon split in two. He consulted his astrologer who decreed there was the birth of a great man or something. Cheruman allegedly met Muhammed and converted to Islam. He died on his return journey. His remains are in Salalah, Oman. Who truly knows how he died. Anyways some messenger, allegedly, returned to Kerala where a "royal letter" decreed the king had converted. A mosque was built to honor that. However it's not really clear if he converted or what actually happened.

Mecca though, without any question whatsoever was a Hindu place. The more I even think about it, the more obvious it becomes.
Enough of this BS!

There were pagan all around the world that does not means every culture was following Hinduism or Vedic culture. Mecca had God and Goddess before Islam came - Al, Ul and Lat.

Don't start putting every pagan culture into Vedic culture.

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