Let us assume there is an obstacle O in the middle of a free space, and a robot A has to move in a way it does not collide with the obstacle. The robot has 2 degrees of freedom (can move in x and y direction, but cannot rotate), and is represented as a triangle, with the dot as a reference point.
Image courtesy Steven LaValle.
Now, what are the positions that the robot can be in? That will be defined by a locus traced by the reference point keeping the robot at all places as close as possible to the obstacle without colliding. This is shown by the larger polygon in the image below, which contains the obstacle and is called the obstacle space. Whatever is outside this polygon is the free space.
Image courtesy Steven LaValle.
You can understand more about motion planning in free space involving obstacles if you read Chapter 4 (The Confguration Space) of the book PLANNING ALGORITHMS by Steven M. LaValle. The book is freely available, and is a great collection to have. [
Now, let us assume the robot is the shell, and the obstacle is the armour, thus imparting a strong zone.
If we are to define a 30 degree attack angle from the medial axis of the turrent, it looks something like this:
Note the following:
- The Blue line is the 30 degree line with the medial turret axis on each side from the back of the turret.
- The Orange line the start of the weak zone if the shell were a point (hypothetical).
- The Red line is the actual start of the weak zone, where, the perpendicular distance from the Red and Orange lines would be half the diameter of the shell (real).
- The Blue Dots represent the turret edges.
The blue boxes are squares, and they are provided as a mark of authenticity of the angles.
This is what you had missed while marking your weak zones.
Finally, the other error you made was the protrusions of the turret edges, shown below:
The correct lines are the dotted lines.