There is nothing to explain - You just can't made simple mesurment:
1) you don't take perspective on hatch photo
There is no need to take perspective in hatch photo because the plane of the hatch is perpendicular to the camera and we get the height of the hatch cover at the plane of the hatch cover from the line drawing.
But you have arrived at the turret width of 2840 mm with one measurement.
What you fail to understand is the turret face is not perpendicular to the camera. If it is perpendicular to the camera no side turret portion will be visible.So you will get close to 10 percent lesser figure on the photo.
While the line drawn to mark the height of the turret is always perpendicular to the camera, the line drawn to mark the width of the turret is not perpendicular to camera. So if you adjust it for perpspective reduction then you will get a correct length
2) you had choosen two diffrent hight on photo and on draw
3) yours "face" masurment are pontles couse error is to big. Using sucht factor Arjun turret width is equal to 2,4m
- sucht big error is there.
4) you "assume" from nowhere some values - "50mm for this" + "20mm for that" + "5% for error" (LOL) to achive needed by ypou values. It's not mesurment is wishfull thinking.
Next proof that Arjun turret width is circa 2,7-2,85m:
Come and tell us that yours belloved only trully Arjun draw is inaccurate. In other way you must just admit that Arjun turret width (front) is circa 2,7-2,8m
My beloved Arjun draw is accurate. What is inaccurate in your measurement technique is , you are comparing distances on two planes that are at different distance from the camera which is patently wrong and will give only a distorted measurement.
But I used my beloved Arjun draw to get the vertical height of the hatch cover at the cross sectional plane of the vertical hatch cover which is 500 mm with no perspective distortion.
And I compared it in a photo where both the height line and the width line of the hatch cover are at a same distance from the camera and are perpendicular to the camera. And I got a hatch cover width of 550 mm plus and a turret width at the center turret as 3100 mm plus.
just extend the red vertical line below to touch the pivot point . The measurement I get for height in my lap top sony vaio computer is
50 mm for hatch height, and 60 mm for hatch width , So the ratio is correct at 1.2.
That is what correct perpspective measurement for you.
As I said - face with this - Arjun front turret width is max 2,84 whit avarage values between 2,7 and 2,8m. Of course there is allways some error (@Kunal) but when I done dozen arjun turret width mesurment using draw, photo, and other and all values are less then 2.84m.