Arjun Main Battle Tank (MBT)

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
May 26, 2010

That is a Indian LAHAT, The smaller shape charge in front makes initial damage and the big shape charge at back pierce inside and explodes...
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Senior Member
Aug 20, 2011
That is a Indian LAHAT, The smaller shape charge in front makes initial damage and the big shape charge at back pierce inside and explodes...
Yeah I know for what purpose is tandem HEAT warhead, but why precursor is not in the same axis as main warhead? This is interesting, because if precursor is not in the same axis as main warhead then even if ERA is detonated, then precursor will not do initial damage to main armor on path of main charge, so all in all main charge will go through not damaged main armor sections... well at least this is how it looks in theory.

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
May 26, 2010
Yeah I know for what purpose is tandem HEAT warhead, but why precursor is not in the same axis as main warhead? This is interesting, because if precursor is not in the same axis as main warhead then even if ERA is detonated, then precursor will not do initial damage to main armor on path of main charge, so all in all main charge will go through not damaged main armor sections... well at least this is how it looks in theory.
My bad that was NAG..


Regular Member
Sep 19, 2011
The Hindu : News / National : First development flight of Agni-V in December: DRDO

On development of Mark-II version of the Main Battle Tank (MBT) Arjun, Mr. Saraswat said the tank would be equipped with advance and modified systems such as an integrated gun capable of firing anti-tank missiles and a display system to show several functions to assist the soldier.

"Missile firing capability in Arjun Mark-II will be completely unique. It will be capable of firing laser guided missiles with pin-point accuracy. The missile will be integrated with the MBT and it would be capable of defeating the tank's armour," he said.

Arjun Mark-II will have several different capabilities, for example, a different kind of gunner sight and panoramic sight along with an integrated display, which is not there at present, Mr. Saraswat said.

"The integrated display has got multiple functions like target detection, it can see how the missile is going to be located and function for firing different weapons. The display will also show if the tank is moving through an amphibious area," the DRDO chief said.

On systems to ensure improved performance of soldiers operating the tank, he said, "The internal ergonomics will undergo required changes. All the systems will have to go for a reorientation mode. We have also made some new devices like human cooling system."

Anshu Attri

Senior Member
Nov 19, 2009
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Arjun Mark II to go for second trial

Arjun Mark II to go for second trial - The Times of India

CHENNAI: The Army will be watching closely as an updated version of its Main Battle Tank Arjun, which has incorporated 59 improvements, goes for a crucial trial in the next three months.

The Mark-II version, being developed at Combat Vehicles Research & Development Establishment (CVRDE), will go for a crucial trial in the next three months, DRDO sources said.

"We have incorporated 56 of the total 89 improvements recommended in Arjun Mark II after the last test in Pokhran in Rajasthan. We are hopeful of the next test which is scheduled in December this year or January next year," they said.

The testing would also include firing of Lahat missile, having a range of six kms.

After clearing the test, Mark II will have to face final integrated testing by Army in June 2012.

Some of the major improvements include changes in the commander's panoramic sight with eye safe LRF, night vision, driver's uncooled thermal image, digital control harness, new final drive for increased weight, new track and sprocket.

"Once Arjun Mark II comes out successfully through the integrated testing in June next year, the production of the latest version of Arjun tanks will start in Heavy Vehicles Factory," the sources added.

Indian Army has ordered 142 MBT Arjun Mark-II which would be ready for commissioning within a couple of years.


Senior Member
Mar 21, 2009
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India's upgraded Arjun tank set for trials

NEW DELHI, Oct. 6 (UPI) -- The Indian army will test an upgraded version of the indigenous Arjun main battle tank, the Mark II, within three months, defense research officials said.

"We have incorporated 56 of the total 89 improvements recommended in Arjun Mark II after the last test in Pokhran in Rajasthan," an official of the Defense Research and Development Organization said.

"We are hopeful of the next test, which is scheduled in December this year or January next year," the DRDO source said.

The Press Trust of India reported that the trials will include firing of the LAHAT missile, which has a range of 4-5 miles.

The Arjun's 120mm rifled main turret gun can fire the Israeli-made laser-homing anti-tank guided missile LAHAT, first in service in Israel in 1992. It was designed primarily for the Merkava tanks' 105mm and 120mm guns but it can be used by all 105mm and 120mm guns, including some low-recoil, low-weight guns fitted to armored cars.

The Indian army, which has 142 Mark II tanks on order, will put the vehicle through its final trials in June.

"Once Arjun Mark II comes out successfully through the integrated testing in June next year, the production of the latest version of Arjun tanks will start in Heavy Vehicles Factory," the DRDO source said.

The Arjun is made by Heavy Vehicles Factory in the specifically military manufacturing town of Avadi -- an acronym for Armored Vehicles and Ammunition Depot of India. Avadi is a coastal town of around 250,000 and about 15 miles from Chennai on the southeastern tip of India.

The Mark II is being developed by the Combat Vehicles Research and Development Establishment and will be in use from 2014.

Some of the major improvements include changes in the commander's panoramic sight to include a laser range finder and night vision capability. A stronger drive train and improved track is being developed to allow for larger weapons and thicker armor plating.

The announcement of final trials for the Mark II come after only months since the Mark I was officially inducted into the army but only after suffering nearly 40 years of delays. The tanks were inducted into the Indian army's 75th Armored Regiment in March.

At the same time, India began the retirement of its Russian T-55 tanks after 40 years of service.

The induction took place at the military base in Jaisalmer in the state of Rajasthan, around 360 miles west of the capital Jaipur, during the 39th anniversary of the creation of the 75th Armored Regiment.

Read more: India's upgraded Arjun tank set for trials -


Mob Control Manager
Senior Member
Feb 12, 2009
Indian Army desperately needs modern artillery - India Global News - IBNLive

While the Army plans to induct a total of 1600 Russian-origin tanks, a mix of T-90M Bhishma and the older T-90S, the indigenous Arjun MBT has finally proved its mettle. Though substantially heavier than the T-72s and T-90s, the Arjun has proved to be more capable in terms of firepower and armour protection, if certain sources in the Army are to be believed. Till now, around 248 Arjun tanks have been ordered and a regiment of tanks (numbering around 90) are already in service.


Senior Member
Mar 13, 2010
Heavier, more lethal Arjun tank poised for trials

Heavier, more lethal Arjun tank poised for trials/

Indigenously developed Mark-II gets critical acclaim from army, experts abroad.

A heavier, more protected Arjun tank, called the Arjun Mark II, is poised for army trials. Scheduled for January and June 2012, successful trials would be the green signal for building 124 Arjun Mark IIs at the Heavy Vehicles Factory in Avadi, outside Chennai. These will supplement the 124 Arjuns Mark I already in frontline service.

Preparing the new Arjun for trials is the Central Vehicle R&D Establishment (CVRDE), Avadi, which steered the Arjun through a difficult and delayed development process; to its emergence as India's premier main battle tank (MBT).
In March 2010, after the Arjun outperformed the vaunted Russian T-90S in performance trials in Rajasthan, an impressed Indian Army accepted 124 Arjuns into service. But the army has made a follow-on order conditional upon 93 improvements to the Arjun, including 19 major modifications. The CVRDE is finalising these modifications.

Business Standard visited Avadi for the media's first detailed briefing and inspection of the Arjun Mark II. The Arjun Mark II's most remarkable feature is its extra weight, 3-4 tonnes more than the earlier 62-tonne Arjun.

For years the army criticised the Arjun as too heavy for India's road and rail infrastructure; now it wants modifications that will make the Arjun heavier. Fitting Explosive Reactive Armour (ERA) plates on the tank has boosted crew protection, but also increases the weight by one and a half tonnes. An equivalent increase comes from added mine ploughs, which churn up the ground ahead of the tank, uprooting explosive mines that would otherwise blow up the tank.

But the Arjun Project leaders, V Balamurugan and GK Kumaravel, are unfazed by the weight gain. During gruelling trials this summer, the Arjun has demonstrated a crucial modification in the transmission system that makes the 65-66 tonne Arjun Mark II more agile than the lighter, 62-tonne Arjun Mark I. "We ran the modified Arjun for 1,300 kilometres, gradually loading dead weight until it was 65.5 tonnes. We demonstrated that its performance, acceleration, torque, working temperature and fuel consumption were better than the Arjun Mark I," claimed Balamurugan.

The trade-off, though, is in maximum speed. The Arjun Mark II does just 60 kmph, compared with the 70 kmph top speed of the Arjun Mark I.

CVRDE chief, Dr P Sivakumar, an award-winning transmission specialist, is jubilant. "Earlier the army was criticising my Arjun [for weighing too much]. But, after seeing its cross-country performance, even compared with a lighter 40-tonne tank like the T-90, they realise that the Arjun moves like a Ferrari. Even at 65-66 tonnes, it will beat any MBT in the desert," he promises.

That is endorsed by Israel Military Industries (IMI), which did a "third-party evaluation" of the Arjun. Israeli experts opine that the Arjun would outrun any competition.

Another crucial improvement in the Mark II is the tank commander's thermal imaging (TI) night sight, which replaces the day-only sight of the earlier Arjun. Now the Arjun can operate at night in "hunter-killer" mode — the commander as hunter; and the gunner as killer. The commander scans the battlefield through his new TI sight; targets that he spots are electronically allocated to the gunner to destroy, while he returns to hunting for more targets.

The Mark II also equips the driver with a new night vision device based on "un-cooled thermal imaging", allowing him to clearly see 300-500 metres, even on a pitch-dark night. The man who oversees the Arjun project, DRDO's Chief Controller for Armament and Combat Engineering (CC-ACE), S Sundaresh, says: "Four major modifications — the mobility performance at 65.5 tonnes; the commander's night sight; the driver's night vision device, and ammunition containerisation — were validated this summer."

Coming up for trials in January is an important new capability: missile firing through the Arjun Mark II's main gun. Israeli LAHAT missiles were proof-fired from the Arjun in 2004, but the sighting and control systems are now being integrated into the gunner's sight by its vendors, OIP Sensor Systems (Belgium) and SAGEM (France).

Just one crucial system will remain to be integrated after next year's trials: a "laser warning counter measure system." This senses the laser beam that incoming missiles ride, giving just 10-15 seconds of reaction time. Within milliseconds, the system automatically launches smoke grenades, creating a smokescreen around one's own tank that leaves the missile operator without a target to aim at.
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