Before chuckling you can clarify some inconvenient points raised in the post no- 288 above.
So if the roof top vision block is cut behind the slanting orange box with bolts ,
and that too at the same height as the bolts , it can never show up in the photo below.
and that too below the bottom of the slanting orange box.
Also with this model you can never explain the folded bumps and their purpose on the wall of the white armor block on which the main vision block with binocular gunner's eye piece is mounted, as shown in the photo below,
These folds indicate that the armor block behind the main sight is not flat as you repeatedly call for and the thickness varies to compensate for the cutaway for the main sight.
A huge gap is shown between the back side wall of the white armor block on which the main vision block with binocular gunner's eye piece is mounted and the turret inside front armor wall,
But as per the photo above this back side wall of the white armor block on which the main vision block with binocular gunner's eye piece is mounted directly on the armored column,
And this armored column ends at a distance of more than 1300 mm behind the front tip of the turret gun covering plate.
Even you have accepted it. and gave 600 + 600 mm in your distances for A, B, C, D discussion, for C and D
So it is crystal clear that the armor back plate is at 1300 .
So if you deduct the 1300 mm from the 2500 mm pivot base point (includes the gun cover plate)we get 1200 mm ,
If we deduct 700 mm depth taken away by the hatch cover cutaway from this 1200 mm , A minimum 500 mm still stands even if we accept your argument that the armor wall behind the main sight is flat.
But it is not flat as the bumpy folds on the armor back plate shows,