AMCA - Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (HAL)

Super Flanker

Aviation and Defence Enthusiast
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Nov 9, 2021
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How long can F-35A supercruise and engage in aerial combat thereafter? or supercruise until fuel supply is exhausted?
In my opinion=> As long as the aircraft has fuel to power its on-board engines, it will be able to sustain supercruise/supersonic flight with AB, ofcourse before you run out of fuel, incase your aircraft has an IFR probe, then it can refuel itself with the help of a aerial refuelling tanker. So basically, as long as you have fuel, you can supercruise.

But no pilot would be insane to exhaust all his fuel by going supersonic throughout the duration of his flight, like I said before in a previous post, both supersonic flight with AB and even supercruise are fuel intensive though the latter is better because of more efficient consumption of fuel.

One thing I don't know if everyone is aware of or not but the maximum ferry range of a fighter such as F-15, F-18, Rafale, F-35, F-22, F-16, Su-30 etc is only achievable in subsonic flight/mainly subsonic. Let's say that your plane is capable of going supersonic and you take off, and you immediately hit the afterburners, while you will cover a vast amount of distance in a short span of time, you will exhaust your fuel much more quicker than in subsonic flight.

In aerodynamics, you can't have both speed and range at once, if you want very high speed then you will have to increase the burn rate of your propellent, but as you increase the burn rate of the propellant, you also greatly increase fuel consumption which in turn results in the onboard plane having less fuel and hence will carry less distance. The same principle is used in missiles such as meteor which have very long range, why? Because of their ability to throttle back, basically they can control the flow of fuel, unlike conventional missiles like AIM-120, R-77, R-27, SD-10 etc whose motors will burn for a few seconds and the rest of the flight path is only dependent on the kinetic energy that the missile has attained as a result of that boost which it's rocket motor had given it initially.


New Member
Aug 19, 2009
In my opinion=> As long as the aircraft has fuel to power its on-board engines, it will be able to sustain supercruise/supersonic flight with AB, ofcourse before you run out of fuel, incase your aircraft has an IFR probe, then it can refuel itself with the help of a aerial refuelling tanker. So basically, as long as you have fuel, you can supercruise.

But no pilot would be insane to exhaust all his fuel by going supersonic throughout the duration of his flight, like I said before in a previous post, both supersonic flight with AB and even supercruise are fuel intensive though the latter is better because of more efficient consumption of fuel.

One thing I don't know if everyone is aware of or not but the maximum ferry range of a fighter such as F-15, F-18, Rafale, F-35, F-22, F-16, Su-30 etc is only achievable in subsonic flight/mainly subsonic. Let's say that your plane is capable of going supersonic and you take off, and you immediately hit the afterburners, while you will cover a vast amount of distance in a short span of time, you will exhaust your fuel much more quicker than in subsonic flight.

In aerodynamics, you can't have both speed and range at once, if you want very high speed then you will have to increase the burn rate of your propellent, but as you increase the burn rate of the propellant, you also greatly increase fuel consumption which in turn results in the onboard plane having less fuel and hence will carry less distance. The same principle is used in missiles such as meteor which have very long range, why? Because of their ability to throttle back, basically they can control the flow of fuel, unlike conventional missiles like AIM-120, R-77, R-27, SD-10 etc whose motors will burn for a few seconds and the rest of the flight path is only dependent on the kinetic energy that the missile has attained as a result of that boost which it's rocket motor had given it initially.
I know all of this, I just want hard data.

Super Flanker

Aviation and Defence Enthusiast
New Member
Nov 9, 2021
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I know all of this, I just want hard data.
HARD DATA? what exactly you mean by hard data?

=>Information from flight manual?
=>Words of an aviator?
=>An article by an engineer? Or an interview with the aircraft's manufacturers?

=>Do you want to a physical airframe to pilot and validate the abilities for yourself?

Etc. Actually you don't need any of the above, you don't need to prove what already is proven by physics, any weopon system's actual specifications maybe classified but the physics on which they work will always be known to everyone. :)


New Member
Aug 19, 2009
HARD DATA? what exactly you mean by hard data?

=>Information from flight manual?
=>Words of an aviator?
=>An article by an engineer? Or an interview with the aircraft's manufacturers?

=>Do you want to a physical airframe to pilot and validate the abilities for yourself?

Etc. Actually you don't need any of the above, you don't need to prove what already is proven by physics, any weopon system's actual specifications maybe classified but the physics on which they work will always be known to everyone. :)
What are you blabbering about? I said I want hard data meaning data that has come from testing the plane and showing the results so we have a baseline to measure from.


New Member
Mar 22, 2022
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What are you blabbering about? I said I want hard data meaning data that has come from testing the plane and showing the results so we have a baseline to measure from.
good luck finding that(actual graphs if that is what you are talking about) about the F-35's engine buddy

Super Flanker

Aviation and Defence Enthusiast
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Nov 9, 2021
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What are you blabbering about? I said I want hard data meaning data that has come from testing the plane and showing the results so we have a baseline to measure from.
If you want actual data that has come from testing the F-35 then there is one thing that can give you the data about an aircraft's tests: Flight manual. Some aircrafts have their flight manuals available to the public domain to access such as F-16, F-15, F-18, MiG-21, MiG etc but you will not get your hands on the flight manual of say the F-35 because it's classified, and I mentioned flight manual in my previous post. Good luck on finding "Hard Data" or whatever it is that you want, your so called Pandora's box. Hahaha.
good luck finding that(actual graphs if that is what you are talking about) about the F-35's engine buddy
There are certain things about the F-35 that are public whereas some are kept classified. For e.g you can find an infographic showing how much weight each individual pylon of the F-35 can carry, but other than that, most of it is classified, and I doubt that they will release the flight manual of the F-35 any soon.


New Member
Dec 24, 2015
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How long can F-35A supercruise and engage in aerial combat thereafter? or supercruise until fuel supply is exhausted?
F35 can't supercruise. with the actual engine.
They made so many tries.... It is only able to supercruise in a slight descent, and at a very low mach speed (I read mach 1.1).
So not the supercruise as own LM definition.

Nothing strange : it is shaped as the CAS fighter it was developped for.

Satish Sharma

New Member
Dec 3, 2023
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F35 can't supercruise. with the actual engine.
They made so many tries.... It is only able to supercruise in a slight descent, and at a very low mach speed (I read mach 1.1).
So not the supercruise as own LM definition.

Nothing strange : it is shaped as the CAS fighter it was developped for.
I think f35 can super cruise at mach 1.2 only for 150 miles.. it's a trapaizoidal wing which perform better at subsonic speeds.
delta wings like f22( which has large are eclipsed delta wing/clipped diamond-like delta wings )perform better at super sonic speeds, as deltas have less drag at super sonic speeds...
which is not the case with f35 so it is hard to achieve super cruise..
It will get newer Variant of f135 in block 4 upgrades which is said to have 10% more power.. it might super cruise for longer periods..


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Jun 27, 2023
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mk1a already flying since last year as TD. HVT already posted an image.

ATAGS for Armenia is good for them. Not Indian army.