Aircraft Crash Notification


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Mar 22, 2009
The Associated Press: 14 Americans killed in 2 Afghan helicopter crashes

14 Americans killed in 2 Afghan helicopter crashes

By HEIDI VOGT (AP) – 42 minutes ago

KABUL — Helicopter crashes killed 14 Americans on Monday in the deadliest day for the U.S. mission in Afghanistan in more than four years. The deaths came as President Barack Obama prepared to meet his national security team for a sixth full-scale conference on the future of the troubled war.

In the first crash, a helicopter went down in the west of the country after leaving the scene of a firefight with insurgents, killing 10 Americans — seven troops and three civilians working for the government. Eleven American troops, one U.S. civilian and 14 Afghans were also injured.

In a separate incident, two U.S. Marine helicopters — one UH-1 and an AH-1 Cobra — collided in flight before sunrise over the southern province of Helmand, killing four American troops and wounding two more, Marine spokesman Capt. Bill Pelletier said.

It was the heaviest single-day loss of life since June 28, 2005, when 16 U.S. troops on a special forces helicopter died when their MH-47 Chinook helicopter was shot down by insurgents.

U.S. authorities have ruled out hostile fire in the collision but have not given a cause for the other fatal crash in the west. Taliban spokesman Qari Yusuf Ahmedi claimed Taliban fighters shot down a helicopter in northwest Badghis province's Darabam district. It was impossible to verify the claim and unclear if he was referring to the same incident.

U.S. forces also reported the death of two other American troops a day earlier: one in a bomb attack in the east, and another who died of wounds sustained in an insurgent attack in the same region. The deaths bring to at least 46 the number of U.S. troops who have been killed in October.

This has been the deadliest year for international and U.S. forces since the 2001 invasion to oust the Taliban. Fighting spiked around the presidential vote in August, and 51 U.S. soldiers died that month — the deadliest for American forces in the eight-year war.

The Obama administration is debating whether to send tens of thousands more troops to the country, while the Afghan government is rushing to hold a Nov. 7 runoff election between President Hamid Karzai and challenger Abdullah Abdullah after it was determined that the August election depended on fraudulent votes.

The Obama administration is hoping the runoff will produce a legitimate government. In Washington, Obama was to meet with his national security team Monday in what was to be the sixth full-scale Afghanistan conference in the White House Situation Room.

Abdullah on Monday called for election commission chairman Azizullah Lodin to be replaced within five days, saying he has "no credibility."

Lodin has denied accusations he is biased in favor of Karzai, and the election commission's spokesman has already said Lodin cannot be replaced by either side.

Abdullah made the demand in a news conference during which he spelled out what he said were "minimum conditions" for holding a fair second round of voting, including the firing of any workers implicated in fraud and the suspension of several ministers he said had campaigned for Karzai in the first round before the official campaigning period began.

Abdullah did not say what would happen if his demands were not met. "I reserve my reaction if we are faced with that unfortunate situation," he said.

Abdullah said he was willing to meet with Karzai to discuss the conditions, but repeated that he would not discuss a coalition government as some have suggested, nor compromise on his recommendations out of concerns that they are difficult to implement.

"These are not impossible things," Abdullah said, stressing that his team had pared them down to what they considered essential to a fair vote and possible to put in place before the runoff.

Another flawed election would cast doubt on the wisdom of sending in more U.S. troops.

"These separate tragedies today underscore the risks our forces and our partners face every day," Col. Wayne Shanks, a spokesman for the NATO-led coalition, said Monday of the crash and collision. "Each and every death is a tremendous loss for the family and friends of each service member and civilian. Our grief is compounded when we have such a significant loss on one day."

U.S. military spokeswoman Elizabeth Mathias said coalition forces had launched an operation to recover the wreckage of the helicopter that was downed in the west.

She said the aircraft was leaving the site of a joint operation with Afghan forces when it went down.

The joint force had "searched a suspected compound believed to harbor insurgents conducting activities related to narcotics trafficking in western Afghanistan," NATO said in a statement. "During the operation, insurgent forces engaged the joint force and more than a dozen enemy fighters were killed in the ensuing firefight."

Afghanistan is the world's largest producer of opium — the raw ingredient in heroin — and the illicit drug trade is a major source of funding for Taliban and other insurgent groups.

Elsewhere Monday, Nangarhar province Gov. Gul Agha Sherzai survived an assassination attempt after a gunman fired automatic weapons at his convoy in Jalalabad, according to his spokesman Ahmad Zia Abdulzai. Sherzai's bodyguards killed the gunman, as well as another attacker wearing a suicide vest and carrying grenades.

Meanwhile, security forces in Kabul fired automatic rifles into the air for a second day Monday to contain hundreds of stone-throwing university students angered over the alleged desecration of Islam's holy book, the Quran, by U.S. troops during an operation two weeks ago in Wardak province. Fire trucks were also brought in to push back protesters with water cannons. Police said several officers were injured in the mayhem.

U.S. and Afghan authorities have denied any such desecration and insist that the Taliban are spreading the rumor to stir up public anger. The rumor has sparked similar protests in Wardak and Khost provinces.

Associated Press Writers Rahim Faiez, Todd Pitman and Robert H. Reid contributed to this report from Kabul; Noor Khan reported from Kandahar.


Senior Member
Jun 29, 2009
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Brazil military plane missing in Amazon; 11 on board


Sao Paulo, Oct 30 (AFP) A Brazilian military transport plane carrying 11 people has disappeared while it was flying over the Amazon, officials said.

A search by two Black Hawk helicopters and a C-105 Amazonas plane was underway for the single-propeller Cessna C-98 Caravan, the air force said in a statement.

The plane was carrying nine public health workers and the two military pilots, a spokesman for the National Health Foundation of Brazil's health ministry that employed several of the workers told AFP.

The health workers had been heading to an indigenous community to carry out vaccination campaigns.

The spokesman corrected a Globo News television network report that had initially said there were seven health workers and four military personnel including the two pilots.

The air force said the missing plane had been flying between the towns of Cruzeiro do Sul and Tabatinga.


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Jun 29, 2009
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Storms stall search for Navy plane off Texas coast

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Stormy weather has forced the Coast Guard to suspend its search for two missing Navy pilots and their plane along the central Texas coast.

Petty Officer 1st Class Nayo Gallegos said crews stopped their search around 8 p.m. Thursday because of limited visibility. The search is expected to resume Friday morning.

Air Station Corpus Christi lost contact with the Navy T-34 training plane Wednesday afternoon. The pilots’ names haven’t been released.

The single-engine plane’s last known location was near San Jose Island, east of Rockport and 2 miles off shore in the Gulf of Mexico.

A Coast Guard spokesman told the Corpus Christi Caller-Times that crews have made nearly 20 flights and covered more than 3,900 square miles.

Stormy weather stalls search for Navy plane, 2 pilots, missing since Wednesday off Texas coast


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Jun 29, 2009
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IAF chopper crashes in JK


Jammu, Oct 30 (PTI) An Indian Air Force chopper today crashed and plunged into Chenab river in Doda district.

Casualties are feared in the mishap, Deputy Commissioner Sharifudeen said.

The IAF chopper, which was on a regular sortie, was flying low over the river Chenab when it got caught in a cable fire of a bridge and crashed into the water reservoir of the Baglihar hydro-electric power project at Tringel in Doda district.

It was returning from Nawapachi area of Kishtawar district.

The exact number on board the chopper is not known as the chopper has sunk in the water body.

A rescue operation has been launched by the army and police, he said.

IAF carries regular sorties to mountain-locked Nawapachi area to transport ration, arms and ammunition for the troops stationed there.

IAF chopper crashes in Doda, J&K

An MI-17 helicopter crashed into Chenab river near Assar in Doda district of Jammu and Kashmir on Friday. At least one person died in the crash.

It was still not clear how many people were there on board the air force helicopter, but one body was already recovered while rescue operation was on jointly by the army and the local police in search of other personnel on the aircraft.

The incident took place as an air force exercise in Jammu went awry. The exercise was being conducted using two MI-17 helicopters.

The crashed chopper was reportedly flying low over the river when it got caught in a cable wire of a bridge. It crashed into Baglihar reservoir and sunk.

IAF chopper crashes in Doda, J&K: India Today - Latest Breaking News from India, World, Business, Cricket, Sports, Bollywood.

wild goose

Regular Member
Jun 15, 2009
Nine missing after US air crash

An AH-1 Super Cobra, was involved in the crash
A search is under way for nine people missing after a US Coast Guard plane and a military helicopter crashed off the coast of southern California.

The collision is believed to have happened 16 miles (27km) east of the US Navy-owned San Clemente Island.

A Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) spokesman said a pilot reported seeing a fireball near the area.

The plane - reported to be a C-130 aircraft - is believed to have had seven people on board.

The Marine Corps said the other aircraft was an AH-1 Super Cobra attack helicopter.

BBC NEWS | Americas | Nine missing after US air crash


Tihar Jail
Aug 6, 2009
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On board crashed in Yakutia, IL-76 were 11 people

On board the transport plane IL-76 Interior Ministry, crashed on takeoff from the airport Mirny, Yakutia, there were 11 people, reports ITAR-TASS with reference to the MES of Russia.
Earlier it was reported that on board were seven people, six of them were found dead. The fate of the seventh member of the crew did not reported.

"On board were seven crew members, as well as four more of the swing crew. The plane from the airport" peace "went to Irkutsk. At the moment six people whose bodies were found, presumed dead" - quoted RIA Novosti representative of the press service of the Far Eastern regional emergencies center.

Finding the remaining crew members continues. On the site of the crash fire and rescue work, establishes the reasons for the crash. Êàòàñòðîôû: Íà áîðòó ðàçáèâøåãîñÿ â ßêóòèè Èë-76 íàõîäèëîñü 11 ÷åëîâåê


Tihar Jail
Aug 6, 2009
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Polish helicopter crashes in Belarus, 3 killed - "The crew had no chance of survival"

Two hundred meters from the border of the Belarusian side was found on Sunday in the morning of the Border Guard helicopter searched. Trzy osoby, cała jego załoga, nie żyją. Three people, all its crew were dead. The crew had no chance of survival - he added.

Belarusian officials say a helicopter operated by the Polish border service has crashed during patrol and three crew members were killed.

Belarus' border service says the Polish helicopter landed 200 meters from the border, near the Belarusian village of Vysokoye.

Contact with the helicopter was lost Saturday evening. Belarusian border service spokesman Grigory Vabishchevich says a local resident reported hearing an explosion after the helicopter flew over.

He says about 200 border guards and rescue workers set out to search for the helicopter, which was found early Sunday.

It is still unclear what caused the crash of the three-year-old Polish-made Kania helicopter.

Vabishchevich says the aircraft appeared to have hit the ground at high speed.

Border Guard helicopter that crashed in the territory of Belarus is so badly damaged that the crew had no chance of survival - told a news conference in Czeremcha deputy interior minister, Adam Rapacki.

Rano wraz Morning with such the main commander of the Border Guard and Leszek Elas Podlaskie Voivod Maciej Żywno, Rapacki was the scene of the accident, which killed three people. As he told reporters on the ground working out a group of Belarusian investigation committee of the local prosecutor, and by the Polish aviation accident investigation committee, which will cooperate with Belarus.

"It's hard to talk about the reasons"
Rapacki Deputy Minister said that the reasons for the accident it is difficult to say. Families of the dead have been cared for psychological, they also get "all necessary assistance"

Kania helicopter belonging to the SG Podlaski Branch lost the Saturday before 18.00. His crew performed routine patrol flight from Bialystok to Melnik. Then it was the last time communications were established with him.

The helicopter crash Podlaska Border Guard three people were killed. Wreck of the machine, which was an accident yesterday afternoon, was found the morning after the Belarusian side of the border.

How did the helicopter searchlights shares?

Spokesman Podlasie fire Marcin Janowski said that none of the crew survived. In the territory of Belarus, representatives of the SG and the Polish doctor, who confirmed the death. Location of the accident still is difficult to describe, people who saw them were there at night. We only know that the helicopter is seriously damaged.

Because the machine crashed 200 meters from the Belarusian side of the border - the investigation will lead prosecutor in Brest. Spokesman said that at the moment it is too early to conjecture about the cause of the disaster. The circumstances of the accident and the conduct of the rescue operation is likely to inform the local authorities before noon. For now, the commanders of the Polish and Belarusian border guards determine further procedures.

Helicopter kite Podlaskie Border Service branch yesterday lost about 18 this. Held regular patrol flight from Bialystok to Melnik. Wreck the machinery found in the morning near the town near Wyczółki Klukowicze. Thick fog made it difficult to seek. The campaign engaged about two hundred people - Border Service workers, firemen, policemen, military and civilians, who know the area well. Spokesman for the Chief of Border Guard informed yesterday that the helicopter had all the documents and studies, allowing for the flight. Sat at the controls the pilot with 15 year experience.

He heard the helicopter, and then bang

It is known that sought the machine started at 15.15 to patrol the eastern border.The last contact with the helicopter was establishment of border guards in Mielnik. Then came the signal from one of the residents Klukowicze. He heard the helicopter, and then bang. After several hours, it appeared that the area described by the helicopter was not found.

On the trail fell into search teams, which at this point smell of aviation kerosene. Notified to the Belarusian border police that about two hundred meters from the boundary line and had taken the machine - not living longer - the members of its crew.


Senior Member
Jun 29, 2009
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Eleven people missing in Russian military plane crash | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

MOSCOW, November 7 (RIA Novosti) - There were 11 people on board the Pacific Fleet's Tu-142 plane that has crashed off Russia's Pacific coast, an Air Force source in the Far Eastern Military District said on Saturday.

A Tu-142M3 Bear-F plane reportedly went down during a combat training flight around 21:19 local time (11:19 GMT) on Friday some 20 kilometers (12 miles) offshore in the Tatar Strait, which separates mainland Russia from the island of Sakhalin.

"According to latest data, the Tu-142 plane, which has crashed during a training flight, had 11 people on board," the source said, adding that the military authorities had a full list of the personnel on board the plane.

According to preliminary data, the crash was caused by a technical failure.

The remains of the plane were located on Saturday morning by several ships and planes at the depth of about 44 meters (144 feet).

"There are pieces of debris on the surface, which could be the remains of the fuselage and the interior of the plane," a local emergencies official said.

The search for the missing crew members is underway, although the rescue officials fear they have most likely died in the crash.

"Taking into consideration the circumstances of the crash, we could presume all military personnel on board the Tu-142 plane to be dead. However, the rescue operation will continue until the last hope to find the survivors is gone," a Russian military source said.

He added that the Russian Navy will deploy, if necessary, the newest Pantera and Kalmar robotic deep-water rescue vehicles to recover the plane's on-board recording devices.

Tu-142M3 is a Russian maritime reconnaissance/anti-submarine warfare (ASW) turboprop aircraft. It is a modified version of the Tu-95 Bear strategic bomber.

According to open sources, Russia's Pacific Fleet has at least eight Tu-142M3 aircraft in service.


Tihar Jail
Aug 6, 2009
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US helicopter pilots die in Iraq

Two US army pilots have been killed in a helicopter crash in central Iraq, the US military has said.

Their helicopter "experienced a hard landing" at a base in Salahuddin Province on Sunday, a statement said without giving further details.
The incident was under investigation and there was no indication that enemy action had been involved, it added.

A US marine also died on Sunday of "non-combat related injuries" in Anbar province, another statement said.

The deaths raise to 4,362 the number of US military personnel who have died in Iraq since the US-led invasion in March 2003.
BBC NEWS | Middle East | US helicopter pilots die in Iraq



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Jun 29, 2009
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Saudi air force Tornado fighter jet crashes on a training mission

Saudi air force Tornado bomber crashed on a training mission but both the pilot and co-pilot ejected ahead of the crash and are safe, Saudi media reported Monday. The aircraft crashed at midday on Sunday in the desert next to a busy expressway in the Eastern Province, due to mechanical problems, newspapers said.

"Nobody died or was injured as a result of the accident, which was caused by a technical fault," local civil defence spokesman Captain Ali Mubarak al-Qahtani said, according to Arab News.

Two British-supplied Saudi air force Tornados crashed in separate accidents in 2001, Arab News said.

The Saudi government has this month used Tornado planes in a bombing campaign against Yemeni Huthi rebels who crossed the border into Saudi Arabia, according to a government advisor.


Senior Member
Jun 29, 2009
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An Italian air force transport plane crashed onto train tracks near a military airport in the Tuscan city of Pisa on Monday and burst into flames, killing its five-member crew, officials said.

Air force Col. Mauro Gabetta said the C-130 was on a training flight and had been approaching the airport when it suddenly veered away and then crashed. The cause of the crash was under investigation.

The Pisa fire department said the plane crashed onto railway tracks, setting afire electrical wires. There was no train in the area at the time.
Italian military plane crashes, 5 dead

P.S:- Mod really don't need this post please delete it


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Jun 29, 2009
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Air force helicopter crashes in Sri Lanka

Colombo, Nov 27 (DPA) A Russian built Mi-24 Sri Lankan Air Force helicopter Friday crashed in southeastern region of the island-country after an air display to mark the start of construction work of a new international airport, an Air Force spokesman said.

The fate of the pilot and the two other people on board remained unclear as the helicopter crashed into a jungle, the spokesman said, adding that the accident was caused by a technical fault.

The crash occurred in Badalkumbura, 310 km south-east of Colombo.


The southern Man
Senior Member
Jul 15, 2009
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Sukhoi crashes, pilots safe
A Sukhoi-30 fighter plane on Monday crashed near Jetha ki Dhani in Rajasthan’s Jaisalmer district, but both the pilot and the co-pilot baled out safely.

The fighter jet was on a routine sortie when the crash occurred, Defence PRO Lt. N.N. Joshi said.

Both the pilot and the co-pilot baled out safely, he said

The Hindu : News / National : Sukhoi crashes, pilots safe


House keeper
Senior Member
Feb 16, 2009
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Iranian Fighter Plane Crash

Sokhoi 24 Crashed after Pilots took it for a test drive and spotted a malfunctioning in hydrolic system. another fighter went up to clear the path for their landing.Pilots almost made it to the runway but they ended up ejecting from the SU-24.
This happened in Tehran, Iran - Iranian Fighter Plane Crash


Senior Member
Nov 25, 2009
PAF fighter jet crashes
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Air Force (PAF) Mirage fighter jet has been crashed in district Chakwal on Wednesday.

According to PAF spokesman, pilot has been ejected safely and no damage has been reported on the ground. The crash happened due to technical fault, he added.

PAF fighter jet crashes


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Jun 29, 2009
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Thai fighter pilot killed in crash: Air Force

Bangkok: A Thai fighter pilot was killed instantly today when his aircraft crashed during training in the northeast of the country, an air force spokesman said.

"The accident happened at 11.55am (0455 GMT) when a F5E fighter jet, in use since 1981 and attached to the fleet in Ubon Ratchathani province, crashed on the roadside," Group Captain Montol Suchookorn told.

The pilot of the one-seater jet, Flying Officer Chatchawan Rasami, died at the scene.

Montol said an investigating team was dispatched soon after the crash, which appeared to be an accident


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
In Mexico, crashed military helicopter Bell-212

In Mexico, the crash of a military helicopter killed at least one person, injured eight. As the representatives of the military command, a military helicopter Bell-212 crashed in the area Valesitos de Zaragoza, 50 km from g.Altamarino, RBC reports referring to Fox News.
They added that the incident occurred during a planned flight around the territory of the program to combat drug traffickers. The reasons for the collapse are still unknown. Investigation.
Multi-purpose helicopter Bell-212 developed by U.S. firm Bell Helicopter Textron. The first flight took place in August 1968. Mass production deployed in 1971.

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