Aircraft Crash Notification


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Dec 3, 2013
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You living in some altered reality where Balakot bombings missed their target ?

No matter how much you try, you still fail to suppress your hatred for India and armed forces.
I can not behave like Pakistani, Jo hai so hai.
No matter how hard you shout a lie, at the end it will remain a lie.
Indian AF response to Balakot was phenomenal failure from all accounts.
You can say hatred if my assessment is emotional rather than based on facts. Intact your assessment is emotional rather than based on facts.


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Dec 3, 2013
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Then if they failed what warranted such a response from pak?
I mean if they failed why was the alleged area closed to public for about a month after a month BBC went there and showed it was a madarsa.( I wasn't on the forum at that time and most of my knowledge is from SM)
It took months because it was infact a t£rror!st camp. It take time to convert it into a madarasha.

Angel of War

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Nov 14, 2021
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Can we like, not do this republic day level circlejerk here? 'Besht of the besht of the besht of the besht'
Bull$hit , even my 10 year old sister wouldn't say such childish things to prove her point.
We saw all we needed about the IAF's "strategic culture" on Feb 27 when all that was left to defend srinagar was a 60 year old fossil without an EW pod (that should have been mounted on paper)
HOLY MOTHER OF GOD ! Do you even know what strategic culture is ? If you don't know then no point of using it in a conversation just to embarrass yourself. Strategic culture draws out a long term plan to identify percieved threats, drawing out a long term training plan to counter them and ensure adequate distribution of assets in theatres in accordance with changing battle scenarios. A mere tactical skirmish with 0 operational value cannot determine how the air force performs in all out war. It's a localised battle scape with limited involvement of assets, you can hardly judge the airforce on a single effin skirmish, if you are doing so then you're stupid. And listen man, just go through my posts which you were replying to, I've already mentioned the failure in procurement which has been a huge blunder on the Air Force and MoD's part. So you're just literally repeating what I said here.

and interoperability with the army was so bad, a blue on blue kill happened.
Lol, go through the report, why the kill happened, it had nothing do with interoperability, it was the IFF trasnponder, at least take your time to know about incident before bull$hitting here:doh:

The crew abandoned their SU30MKI while it was still flying- we are very lucky it did not fall on someone's house and kill them. The aircraft was flying uncommanded for a 100 kilometers for God's sake.
For God's sake didn't you give it a fuckin thought even once that maybe they lost total control over all of the aircraft's subsystems, how the fukk could they control it then ? You're speaking as if the scenario you've mentioned is the only one which is possible, keep an open mind pal.
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skunk works

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Jul 25, 2022
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IAF jernails will get mixed results despite having clear superiority and then will say shit like "if only we had xyz wunderwaffen we would have mogged the enemy."
What kind of statement is that? You train to fight with what you have, not with what you will. I seriously hope that is not part of the organization culture.

Angel of War

New Member
Nov 14, 2021
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During Balakot Carrom board warriors released Spice 2000 below the required height and result is bombs failed to reach targets which was on height.

Carrom board warriors was using best guidance bomb and jets still World best pilots failed to hit even single target. This alone say lot about training and their Professionalism.

Lesser you talk better for Carrom board warriors.
WTF, failed to hit the targets ? Do you live in alternate realities ?

Angel of War

New Member
Nov 14, 2021
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I can not behave like Pakistani, Jo hai so hai.
No matter how hard you shout a lie, at the end it will remain a lie.
Indian AF response to Balakot was phenomenal failure from all accounts.
You can say hatred if my assessment is emotional rather than based on facts. Intact your assessment is emotional rather than based on facts.
It's a fuckin lie for those who are paid by DGISPR.

skunk works

New Member
Jul 25, 2022
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Lol, go through the report, why the kill happened, it had nothing do with , it was the IFF trasnponder, at least take your time to know about incident before bull$hitting here:doh:
Why was the IFF transponder switched off in a combat situation in the first place?

Angel of War

New Member
Nov 14, 2021
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Why was the IFF transponder switched off in a combat situation in the first place?
That's a question for themselves to answer, but admit the fact that you were wrong about the interoperability argument. That clearly showed your lack of knowledge about the incident.


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Dec 3, 2013
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Chalo, atleast you admit that they have professionalism.

Lol, you've spoken like a true idiot. What's their past record that you're mentioning ? You're acting as if you know every fuckin single thing but the fact is you don't know $hit. Their Past record only speaks well of their exceptional perform. Now don't give me that crash saar , procurement saar Bull$hit because we're talking about the quality of the pilot and their training not what the higher ups decide to buy for them. Pound for Pound, pilot for pilot they're the best trained and extremely proficient in seizing intiaitive.

Go figure buddy

Our IAS/IPS regardless of what anyone says are professionals and that's the truth. They're well trained for what they do, now it's a different story altogether if someone decides to indulge in malpractices but the fact that india is a functioning nation with actual working institutions is more than enough to point out that IAS/IPS/IFS bureaucracy has been mostly successful in keeping india well off, if our babus were really that bad then we would have been another somalia.
tujhse bada koi chutiya hoga Jo Bol raha hai IAS/IPS keeping India well off.
When Jawahar lal Nehru was dyeing he told Indira .
Indira, I lost twice in my life, One from China another from Civil service

Around 50 years later, LPranab Mukherjee openly said, Indian civil service keep India deliberately back, if you bring new change they will try everything to make it failure.

there was a famous study which shows Indian Judiciary along with IAS cost India around 2% of GDP annually. IAS/IPS are the sole reason of corruption in India. Digitalisation has help to decreas corruption slightly.

How efficient our UN generals are, is clearly visible from current condition of Armed forces and their operations ( Operations specially IAF. IA and IN at least better in operations)

Angel of War

New Member
Nov 14, 2021
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You living in some altered reality where Balakot bombings missed their target ?

No matter how much you try, you still fail to suppress your hatred for India and armed forces.
Stupid fools like these boil my blood, I don't even know why I waste my time on these idiots, maybe it's just a force of habit


New Member
Dec 3, 2013
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That's a question for themselves to answer, but admit the fact that you were wrong about the interoperability argument. That clearly showed your lack of knowledge about the incident.
then you tell us if you claiming to be more knowledgeable on earth.?.

Angel of War

New Member
Nov 14, 2021
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I am still right. Why was the army not aware by other means an IAF aircraft was airborne in their AOR?
IFF is a necessity for friendly forces to communicate especially if you're going up against localised air defences. There are two types of AD by the way, centralised network centric Air Defence and localised stand alone air defence systems. It's highly likely that the system was of the latter category, I don't think or believe that IAF systems operate on stand alone mode anylonger due to introduction of AFNET. Maybe it wasn't fully integrated back then. But it's got effin nothing do with interoperability with ground forces
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New Member
Dec 3, 2013
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WTF, failed to hit the targets ? Do you live in alternate realities ?
You are living in alternate realities. The Israeli Spice bomb, imported maal for which our UN generals crave day and night failed (Listen carefully again) failed to destroy intended target. Though possible reasons could be release from lower heights.

Angel of War

New Member
Nov 14, 2021
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You are living in alternate realities. The Israeli Spice bomb, imported maal for which our UN generals crave day and night failed (Listen carefully again) failed to destroy intended target. Though possible reasons could be release from lower heights.
Exactly the words used during DGISPR conference. Perhaps you left your brain there

Super Flanker

Aviation and Defence Enthusiast
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Nov 9, 2021
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All this talk about bombs missing their targets is nothing but Bull$hit!

Who told you that SPICE-2000s dropped by Mirages failed to hit their targets? This is so wrong on so many levels. One thing we know for sure is that on that day, when IAF entered inside Pakistan to conduct Balakot surgical strike then there were multiple SPICE-2000s dropped on their targets (one article I checked on the internet says that five bombs were dropped, lets assume that 5 to 6 bombs were used).

Paki logic is one of the most retarded I have ever come across. According to them, all spice 2000 bombs failed to hit their targets. This is very funny, almost Laughable. Let's say that 1 missed, ok let's say maximum 2 missed but all 5 to 6 failed to hit their targets according to Pakistan? Spice 2000s are not some old WW2 Era munition that so many of them will simply fail to hit their targets. They are very accurate & precise when it comes to hitting their targets, so all 5 to 6 bombs failing is simply RETARDED LOGIC, maximum 1 to 2 might fail but all 5 to 6 missing their targets? Like I said again and will say it last time, it is a retarded logic.

IF indeed we missed our targets in Balakot then why Pakistan did not allow media to inspect the region for more than 1 month? If all bombs failed and only few CROWs were killed then why not simply let media come to the place the very next day? It's simple, IAF hit their intended targets like they were supposed to. Balakot was a success and the message was delivered to Pakistan.

To all members who are saying that IAF missed it's targets in Balakot, remember that you are supporting the Paki narrative and we all know what type of liars are there in Pakistan. S

