Aftermath of Trump Victory


Tihar Jail
Jul 18, 2014
I deleted posts by several people.

Trump won. So, take it as if you won. Be graceful in victory.

In a forum, every individual gets to express his point of view without being harassed.
This chap's post still shows him abusing me. Unless DFI has become PDF kindly take action.

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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Also what about the whites, did they have their FB checked? I wager not.
I don't know but I doubt it as well. I'm curious if these guys are doing it due to official orders or they are just Trump supporters who are abusing their power.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
@pmaitra @Razor

So two interesting incidents to report from today. First - a close friend of mine lives in New York. His wife's cousin (Punjabi Hindu) arrived from a visit to India and was asked to login to Facebook and her wall was checked for postings about Trump. She was also asked what she felt about the President.

My Mexican colleague said that his close friends (NAFTA workers) were entering the US from Mexico and same thing happened to them - they were questioned about their views on Trump and also made to wait and harassed. I'm very disturbed as reading about it in the news is one thing, both of these hit a bit close to home.
I am glad I am not on Facebook. Facebook is one of those places where it is easy to get carried away.

On being asked what she felt about Trump, what should one say? Also, those immigration people might be Trump supporters or Hillary supporters. This is a tricky situation.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
@Project Dharma, @Razor,

I lived in Texas for a short while. I had a neighbour. He was from Mexico. His license plate read "Chihuahua." Of course, this was during the Obama years. Many people drive into the US from Mexico on a regular basis.

Also PD, if your friend's wife's cousin entered through NYC or SFO, chances are those immigration people might as well be Hillary supporters. New York and California are two deep blue states.

However, if someone enters through one of the Texas airports, it is the opposite case.

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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I am glad I am not on Facebook. Facebook is one of those places where it is easy to get carried away.

On being asked what she felt about Trump, what should one say? Also, those immigration people might be Trump supporters or Hillary supporters. This is a tricky situation.
@Project Dharma, @Razor,

I lived in Texas for a short while. I had a neighbour. He was from Mexico. His license plate read "Chihuahua." Of course, this was during the Obama years. Many people drive into the US from Mexico on a regular basis.

Also PD, if your friend's wife's cousin entered through NYC or SFO, chances are those immigration people might as well be Hillary supporters. New York and California are two deep blue states.

However, if someone enters through one of the Texas airports, it is the opposite case.
I think it's safe to assume that somebody asking brown people about their opinion of Trump are likely to be Trump supporters rather than Democrats, no? Evidently, according to her, this wasn't a friendly politics, weather etc kind of small talk question but a serious confrontational question.

She entered through Newark NJ, another blue state though not as blue as California or New York.

My colleague's friend entered through Nogales Arizona.

Personally, if I wasn't a US citizen I'd answer the question with "I don't have an opinion sir, I don't follow the politics in this country that closely." Being a US citizen however, I'd likely answer with "None of your goddamn business" although that probably isn't the best idea.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
I think it's safe to assume that somebody asking brown people about their opinion of Trump are likely to be Trump supporters rather than Democrats, no? Evidently, according to her, this wasn't a friendly politics, weather etc kind of small talk question but a serious confrontational question.

She entered through Newark NJ, another blue state though not as blue as California or New York.

My colleague's friend entered through Nogales Arizona.

Personally, if I wasn't a US citizen I'd answer the question with "I don't have an opinion sir, I don't follow the politics in this country that closely." Being a US citizen however, I'd likely answer with "None of your goddamn business" although that probably isn't the best idea.
"None of your goddamn business" - is the appropriate answer in the ideal world.

NJ is a blue state. Chris Christie, a Republican did become the governor, but that is an anomaly. Moreover, closer to Pennsylvania you will see Republican support, but Newark is the suburbs of New York City, and that is hardcore Democrat.

So, here is the deal.

If the guy asking you is a Trump supporter and you give out the vibe that you like Hillary, or, if the guy is a Hillary supporter and you give out the vibe that you like Trump, then he will be encouraged to press on further to find out some excuse to give you trouble.

At the end of the day, I agree, these things should not be asked, and the tactful reply would be to state that "I don't quote follow US politics." In this case, however, I'd have to hope that guy buys that explanation. :)

Regarding someone asking a brown person, yes, if that guy is white. I have also had Asian immigration officers. It is a mixed feeling. I sometimes thought, "I hope this guy didn't have a fight with his Indian neighbour before getting to work." :)

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
Country flag
Regarding someone asking a brown person, yes, if that guy is white. I have also had Asian immigration officers. It is a mixed feeling. I sometimes thought, "I hope this guy didn't have a fight with his Indian neighbour before getting to work." :)
Agree, I remember feeling very vulnerable at the port of entry till I became a US Citizen. My house, family, job everything was in the country and all it took to deny me entry was the whim of a high school graduate potentially racist officer.

At the end of the day, I agree, these things should not be asked, and the tactful reply would be to state that "I don't quote follow US politics." In this case, however, I'd have to hope that guy buys that explanation. :)
Right, the point is to show deference and not appear confrontational at all. The guy has to feel that he is in absolute power over you. Maybe follow up the "I don't follow US politics" statement with a question, "Who did you support in the Presidential race?" :laugh:


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Agree, I remember feeling very vulnerable at the port of entry till I became a US Citizen. My house, family, job everything was in the country and all it took to deny me entry was the whim of a high school graduate potentially racist officer.

Right, the point is to show deference and not appear confrontational at all. The guy has to feel that he is in absolute power over you. Maybe follow up the "I don't follow US politics" statement with a question, "Who did you support in the Presidential race?" :laugh:
That was funny.

Maybe give a trollish response, "I support the candidate you voted for." :lol:


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2009
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I still donot get one thing if demography where in favour of democrats then how could she loose.Either demography didn`t voted for Hillary or demography isn`t as diverse as required

Between why it has soo much violence/myahem in US and particularity in its some university post election

American isn`t first time electing Republican president

And all that he his doing is expected from republican president

OR am i missing something???


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Checks and balances in display for all.

The three pillars, the Executive, the Legislature, and the Judiciary, are meant to check and balance each other. The first two are doing that right now.

A federal judge in Seattle issued a temporary nationwide restraining order Friday stopping President Trump's executive order banning citizens of seven countries from entering the United States.

Judge James Robart, who was appointed by former President George Bush in 2003, ruled the executive order would be stopped nationwide, effective immediately.
CNN reported that Customs and Border Protection held a 9 p.m. call with airlines and said it’s “back to business as usual” in the wake of the judge’s action.

Reporter Jon Ostrower added that the systems that flagged and blocked travelers from the seven countries named in the ban were being lifted and rescinded visas were being reissued.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009

I still donot get one thing if demography where in favour of democrats then how could she loose.Either demography didn`t voted for Hillary or demography isn`t as diverse as required

Between why it has soo much violence/myahem in US and particularity in its some university post election

American isn`t first time electing Republican president

And all that he his doing is expected from republican president

OR am i missing something???
What do you mean by demography? Are you talking about the popular vote? Well, that is not how the
President is elected.

The United States of America is, as indicated by the first word, a Union of States. The President is not elected by the Union. The President is elected by the States. At each state, it is a democratic process. Whoever wins the state, wins all the electors (see 1 below). At the Union Level, it is the Electoral College made up of electors with unequal powers (see 2 below) who elect the President. The USA is a Constitutional Republic.

So, Hillary won the majority vote of the Union, i.e. the USA, but Trump won the majority vote in a majority of the states.

  1. Except Nebraska and Maine. Here, the House votes are given proportionally as per whoever wins the Congressional District and the winner of the state gets the two Senate votes.
  2. Low population states have more electors per capita. An elector from Wyoming is more powerful than an elector from California.

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
Country flag
I still donot get one thing if demography where in favour of democrats then how could she loose.Either demography didn`t voted for Hillary or demography isn`t as diverse as required
Hillary didn't inspire the Democrats to get out and vote, she was one of the most unattractive candidates in history. Despite this, she managed to get three million more votes than Trump. However, she lost due to the Electoral College system..

Between why it has soo much violence/myahem in US and particularity in its some university post election
Berkeley is one of the most liberal universities in one of the most diverse parts of the country. Hispanics are the majority here. People are up in arms in liberal country about the immigration executive actions. In the midst of this, a dude from a white supremacist magazine tried to speak at the University. The rest was bound to happen.


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2009
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Berkeley is one of the most liberal universities in one of the most diverse parts of the country. Hispanics are the majority here. People are up in arms in liberal country about the immigration executive actions. In the midst of this, a dude from a white supremacist magazine tried to speak at the University. The rest was bound to happen.
Why Hispanics are in arm against immigartion executive actions against ban on 7 muslims country which where banned by Obama to??? Or is it because Obama was one of them so he did right..

Between aren`t his order are temporary pending till both house approves makes approraite imaagration law which is pending since Obama time

Is this news lost too them

2) doesnt White supremacist has right to speak in university

Or such things looks good only in control TV debates


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2009
Country flag
What do you mean by demography? Are you talking about the popular vote? Well, that is not how the
President is elected.

The United States of America is, as indicated by the first word, a Union of States. The President is not elected by the Union. The President is elected by the States. At each state, it is a democratic process. Whoever wins the state, wins all the electors (see 1 below). At the Union Level, it is the Electoral College made up of electors with unequal powers (see 2 below) who elect the President. The USA is a Constitutional Republic.

So, Hillary won the majority vote of the Union, i.e. the USA, but Trump won the majority vote in a majority of the states.

  1. Except Nebraska and Maine. Here, the House votes are given proportionally as per whoever wins the Congressional District and the winner of the state gets the two Senate votes.
  2. Low population states have more electors per capita. An elector from Wyoming is more powerful than an elector from California.

very very confusing system to elect president where each states has its own rules and regulations for selecting presdient

By the way why donot they buy Indian electroing voting machine

Atlest in future they wont blame russians for there stupidity

The Last Stand

Senior Member
Apr 14, 2013
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Berkeley is one of the most liberal universities in one of the most diverse parts of the country. Hispanics are the majority here. People are up in arms in liberal country about the immigration executive actions. In the midst of this, a dude from a white supremacist magazine tried to speak at the University. The rest was bound to happen.
There was targeted violence against Trump supporters. A lady was saying something about how she felt happy about the non-violent protesters and then got pepper sprayed. :doh:

Then again, the guys that were beating them up were Antifa Thugs that apparently roam around waiting for a chance.

Neither side is all goody-goody, but I'd rather not support people that go on the -ist diatribe the moment you point out something against their narrative.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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@pmaitra @Razor

So two interesting incidents to report from today. First - a close friend of mine lives in New York. His wife's cousin (Punjabi Hindu) arrived from a visit to India and was asked to login to Facebook and her wall was checked for postings about Trump. She was also asked what she felt about the President.

My Mexican colleague said that his close friends (NAFTA workers) were entering the US from Mexico and same thing happened to them - they were questioned about their views on Trump and also made to wait and harassed. I'm very disturbed as reading about it in the news is one thing, both of these hit a bit close to home.
Just to be sure, maybe you need check if they are democrats.

I am implying that "liberals" have no issues creating rumours. we went thru that for 2 years in India, only to find out that many of them were rumours when investigated deeper.

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