Aftermath of Trump Victory


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009

does US has Indian equivalent of IAS/IFS system

I mean there must be permanent bureaucracy in US which doesnt changes with change in gov

few days back i heard news that whole of permanent staff belowing to some department i think is was state that resigned
There is the Department of State, and no, not all employees are fired. Majority of the bureaucrats will remain in their jobs.

The Department of State corresponds to our IFS.

On the other hand, the Tweet that you quoted pertains to the Department of Justice.


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2009
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Here is an interesting critique of the immigration ban by Kyle Kulinski. Kyle Kulinski leans towards the Democratic Party. I do not agree with many of his comments, however, he appears to be well informed and makes an honest effort to be balanced. He got it right on this one: Iran is Shia, and they are fighting Wahhabism, which is an extreme group within the Sunnis, and they are fighting ISIS, so Trump was wrong to ban them. Kyle Kulinski does not support the ban, however, he says rhetorically, that if there has to be a ban at all, Saudi Arabia should have been in the list.

More Americans Support Trump's Immigration Ban Than Oppose It

@pmaitra and others who are thinking why isnt saudi and other middle east like quatar etc country and others are in ban list

I think think look it from USA geo-politics point of view .till middle east has good percentage of oil that can be sold in world market in dollars they wont come in any such list which ever gov comes in power be that of democrat or republicans or any other 3 party which comes in power in future

Just look at their foreign policy it hardly changes whether democrats comes or republican comes into power.Just here are there little bit tweaking , little bit tactical retreat .nothing major changes

Now for Trump major issues is Job creation in USA.And for that his administration would target IT jobs and manufacturing jobs

His major concern would be forcing manufacturing companies again to start manufacturing goods in USA instead of china or any other country to be consumed by USA.whether its sold in golbal market or not would be secondary goal

So now how to keep dollar circulation in global market .that where middle east oil comes in.

Also now that there is going to br tug of war between china and USA , i think USA now needs more of middle east support

Just think of it what would happen if major oil producing nations of middle east start selling their oil in china`s Renminbi or russian rubble or any other non-western nation currency.

For pakistan its just that are lucky that they have POK in their control

Ex PM/PM`s where stupid who ignored geo-importance of POK

Pakistan is like spotlit child/brothers of yours whom you can neither embrace fully nor can can fully broke away with him


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2009
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There is the Department of State, and no, not all employees are fired. Majority of the bureaucrats will remain in their jobs.

The Department of State corresponds to our IFS.

On the other hand, the Tweet that you quoted pertains to the Department of Justice.

Yea i know it

I am just asking does US has something equivalent of IAS i.e permanent bureaucracy


Senior Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Yea i know it

I am just asking does US has something equivalent of IAS i.e permanent bureaucracy
US bureaucracy is post based AFAIK.
IAS is a service based I.e. members of standard service assume important posts to maintain similar standard I.e. generalist service.

While in US posts are filled with specific knowledge based candidates. Specialized bureaucracy. So US is much more flexible with its bureaucratic appointment. They can come and go frequently.


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2009
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@IndianHawk @pmaitra

Actually some people on tweeter this days are coamparing trump cabinet with Modi cabinet

Also some are comparing how trump can fire anybody in USA gov while Modi doent

So i wanted to know can trump really fire people out of job in United States federal civil service witout providning any opportunity to provide his/ner side of case as begin norm in india

Is there post equivalent of say District Magistrate in USA


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
@IndianHawk @pmaitra

Actually some people on tweeter this days are coamparing trump cabinet with Modi cabinet

Also some are comparing how trump can fire anybody in USA gov while Modi doent

So i wanted to know can trump really fire people out of job in United States federal civil service witout providning any opportunity to provide his/ner side of case as begin norm in india

Is there post equivalent of say District Magistrate in USA
The US system and the Indian system are very different.

Here is a comparison:

US President: More executive power.
Indian President: Titular in nature. Can return money bills. Power is actually held by the PM.

US Secretaries of Portfolio is equivalent to Indian Minister of Portfolio.
US Assistant Secretaries of Portfolio (may be more than one) are equivalent to Indian Minister of State for Portfolio.

US Secretaries and Assistant Secretaries are appointed, while Indian Ministers and Ministers of State are elected. The Indian Secretaries are far below the rank when compared with the US Secretaries.

In India, a portfolio is a ministry, while in the US, a portfolio is a department.

The US President can fire a Secretary and appoint any other person, but in any event, that person has to be confirmed by the Senate. In India, the PM can fire a Minister and appoint another one who is elected.

In the US, you have a Magistrate Judge who will typically issue warrants just like in the US. Magistrate Judges are appointed per District Court, so yes, it is very similar. A district in the US is called a County in most states, and a Parish in Louisiana.

Coming to your question, no, a President cannot just fire any federal employee, including bureaucrats. There are only some federal employees that he can fire, and these are usually political appointees.


Senior Member
Sep 24, 2016
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@IndianHawk @pmaitra

Actually some people on tweeter this days are coamparing trump cabinet with Modi cabinet

Also some are comparing how trump can fire anybody in USA gov while Modi doent

So i wanted to know can trump really fire people out of job in United States federal civil service witout providning any opportunity to provide his/ner side of case as begin norm in india

Is there post equivalent of say District Magistrate in USA
With all above that @pmaitra described India is unique in regards of civil service protection where articles 310 311 of Constitution makes it Uber difficult to fire civil servants.


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2009
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The US system and the Indian system are very different.

Here is a comparison:

US President: More executive power.
Indian President: Titular in nature. Can return money bills. Power is actually held by the PM.

US Secretaries of Portfolio is equivalent to Indian Minister of Portfolio.
US Assistant Secretaries of Portfolio (may be more than one) are equivalent to Indian Minister of State for Portfolio.

US Secretaries and Assistant Secretaries are appointed, while Indian Ministers and Ministers of State are elected. The Indian Secretaries are far below the rank when compared with the US Secretaries.

In India, a portfolio is a ministry, while in the US, a portfolio is a department.

The US President can fire a Secretary and appoint any other person, but in any event, that person has to be confirmed by the Senate. In India, the PM can fire a Minister and appoint another one who is elected.

In the US, you have a Magistrate Judge who will typically issue warrants just like in the US. Magistrate Judges are appointed per District Court, so yes, it is very similar. A district in the US is called a County in most states, and a Parish in Louisiana.

Coming to your question, no, a President cannot just fire any federal employee, including bureaucrats. There are only some federal employees that he can fire, and these are usually political appointees.

Thanks for clarification

I was more interested about bureaucracy then about minsters

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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Have you heard a lot? A little? Or nothing at all about the "Yes California" campaign, or the idea called CalExit, which says the state of California should leave the United States and become its own country?
19% A Lot
51% A Little
23% Nothing
7% Not Sure

Should California withdraw from the United States and become an entirely new nation? Or should California remain part of the United States?
18% Withdraw
68% Remain
15% Not Sure

@Razor @pmaitra


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
@Project Dharma,

Yes, I am aware of this. I am aware of CalExit and TExit, and the CalDebt and TexDebt (ok, I made the last two terms up, but the underlying links are real). Texas looks a little better than California.

Not gonna happen in either case. Unlike the Constitution of the USSR, that explicitly specified that each SSR had the right to secede, the US Constitution does not allow secession (well, there is nothing that prohibits it either, and the US Supreme Court interpreted that if joining the union can be voluntary, so can secession, but who knows?).


Senior Member
May 18, 2015
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this...(from 'vice', FWIW)

The Data That Turned the World Upside Down

Psychologist Michal Kosinski developed a method to analyze people in minute detail based on their Facebook activity. Did a similar tool help propel Donald Trump to victory? Two reporters from Zurich-based Das Magazin went data-gathering.
An earlier version of this story appeared in Das Magazin in December.

On November 9 at around 8.30 AM., Michal Kosinski woke up in the Hotel Sunnehus in Zurich. The 34-year-old researcher had come to give a lecture at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) about the dangers of Big Data and the digital revolution. Kosinski gives regular lectures on this topic all over the world. He is a leading expert in psychometrics, a data-driven sub-branch of psychology. When he turned on the TV that morning, he saw that the bombshell had exploded: contrary to forecasts by all leading statisticians, Donald J. Trump had been elected president of the United States.

For a long time, Kosinski watched the Trump victory celebrations and the results coming in from each state. He had a hunch that the outcome of the election might have something to do with his research. Finally, he took a deep breath and turned off the TV.

On the same day, a then little-known British company based in London sent out a press release: "We are thrilled that our revolutionary approach to data-driven communication has played such an integral part in President-elect Trump's extraordinary win," Alexander James Ashburner Nix was quoted as saying. Nix is British, 41 years old, and CEO of Cambridge Analytica. He is always immaculately turned out in tailor-made suits and designer glasses, with his wavy blonde hair combed back from his forehead. His company wasn't just integral to Trump's online campaign, but to the UK's Brexit campaign as well.

Of these three players—reflective Kosinski, carefully groomed Nix and grinning Trump—one of them enabled the digital revolution, one of them executed it and one of them benefited from it.

more here -

Ted Cruz using firm that harvested data on millions of unwitting Facebook users

what is CA? cambridge analytica

rejection of the claim(s):

Trump's 'Secret Sauce' Is Just More Ketchup

The myth that British data scientists won the election for Trump

Hemu Vikram Aditya

Senior Member
Jan 18, 2017
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@Project Dharma,

Yes, I am aware of this. I am aware of CalExit and TExit, and the CalDebt and TexDebt (ok, I made the last two terms up, but the underlying links are real). Texas looks a little better than California.

Not gonna happen in either case. Unlike the Constitution of the USSR, that explicitly specified that each SSR had the right to secede, the US Constitution does not allow secession (well, there is nothing that prohibits it either, and the US Supreme Court interpreted that if joining the union can be voluntary, so can secession, but who knows?).
Didn't ussr grower itself to dead


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Trump had heated exchange with Australian PM

Trump Hangs Up On Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull



Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
MAJOR: New Secretary of State Rex Tillerson Speaks to State Department Staff - FNN


Tarun Kumar

Regular Member
Dec 12, 2016
Just to inform that he insulted the PM of strategically one of the most important countries in the world for 1250 refugees. I mean how mean spirited and dark is the heart of this man and his brains Bannon . To expect support for India from his administration would be mindbogglingly foolish. I seriously doubt about F16V deal going through and we should buy more rafales now.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Trump had heated exchange with Australian PM

Trump Hangs Up On Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull

Subject matter of the discussion was a deal involving refugees currently in Australia and intended for the US.


At one point, Trump informed Turnbull that he had spoken with four other world leaders that day — including Russian President Vladimir Putin — and that “this was the worst call by far.”

Tarun Kumar

Regular Member
Dec 12, 2016
The biggest beneficiaries are the Chinese. with Australia in their bags, hard to see how US caneven stand on WestPac. Also high tariffs on Mexico to pay for the wall will send Mexico and defacto the whole South America to Chinese Russia lap. I see a powerful military alliance of nations emerging under China and Russkies which will eventually shatter America

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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Just to inform that he insulted the PM of strategically one of the most important countries in the world for 1250 refugees. I mean how mean spirited and dark is the heart of this man and his brains Bannon . To expect support for India from his administration would be mindbogglingly foolish. I seriously doubt about F16V deal going through and we should buy more rafales now.
I predict that he will be removed from office at this rate before the end of his term (unless he mellows down dramatically which also might happen) and then strong safeguards will be enacted to limit a President's powers

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