ADA Tejas Mark-II/Medium Weight Fighter


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Jun 27, 2023
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3 YEARS: 1yr-increasing Indigenous component, 1yr-CCS clearence, 1yr-releasing funds.
As Govt understands there are delays why they are taking years for clearences?

Just think China attacks Sikkim near Siliguri corridor tomorrow? How prepared is India?

We have a Rafale squadron in Hasirmara which is max 150-200 kms away from PLA Rocket force batteries placed in Chumbi valley. lol Then come thier exponential drone swarms and cruise missiles. While IAF ordering 10 drones.

IA delayed Prahar missle development for years, though first test was do e 12 years back, not a single missle inducted till now.

After PLA deployed rocket force in Tibet after Doklam, now IA want similar weapons. Always reactive.

Large number of long range low cost swarm drones cued by a stealthy Swift type drone with passive sensors can be something against PLA.


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Jun 27, 2023
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Almost all of Indian military comes into this category, except for the very concentrated forces where babugiri and other intradomain politics don't dilute them
They are blocking India's growth every possible way. R&D take time, and it is hard to achieve but babus sitting in their office desks taking years to sanction money for porjects should be dealt with iron fist.


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Mar 22, 2022
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They are blocking India's growth every possible way. R&D take time, and it is hard to achieve but babus sitting in their office desks taking years to sanction money for porjects should be dealt with iron fist.
where's the kickback and unethical earning in doing it quickly? 😄


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Aug 17, 2021
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I REALLY wonder what’s going on behind the scenes, this seems like the most obvious attempt to subvert Indian MIC in recent times but then again it definitely feels like the import lobby is back in charge these days
This kind of tomfoolery that Public sector companies are made to bear, ensures that no private player has any skin in the game that Indian Defence Procurement is. Why the fuck would you link the development of your own aircraft platform to the Transfer of Technology clause that's governed by a different country (and USA, nonetheless - with them it's never just the business alone. There's always something more)
Tatas and LnTs of the world know this, and are happy to do perpetual screwdrivergiri for a 20 percent margin


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Sep 13, 2010
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This kind of tomfoolery that Public sector companies are made to bear, ensures that no private player has any skin in the game that Indian Defence Procurement is. Why the fuck would you link the development of your own aircraft platform to the Transfer of Technology clause that's governed by a different country (and USA, nonetheless - with them it's never just the business alone. There's always something more)
Tatas and LnTs of the world know this, and are happy to do perpetual screwdrivergiri for a 20 percent margin
It’s been obvious for a while hence why you see little actual R&D or IP emerging from Indian private sector- the most they want to do is an MOU with a foreign OEM so they only invest capital when/if deals are actually signed

then you have the other end- Kalyani that has linked mammoth investment in their efforts and all are sat idle as they plead with the govt for orders, as their CEO said they don’t expect orders for their MGS for at least 7 years.

You could not have a more antithetical business environment if you tried. Some will keep blaming the DRDO/DPSUs though


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Sep 13, 2010
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They will keep delaying it until it's useless for airforce and obviously then airforce won't induct it
It’s obvious what the game is

they’ve delayed the Su-30 upgrades, they’ve sat on LCA MK.2 funding, AMCA is nowhere to be seen and LCA MK.1 orders are being kept spread out enough to barely sustain retirement rates

the case for MRFA is being propped up and furthermore they’ll soon be demanding the F-35 just watch


New Member
Jul 29, 2010
It’s obvious what the game is

they’ve delayed the Su-30 upgrades, they’ve sat on LCA MK.2 funding, AMCA is nowhere to be seen and LCA MK.1 orders are being kept spread out enough to barely sustain retirement rates

the case for MRFA is being propped up and furthermore they’ll soon be demanding the F-35 just watch
As of today, I sense that political leadership is not keen to shift to big ticket purchases on western platforms.
Looks more probable PAK-FA rather than F-35, strategic autonomy is an obsession for India. We may purchase here and there to placate them, but giving Uncle Sam veto right on IAF is suicidal.


New Member
Sep 13, 2010
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As of today, I sense that political leadership is not keen to shift to big ticket purchases on western platforms.
Looks more probable PAK-FA rather than F-35, strategic autonomy is an obsession for India. We may purchase here and there to placate them, but giving Uncle Sam veto right on IAF is suicidal.
They gave Uncle Sam a veto on the LCA MK.2 with the clause linking the engine to funding so I don’t think they care

strategic autonomy has been transformed into pimping out to all the different interests- to get votes from Russia/France/US they Sprinkle billions every now and then

what are KA-226, MQ-9B, S400, MRFA etc etc if not cheap attempts to keep the gaze of foreign powers?

if these clowns cared about self reliance they’d have a clear road map to it and it could be achieved in 10-15 years instead they are ensuring even in the 2050s india will be a sold out nation


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Jun 27, 2023
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Optimistic timeline keeping ADA/HAL's history in mind.

Firat flight 2027
Induction 2037
First squadron 2040

I do not see first squadron of AMCA before 2050. LCA had first flight in 2001, while capable Mk1A will be inducted in 2024 after 23 years. If things go like this, next surrender ceremony will held be in Delhi by our Army Chief to PLA. A nation ruled by invaders for 800 years did not learn the lesson.

So is submarine condition. Big time losers our military planners are.


New Member
Nov 1, 2022
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It’s obvious what the game is

they’ve delayed the Su-30 upgrades, they’ve sat on LCA MK.2 funding, AMCA is nowhere to be seen and LCA MK.1 orders are being kept spread out enough to barely sustain retirement rates

the case for MRFA is being propped up and furthermore they’ll soon be demanding the F-35 just watch
I think you've made a misdiagnosis here. MKI upgrades assuming GoI wanted it to be indigenous as opposed to what IAF may have desired was always a function of maturity of the various sub systems indigenously. That took time & here we are when these sub systems are ready.

Mk-2 funding has gotten caught up in extraneous issues like the ability to mfg the TF in India along with the requisite ToTs for it which seems to have been caught up in politics namely our silence on Russia in the Ukraine war & off late the Panun / Khalistani incidents. Will they be mutually resolved & things go back to normal ? Time will answer it . Unfortunately the IAF is running out of time.

MRFA is an even bigger mandatory requirement given the looming war with China where even otherwise the Mk-2 & the AMCA weren't expected to figure in the line up of the IAF given that these FAs are expected to make an appearance in a productionised form only in the 2030s whereas our conflict with China will be prosecuted before the decade is out .

If the conflicts between the State Dpt & MEA aren't sorted out amicably , all future co operation with the US in the field of collaborative defence ventures will be jeopardized. With China being the elephant in the room , I doubt both nations can afford such a stalemate. Let's hope we reach a mutual accomodation with the Americans ASAP.

Where the GoI should be faulted is in not reaching an accomodation with the IAF as far as MRFA goes earlier with the latest date being June 2020 when after Galwan any remaining doubts in the minds of our foreign policy mandarins regarding China should've been cleared . That doesn't seem to have manifested itself in ordering the second tranche of 36 nos Rafales if not 54 nos & swiftly expediting the RFP for the 114 nos MRFA tender.

The GoI also bears its share of blame for not expediting the JV for the clean sheet 120 KN TF for the AMCA Mk-2 . I recall Raksha Mantri asking MoD to seal up the deal within a year back in the first half of 2021. It's been 2.5 years since.

jai jaganath

New Member
Jul 3, 2022
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Optimistic timeline keeping ADA/HAL's history in mind.

Firat flight 2027
Induction 2037
First squadron 2040

I do not see first squadron of AMCA before 2050. LCA had first flight in 2001, while capable Mk1A will be inducted in 2024 after 23 years. If things go like this, next surrender ceremony will held be in Delhi by our Army Chief to PLA. A nation ruled by invaders for 800 years did not learn the lesson.

So is submarine condition. Big time losers our military planners are.
Airforce is doomed for sure
In future if we face a war then iaf would rather better sit than wasting obsolete aircrafts in battlefield
Anyway wars are won by powerful airforce and I don't know how are they planning to win with such airforce
Forget 800 years of invasion name a 3.9 trillion economy having such state of affairs wrt military
Military cant procure
And production agencies and mod can perform a simple project management

