ADA Tejas (LCA) News and Discussions

Which role suits LCA 'Tejas' more than others from following options?

  • Interceptor-Defend Skies from Intruders.

    Votes: 342 51.3%
  • Airsuperiority-Complete control of the skies.

    Votes: 17 2.5%
  • Strike-Attack deep into enemy zone.

    Votes: 24 3.6%
  • Multirole-Perform multiple roles.

    Votes: 284 42.6%

  • Total voters
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Mar 6, 2011
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According to this graph the Mig-27 is set to be retired soon. SO why are people working overtime to develop internal Ew suit for Mig-27 in 2011?
The reason is EW suit development is an ongoing activity that is not confined to the tottering Mig-27.

it is a fleet wide effort and tejas will reap rich dividends because it's mk-2 version with an extended fuselage plug behind the cockpit , half of which is earmarked for avionic requirements is tailor made to exploit this EW suit to full potential.

A lot of LRUs and other systems that are meant for tejas mk-2 are simultaneously being tested on jaguar platforms and this fitment and testing of internal EW suit on older Mig-27s which have few service years left is also geared for the suit to be deployed in tejas and many other fighters in IAF,

So it is stupid to say the EW suit on tejas is obsolete even with out knowing any ground realities.

60+ MiG-29s to common MiG-29 SMT+ standard. Extra fuel, airframe rework for extra hours plus significant avionics refresh with modern Zhuk-ME radar, Thales Topsight HMDS, Indian designed EW suite, Thales IFF, glass cockpit with HOTAS, new mission and weapons computing systems, IFR, new navigation, communications suite with datalink (as part of IAF Operational Datalink project). Weapons now include RVV-AE, R-73E, and KAB plus Kh-31 series of PGMs.

~100 Super 30 upgrades for Su-30 MKI in Phase1. Deal signed in December 2011 by India and Russia. Specifics being worked out. Indian design centers include DARE (DRDO), HAL ARDC and HAL Nasik. Russian design centers include Sukhoi firms and partners involved in Su-30 MKI and Su-35 programs.

New mission avionics: DARE is developing new mission computers for the Super 30; HAL is developing a new Software Defined Radio. A modern EW suite is intended to be fitted. Models displayed by DARE show new wingtip jammers. These could either be KNIRTI jammers already qualified on the Su-30 MKI platform or variants of the modular EW suite developed by DARE for the LCA, MiG-27 and MiG-29.
Even the upgraded Mig-29s have indian designed EW suits according to this link.SO there is no way that the indian designed internal EW suit for tejas to be obsolete when Mig-29's is good to go!!!!!!!!

an't really say whether the LCA EW is cost effective or not. It definitely won't be 300% cheaper. Mig-29's suite should have been developed with Italian and Russian help in Russia. So it won't be free from licensing. I am not sure about this either. It is most probably the stuff the Russians made for the Mig-35. It could be using our RWR and other systems.
Where is the source for the claim that the EW suits for MIG-29 are from Russia and Italy? I suppose we are expected to take the ,"should have " in the statement as proof!!!!!!!! If people are not sure about anything and don't know a shit about tejas internal EW suit they can keep quiet without muddying the waters,

For a fighter force that is flying close to 500 begging to be retired obsolete Soviet era fighters the EW suit in modern 4.5 the gen low clean config RCS tejas with reliable GE engines is a welcome addition of strength in south asian air space and in fact and a significant milestone in local development that will benefit all fighters in future.

They only expose their own stupidity by making obnoxious comments like ,"By the time LCA's EW system is integrated, it could become obsolete due to a new development and will be junked"

There are currently several local EW programs going on for improved variants of the current jammers. These will be used for future upgrades and programs as well. The LCA for instance is to have an multispectral ECM suite, with an internal SP Jamming system superior to those on any IAF aircraft today.
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Mar 6, 2011
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The Su-30MKI Info Page - Vayu Sena

Deal I (30 Nov 1996) : The IAF signed a US $1462 million (equivalent to Rs 5122 crore) deal with Sukhoi on 30 November 1996 for the delivery of 40 Su-30 aircraft and the associated equipment from the Irkutsk plant in phased manner, spread out over four years - from 1997 to 2000. The contract provided for setting up of a Service Support Centre in India which was to undertake extended second line repair tasks of aircraft, avionics, aero-engines and aggregates to avoid the need to despatch them to the manufacturer.

Under this original contract, Su-30s would be delivered to the IAF in four batches:

The first batch (Su-30MK-I) of 8 aircraft would be delivered in 1997. These were 'standard' Su-30s (a development of the Su-27UB) and contained 100% (probably) Russian components and are primarily sir-superiority aircraft only. These fighters were first delivered to India at Lohegaon AFS in March 1997. They were inducted into the IAF on 11 June 1997 by the then Prime Minister, Inder Kumar Gujral. These planes are currently in service with IAF with serial nos SB001 to SB008 in the No. 24 Hawks squadron based at Lohegaon AFS.
The second batch (Su-30MK-IIs) of another 8 aircraft would be delivered in 1998 and would be fitted with Sextant Avionique's avionics from France, liquid crystal multi-function displays (MFDs), a new flight data recorder, a dual ring laser gyro INS (inertial navigation system) with embedded GPS (Global Positioning Satellite), EW (Electronic Warfare) equipment procured from Israel's IAI (Israeli Aircraft Industries), a new electro-optical targeting system and a RWR (Radar Warning Receiver).
The third batch (Su-30MK-IIIs) of 12 aircraft would be delivered in 1999 and would feature canard foreplanes
The fourth and final batch (Su-30MKIs) of 12 aircraft would be delivered in 2000 and would add the AL-31FP turbofans.
Thats how various system on fighters are developed. it is stupid to say that all other fighters had similar internal EW suits like the one being fitted on tejas now. fact is none of them had any EW suit worth the name in the initial period of inductions. only tejas is going to fly in with a tested internal EW suit right from day one.

The NTSE chief Riaz khokar himself has stated that there is a 200KG ballast space in tejas mk-1 itself. It must have been put there to cater to future requirements likefully internal EW suits or IRST sensors . That's what the test pilot Sunneth Krissna implied by saying that tejas is a modualrly upgradable fighter in his comments about the plane.
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Mar 6, 2011
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Stop wasteful military deals - The New Indian Express

The article sheds light on some strange IAF policies that are enforced especially for tejas

French and Israeli pilots who have unofficially flown the Tejas Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) have gone gaga over its flying attributes. The Tejas will come equipped with an indigenous AESA (Active Electronically Scanned Array) radar — the heart and the brains of any combat aircraft, enabling it to near-instantly switch from air-to-air to air-to-ground missions. The Flight Control System (FCS) of the Tejas is so advanced, it can deal with the sort of turbulence in flight that its counterpart onboard the Eurofighter — supposedly technologically superior to the Rafale, plainly cannot, as per an expert familiar with the FCS in both aircraft. This deficiency nearly ended in disaster for the Eurofighter on several occasions but was not disclosed by EADS to IAF during the jockeying for the MMRCA contract. The larger, heavier, longer range Mark-II variant of the near all-composite Tejas, in fact, fills the bill of "MMRCA". An LCA version of Tejas has already been flown weighted down with ballast to mimic the Mk-II plan-form. The fact that the Mk-II variant was coming along well, besides, was known to the IAF-MoD (ministry of defence) combo. So, how come the tender for MMRCA was not terminated midway?

The Mk-II's chances were scuppered by IAF-MoD on the ground that Tejas was not operational. But the LCA has been prevented from entering squadron service after it obtained the Initial Operational Clearance (IOC)-1 last year, because of their insistence that IOC-2 and subsequent clearances be done by HAL rather than permitting the clearances to be obtained by the designated Tejas squadron, flying the aircraft, at the Sulur base in Tamil Nadu. The latter procedure will allow our fighter pilots to test the plane's flight envelope and performance, and to provide feedback to designers — normal practice of advanced air forces inducting a new locally-produced aircraft. Further, rather than restricting the initial off-take to just 46 aircraft, MoD should order the full complement of 7-8 squadrons worth of Tejas to facilitate economies of scale and the farming out of work by HAL to private industry, thereby growing it. In the interim, additional "super Sukhois" could have been procured for a total force of some 70-plus of these planes, inarguably the finest combat aircraft now flying.

The fact is the original price tag for the MMRCA deal of $12-15 billion is set to balloon to $26-30 billion. Why? For one thing, having won the MMRCA contest,
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House keeper
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Feb 16, 2009
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Flight Test News

LCA-Tejas has completed 2380 Test Flights Successfully. (30-Oct-2013).



LCA-Tejas has completed 2389 Test Flights Successfully. (06-Nov-2013).



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Mar 6, 2011
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IMHO the 200 Kg ballast must have been placed simulating excess weight component that will need to be added as new requirements arose which is a standard practice in any test flight program. For example if IRST needs to ne added to Tejas mk-1 . Then we can replace this ballast with IRST equipment .

In the same way this 200 KG extra weight will also replicate the performance of MK-2 .Since in the same way it will simulate the fuselage plug to be added for MK-2 to increase it's weight.

SO he is not far off the mark when he says this. may be he did not give detailed explanations but it is more or less correct.

Riaz Khokar in his critical article about Tejas mk-2 expectations also referred to this 200 KG ballast weight in tejas mk-2 and feigned ignorance of it. he should know any way that it simulates the excess weight that may be added in future if IAf asks for further additions. Since the many weight saving exercise were carried out already reducing the weight of the mk-1 close to a ton this ballast if it is still used in mk-1 will simulate the excess weight of the mk-2.

Who did all the IOCs and FOCs for SU-30 MKI? The sukhoi guys? No. Even before the SU-30 MKI was finished as a product IAF put money into it based on the performance of base line version of Su-30 . Without gettng so many OCs a squadron of less tested F-35 are already opertating. Also russian airforce is gearing up to introduce without insisting on so many changes and 2300 flight tests spanning 14 years ,
Just four or five prototypes of PAKFA are up in the air with older engines originally not meant for it. The new engine for PAKFA is yet toget certification.

Then how can the Russian airforce introduce PAKFA next year with fewer than 1000 sub standard test flights with fixtures on the air frame and old lesser power engines on which it is running now?

SO the author is correct on this count as well.

wiki states the Range 850 KM and ferry range 3000 KM for tejas MK 1.

MK 1 can fly 2X850 Km =1700 KM .

If MK 1 can fly 1700 KM than certainly MK2 with additional 40% fuel can at least fly more than 50 percent long distance.SInce reserve fuel back up levels will be the same for mk-1 and mk-2 along with the fact it is the take off and sharp manoeuvres which eat up most fuel not cruising at a comfortable fuel burn ratio as per design.

After all GE404 is a highly fuel efficient engine and GE 414 IN S 6 goes one step further and it is more advanced than the older engines on RAFALE .

.So MK2 will have close to 75 % of rafale's range in normal design load normal internal fuel condition in which most of the IAF missions are carried out.

You can't go lugging tons and tons of extra fuel (bullock cart level close combat performance config )into heavily defended PAk and Chinese air space defended by F-16 newer blocks and chinese flanker versions in the same way french are flying over next to no defence air spaces of male and Afganisthan. SO even if IAF attempts fly with such heavy external fuel tanks on the first blush of contact with defending fighters those fuel tanks will be dumped.

Fuel capacity of 2 engine Rafale with a few more tons of extra empty weight is 4700 KG against the few tons lesser weight single engine LCA MK2 which has 3000 to 3400 KG of internal fuel.

So for normal combat missions which demand high close combat performance with full internal fuel only tejas mk-2 will have almost close to the same range as RAAFLE.

In addition tejas mk-2 has air to air refuelling in buddy mode as well .

Mk2 can carryout 80 percent of the missions which Rafale can. And we have extra super Sukhois FGFA s to cover the remaining 30 percent. With french already wiggling out of TOT commitments with "HAL ---no good " certificate close to 30 billion dollar expenditure is a sheer waste of money on a redundant acquisition , if you consider the sjy high upgrading price for Mirage 2000 will repeat itself for RAFALE . then we can operate close to 250 tejas mk-2 and 50 extra Super Sukhoi fighters which has complete TOT including engine in our hands,

And last but not the least tejas mk-2 will have even lower wing loading with comparable TWR and a a ten percent higher top speeds of mach-2 meaning that tejas mk-2 has better designed air frame using the latest composite tech with close to 60 percent of it's weight in composites as suggested by CEMEILAC.

it will have the same long range BVRs and same powered ASEA radar with matching antena dia as RAFALE.

Some people are misquoting the clean config RCS of tejas mk-1 as a third of mirage -2000. But the proper quote that can be read from B. harry's vayu piece on tejas is

"tejas will have a third of clean config RCS of the latest 4th gen fighters in design phase. When this comment wa made i only TYPHOON and RAFALE was in the works not Mirage-2000.

So with no canards and more aerodynamic and RCS optimization that will take place for tejas mk-2 along with far lesser physical dimensions than the TYPHOON and RAFALE you can rightfully expect tejas mk-2 to have far lesser clean config RCS than the RAFALE as well.

Also the single engine of tejas mk-2 will release more than 40 percent lesser heat energy into the atmosphere . it means a substantially lesser IRST detection range as well.

So for the close to 20 percent shortfall in range over RAFALE Tejas mk-2 has some very significant advantage over RAFALE in home air space defence as well.

the ASEA for tejas mk-2 is also getting ready with foreign collaboration as well. And tejas mk-2 will always be upgradable with whatever longer range BVRs supplied in future from russia for FGFA as well. As we are doing the avionics and radar integration on FGFA we can port these close to 200 KM range BVRs on tejas mk-2 as well with no hefty fees and least hassles.

Thats what the test pilot Suneth krishna said that tejas is a modular fighter easily upgradable in batches as all it's design knowledge is here.

The weapon load is never a problem we can operate 3 Tejas mk-2 for the cost of one RAFALE with far lesser per hour operation cost as well.

That means fo the same price we will have three RAFALE sized ASEA radars with three EW suits along with 21 pylons carrying close to 30 air to air missile=s if dual rack launch pylons are added in future.


SO even though making a few mistakes like naming the HPT 40 as HJT 44 and mistaking the comments of french pilots as test flight comments the author is correct by and large, If at all the author mentioned the rejection by IAF of HPT-35 effort by HAL then there would be more questions to be answered.


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Mar 28, 2013
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Tejas trials Fast-tracked to meet deadline

Defence scientists, engineers and pilots attached to India's Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) Tejas programme are on a war footing to ensure that the fighter doesn't miss the December deadline for its Initial Operational Clearance (IOC-2).

Three aircraft -- LSP-3, LSP-5, LSP-8 -- from the Tejas flight-line are currently undertaking weapon trials in Jamnagar. The Russian-made R73-E missile will be fired during the ongoing trials.

Sources confirm that the Ministry of Defence has made it clear to both Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) and Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) that the IOC-2 deadline won't be extended anymore. The IAF pilots will formally get to fly Tejas after the IOC-2 declaration.

So far, the Tejas variants have completed 2391 sorties, clocking 1,520 hours in over 12 years.

Currently the fine tuning of the software and various onboard systems are being done during various trials. Flight trials are also progressing in Bangalore with the final version of equipment and mission systems getting a relook.

"We haven't been lagging on any of the IOC-2 parameters now. We are working to clear all the test points. The results of Jamnagar trials will be crucial," says an HAL official working with the Aircraft Research and Design Centre.

"Every weapon has to be fired at different modes, expanding the flight envelope of the aircraft. It is a huge matrix and we have to tick-mark all points ahead of the IOC-2 closure. A final review is expected next month ahead of IOC-2," the official added.

Sources say that the Digital Flight Control Computer and Air Data Computer of Tejas have been showing hardware failures causing last-minute concerns to the engineers. "But the show must go on. Now the naval prototype of

Tejas (NP1) is also ready with all its modifications and raring to go. The modified Tejas trainer (PV5) with its matured software is also ready," an official said.

The growing differences between HAL and the Indian Air Force are a concern to New Delhi, which is bent on the programme getting the IOC-2 tag before December.

The Finance Ministry's refusal to grant pension to ADA employees recently (a long-pending demand) has also created heartburn to many working on the Tejas project.

Notwithstanding the turmoils and delays the project has been facing recently, a Defence Research and Development Organisation official said December 20 has been tentatively fixed for IOC-2.

"As of now that's the date floating around, and it is subject to change," the official added.
Tejas trials Fast-tracked to meet deadline - The New Indian Express


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Mar 28, 2013
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Not bad. 1500 hours done. Tejas will be an early Christmas gift to the IAF from the country.
Sources say that the Digital Flight Control Computer and Air Data Computer of Tejas have been showing hardware failures causing last-minute concerns to the engineers.
This can be a potential spoilsport depending upon how serious the matter is.


Tihar Jail
Jul 28, 2013
The Finance Ministry's refusal to grant pension to ADA employees recently (a long-pending demand) has also created heartburn to many working on the Tejas project.
That's very bad. I assumed that the people in ADA were already salaried and pensionable.

Sources say that the Digital Flight Control Computer and Air Data Computer of Tejas have been showing hardware failures causing last-minute concerns to the engineers. "But the show must go on. Now the naval prototype of Tejas (NP1) is also ready with all its modifications and raring to go. The modified Tejas trainer (PV5) with its matured software is also ready," an official said.
The statement itself suggests a solution. Experts of this forum can explain the details please ?

Look at the bright side, the harder the men and machines are pushed and tested, the more problems will be detected.
Better that these are detected now, than later at the cost of lives of pilots.

The sad part is this focus on the LCA should have happened at least four years ago.


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Mar 6, 2011
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That's very bad. I assumed that the people in ADA were already salaried and pensionable.

The statement itself suggests a solution. Experts of this forum can explain the details please ?

Look at the bright side, the harder the men and machines are pushed and tested, the more problems will be detected.
Better that these are detected now, than later at the cost of lives of pilots.

The sad part is this focus on the LCA should have happened at least four years ago.
many dubiously reputed sources have claimed repeated problems with tejas many times before and all were proved wrong one by one.

I hope this is another in the long line .

Also saint antony who repeatedly howls ,"speed up orders " on Tejas can spare some of his time to take up mundane issues like pensions for ADA employees with Finance ministry.

Surely ADA is designing tejas and AMCA for Indian government , I suppose, saving tens of billions of foreign exchange, and giving India strategic capability. Si why deny even pensions?

Also had he released funds for setting up modern production line for HAL with any worthwhile sanction of funds? No news headr yet.

With IAF getting on board tejas project only in 2006 as revealed by Philip Rajkumar in ,"the tejas story " and giving more than 250 requests for actions leading to detailed redeisgn it is unrealistic to expect IOC to happen in 2009.

Especially with FSED phase two starting with in 2004 according to IAf request for wing redesign to accommodate higher weight longer range missiles. no possibility of IOC at 2009.
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Tihar Jail
Jul 28, 2013
many dubiously reputed sources have claimed repeated problems with tejas many times before and all were proved wrong one by one.

I hope this is another in the long line .

Also saint antony who repeatedly howls ,"speed up orders " on Tejas can spare some of his time to take up mundane issues like pensions for ADA employees with Finance ministry.

Surely ADA is designing tejas and AMCA for Indian government , I suppose, saving tens of billions of foreign exchange, and giving India strategic capability. Si why deny even pensions?

Also had he released funds for setting up modern production line for HAL with any worthwhile sanction of funds? No news headr yet.

With IAF getting on board tejas project only in 2006 as revealed by Philip Rajkumar in ,"the tejas story " and giving more than 250 requests for actions leading to detailed redeisgn it is unrealistic to expect IOC to happen in 2009.

Especially with FSED phase two starting with in 2004 according to IAf request for wing redesign to accommodate higher weight longer range missiles. no possibility of IOC at 2009.

I fully endorse the views. Some other report in deccan herald or elsewhere indicated that possible ioc2 "might" already have been met and they are going full power on FOC.

In an age where criminals ( corruption is a very soft term) rot the parliament ,IAF and HAL alike, and loot like ( possibly worse than ) the east india company, the good men working hard on the LCA should receive a pat on the back .

Our democracy and our constitution ,in flight, is hijacked by these criminals and therefore , to my opinion pose the most imminent danger within .In order to motivate the LCA people, if I had the powers I would transfer the political criminal loot( which run to minimum 10,000 crore) to these chaps working on LCA. Well that's just wishful thinking robinhood style. The chinese might be happy that they dont have such criminals ruling them.

Between , any news about how the test of nlca went ?
Also any news abut LSP6 ? It was supposed to be made in order to test higher G forces , higher AOA etc.


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Mar 6, 2011
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EMPTY WEIGHT OF TEJAS ( Target Weight was around 6 ton and not 5.5 ton )

TD-1 ------ 6,780 kg with Flight Test Instrumentation
TD-2 ------ 6,670 kg with Flight Test Instrumentation
PV-1 ------- 6,430kg (reduced 350kg of weight)
the above empty weight of Tejas from the link below which quotes WWW.LCA-TEJAS.ORG

PV-1 had flight testing equipment . according to sources these equipments weigh around 300 KG extra . bu no source for that.

Air Marshal Rajkumar wrote about TD1

"It was therefore not very surprising that the aircraft tipped the scales at 6,780 kg with Flight Test Instrumentation (FTI) against a targeted weight of around 6,300kg. Program managers very wisely decided to launch a weight reduction exercise."

regarding PV-1, he wrote

"The airframe weighed 6,430kg when complete which meant the weight reduction exercise had reduced 350kg of weight, a praise worthy achievement."

And further B. Harry whose article Radiance of tejas is considered most accurate says this about weight reduction exercise,
Originally projected to achieve 500 KG weight reduction from TD-1's 6780 KG. the designers finally achieved 746 Kg of reduction on PV-1, So it takes the PV-1 weight to around 6 tons. PV-1 still has flight test equipment on board,

Further weight reduction from PV-1 onwards is proposed to be achieved by reducing the number of LRUs by combining many functions into one and removal of telemetry equipment,

And it said that further design optimization was on to reduce the weight of the metal parts further, and it will reach the 5.5 ton empty weight target eventually for Mk-1 is what he says,

Further the Cemilac also issued weight reduction advices with replacing few engine mountings with composites and many other measures,

This is what i read somewhere about weight reduction in LSP-7 and 8, forgot the link,

the removal of on-board telemetry instrumentation has reduced the 'Tejas' Mk1 LSP-7's weight by 400kg.

Secondly, by re-engineering l of the cockpit-mounted AMLCDs and related sub-systems, 300kg weight in reduced in on LSP-8. if any one has more info they can please post,

So if we get the final weight of SP-1 we will see clarity on the issue,

And according to B. harry with further weight optimization tejas is supposed to lift 4 ton external load with 12.5 ton max take off weight and 13.5 ton all up weight,

And considering the Leh take off of LCA with two heavy external fuel tanks in under 12 seconds (at higher altitudes it is tough to lift heavy weight) it is possible it can carry 4 ton external stores with 12.5 ton MTOW and 13.5 ton all up weight. This is for mk-1.

fuel tanks are one 486 KG in front of the plane, 1200 Kg for wing fuel tank, 800 Kg for fuselage fuel tanks totalling 2.5 tons in mk-1

Mtow 12.5 ton with 4 ton weapon load means 12.5-4=8.5 tons-2.5 tons for fuel=6 tons empty weight,

So if any one knows more about about the weight reduction exercise and final empty weight of tejas please post.

So with a new fuel tank in the extended fuselage plug in front and extra volumes on the center line fuselage tank and substantially large capacity owing to increased wing area due to the need to have the same wing loading will lead to all around fuel weight increase in mk-2 ,

With percentage of composites slated to go up from the present 45 percent in weight to 60 percent in weight in mk-2 there may not be much weight increase is what the designers say. And still further weight reduction exercises are in progress for mk-2.

So we can expect mk-2 to have a much better fuel fraction than mk-1 .
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Aug 25, 2012
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The officai website of tejas states that the engine thrust is 20,200 lb= 89.94 Kn

LCA Tejas - Specifications: Powerplant

Dimensions: Diameter 890 mm, Length 3.9 m
Weights: Max Weight 1,035 kg (2,282 lb)
Engines Performance: Thrust 9,163 kg (20,200 lb)

Take off weight (clean)

9500 kg

Take off weight (max)

13200 kg


House keeper
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Feb 16, 2009
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· 2395th flight on 11 Nov

TD1 : 233 PV1: 242 PV3: 376 LSP1: 74 LSP3: 170 LSP5: 231 TD2 : 305 PV2: 222 PV5: 36 LSP2: 286 LSP4: 95 LSP7: 66 NP1: 5 LSP8 : 54


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