2020 US election and its Impact on India Megathread

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Senior Member
Aug 29, 2020
You are contradicting your own statement. If it's natural truth then it applies to everyone. Dharmic or Adharmic both.
Vedic priciples are natural truth but it comes with its set of rules and guidelines, one can't use them in piece meals. In bold puts a qualifier, just like jumping into deep water leads to result based on whether you know how to swim or not


Senior Member
May 30, 2009
Trump security adviser says China has biggest election-interference program

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - China has taken the most active role among countries seeking to interfere in the U.S. election and has the biggest program to influence domestic politics, U.S. national security adviser Robert O’Brien said on Friday, without providing any details.

“We know the Chinese have taken the most active role,” O’Brien told reporters at a briefing.

He said China had “had the most massive program to influence the United States politically,” followed by Iran and then Russia.

U.S. intelligence found that Russia orchestrated a cyber campaign to sway the 2016 presidential election in Republican Donald Trump’s favor and there have been reports hackers may try to influence the election on Nov. 3.

Moscow has denied interfering in 2016.

“We’ve made it very clear to the Chinese, to the Russians, to the Iranians and others that haven’t been publicly disclosed that anyone ... that attempts to interfere with the American elections will face extraordinary consequences,” O’Brien said.

Trump-appointed Attorney General William Barr said on Wednesday he believed China was more of a threat than Russia when it came to election interference, also without offering details.

In August, O’Brien said the United States had seen Chinese hackers targeting U.S. election infrastructure.

China has consistently denied U.S. government charges that it hacks U.S. companies, politicians or government agencies.

Asked to comment on O’Brien’s latest remarks, its embassy referred to a Foreign Ministry statement last month that China has no interest in interfering in the U.S. election.

Trump, who long touted his friendly ties with Chinese President Xi Jinping as he sought to make good on trade deal promises, has made getting tough on China a key part of his campaign for re-election in November and blames China over the coronavirus pandemic.

In a speech to the Republican National Convention last month, Trump said that Beijing supports his Democratic opponent Joe Biden and “desperately” wants him to win the election.

Asked to provide specific details of Chinese election interference, O’Brien said:

“I am not going to go into all the intelligence, but the massive activities of the Chinese and cyber realm, it’s really an extraordinary thing that we’re facing.”

He called the scope of Chinese activity “relentless.”

“We’ve never seen anything like it. It was nothing like this in the Cold War with the Soviets.”

Earlier this week, Reuters reported that hackers had stepped up efforts to knock Trump campaign and business websites offline ahead of the U.S. election, in what a security firm working for the campaign said could be preparation for a larger digital assault.


United States of Hindu Empire
May 29, 2009
Also there are no democrats or republicans, this election should remove that doubt once for all. There was Trump who fought alone but his politics did not factor the "time and place" for everything and the one who talks endlessly brings harm to himself....so his stupidity is part of the reason. He or someone around him should have drawn inspiration from great strategist Bhagavan Krishna in navigating through any system with ultimate goal of bringing good (I think Modiji is better at this observing his actions).....in any case, everyday this charade of democracy is exposing itself around the world and it will get worse regardless before it gets better.
There is no need to go philosophical by removing the distiction between two parties. Whole GOP stood behind Trump during his impeachment. Rather they poached one Democrat and got Ms.Tulsi to abstain.

Looking everything from Leftist prism is a bad habit and reflects low self-esteem on part any analyst who wants to do a dispassionate commentary on this election. Trump has got 71 million legal votes. His utterances made sense to a huge population and that can not be looked down upon because leftist cabal has imposed their standards on speech, demeanor and work ethics.

His utterances on Trade deals, Jobs, Market confidence, ME peace deals, check military interventions, Iran, North Korea, Paris agreement, arms and weapon sales, extracting more funding from NATO nations, taking down Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, pulling out from UNHRC, clipping WHO, sending CBG during Indo-China stand off the list goes on and on, all resulted in desired outcomes.
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Senior Member
Aug 29, 2020
There is no need to go philosophical by removing the distiction between two parties. Whole GOP stood behind Trump during his impeachment. Rather they poached one Democrat and got Ms.Tulsi to abstain.

Looking everything from Leftist prism is a bad habit and reflects low self-esteem on part any analyst who wants to do a dispassionate commentary on this election. Trump has got 71 million legal votes. His utterances made sense to a huge population and that can not be looked down upon because leftist cabal has their set their own standards.

His utterances on Trade deals, Jobs, Market confidence, ME peace deals, check military interventions, Iran, North Korea, Paris agreement, arms and weapon sales, extracting more funding from NATO nations, taking down Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi , pulling out from UNHRC, clipping WHO, sending CBG during Indo-China stand off the list go on and on, all resulted in desired outcomes.
You are being emotional, he lost to the system just like a hindu country like India which does not have a system that is based on Hinduism in its politics. 71 million or 90 million votes would not change the result, this election was clearly rigged right from 2016. Supreme Court is a sham too as legal system will clearly do pretend acts like they are fair. He should have been smarter trying to anticipate the ruthelessness of the system and everything is based on a philosophy, its a different matter which philosophy one picks. People get what they deserve....

Looking into future in US politics, either republican party will need to go further right or a new right wing emerges that is more street muscle otherwise republicans and democrats are as good as one party. Both will pamper and play nothing but votebank politics. None of the repulican politicians from state to federal level including governors protested fitting the fraud that occured. They are too scared to deal with BLM's and what not that do not shy away from using violence anymore. They have tasted blood...
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Senior Member
Jun 20, 2020
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Dude calm down, you are a Filipino not someone living in USA or hardcore lefticles in USA. Rather than these silly useless comments, it would be better to explain why do you think dems are going to serve or care about your country in first place if Trump didn't.
Also, at one side you support dems otoh hate CHINA kek, are you this ignorant that you don't know that dems are in bed with china nd your country will be buttf*cked even more after this, China is your new master, accept it.

Next Indian PM should be Kangana. She is our Trump😂

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Trump was hardly a republican or a conservative. real conservatives are not degenerates and womanizer like him. add to that massive pedophile ring being busted by US authorities from US to UK to Europe . trump was a close buddy of Jeff Epstein. Deep state would not have allowed him to go making a fool out of himself and US establishment around the world.
he just managed to tapped into the anger of white folks specially man and communities left behind. In age of internet this thing was ready to explode and this happened globally not just US. Most White conservative ( real people attached to the ground ) hate him , they are just voting him for the sake of voting cause there are no alternative. International politics is different from domestic one. Corona is the only one which can save US or Europe or for that matter any country in this world this time around.
see this video.

Listen from 2:90 onwards what causing this anger and resentment and voting pattern.
Trusting VICE in 2020, kek.

China already owns them so it doesn't matter much anyway.

Till 95% vote count you are leading then comes the postal ballot.

Please fool someone else.

Looks like mafia operation.

One correction that video is of people filling out/recording wasted votes which were discarded due to some reason or the other, you can see that the other person saying the listed votes....
I don't have an issue with Trump going to SC whatever but I think we shouldn't be optimistic about it, even GOI has wished Biden so it doesn't matter at this point.


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Kenneth Copeland laughs maniacally at media for calling US election for Biden

“The media said what?”, asked Mr Copeland. “The media said Joe Biden’s president,” he said, hysterically, as he addressed an audience at the Lord of Hosts Church in Omaha, Nebraska, on Sunday, who applauded.

Speaking from a garden centre car park in Philadelphia when he heard Mr Biden had been declared the winner by multiple networks, Mr Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, had similarly claimed that: “Networks don't get to decide elections, courts do”.


US election is so much fun!


Senior Member
Jun 20, 2020
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Kenneth Copeland laughs maniacally at media for calling US election for Biden

“The media said what?”, asked Mr Copeland. “The media said Joe Biden’s president,” he said, hysterically, as he addressed an audience at the Lord of Hosts Church in Omaha, Nebraska, on Sunday, who applauded.

Speaking from a garden centre car park in Philadelphia when he heard Mr Biden had been declared the winner by multiple networks, Mr Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, had similarly claimed that: “Networks don't get to decide elections, courts do”.

I watched the video on plebbit, it's clownfest ngl....Also, this dude legit looks like a f**king vampire as shown in popular media.
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