2016 US Presidential Elections

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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I liked Obama eight years ago. I don't any more.

I would like to counter two things:

Obama did not have the guts to stand up to ISIS. Even when he did act, he acted after Vladimir Putin came in like a Knight in Shining Armour and did more in one month that the US was unable to do in the preceding one year.

Putin bombed the ISIS oil trucks, the primary source for ISIS funds. Obama dropped leaflets, so that the ISIS truckers could live to fight another day.

Leaflets prompt ISIL truckers to flee

I have no choice but to conclude that while Putin is sincere in his fight against ISIS, Obama is not.

He clearly had very little dignity or self respect.

VIDEO: Obama giving a eulogy for KKK grand wizard Robert Byrd - Skips SCOTUS funeral

This is not a subject of interest for liberal media, such as CNN, MSNBC, etc..
Byrd explained that he was a KKK member because he "was sorely afflicted with tunnel vision — a jejune and immature outlook — seeing only what I wanted to see because I thought the Klan could provide an outlet for my talents and ambitions."[23] Byrd also said, in 2005, "I know now I was wrong. Intolerance had no place in America. I apologized a thousand times ... and I don't mind apologizing over and over again. I can't erase what happened."[13]
Former KKK member who joined when he was a young man and then realized it was wrong and fought hard against institutional racism and also apologized many times...


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Former KKK member who joined when he was a young man and then realized it was wrong and fought hard against institutional racism and also apologized many times...
That is true.

However, the media made a lot of noise when David Duke endorsed Trump, and Trump disavowed David Duke multiple times. The media kept on the subject for several days.

David Duke is a former KKK member. He quit KKK years ago. He has gone on the record to say that he does not justify violence but believes that like any other race, white people have the right to preserve their heritage.

I am not blaming you. My point is, the media has been very unfair to the Trump Campaign. Even Fox News has been very hostile to Trump, until Trump knocked out all his opponents.

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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That is true.

However, the media made a lot of noise when David Duke endorsed Trump, and Trump disavowed David Duke multiple times. The media kept on the subject for several days.

David Duke is a former KKK member. He quit KKK years ago. He has gone on the record to say that he does not justify violence but believes that like any other race, white people have the right to preserve their heritage.

I am not blaming you. My point is, the media has been very unfair to the Trump Campaign. Even Fox News has been very hostile to Trump, until Trump knocked out all his opponents.
I'm not arguing that, the media has been pretty biased actually. They are in the business of selling news and getting TRPs and not reporting objectively same as India I guess.


Senior Member
Oct 31, 2015


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Hillary Clinton may or may not be part of some Satanic Cult, but her actions were certainly heartless.

This is what Hillary Clinton, a self styled women's rights activists has done:


EXCLUSIVE: Child rape victim comes forward for the first time in 40 years to call Hillary Clinton a 'liar' who defended her rapist by smearing her, blocking evidence and callously laughing that she knew he was guilty
  • 'Hillary Clinton is not for women and children,' says Kathy Shelton, 54, who was 12 years old when she was raped by Thomas Alfred Taylor in Arkansas
  • Clinton was the rapist's defense lawyer, pleading him down to 'unlawful fondling of a minor'
  • The 41-year-old drifter served less than a year in prison
  • The plea came after Clinton was able to block the admission of forensic evidence that linked her client to the crime
  • Shelton says she's furious that Clinton has been portraying herself as a lifelong advocate of women and girls on the campaign trail
  • Clinton accused Shelton of 'seeking out older men' in the case and demanded that she undergo a grueling court-ordered psychiatric examination
  • The presidential candidate later laughed while discussing aspects of the case in a recently-unearthed audiotaped interview from the 1980s

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...-evidence-callously-laughing-knew-guilty.html


Senior Member
Oct 31, 2015
Hillary Clinton may or may not be part of some Satanic Cult, but her actions were certainly heartless.

This is what Hillary Clinton, a self style women's rights activists has done:


EXCLUSIVE: Child rape victim comes forward for the first time in 40 years to call Hillary Clinton a 'liar' who defended her rapist by smearing her, blocking evidence and callously laughing that she knew he was guilty
  • 'Hillary Clinton is not for women and children,' says Kathy Shelton, 54, who was 12 years old when she was raped by Thomas Alfred Taylor in Arkansas
  • Clinton was the rapist's defense lawyer, pleading him down to 'unlawful fondling of a minor'
  • The 41-year-old drifter served less than a year in prison
  • The plea came after Clinton was able to block the admission of forensic evidence that linked her client to the crime
  • Shelton says she's furious that Clinton has been portraying herself as a lifelong advocate of women and girls on the campaign trail
  • Clinton accused Shelton of 'seeking out older men' in the case and demanded that she undergo a grueling court-ordered psychiatric examination
  • The presidential candidate later laughed while discussing aspects of the case in a recently-unearthed audiotaped interview from the 1980s

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...-evidence-callously-laughing-knew-guilty.html
Do not be sure .I few days ago , saying the same thing about Podesta was just pure non sense, even I would not believe it but now there is evidences for it .


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
BREAKING: WikiLeaks Just Dropped A Nuke On Hillary! See Potential Clinton Foundation Child Trafficking Ring!

By Alexander Warren - November 4, 2016

Child Trafficking Ring

Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation could very well be connected to a known child abduction ring!

Earlier today a Reddit user released a host of connected WikiLeaks emails from Hillary Clinton that connects the Clinton Foundation to a child trafficking ring in Haiti after the disastrous earthquake.

Laura Silsby was the former director of The New Life Children’s Refuge that was stopped at the Haitian and Dominican Republic border with 33 children that they claimed were all orphans. None of the children had any kind of papwork or documentation necessary for crossing borders or identification. Silsby and her cohorts tried to say that they were taking the children to a set up an orphanage.

After authorities investigated they realized that none of these children were orphans and that Silsby and her accomplices had stolen them during the chaos after the earthquake.

The story starts to get interesting after the Clinton Foundation helped Silsby and her accomplices out of trouble with the law on the means that they were doing “missionary” work.

The lawyer that represented Silsby and her accomplices was none other than a convicted human trafficker himself, one Jorge Puello Torres.

The story gets even more interesting after Huma Abedin emailed Hillary Clinton directly several times regarding Silsby and the “missionaries” that were arrested in Haiti.

There are also plans for the amount of money that it would cost to house the children from another released email titled “After the wheels are off the ground.”

Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin’s extreme interest and following of the incident are suspicious enough but the fact that the Clinton Foundation helped them get off by pressuring the authorities also points to them trying to cover their a**es.

Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton may very well be even worse than they already were known to be.

Read the full thread and emails here from the discoverer PleadingtheYiff.

Source: http://www.usapoliticstoday.com/bre...tial-clinton-foundation-sex-trafficking-ring/

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
Country flag
Hillary Clinton may or may not be part of some Satanic Cult, but her actions were certainly heartless.

This is what Hillary Clinton, a self styled women's rights activists has done:


EXCLUSIVE: Child rape victim comes forward for the first time in 40 years to call Hillary Clinton a 'liar' who defended her rapist by smearing her, blocking evidence and callously laughing that she knew he was guilty
  • 'Hillary Clinton is not for women and children,' says Kathy Shelton, 54, who was 12 years old when she was raped by Thomas Alfred Taylor in Arkansas
  • Clinton was the rapist's defense lawyer, pleading him down to 'unlawful fondling of a minor'
  • The 41-year-old drifter served less than a year in prison
  • The plea came after Clinton was able to block the admission of forensic evidence that linked her client to the crime
  • Shelton says she's furious that Clinton has been portraying herself as a lifelong advocate of women and girls on the campaign trail
  • Clinton accused Shelton of 'seeking out older men' in the case and demanded that she undergo a grueling court-ordered psychiatric examination
  • The presidential candidate later laughed while discussing aspects of the case in a recently-unearthed audiotaped interview from the 1980s

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...-evidence-callously-laughing-knew-guilty.html
I'm no Hillary fan but I'd like to make a few points.

1) She was a lawyer who was ordered by the judge to defend the guy. She asked the judge to recuse her and the request was refused. What was she supposed to do? Not representing him would be unethical and grounds for disbarment.
2) She is not laughing at the victim but at the absurdity and unreliability of polygraphs.

Again though, if you're using it to highlight the double standard of the media, I'm not arguing against that.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Hillary Clinton retweeted this today:

This is Rosa Parks, Trump, Mohammed Ali, et al., in 1986:

Rosa Parks


Senior Member
Oct 31, 2015
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Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
I'm no Hillary fan but I'd like to make a few points.

1) She was a lawyer who was ordered by the judge to defend the guy. She asked the judge to recuse her and the request was refused. What was she supposed to do? Not representing him would be unethical and grounds for disbarment.
2) She is not laughing at the victim but at the absurdity and unreliability of polygraphs.

Again though, if you're using it to highlight the double standard of the media, I'm not arguing against that.
She defended the accused as a lawyer, and it was legal. Donald Trump exploited loopholes in the law with his taxes as a businessman, and that was also legal. I agree with that.

The point here is, at a later date, she laughed about it (which is on tape), and today she talks about women's rights. I do not see this as her laughing at the unreliability of the system. Rather, I see this as her, despite being a woman, being a heartless person devoid of any sympathy for the 12 year old girl. She is just what many lawyers are like - heartless. You can compare and contrast this with the reaction of Mark O'Mara, who defended George Zimmerman in the case where Trayvon Martin was killed.

Perhaps I am looking too much into a person's tone.

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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No one can force lawyer to defend a person they do not want to defend,
Not in India maybe, here judges can. She was on a list of lawyers who took pro bono cases and the judge picked her from the list. She asked the judge to remove her but he said no.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Not in India maybe, here judges can. She was on a list of lawyers who took pro bono cases and the judge picked her from the list. She asked the judge to remove her but he said no.
Even in India, if no lawyer is willing to defend, the government will appoint a lawyer to defend the accused in big cases (Right to counsel). For example, when lawyers refused to defend Kasab, it became a problem, because by Indian Law, the accused has to be defended by a lawyer.

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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She defended the accused as a lawyer, and it was legal. Donald Trump exploited loopholes in the law with his taxes as a businessman, and that was also legal. I agree with that.

The point here is, at a later date, she laughed about it (which is on tape), and today she talks about women's rights. I do not see this as her laughing at the unreliability of the system. Rather, I see this as her, despite being a woman, being a heartless person devoid of any sympathy for the 12 year old girl. She is just what many lawyers are like - heartless. You can compare and contrast this with the reaction of Mark O'Mara, who defended George Zimmerman in the case where Trayvon Martin was killed.

Perhaps I am looking too much into a person's tone.
She laughed at polygraph tests because her client passed them and said she's never trusted them after that. She also laughed at the prosecutors who cut out the bloody part of the underwear and threw it away leaving no evidence to prosecute with. I guess it could go either way, I can see why people would be offended by her tone.


Senior Member
Oct 31, 2015
Even in India, if no lawyer is willing to defend, the government will appoint a lawyer to defend the accused in big cases (Right to counsel). For example, when lawyers refused to defend Kasab, it became a problem, because by Indian Law, the accused has to be defended by a lawyer.
Still many government lawyer to defend him , making all sort of accuse

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