2016 US Presidential Elections


Regular Member
Mar 25, 2016
My personlly favorite duell are these....

Trump vs Sanders
Cruz vs Clinton
Trump vs Clinton

Only one are president in year 2016....


Regular Member
Mar 25, 2016
Thinking that US need friends in world. I will these after president matt 2016:

- Israel
- Russia
- South Korea
- Cuba


Regular Member
Mar 25, 2016
I wait for this president year then in 2020 I will different Portion to take one of two seats in Campaign. I say later in this forum about my Portion. When I can write with new form.

After Poll like 2016 in 2020.


Regular Member
Mar 25, 2016
Communism is possibly in US.

If Obama is the true leader before the fourth quarter, he's a guy who will go out of his Socialism party when he departs this year as president, and walk over to the communist party in the United States. Here he is, he really chance if he is elected as the new leader of the Communist Party in the United States that he really wants or what you think of Obama if you manage to know his future-visions if Communist Party vote on Obama as leadership in new work for Obama ?

Think that communism is better than socialism even two are Marxism from 19 century . .

2020 is Obamas next chanches if he be elected 2017 or 2018 for the Communist Party . .


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Trump will win the most delegates. He is expected to win New York, Pennsylvania, and California. It is difficult to predict whether he will win the required number of delegates for an outright nomination.


Regular Member
Mar 25, 2016
Libertarian are next portion I will se in 2020 election year. Anti war portion maybe close to Communism.


Regular Member
Mar 25, 2016
This friendship I will with US:

- Israel
- Russia
- South Korea
- Cuba / India

Cuba are socialism and even Bernie and Hillary. And Cuba are better than India ? India have big Armed Forces in class of the US plus nuclear arsenal with over 100 pieces. The US have at least 5000 pieces. Russia have most in world with 10.000 pieces of new nuclear arsenal. US Army in Korea island ready to takes with N.Korea if they will to attack's S.Korea and US this they maybe will in 2016. New Korea war and US is a part again. Israel is US biggest friend of worlds then I will closer to Russia - USA handle. Worlds two strongest nation in military cuts.


Senior Member
Feb 15, 2016
Trump: NATO Is Obsolete And Expensive, "Doesn't Have The Right Countries In It For Terrorism"

By Tim Hains
Posted on March 27, 2016

In an interview on ABC's "This Week," Donald Trump says that the Cold War-era alliance headquartered in Brussels has been revealed as "obsolete" following devastating terrorist attacks in that city this week.

"NATO doesn't discuss terrorism," Trump said. "NATO's not meant for terrorism. NATO doesn't have the right countries in it for terrorism."

NATO forces from Germany and Britain did deploy to Afghanistan after 9/11.

"NATO was done at a time you had the Soviet Union, which was obviously larger -- much larger than Russia is today. I'm not saying Russia is not a threat," Trump explained. "But we have other threats. We have the threat of terrorism."


JONATHAN KARL, ABC NEWS: OK, let's turn to the attacks in Brussels. The State Department has issued an extraordinary warning for all of Europe.

Do you think that Europe, right now, is a safe place for Americans to travel?

TRUMP: Well, I'm the only one that predicted it. I said Brussels is a hellhole and "The New York Times" mocked me and -- and said, a couple of months ago, "The New York Times" did a big story about how dare Donald Trump say Brussels is a hellhole, how dare they?

And then all of a sudden, it came out the attack took place in Brussels.

I understand what's going on around the world far better than these politicians do. I'm all over it.


TRUMP: And I have friends that are all over the world.

I will tell you, I was -- I was really hit hard by "The New York Times" in an article, how dare I attack Brussels?

And now this happened. And, you know, the biggest thing on the Internet, one of the big things on the Internet was that Trump was 100 percent right about Brussels.

KARL: But -- but right now, do you think that Brussels is -- that Europe is a safe place for Americans?

More to the point, would you feel comfortable traveling to Europe right now with your family?

TRUMP: I don't think America is a safe place for Americans, if you want to know the truth. I don't think Bruss -- England or I don't think that Europe is a safe place. No, I don't. I think there are a lot of problems in Europe that are very, very severe.

Weak -- you know, the -- lots of the free world has become weak. When you look at Brussels, when you look at the way they've handled things from law enforcement standpoints, when you look at Paris, when you look at so many other places, no, it's not.

But neither is the United States a safe place, because we're allowing thousands of people to come in here. Nobody knows where they're from. Nobody knows who they are and they're coming in here by the thousands. And let me tell you something, we're going to have problems -- for -- just as big or bigger than they've got.

KARL: Now, you -- you gave a series of interviews, "New York Times," "Washington Post," on -- on foreign policy. In both of those, you suggested that NATO, uh, needs to do more to carry its weight.

I want to ask you about NATO code -- NATO's Article Five on collective defense, which, of course, goes back to the very beginning of the cold war.

Is that something that is simply out of date and needs to be maybe done away with?

TRUMP: I think NATO is obsolete. NATO was done at a time you had the Soviet Union, which was obviously larger -- much larger than Russia is today. I'm not saying Russia is not a threat.

But we have other threats. We have the threat of terrorism. And NATO doesn't discuss terrorism. NATO's not meant for terrorism. NATO doesn't have the right countries in it for terrorism.

And what I'm saying is that we pay, number one, a totally disproportionate share of NATO. We're spending -- the biggest alliance share is paid for by us, disproportionate to other countries.

And if you look at the Ukraine, we're the ones always fighting on the Ukraine. I never hear any other countries even mentioned and we're fighting constantly. We're talking about Ukraine, get out, do this, do that.

And I mean Ukraine is very far away from us.

How come the countries near the Ukraine, surrounding the Ukraine, how come they're not opening up and they're not at least protesting?

I never hear anything from anybody except the United States.

What I'm saying is NATO is obsolete. NATO is -- is obsolete and it's extremely expensive for the United States, disproportionately so. And we should readjust NATO.

And it's going to have to be either readjusted to take care of terrorism. Or we're going to have to set up a new -- a new coalition, a new group of -- of the countries to handle terrorism, because ter -- terrorism is out of control.

KARL: But Ukraine is not a member of NATO. I mean there are no U.S. troops involved in Ukraine.

TRUMP: I'm not saying they're a member. What I'm saying about Ukraine is when we want to protect -- you know, when we're -- we're talk -- when Russia is going into Ukraine, we immediately get NATO.

I don't hear from the other countries. I don't hear that having to do with Ukraine. I don't hear from the other countries in NATO. I don't hear from Germany. I don't hear from -- I only hear from the United States.

We've got to, you know, do this and we're constantly telling Russia what to do. And it's all fine if everybody partakes. But I don't see other people partaking.

And then you say why are we paying -- Jon, why are we paying disproportionately the costs of NATO?

We're paying a tremendous amount more than we should be from the standpoint of proportion.

So, uh, I look at, I look at the fact that it was a long time ago.

You know, there's nothing wrong with saying that a concept was good, but now it's obsolete or now it's outmoded.

Now, it can be trimmed up and it can be, uh, it can be reconfigured and you can call it NATO, but it's going to be changed. I mean this thing was -- was done many decades ago. And there's nothing wrong with saying it's obsolete. But it is obsolete.

And, by the way, I took a lot of heat for saying that and now everyone is agreeing with me. I mean I'm reading -- I'm reading pages of -- of, uh, of media where now people are agreeing with me.

I always take heat. I mean I -- I listened to somebody this morning on one of your competing channels talking about "The Washington Post." I gave a very good interview to "The Washington Post." And frankly, uh, I thought it was very good.

You know, it's very interesting, everybody was knocking on NATO, like they do usually -- when I talk about -- when I talk about illegal immigration. I went -- I went through hell with illegal immigration. Now everyone is saying Trump is right.

When I talked about the problems that we have with trade. Now they're all saying Trump is right. The same thing with NATO.

When I did that, two days I took abuse from the media falsely. Now, people are saying -- many, many people are saying, you know, Trump is right. He's absolutely right about NATO.

Source link:


Senior Member
Feb 15, 2016
China rebuilt itself with money drained out of US: Donald Trump
Last Updated: Sunday, March 27, 2016 - 17:50

New York: Republican US presidential front— runner Donald Trump has vowed to pursue an “America First” foreign policy if elected, saying many nations including allies “ripped off” America while China has rebuilt itself from money that it has “drained out of the U.S.”

Expounding his foreign policy priorities, Mr. Trump said he would consider pulling out American troops from Japan and South Korea if the close allies did not pay the U.S. more.

Mr. Trump told the New York Times that he might stop buying oil from Saudi Arabia if it did not send troops to back U.S. efforts to fight Islamic State militants.

The 69-year-old real estate billionaire, who has kept his momentum rolling despite concerted efforts by party establishment to thwart his presidential aspirations, insisted he was “not isolationist” but “America First”.

He said: “We have been disrespected, mocked, and ripped off for many, many years by people that were smarter, shrewder, tougher.

“We were the big bully, but we were not smartly led. And we were the big bully who was the big, stupid bully and we were systematically ripped off by everybody.”

“So America first, yes, we will not be ripped off anymore. We’re going to be friendly with everybody, but we’re not going to be taken advantage of by anybody,” he said.

Mr. Trump cited the U.S. debt — “soon to be USD 21 tn” — and linked it to the fact the U.S. “defended the world”.

“No matter who it is, we defend everybody. When in doubt, come to the United States. We’ll defend you. In some cases free of charge.”

He said that China, now the world’s second largest economy after America, had rebuilt itself from money that has “drained out of the United States”.

“They’ve done it through monetary manipulation, by devaluations. And very sophisticated. I mean, they’re grand chess players at devaluation,” Mr. Trump said.

He added: “I like China very much, I like Chinese people.

I respect the Chinese leaders, but you know China’s been taking advantage of us for many, many years and we can’t allow it to go on.”

Talking about the rise of China, he said the best way to halt Beijing’s building of military airfields and anti- aircraft batteries on reclaimed islands in the disputed South China Sea was to threaten its access to American markets.

“We have tremendous economic power over China, and that’s the power of trade,” he said.

He declined to elaborate on his plans for dealing with the Communist giant, saying “I wouldn’t want them to know what my real thinking is.”

Mr. Trump said the US was “not being properly reimbursed” for protecting Saudi Arabia.

“Without us, Saudi Arabia wouldn’t exist for very long.

It would be, you know, a catastrophic failure without our protection.

PTI First Published: Sunday, March 27, 2016 - 17:50

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Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Republican Primary Result:

Democrat Primary Result:


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Nov 1, 2013
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Regular Member
Aug 26, 2009
Trump saying the things that need to be said. The rest are behind political correctness.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Sanders is saying the same thing that Trump has said many times earlier:


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