2016 India–Pakistan military confrontation


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
Senior Member
Oct 13, 2015
Pinaka can be used in minelaying role right? Each Pinaka rocket can carry 200 bomblets or land mines. We had dropped 1 million mines in 2003 during OP Parakram near the border, we can do something like that this time but 40km inside enemy territory. The effects of this will be felt for months and months. They will have to think twice before stepping anywhere. Soldier to soldier fight doesn't hurt them systemically. Bomb their HQ, attack their training centers like the Police training academy that was attacked last month where 60 police died. Hurt the system and whatever number of people die in that attack is just a bonus. Dismantle their war fighting capabilities, one attack in their ordnance factory, one attack in training academy, one attack on their AWACS (PNS Mehran incident), that is the kind of attrition we need to cause, at least a billion$ worth of damage.

Unfortunately they have an advantage in Arty over us. They can respond in equal measure with their A 100 MLRS

Although we have superior Arty locating Radar AN TPQ 37 but Pakis got their SPH upgraded M109 via WOT fund which they could use it for Shoot and scoot

However i don't know why our Planners hesitate to use Air Force and bomb their FCNA and Skardu into oblivion. Precise and devastating just like Israel.

Our SU 30 have modern Israeli Jammers which will make most of Paki Air Defense assets useless.

I think the govt are obsessed with preserving the sanctity of LOC crap.


Ghanta Senior Member?
Senior Member
Jan 1, 2015
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Indians should avoid peedeef. Hope government bans indian companies from advertising in paki propaganda site
me and few others are taking good care but then we are outnumbered by so called peace loving Indians .. even if you try to argue with them without abuse and expose their short dicks they will ban you because they are not able to respond.

secondly, i am going to try a different approach which i already started to counter their all propaganda. we can troll them between 1 am to 4am ist, when mods r away :p but then need at least 15-20 guys online at the same time or 10 guys having two accnts each...
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Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
May 26, 2010
Its not a easy task to bring so few, so big and so high without getting detected both M109 and BM-30 equivalent.

Using air-power is last resort and if used, Its a declaration of War ..

Unfortunately they have an advantage in Arty over us. They can respond in equal measure with their A 100 MLRS

Although we have superior Arty locating Radar AN TPQ 37 but Pakis got their SPH upgraded M109 via WOT fund which they could use it for Shoot and scoot

However i don't know why our Planners hesitate to use Air Force and bomb their FCNA and Skardu into oblivion. Precise and devastating just like Israel.

Our SU 30 have modern Israeli Jammers which will make most of Paki Air Defense assets useless.

I think the govt are obsessed with preserving the sanctity of LOC crap.

Deadshot Para Guy

Regular Member
Nov 19, 2016
me and few others are taking good care but then we are outnumbered by so called peace loving Indians .. even if you try to argue with them without abuse and expose their short dicks they will ban you because they are not able to respond.

secondly, i am going to try a different approach to counter their all propaganda. we can troll them between 1 am to 4am ist, when mods r away :p but then need at least 15-20 guys online at the same time or 10 guys having two accnts each...
Bro,can u plz tell me what is this peedee shit?.


Mera Bharat mahan
Senior Member
Mar 19, 2016
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Its not a easy task to bring so few, so big and so high without getting detected both M109 and BM-30 equivalent.

Using air-power is last resort and if used, Its a declaration of War ..
So what you are suggesting is to keep pounding them with small arms,mortar,120mm arty and if possible 155mm arty???????

I am up for 155mm arty

Navnit Kundu

Pika Hu Akbarrr!!
Senior Member
Mar 22, 2016
Its not a easy task to bring so few, so big and so high without getting detected both M109 and BM-30 equivalent.

Using air-power is last resort and if used, Its a declaration of War ..
Ghum fir ke fir se stalemate hogaya? There has to be a way to break this jinx of 'full scale war will break out'. Can't use Air power, can't use MLRS, max we are allowed to use is 35km range artillery. On top of that I don't understand why we can't cancel that Wagha dance everyday? We are trying to isolate them by banning actors, cricketers, which is right, we should refuse to share a stage with Pakistan anywhere where it makes them stand shoulder to shoulder with us and claim credibility as India's equal.


Senior Member
Jul 4, 2013
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WTF is wrong with suhasini bytch......peddling paki propaganda and tomorrow u will see the news in front page of The Hindu
The problem with India is that we have a bunch of privileged people who have no connection with either the common man OR the army. Their only view is from that of others in their circles who thrive in controlling the narrative or dishing out their standards of morality without ever having to face pain or fire.
We must have a strict admission policy to these. You or your immediate relatives must have served in the forward areas to be able to report or print an opinion OR for that matter fight an election.


Regular Member
May 28, 2013
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Ghum fir ke fir se stalemate hogaya? There has to be a way to break this jinx of 'full scale war will break out'. Can't use Air power, can't use MLRS, max we are allowed to use is 35km range artillery. On top of that I don't understand why we can't cancel that Wagha dance everyday? We are trying to isolate them by banning actors, cricketers, which is right, we should refuse to share a stage with Pakistan anywhere where it makes them stand shoulder to shoulder with us and claim credibility as India's equal.
This I have to agree with. The drama at Wagah must stop. We MUST STOP anything that gives Pakis the impression that they are in any way, shape or form equal to us.

They take our equal treatment of them as a sign of our weakness.


Ghanta Senior Member?
Senior Member
Jan 1, 2015
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If air-power has to be used best used via Rudras or MI-17s, Inside our territory ..
India is conventionally superior to Pakistan in military. India should use anything at it's disposal to remain superior. Only conventionally the result is completely favorable to India and in Nuclear well this will be devastating for whole world

Deadshot Para Guy

Regular Member
Nov 19, 2016
Ghum fir ke fir se stalemate hogaya? There has to be a way to break this jinx of 'full scale war will break out'. Can't use Air power, can't use MLRS, max we are allowed to use is 35km range artillery. On top of that I don't understand why we can't cancel that Wagha dance everyday? We are trying to isolate them by banning actors, cricketers, which is right, we should refuse to share a stage with Pakistan anywhere where it makes them stand shoulder to shoulder with us and claim credibility as India's equal.
What i think is the best option is to plan commando raids at their posts and do what they have done with our chaps,chop off their fucking heads bring back their insignas.It will hit them hard and it will crush the morale of their army which is already low after the recent shelling by our guys and these raids shall happen frequently.I have no doubts in our SF but the only thing which i fear is the element of surprise which is very difficult to achieve..The thing i want to emphasize is our army has to start assymetric warfare and unconvential warfare with the enemy and fuck them hard.We have to make these type of decisions especially our government because our troops are ready to do these type of operations and the guy who sits in the northern command(Lt.Gen Hooda) is the mastermind of these kind of ops..We have to do something different to fuck them hard and these raids are the best options for us..This risk is worth taking..

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