2016 India–Pakistan military confrontation


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Feb 16, 2009
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Well!! I think Indian retaliation has nothing to do with raheel sheriffs retirement.

raheel shariff wants to escalate the war on LoC..may be to get an extension...but the fact is if he retires and India strikes at LoC that would make him look like a hero anyway..as if India was waiting for shariff to retire to strike.

The point is India has done a surgical strike inside pakistan while shariff was already in charge..so that means one thing it has nothing to do with WHO is in control of pak army.

India could be waiting for some strategic advantages as we all know that India can strike them whenever we can...so mostly its that Indian army is waiting for some real strategic depth ..

IMO..it wont be a skrimish this time or just another war..but a decisive war where all scores and revenges will be settled with pakistan forever.

Interestingly...inside pakistan nawaz and raheel is having a difference of opinion on who should be the next army chief..
Thats interesting too :popcorn:
The fcuk is rawheel? And who cares if he is retiring or not?

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Project Dharma

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Oct 4, 2016
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How do these PDF noobs know so much about ops taking place at LoC.....even the vids hammer head showed were old and not of present situation
This guy claims to be retired from their Army and has friends still serving. My suspicion is that he is a civilian who licks the boots of some Army men who feed him tidbits to further their propaganda.

Project Dharma

New Member
Oct 4, 2016
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Thats what I meant too.
What I said was holding back by Indian army has nothing to do with raheel...but there could be larger reason which is more strategic in nature. may be
Till they are able to buy ammo because the politicians have been sleeping for 70 years?


New Member
May 28, 2013
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Excuse me. Can someone please explain to em WTF is going on ?

Why are we not breaking off all diplomatic ties with Pakistan ?

Kashmir, Indian Mujahideen, 26/11, Constant cross border firing. How much more are we willing to bare with ?

I can understand we cant go to war with Pakistan.

A. Because of the nukes and
B. Because we have far too much to lose unlike that failed terrorist state we are unfortunate to have as our neighbour.

But we can at least break diplomatic ties with them. That's the least we should do.

Why do our politicians not have the balls ? What do you think a Putin would have done in this scenario ? This is ridiculous.

We keep talking about being a global power. Sure, we will be one day but if a third rate filed state like Pakistan keeps behaving like this with us without consequences that you can pretty much forget that an America or China will ever take you seriously.

BREAK OFF DIPLOMATIC TIES as a first step. Rest of the retaliation can follow.


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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At the beginning of the year some of us were discussing whether there should be standard retaliatory response by IA depending on the type of attack.

So far IA retaliation seems to be the following :
1) Mass casualties on Indian side by tango attack = Surgical strike (Both Uri and myanmar)
2) Infiltration = blowing up of paki bunkers at the point of ingress.
3) BAT attack = Fire assault.
4) Mortar attack = Mortar attack, escalation upto 120 mm mortar.
5) Infiltration at IB = sniper attack using AMR and Heavy calibre MG.

If pattern remains the same, Fire assault can be expected within a week as a response to latest BAT attack.
why a week?, probably that is the time required to select the targets and solidify the defences.


New Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Excuse me. Can someone please explain to em WTF is going on ?

Why are we not breaking off all diplomatic ties with Pakistan ?

Kashmir, Indian Mujahideen, 26/11, Constant cross border firing. How much more are we willing to bare with ?

I can understand we cant go to war with Pakistan.

A. Because of the nukes and
B. Because we have far too much to lose unlike that failed terrorist state we are unfortunate to have as our neighbour.

But we can at least break diplomatic ties with them. That's the least we should do.

Why do our politicians not have the balls ? What do you think a Putin would have done in this scenario ? This is ridiculous.

We keep talking about being a global power. Sure, we will be one day but if a third rate filed state like Pakistan keeps behaving like this with us without consequences that you can pretty much forget that an America or China will ever take you seriously.

BREAK OFF DIPLOMATIC TIES as a first step. Rest of the retaliation can follow.
What is the point of doing that .
Having ambassadors hasn't stopped us from retaliation before.

Let Pakistan break off diplomatic relations we need to drive it to that point of madness.
We need to be rouge under full statesmanship.


Ghanta Senior Member?
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Jan 1, 2015
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How do these PDF noobs know so much about ops taking place at LoC.....even the vids hammer head showed were old and not of present situation
they hear it from their relatives and that too inadequate info. or disinfo


New Member
May 28, 2013
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What is the point of doing that .
Having ambassadors hasn't stopped us from retaliation before.

Let Pakistan break off diplomatic relations we need to drive it to that point of madness.
We need to be rouge under full statesmanship.
It sends a message - THAT THIS IS NOT OKAY. At least it shows some spine. At least it does something to disturb our image as pacifists who can be pushed around in front of the world ?

As for retaliation. What has that achieved till now ? These are not normal people we are fighting. These are brain-dead jihadi version of zombies that we have grown up watching in movies. You keep killing them, more will come your way.

Besides the Paki army rarely admits to casualties so the lesson is never learnt.

Since war is not an option for the 2 reasons I outlined above, breaking diplomatic ties till the time Pakis dont mend their ways is the best option we have. At least it does something to show that we have a spine.


New Member
Sep 15, 2016
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Thinking I will give my life also on the sly and tu Akela bullshit comes by. there is no scale it's all for females to consider while choosing a great guy. The action has to be done soon. We can't loose many and love to kill most of those. and there was no family tree, as most want here in this country so I know the porks want to do a samjhota but why should I an Indian let it happen, I choose not to overtly give all.


New Member
May 28, 2013
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Btw are we sure it's the Pak army which did this ? Many news channels are reporting it was terrorists. No confrimation received from the Indian army yet I believe.


New Member
Apr 13, 2013
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What is the point of doing that .
Having ambassadors hasn't stopped us from retaliation before.

Let Pakistan break off diplomatic relations we need to drive it to that point of madness.

We need to be rouge under full statesmanship.
"Whatever pakistan is doing is all pakistans making" ..thats always the Indian stance :)
So if pakis break diplomatic ties...its them..
but India will kick them diplomatic ties or not.


New Member
Sep 24, 2016
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It sends a message - THAT THIS IS NOT OKAY. At least it shows some spine. At least it does something to disturb our image as pacifists who can be pushed around in front of the world ?
It will only show our frustration.
This ball has to be in their court.
They need to be blamed for the war if it takes place .
Spine is shown by action on ground.

As for retaliation. What has that achieved till now ? These are not normal people we are fighting. These are brain-dead jihadi version of zombies that we have grown up watching in movies. You keep killing them, more will come your way.
Your point being?? We shouldn't retaliate??

There false bravado can't last long.
Soon there will be more dead bodies then they can bury. Either they will have to give up on Kashmir or they will have to escalate into full fledged war.
Both scenarios play into our hands.

Remember time is on our side.
No point winning the battle to loose the war.

