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  1. Ray

    I was offered a bribe of Rs. 14 crore, says Army Chief

    The COAS would not have exposed the senior ranks if it was pure! Or would he? He is not that daft to do so if the malaise was not there in the higher ranks. Why do you think that JJ Singh organised a 'Line of Succession' which the politicians tomtom about and organised by the PM? I have...
  2. Ray

    I was offered a bribe of Rs. 14 crore, says Army Chief

    I agree that the politicians are no better than skunks. Even so, I would dread the day the Army takes over. I am sure some way we will get our country on even keel. Already the Army has thrown up crooks. Why should people like your father suffer the insult when such crooks take over? Let...
  3. Ray

    I was offered a bribe of Rs. 14 crore, says Army Chief

    If Ji Huzoor replaces that is even worse! A Ji Huzoor can never be a tryrant. He is one who plays his cards as desired and ruin the fibre of the organisation!
  4. Ray

    I was offered a bribe of Rs. 14 crore, says Army Chief

    It is a misconception that JCOs don't deliver. Give them responsibility and they do! I have commanded through JCOs as a Company Commander and I daresay they did not deliver. They have experience and it is only that one should trust them to deliver and they do!
  5. Ray

    I was offered a bribe of Rs. 14 crore, says Army Chief

    NEVER should that be ever thought of!
  6. Ray

    I was offered a bribe of Rs. 14 crore, says Army Chief

    Let us be clear about one thing. Let us quit being populist wherein the heart should bleed for only the soldiers as being the only honest people who are dying for the Nation. Are we suggesting the Officers and JCOs are less patriotic and not dying for the Nation?
  7. Ray

    I was offered a bribe of Rs. 14 crore, says Army Chief

    To put the records straight Lt Gen Panag could not have become the COAS since he would retire before he came up for reckoning. Deepak Kapoor was way senior to him and when the COAS was considered, his seniority did not come up for consideration. What Panag did was order a C of I of deals made...
  8. Ray

    I was offered a bribe of Rs. 14 crore, says Army Chief

    It means Lt Gen Tejinder Singh was lobbying for himself as it is! Indicates to what length he can promote his own interests!
  9. Ray

    I was offered a bribe of Rs. 14 crore, says Army Chief

    And from the same article More at:
  10. Ray

    I was offered a bribe of Rs. 14 crore, says Army Chief

    I appreciate honesty. But I cannot condone impotency as honesty. And don't ask me to give it in writing! :rofl:
  11. Ray

    I was offered a bribe of Rs. 14 crore, says Army Chief

    This is how PSU and DRDO works. I rest my case!
  12. Ray

    I was offered a bribe of Rs. 14 crore, says Army Chief

    The Defence Minister claims that he took no action because there was no 'written complaint'! Is he a Charlie? If a serious issue is reported to the Head, is he to sit around impotent for a written complaint? If a Commanding Officer is told that there is some hanky panky in the unit, does the...
  13. Ray

    I was offered a bribe of Rs. 14 crore, says Army Chief

    Tatra is of Czech origin!
  14. Ray

    I was offered a bribe of Rs. 14 crore, says Army Chief

    Teji may as well tell what he has to say to the CBI and the Court!
  15. Ray

    I was offered a bribe of Rs. 14 crore, says Army Chief

    Does Deepak Kapoor have any dignity? That is the crux of the issue.
  16. Ray

    I was offered a bribe of Rs. 14 crore, says Army Chief

    Yes, it could have been earlier. But it takes a lot of courage to talk even if late. What is our aim. Keep India dirty or keep India clean? Manmohan and Anthony shunted out Panag to ARTRAC when he was investigating Deepak Kapoor, who is a congenital thief. How come? JJ is no paragon of...
  17. Ray

    I was offered a bribe of Rs. 14 crore, says Army Chief

    I hope all of you have seen the TimesNow interview of the Chief and various other debates. Ahluwalia of the IAF is a Govt man! Talks big, but otherwise, he was no great shakes in the IAF!
  18. Ray

    I was offered a bribe of Rs. 14 crore, says Army Chief

    Corruption is not a birthright of any class. It is dependent on the environment, pressures, and more so, dependant on the character deficiency of an individual. Let us say that a CM of a State is a thief, would it fair to classify that all who are in the State are thieves? Obviously not...
  19. Ray

    I was offered a bribe of Rs. 14 crore, says Army Chief

    Ashoke Leyland have been in the Army for a very very long time, even when the Army had Studebakers! It was the mainstay of the 10 ton variety. Then Tata came in with the 3 ton variety. Jongas (Nissan Patrol) and Nissan came in in the Jeep and 1 Ton variety after the 1962 War. I still remember...
  20. Ray

    I was offered a bribe of Rs. 14 crore, says Army Chief

    Nothing will be identified or blacklisted. The politicians, bureaucrat and some Army brass are all hand in glove.