Siachen Glacier : The Highest battleground on Earth


Mob Control Manager
Senior Member
Feb 12, 2009
Can junior officers over turn orders from IA chief? May be possible in terrorist armies, but I don't think IA has this culture. I think if chief is in consensus with political establishment, then it will be very difficult to stop it.


Senior Member
Jun 23, 2010
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Hot water discovered in Siachen

CHANDIGARH: The highest battlefield in the world, Siachen glacier, hides a warming truth, recently discovered. Geologists have discovered hot water from geothermal sources in the glacier which is nearly 15 degrees warm in plunging -40 degree Celsius weather. The hot source has come as a relief in the freezing conditions as it can now be used for growing vegetables, setting up green houses on the glacier besides cutting down heavy reliance on expensive fossil fuels.

The Indian army had outsourced the project of first discovering ground water in Siachen sector as soldiers were being compelled to melt ice from the frozen Siachen river to quench their thirst and for all other purposes. Ritesh Arya, the project director, known for establishing a record in the Guinness Book of World Records, for discovering water sources at highest altitude in Ladakh, told TOI from Leh,"We had drilled holes a decade ago for the army, in coordination with 4 Engineers Corps, to discover underground water sources in Siachen. Last year, we were assigned a task to explore and develop geothermal source in Siachen Base Camp by Indian Army. We explored the site for geothermal development by drilling borewell but it was a tough task especially as it was assigned on' no water, no money' basis."

It took several months before the source of geothermal site was discovered, in October, last year." We wanted to test the source in winters. We finally visited the site on 18 April, 2012 with engineers from 17 Eng Corps and the discovery of geothermal source at base camp was established,"said Dr Arya.

A PU alumnus, Dr Arya, said that the borewells for groundwater in Siachen has been giving 24 hours water even in winters when temperatures drop to minus 40 degrees. "Though the temperatures of the source are not very high but still the water can be put to good use for developing green houses for growing vegetables, bathing, washing etc. So far the army is relying only on fossil fuels for heating water which is a very expensive proposition at the altitude of 19000 feet," he said.

Raising concern about the shrinking of Siachen glacier the geologist said, "The glacier has receded sharply and we are investigating how much. The glacier should be demilitarized, as the Pakistan army is mooting, and instead it should be developed as a geothermal tourist destination for which it has vast unexplored potential."

Hot water discovered in Siachen - The Economic Times


Super Mod
Mar 24, 2009
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Hahaha, one good reason why we should stay put and actually entrench further in that region.

Hot water discovered in Siachen

CHANDIGARH: The highest battlefield in the world, Siachen glacier, hides a warming truth, recently discovered. Geologists have discovered hot water from geothermal sources in the glacier which is nearly 15 degrees warm in plunging -40 degree Celsius weather. The hot source has come as a relief in the freezing conditions as it can now be used for growing vegetables, setting up green houses on the glacier besides cutting down heavy reliance on expensive fossil fuels.


Defence Professionals/ DFI member of 2
Sep 28, 2011
Is their an organization in India whose members are veterans of service on Siachen?


Senior Member
Jan 2, 2012
Th article Is the Pakistan Army brave enough to make peace?

Is the Pakistan Army brave enough to make peace? | The Broad Mind
I agree with what Yusuf has been saying. Increase troop numbers in the region. Pakis will have to kiss our arse every time they decide to try something extravagant.

Fighting the Saltoro war was always expensive, and the Pakistanis never ceased to gripe about it. While the Indian Army took its losses with the grace and stoicism of a honourable warrior, the Pakistani Army went around the world giving interviews about how pointless the war was: how "poor India" could never afford such a war and that how "poor Pakistan" was only there because India had nefarious intentions there. A lot of peace activists bought into this. In my opinion these were false tears, a carefully managed PR campaign by the Pakistan Army to deflect responsibility for the escalation in the region – to draw attention away from the fact that the Pakistanis had attempted to annex the area by manipulating the US Defence Mapping Agency's resources.
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Senior Member
Jan 2, 2012
Guys read this excerpt from this article

The landslide covered approximately a kilometre of the road west of the Goma garrison with 40-80 feet of snow and snapped a vital line of communication for Pakistani defensive positions on the Saltoro ridge line. At present, all Pakistani positions west of Ghyari – i.e. posts on the Bilafond, Grahmalumba, Ali Bragnsa and Chumik Glaciers are cut off from their supply route. The entire middle of the Pakistani defence line on the Saltoro ridge has been effectively hollowed out. Rescue and relief efforts at Ghyari are draining manpower reserves at the Goma garrison and at the Gyong advance base. The Pakistani posture on the glacier has never been weaker.

Is the Pakistan Army brave enough to make peace? | The Broad Mind
Let the Paki f***ers die. Or else we must just destroy whatever we can with some air strikes. These people can never be trusted ever.


The Preacher
Senior Member
Dec 3, 2010
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Was watching Times Now, it was showing news of kiyani whining about India hardening the stand on Siachin. Any update on this issue?

Added alter: Got the link

India has hardened its stand on Siachen: Kayani
yep, i saw that news too..

i think he is trying to portrait and show the world that india is not willing to co-operate and how much bakistan is doing for peace in south asia. kayani is playing a good drama here,


The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
Kiyani has good reasons to whimper.

With that landslide and the land route gone forever, Pakistan stands nude in that part of the Glacier!


Senior Member
Jan 2, 2012
yep, i saw that news too..

i think he is trying to portrait and show the world that india is not willing to co-operate and how much bakistan is doing for peace in south asia. kayani is playing a good drama here,
Good let them complain. There is no one willing to listen to them anymore.


Mob Control Manager
Senior Member
Feb 12, 2009
good reply

No change in India's stand on Siachen: Officials - The Times of India

The truth is, as General VR Raghavan, former DGMO, says, Pakistan does not occupy the Siachen glacier. Their positions are much lower down the mountainside. Pakistan has been reluctant to authenticate its positions because it would reveal that Pakistan does not actually sit on the glacier. Indian troops occupy the watershed heights which is the reason for India's insistence on authentication.

Besides, given the history of Pakistan army trying to find ways change the ground position in Siachen, most recently during the Kargil conflict in 1999, the Indian army is wary of Pakistani suggestion of demilitarization


Mob Control Manager
Senior Member
Feb 12, 2009
Here the problem is:

Siachen demilitarisation: Could PM gift away to Pak what Army has won? : India News - India Today

The Indian Army, which won the battles for Siachen, is determined to prevent politicians from surrendering what soldiers won through blood and sacrifice.

Sources in the Government say the Prime Minister has endorsed the Siachen talks on demilitarisation. For him, they say, the world's highest battlefield-and a snowcapped symbol of Indian Army's enduring sacrifice- comes without the baggage of Jammu and Kashmir and forward movement (read demilitarisation) would mean creating the right atmosphere for talks derailed by the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks. Demilitarisation is his CBM (confidence building measure) offer to Pakistan. Cynics suggest that he, too, has become a victim of the Nobel Peace Prize syndrome, trapped by the desire of temporary personal applause at the cost of national interests. It is his ticket to history.

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
May 26, 2010
If we lose Siachen:

1. We lose major parts of J&K..
2. On East our war preparation are little, N.E is in danger..

Not good for India & Indians..


Regular Member
Apr 6, 2012
.India should bring referendum system when border issues are concerned rather then few ill informed buffons to take just major decision. Vacating Siachen without proper border settlement would be an insult to those brave solders who gave up their life protecting it


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2009
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stupid brakha discussing Siachen Glacier issue on her stupid show with stupid people advocating demiliratistion on Siachen Glacier:frusty::frusty::frusty::frusty:


Senior Member
Mar 21, 2009
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Army chief's message to India from Siachen
Chief of the Pakistan Army Staff (COAS) General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani's reiteration on the other day for more confidence building measures (CBMs) between Pakistan and India seemed more intended for Indian ears than the former.

In a way, Kayani's third visit to Gayari where 139 men of the 6th Northern Light Infantry were buried alive in an avalanche on April 7 indicated a CBM of sorts. It was the first time that an Indian journalist Aneeta Joshua of daily The Hindu, was taken to a forward position that is a mere 3.5 miles away from combat posts at Siachen.
She was barred from visiting even the twin city of Rawalpindi in the last two years since she had been posted in Islamabad. In the changing circumstances, Aneeta was allowed to travel the entire breadth of Gilgit-Baltistan that her country disputes as part of Pakistan.
The COAS chose the occasion to also reiterate his call for demilitarisation of Siachen. In Pakistan, he said in response to a question, the idea got across-the-board support.
"It has been received positively in India also except with some ifs and buts. That is understandable because there have to be CBMs between the two countries and then we have to move forward. Let's hope we can move forward."
He re-emphasised that he was all for a peaceful resolution, "but short of that we will do what we are supposed to do -- fighting, that is".
The presence of Aneeta Joshua, it seemed, was to convey the message to her one billion countrymen back home.
She may be the only Indian to see this picturesque part of Pakistan that boasts four out of the top 10 highest peaks in the world. Wearing the specialised white gear worn by soldiers in this oxygen-deficient environment, where more people die of frostbite than combat, her inquisitiveness was palpable. She asked a Pakistani colleague if she could take a few photographs. "Well, you have not been stopped."
She was not even stopped from sitting with her Pakistani counterparts in the official meeting that had the cream of Pakistan Army. The COAS himself opened up the discussion describing the harsh circumstances in which soldiers had to operate. He said he could not help sharing his thoughts as he had served as the GOC and then corp commander in-charge of that area.
The local commander could not resist saying that the 'confidential' briefing was meant for the chief and he did not expect journalists (let alone an Indian one) to be there. It turned out to be a good presentation but was hardly the material that one cannot Google.
It was an awkward situation for the troops if not shocking to find an "enemy" within their midst. An army officer almost fell in disbelief when he realised in the middle of a conversation about the combat situation that one of his audiences was an Indian. A soldier was asked if he had seen an Indian before. "Not on our side of the border," he responded frankly while staring at Aneeta as if she was a different specie.
Army spokesman Major General Athar Abbas, when asked about this, dismissed the linkage between Aneeta's presence and the chief's statement on India as far-fetched. He said the focus of the visit was to bring the father of Major Zoha, who lay buried in the rubble, to see the effort by the army to recover the bodies.
"Aneeta's visit is part of Army's campaign to open up," he said while pointing out that the Pakistan Army had already taken Indian journalists to trouble spots like Chakoti in Azad Kashmir and Swat. AFP

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