Russian Military Pictures and Videos


New Member
Oct 27, 2009
hi friends this would be surely, maybe PAKFA.
this would defenatly make PAKFA deadlier then its western couter parts.
so may be Israel will also join campaign for selling PAKFA,
it will be same as the Su-30MKI, will campaign like Su-MKM, MKI, MKV.....
i feel if the deal goes through the India would be the most benefited , so India should Mediate the deal,,..............

With all respect I don't think that Russia would suddenly give access to Israel to the Pak Fa project (if for nothing else - to protect secrecy of the project be cause Israel would leak all the blueprints of Pak Fa to USA immediately)

Israel is still far from being as friendly country with Russia as India is and can not be trusted to keep secrets - they would sure slip them to USA

I'm sure that India will take advantage of good relationship with Israel to put some sophisticated stuff in FGFA :cool:


New Member
Jul 1, 2009
I'm sure that India will take advantage of good relationship with Israel to put some sophisticated stuff in FGFA :cool:
Israel won't be allowed near PAK FGFA. For them to get involved would mean giving them access to the source code. India and Russia are the only two countries who will be allowed to modify the craft. If India wants modifications they are unable to handle, they will have to address Russia. This project is not open to outsiders, especially US allies like Israel.


New Member
Oct 27, 2009
Unless Israeli give their scouts word

Israel won't be allowed near PAK FGFA. For them to get involved would mean giving them access to the source code. India and Russia are the only two countries who will be allowed to modify the craft. If India wants modifications they are unable to handle, they will have to address Russia. This project is not open to outsiders, especially US allies like Israel.

Unless Israeli give their scouts word of honor and promise not to tell anybody what they have learned about PAK FGFA project:lool:

Vladimir what is exactly situation finally with India's share in building Pak Fa and
Will it be more India's participation in FGFA and less in Pak Fa or it will be always 50:50? Also if you know to tell me - if India is doing composites and software does that mean that composites solution always must come from India ?
Example - even if some composite solution from India was not as good as some other that already exist in Russia?Does that mean that they will still apply Indian solution or vice verse?
In simple words if other side comes out with something good does it have to be always rigid separation on who is doing what or they can also try to help each other to do the best they can?

I know that India has option to chose different engine which already doesn't make it 50:50 partnership.

Am I complicating to much? I probably do...:Laie_42:


New Member
Oct 27, 2009
Israel won't be allowed near PAK FGFA. For them to get involved would mean giving them access to the source code. India and Russia are the only two countries who will be allowed to modify the craft. If India wants modifications they are unable to handle, they will have to address Russia. This project is not open to outsiders, especially US allies like Israel.

BTW I didn't mean that they actually have to see plane to sell some electronic stuff to India....Or it doesn't work that way perhaps?!
Sorry if I'm saying something stupid I'm not military guy....
I don't know how it works....
Hmm.... that would not be good for Russia if India ever do any funny arrangements with Israel which includes disclosing secret details about FGFA .

They consider Israel "friend" even though it is just predator in this situation....:twizt:


New Member
Jul 1, 2009
Vladimir what is exactly situation finally with India's share in building Pak Fa and
Will it be more India's participation in FGFA and less in Pak Fa or it will be always 50:50? Also if you know to tell me - if India is doing composites and software does that mean that composites solution always must come from India ?
Example - even if some composite solution from India was not as good as some other that already exist in Russia?Does that mean that they will still apply Indian solution or vice verse?
In simple words if other side comes out with something good does it have to be always rigid separation on who is doing what or they can also try to help each other to do the best they can?
It is too early in the process to know what the work-share agreement entails as it hasn't even been drafted yet. If India wants to make or add her own hardware/software outside the agreement, they will seriously complicate the process which is why they need to tell us what they want before they sign. If they have plans to change certain provisions, they must carefully place an open-ended clause so we can see it coming. The one thing that will not be happening is allowing US allies access to our technology. DRDO and HAL will have to figure out what they want to change on their own, or if they can't figure it out can consult with UAC. For example, if by some miracle India develops their own engine replacement, they will be allowed to install it but if it breaks the end-user agreement they will not be getting any support from Saturn or Ufa. If they try to bring in a third-party like Usrael they will be in breach of contract and will cease all cooperation. If the engine replacement provision is entered into the agreement, then Russia will help as provided by the agreeement. It all depends on what is signed and cleared by the government. Just know that PAK FA is to us what F-22 is to Amerika, we do not take lightly the spread of defence secrets. India is free to make their own components even outside the agreement, but they will not be getting any outside assistance from Russia, Israel, or anyone.

I know that India has option to chose different engine which already doesn't make it 50:50 partnership.
What different engine would that be?

Am I complicating to much? I probably do...:Laie_42:
I hope India has the forsight to draw up an agreement clearly outlined with their goals. Russia will bend over backwards to accomodate them, but we must see it coming and have it agreed to in writting. The threat of filing breach of contract is always a complication that slows progress. Just look at Gorshkov from the Indian end, Russia's image was tarnished, we don't want India to be the bad guy in PAK FGFA.


New Member
Oct 27, 2009
Wasn't Pak-Fa protocol with all the details already signed in Antony's last visit to

It is too early in the process to know what the work-share agreement entails as it hasn't even been drafted yet. If India wants to make or add her own hardware/software outside the agreement, they will seriously complicate the process which is why they need to tell us what they want before they sign. If they have plans to change certain provisions, they must carefully place an open-ended clause so we can see it coming. The one thing that will not be happening is allowing US allies access to our technology. DRDO and HAL will have to figure out what they want to change on their own, or if they can't figure it out can consult with UAC. For example, if by some miracle India develops their own engine replacement, they will be allowed to install it but if it breaks the end-user agreement they will not be getting any support from Saturn or Ufa. If they try to bring in a third-party like Usrael they will be in breach of contract and will cease all cooperation. If the engine replacement provision is entered into the agreement, then Russia will help as provided by the agreeement. It all depends on what is signed and cleared by the government. Just know that PAK FA is to us what F-22 is to Amerika, we do not take lightly the spread of defence secrets. India is free to make their own components even outside the agreement, but they will not be getting any outside assistance from Russia, Israel, or anyone.

"if by some miracle India develops their own engine replacement" But don't they try already to build Tejas - Kaveri (4th gen.) engine 1st with USA help(delayed by USA gov. approval) now they lost patience with USA and want French to help them overcome major design problems of the engine...

" If they try to bring in a third-party like Usrael" oh I get the picture don't get me wrong I can easily imagine the GRAVITY of the problem without you pointing it out!
I'm sure (sorry no link) that I have read about that option being opened.
Wasn't Pak-Fa protocol with all the details already signed in Antony's last visit to Moscow?!?

But that is pushing me to ask you automatically another question - WHAT is that story about Russian cooperation with Usrael on new plane??!!
I've bumped into the story few times and was more than surprised!
Where the hell is that coming from?! And what plane would that be LFI,Pak Da
nothing on the roadmap that Russia could share (MiG 35 perhaps) Unless it is not about true plane but some big UAV like Predator.
That fascination of Russian military about Usrael's UAV.........
So in that case would be MiG in cooperation with "friends" from Usrael, huh?
Or all this story is just another journalist sci-fiction?


New Member
Oct 27, 2009
Have no clue

I know that India has option to chose different engine which already doesn't make it 50:50 partnership.

What different engine would that be?

Have no clue, again it is something I've read somewhere...Kaveri perhaps?!? Or some USA engine but than it would be problem to fit the engine in isn't it?
And like you said with all the secrecy about and around the PAK FGFA it would be impossible to do it...

Not so long ago I even bumped in some India's high ranking general talking about India dumping Russia and continuing alone with Brahmos 2 which is
absolute nonsense and proof that some people and specially journalist are ready to say or write all kind of nonsense...
So you think that there is probability that India has no alternative for FGFA but to take Russian (licensed) Pak Fa engines?


New Member
Jun 29, 2009
Country flag
^^^Don't worry mate India stick to the contract obligation. I think HAL wont do modification in Pak-FA. since we have our own 5th gen figher MCA to play with.


New Member
Oct 27, 2009
I hope India has the forsight to draw up an agreement clearly outlined with their goals. Russia will bend over backwards to accomodate them, but we must see it coming and have it agreed to in writting. The threat of filing breach of contract is always a complication that slows progress. Just look at Gorshkov from the Indian end, Russia's image was tarnished, we don't want India to be the bad guy in PAK FGFA.

I just like every word you've said here. Measured answer and well spoken to.
Situation with Gorshkov is sh*t that happens in life! One must not look who is guilty but how to resolve problem on friendly base. I hope that India will buy at least some MiG's on MMRCA and stimulate Russian gov. to jump in and resolve Gorshkov problem. I'll scratch your back you scratch mine, is the best method of work between friendly nations...
Either way Gorshkov must be compromise resolved between friends as soon as possible be cause USA and such will be fishing the worm of discontent among Indian's for their own interests !


New Member
Oct 27, 2009
^^^Don't worry mate India stick to the contract obligation. I think HAL wont do modification in Pak-FA. since we have our own 5th gen figher MCA to play with.
Yes India's advance work and fascination about composites and very highly advanced software programing and use of fiber optics will be some of the "specific" details including 2nd seat for FGFA (adapting for the Brahmos?) ...
Are some of the details I've read about ...nothing official yet of course.


New Member
Oct 27, 2009
The transaction Russian-French military depends for political leadership

The transaction Russian-French military depends for political leadership (media)

Helicopter carrier

15:37 05/11/2009
© RIA Novosti
MOSCOW, November 5 - RIA Novosti
On the same subject

* Mistral: Paris with the request of Russia
* Mistral: no sale without a political agreement Moscow-Paris (Kouchner)
* Russia-France: the negotiations on the helicopter carrier coming to an end (source)

The question of the purchase by the Russian fleet's carrier attack helicopters French Mistral could be resolved during the visit of Vladimir Putin in France scheduled for late November. The ship will arrive in Saint Petersburg to be studied, we read in Thursday's daily Vedomosti.

A source from the Russian Ministry of Defense, the convenience of Russian arms to the ship will be checked during the visit of Mistral Saint Petersburg (around November 15): It is anticipated that a helicopter Ka-52 arises on its deck. Deputy Chief of Staff of the Russian Navy Oleg Bourtsev said that during this visit the ship would be considered by the Russian military who are about to buy one in France and construct four sub license in Russia.

This visit will, in fact, the opportunity to read the largest ship that Russia intends to purchase for cash. This will happen two weeks before the political negotiations in France where the project will be approved at the highest level, is clearly classified as premature, said a caller daily Vedomosti.

According to the editor of the newsletter Strategic Military TTU French Arnaud Kalika, during Putin's visit, we will know if the transaction is approved or not by the Russian and French leaders: what services and the French company that builds public DCNS these vessels, waiting is a political impetus. It is the same in Russia, says a source at the Russian Ministry of Defense.

Experts still doubt the need to buy a ship too expensive. The total project cost will exceed one billion euros, said the expert from the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies Konstantin Makiyenko. He could spend the money to meet more urgent needs: for example, thermal sights to equip all cars that are not removed during the military reform.

The director general of Rosoboronexport (Russian agency responsible for export of Russian arms) Anatoli Issaïkine said last week that the interim government had not yet received orders to begin negotiations on the purchase of the French ship. However, says the source close to the Ministry of Defense, the transaction may be concluded without intermediary, as was the case with the Israeli company IAI to supply UAVs for the Army.

This text from the Russian press does not engage the responsibility of RIA Novosti.


La transaction militaire russo-française dépend d'une impulsion politique (médias) | Défense | RIA Novosti


New Member
Oct 27, 2009
Georgia May Launch New War: Russian Military Intelligence

Georgia May Launch New War: Russian Military Intelligence

Russia’s Military Intelligence Chief Warns of New War
Civil Georgia, Tbilisi / 5 Nov.'09 / 14:49

Alexander Shliakhturov, chief of Russia’s military intelligence (GRU), said on November 5 that he did not rule out that Georgia might again use force against breakaway South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

“The situation with Georgia remains tense because the current Georgian authorities do not only refuse to recognize the sovereignty of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, but are sparing no efforts to return these countries, which have already become independent, to their jurisdiction,” he told Itar-Tass news agency.

“We need to add to this the unpredictability of policy pursued by the Georgian authorities led by Saakashvili, which may succumb to temptation to use force in order to tame obstinate republics as it happened last August,” Shliakhturov said. “We do not rule out such a development.”

Civil.Ge | Russia’s Military Intelligence Chief Warns of New War

Global Defence

