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The southern Man
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Jul 15, 2009
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Russia to buy warship from France in first Nato arms deal since Cold War

MOSCOW - France will send a warship to Russia in November in the run up to an unprecedented deal to sell it a helicopter carrier, a top defense ministry official said Oct. 31, RIA Novosti reported.

"In November, the Mistral helicopter carrier will arrive on a visit to St. Petersburg," the first deputy chief of the Navy general staff, Oleg Burtsev, told the news agency.

Burtsev also confirmed that Russia was planning to purchase one of the Mistral warships and to construct a further four warships under license.

"We plan to buy one Mistral-class ship in France, and with technical support from the French to build four helicopter carriers of this class under license," Burtsev told the news agency.

Burtsev said that he attended talks on the warship deal in France two weeks ago and that France agreed to Russia's proposal to buy the ship, RIA Novosti reported.

The Mistral warship can carry 16 heavy helicopters, landing-craft and troops and can also act as a command and control vessel.

Burtsev did not name a price, but the ship is set to cost up to 500 million euros ($740 million) RIA Novosti reported Saturday, citing French media.

The Russian armed forces chief of staff, Gen. Nikolai Makarov, said in August that Moscow planned to buy a Mistral in an unprecedented deal that experts said reflected Kremlin efforts to accelerate military modernization.

The naval commander-in-chief Vladimir Vysotsky raised questions over the deal in September when he said that Russia might look to Spain or the Netherlands to buy the ship-building technology.

Since World War II, Russia has insisted on producing all military hardware for its own use and export, but it has failed to keep up with the West.

In recent years, Russia has talked a lot about modernizing its armed forces, which still rely heavily on Soviet-era equipment, and steadily increased its procurement budgets during Vladimir Putin's presidency.

The Mistral-class warships would be based at Russia's northern and Pacific fleets but might also be used against Somalian pirates, Burtsev said.

"The ships are being acquired for troop-carrying, peace-keeping and rescue operations. What's more, this ship can be effectively used for fighting pirates, including those off the coast of Somalia," Burtsev told RIA Novosti.

Russia is one of several countries to have sent naval ships to the coast of Somalia to try to combat the rising tide of attacks on vessels passing through the strategic Gulf of Aden.

In the most recent attack, Somali pirates seized a Thai fishing trawler with a crew including 23 Russian sailors, the Russian foreign ministry said Oct. 30

Russia to buy warship from France in first Nato arms deal since Cold War - Times Online

Quickgun Murugan

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Oct 1, 2009
Russian nuclear submarine test-fires missile
Russian nuclear submarine test-fires missile

MOSCOW - A Russian nuclear submarine has successfully test-fired a ballistic missile, authorities said Sunday.

“On Nov 1, the Northern Fleet’s nuclear-powered missile-carrying submarine, Bryansk, successfully test-launched an intercontinental ballistic missile in the Barents Sea from a submerged position,” the defence ministry said in a statement.

“The warheads reached the target area at the designated time,” the statement said.

Russia’s nuclear triad comprises land-based ballistic missile systems, nuclear-powered submarines armed with sea-launched ballistic missiles, and strategic bombers carrying nuclear bombs and nuclear-capable cruise missiles.

–RIA Novosti


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Jun 29, 2009
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Russian tactical missile self-destructs during live-fire drills | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

MOSCOW, October 29 (RIA Novosti) - A Tochka-U short-range ballistic missile self-destructed on Thursday shortly after a practice launch at training grounds in northwestern Russia, the Defense Ministry said.

The accident occurred during life-firing drills at the Luga training grounds in the Leningrad Region. No casualties or damage have been reported.

"The missile self-destructed at the height of 1,000 meters [about 3,280 feet]," Col. Alexei Kuznetsov said.

The official added that the missile was carrying a dummy warhead because its service life has expired and it was due for destruction.

Nevertheless, an investigation into the accident will be launched, Kuznetsov said.

According to the official, the second Tochka-U missile, which was launched during the same drills, hit the designated target.

The Tochka-U (SS-21 Scarab) short-range tactical ballistic missile is a 1989 modification of the Tochka missile system that went into service with the Soviet military in 1976. It has an effective range of 120 km (70 miles).

Tochka-U is a high-precision weapon that can be used for strikes on enemy tactical targets, such as control posts, bridges, storage facilities, troop concentrations and airfields. It can carry conventional and nuclear warheads.

At least 15 Tochka missile systems were reportedly deployed by Russia during the five-day war with Georgia in August 2008.


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Jun 29, 2009
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Russia sells special purpose weaponry to NATO - arms exporter | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

MOSCOW, October 28 (RIA Novosti) - Russia supplies weaponry and equipment for police and special purpose military units in several NATO countries, state arms exporter Rosoboronexport said on Wednesday.

"Our main customers are ex-Soviet states, the Middle East, Latin American and African countries, but we also deliver special purpose weaponry and equipment to several NATO countries," said Vyacheslav Ovchinnikov, an advisor to Rosoboronexport general director.

More than 300 Russian companies, including 23 defense firms, are participating in the Interpolitex 2009 International Exhibition of State Security Technology in Moscow October 27-30.

According to Ovchinnikov, foreign clients are mostly interested in weaponry for anti-terrorism police task forces, optical and infrared equipment, means of individual protection and non-lethal weapons.

The official said that at least four foreign delegations at the show have expressed interest in purchasing several types of Russian-made equipment.

"The negotiations have entered an active phase and this work will continue after the show," Ovchinnikov said.

Delegations from Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Italy, Canada, The Netherlands, the United Arab Emirates, Taiwan and Ukraine are participating in Interpolitex 2009.

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