Indian Counter Terror Operations Pictures & Discussions

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Feb 7, 2017
And yes , bind those bodies together by 5/6 with stone , and dump them in ular lake , just like afghan and mughal massacre pandit in past .

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
May 26, 2010
Deploying Army & SF in civilian conflict zone is the last thing we can do and we have done that, Their is nothing more one can do beyond this, All other are fantasy ..

The point everyone is missing is, Their are chinks in Armour here in brief..

1. For the start, their is idea in air in old minds that making concrete military fortification will effect civilian mindset and will send a negative message this goes for using light gunships as well as light Armour ( MPVs using Heavy weapons ) as well, Unless one changed this mindset nothing will change and we will keep losing soldiers and officers ..


2. Intelligence is very important, The resources allocated for them is not enough we still don`t have searcher and heroins or Nishants and Rustoms observing these zones routinely, Money is spend like water on imports and we rejoice of doing so in name of national security but its not used in active combat where it must do it routinely,

Intelligence is the main factor which decides the fate of an Army, For Indian Army intelligence is majority in form of Human Intel and not electronic which is WW2 like system and no longer effective against sophisticated terrorist using GPS phones and secure radio communication with tools to disable regular surveillance and blockade systems, Using GPS based navigation and re-route their path when necessary with proper knowledge coming from electronic means, Got training for night marches also equipped with night vision and semi anti-thermal clothing, Human Intel is not enough anymore need constant electronic surveillance in large scales from ground to air 24x7 ..


3. National Corporate Media have not helped the situation either, They portrait all Kashmirirs as bad in general, Its like One Indian is a rapist and world calling all Indians as rapists, People also follow the same path without going into detail. With this kind of trend and thinking of Majority of Indians towards whole Kashmir the good will also turn against us which is the first step towards the separation of Kashmir and victory for Pakistan and hurriat goons ..

Indian Army exists in Kashmir is due to Kashmiris and they are the one wanted us be there, If their is a problem is with Urban class in specific, Specially the unemployed youth working for some political party like hurriat and getting some booze, food and money, These people latter have their own children and train them in their trade hence you have a generation of urban kashmiris who don`t want school but AK and molotov cocktails..


4. Last but not least of Major issues, Regardless, how brave and how well we are fighting, We are fighting the wrong enemy, Our enemy is Pakistan Army, Militant in majority should be taken on by paramilitary forces with some assistance from Army, We are losing slowly but steadily our best to cannon folders.

On other-side of the border, Pakistani Ranges are being supported by Pakistani Army to clear path for terrorists, The full blunt of task on our Army in majority from patrolling to sniping and providing support fire, Their is little role paramilitaries do, Hence most casualties are of Army.

We need to change our tactics to make sure this war of attrition works on other way, Its presently harming us since the beginning, Only for brief periods under right supervision things changes, This is not enough.

Maybe it's time to let loose some target shooters from mumbai/UP into the mix. Status quo is favouring tangos at the moment. Some feathers need to be ruffled.

Irregular warfare needs irregular methods.

Tactics with moral high ground needs to be reviewed.
Yes it is but we are loosing decorated soldiers while pakistan is loosing nameless thugs which it doesn't give a damn about in the first place. We need to turn the table.

The only way to stop pakistani support to militancy in j&k is to take the battle to pakistan army itself.

We must draw blood from Pakistan army directly whenever thugs go on rampage in j&k that ought to knock some sense into jehadi army of pakistan .

I hope recent blast had a raw handle . Thta would be a good start too.

Tarun Kumar

Regular Member
Dec 12, 2016
This is the third attack on an army convoy in less than 6 months and no SOP has been developed by army to tackle such ambushes. Simply calling it a war of attrition will not work.

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
May 26, 2010
Attrition of War does not used here as in sense of 'chalta ha attitude', Army knows better than you and it does not feel the way about its losses as you are representing, Army is a family and every loss is personal ..

If you don`t get it, Its a fault on your part, Don`t sensationalize it as a trend ..

This is the third attack on an army convoy in less than 6 months and no SOP has been developed by army to tackle such ambushes. Simply calling it a war of attrition will not work.


Regular Member
Feb 7, 2017
@Kunal Biswas sir ,If generalization by ours is't right , so why there in kashmir 10's of thousand ppl join in procession of a terrorist ?are they forced ?? A whole generation of kashmir saw under CRPF , Army , without pundit , without secularism , bounded with a atmosphere of radicalization , if govt and RAW don't want to take on paki agent like huriyat goon , how do we gonna win it ?? we can't continue constructive work unless they are there


Senior Member
Aug 13, 2016
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@Kunal Biswas sir ,If generalization by ours is't right , so why there in kashmir 10's of thousand ppl join in procession of a terrorist ?are they forced ?? A whole generation of kashmir saw under CRPF , Army , without pundit , without secularism , bounded with a atmosphere of radicalization , if govt and RAW don't want to take on paki agent like huriyat goon , how do we gonna win it ?? we can't continue constructive work unless they are there
@Willy2 by far the best salutation to the kashmir problem is to currently split the region with india in to separate states
And isolate the valley of Kashmir


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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@Kunal Biswas sir ,If generalization by ours is't right , so why there in kashmir 10's of thousand ppl join in procession of a terrorist ?are they forced ?? A whole generation of kashmir saw under CRPF , Army , without pundit , without secularism , bounded with a atmosphere of radicalization , if govt and RAW don't want to take on paki agent like huriyat goon , how do we gonna win it ?? we can't continue constructive work unless they are there
If i can butt in...
kashmir is not a military failure,it is a political failure. Given their constraints, Army and other security forces are managing the show quite well.

People tend to show up in large numbers at janaazah because there is a sense of victimhood propagated by both hurriyat and mainstream political parties. It is human nature to sympathise who is perceived to be a victim of injustice. Political parties when in power talk differently to when not in power. what's missing is overground counter propaganda in kashmiri civil society.


Regular Member
May 30, 2015
@Kunal Biswas sir ,If generalization by ours is't right , so why there in kashmir 10's of thousand ppl join in procession of a terrorist ?are they forced ?? A whole generation of kashmir saw under CRPF , Army , without pundit , without secularism , bounded with a atmosphere of radicalization , if govt and RAW don't want to take on paki agent like huriyat goon , how do we gonna win it ?? we can't continue constructive work unless they are there
every strategy needs counter strategy...... pak strategy was silent and deep Penetration. to project GoI as evil which will destroy Kashmir n Kashmiri ppls.then project pak as saver to them. for this strategy they changed militants target halfway meens from attacking civilians earlier to attack forces only . and present as they are fighting with this evil for Kashmiri ppl . with proper coordination, funding, and useing every fault line effectively this strategy working pretty well in Kashmir . so if u counter this strategy with guns.....then it will be like knowingly falling in trap set for.


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
Senior Member
Oct 13, 2015
Thing will continue like this if not go worse because many of these places things are out of govt control now and "spirit of Jihad" is stronger than ever among these Kashmiri much fierce than 90s or may be in the History of Islam in Kashmir. This not only include illiterate youths, women but university students, politicians and even Govt employee and little kids. It's Mini Syria now except they pelt stones because weapons are limited otherwise the whole place would be lit up as 14 year old ready to hold AK in his hands to shoot Indian Forces. The only thing India can do is to cut the supply of their weapons and limit them to throw stone as they won't give up the deamnd of Azadi in near future.

New mosques are coming up in the localities preaching Paki - Wahabi Brand of Islam which replace original Kashmiri Islam of Sufis and tolerance. The new Mullahs (preachers) are not Kashmiris but from Central and other part of India affiliated with Wahabi thinking. If you give every Kashmiri 1 kg Gold and a Govt Job even then they won't give up the demand of Free Kashmir. Their primary aim is to liberate from India and then make a separate county majority of them are not want to join Pakistan either except the followers of Hurriyat.

Personally the most Qattar Indian Muslaman are only found in Kashmir. Even a 5 year old Girl wear Hijab.
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Ghanta Senior Member?
Senior Member
Jan 1, 2015
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People tend to show up in large numbers at janaazah because there is a sense of victimhood propagated by both hurriyat and mainstream political parties
The bigger problem would be when the same mentality people hold posts in bureaurocracy of India. The stage has been set by our incapable leaders for political advantage.

India does not only need CT operation in valley but C Int operation more than that. @Kunal Biswas correctly has mentioned it. The more sophisticated techniques must be brought in. May be they don't have resources or budget to use it.


Senior Member
Jan 10, 2013
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^ The only way is revive defunkt Black Cat system of Punjab in Kashmir which is also known as Ikhwan system . Simultaneously throw all Rabid Paki Mullah ass licking Commies/Hindus/Christians/Sikhs/Martians into Jails. Our troops need free hand, they will hang these paki shit eaters by balls if needed to eliminate terrorism.


Ghanta Senior Member?
Senior Member
Jan 1, 2015
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^ The only way is revive defunkt Black Cat system of Punjab in Kashmir which is also known as Ikhwan system . Simultaneously throw all Rabid Paki Mullah ass licking Commies/Hindus/Christians/Sikhs/Martians into Jails. Our troops need free hand, they will hang these paki shit eaters by balls if needed to eliminate terrorism.
True but I don't think India has enough resources for that. Otherwise they would have used it or they do not have permission to carry such operation.
The part of security apparatus of India is they have failed to convince the Indian leadership to go for such operations.


Senior Member
Jan 10, 2013
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True but I don't think India has enough resources for that. Otherwise they would have used it or they do not have permission to carry such operation.
The part of security apparatus of India is they have failed to convince the Indian leadership to go for such operations.
India has resources, it did in 90s when likes of NDTV did not exist. All India needs to do is settle retired faujis with automatic guns in kasmir. And then watch fun.

Ancient Indian

p = np :)
Senior Member
Aug 23, 2014
So the Demonit effect is over now.
All protesters are back to action.

Wonder how they are getting paid.


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
Senior Member
Oct 13, 2015
At least what Indians can do is to keep the morale of Indian troops high, who are posted in Kashmir. Now a days they operate under tremendous pressure and stress of Human Right activist, Libtards and activist. They are already fighting with tied hands and don't exactly know who is the enemy in the crowd. So show them respect wherever you see a troop and appreciate their work.

On top of it there are Anti National dens like JNU who called our Troops Rapist and Murderers. You can only imagine how would they feel if their own countryman call such thing that too sitting in the Heart of India (Delhi)
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Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
May 26, 2010

The Men died were Indians and Kashmiri second, The photos are not from one funeral but many,

Brave soul from Kashmir itself, And they were our brothers ..

Media don`t show much attention to pro india Kashmiri opinion as they lack rating or some other malicious Interest..


"Militants who would force us to provide them shelter, food and at times to entertain them physically were harassing us physically and mentally. If we opposed them they would commit rapes or kill our family members. We wanted to confront them and the only way to do it was to acquaint ourselves with the basic functioning of guns and grenades," she added.

The foundation of this first women's VDC goes back to March 2003, when local Muslim priest Mir Hussain was killed by a group of mainly foreign Lashkar E-Tayyaba militants when he tried to stop the rape of his wife.

This group helped the Indian army destroy the biggest militant hideout in the famous Hill Kaka bowl in the mountains of Surankote in July 2003. At least 150 foreign militants were killed in the operation.

To avenge those killings, a Lashkar group in April 2004 attacked Kulali village and killed 14 women and children while the men were out on an operation.

Later, in June 2004, the militants executed another attack, which was repulsed by a woman, Khatoon Begum, who had learned to use a 303 Rifle from her son. Although she died in the attack her act helped save at least a dozen members of her family from Islamic guerrillas.

"It is an amazing feeling to hold a gun in one's hand for a noble cause," Begum added. "On several occasions in the past eight months I have come across jihadis in the forests who are scared and who go into hiding. I am proud to be fighting a jihad against these marauders who cheated us of our dignity and honor."

Trained in the firing, basic handling and cleaning of weapons, as well as in battle craft and field craft drills, nearly every month these women go to nearby army camps to polish up on their shooting skills and to update their knowledge of weapons used commonly by terrorists.

"They have an extraordinary learning zest," said Indian army Public Relations Officer R.K Chhibber.



Read my post #3083 again than reading half and getting to quick conclusion ..

Government and Raw & Army are doing their best as of now, No one said otherwise ..

@Kunal Biswas so why there in kashmir 10's of thousand ppl join in procession of a terrorist ?are they forced ??
A whole generation of kashmir saw under CRPF , Army , without pundit , without secularism , bounded with a atmosphere of radicalization , if govt and RAW don't want to take on paki agent like huriyat goon , how do we gonna win it ?? we can't continue constructive work unless they are there

Flame Thrower

Senior Member
Apr 16, 2016
@Kunal Biswas sir ,If generalization by ours is't right , so why there in kashmir 10's of thousand ppl join in procession of a terrorist ?are they forced ?? A whole generation of kashmir saw under CRPF , Army , without pundit , without secularism , bounded with a atmosphere of radicalization , if govt and RAW don't want to take on paki agent like huriyat goon , how do we gonna win it ?? we can't continue constructive work unless they are there
There is good reason why Huriyat is not being touched.....

If anything happens to Huriyat, that's it end of our dreams on Kashmir...We just can't imagine what would be the situation in Kashmir if anything happens to Huriyat....what happened after Burhan Wani's death is not even a sample....

Does anyone know what is linked with Kashmir.....!!??


Even today we are not strong enough to challenge UN directly and escape consequences.... Imagine what was situation during early 90's....

There is a saying...Give time, time....It heals everything....

Basically we are pampering Kashmir and getting ready for Plebesite....

Plebesite is also one of the reason for not dividing Kashmir into 3 different states....

And the other reason is if we divide Kashmir, Pak will do all it can to divert world attention to Kashmir Valley and might even result in separation of Valley.... If this happens... We'll loose Kashmir forever....

@Kunal Biswas sir,

I have a strong feeling that using gunships, APC's will not make things any better....Us in Afghan had more casualties than Is in Kashmir....

Smuggling ATGMs, Stingers won't be a big deal for Pak if we get our APCs and Gunships....

Sure these help in saving our soldiers life, killing more terrorists, their sympathisers, innocents.... Which results in more people volunteering to become terrorists.....

Sir, the day we use these APC's, gunships dynamics of Kashmir drastically change against us....

Since we use them.... They become targets.... Both human life and cost of the conflict goes up at alarming rate....

Not only that sir.... Psychological effects on common people adversely affect during the Plebesite....

Sir, I strongly wish to increase human int, drones(unarmed) etc in Kashmir but no APC's or gunships....

now it finally comes to the cost of our brave souls....

As you've all know or I remember.... Terrorist attacks on our hero's started after Modi came into power.... Sure there we encounters between army and terrorists... But mostly army/bsf/Kashmir police went after terrorists... Attacking forces started or increased exponentially after 2015..

Sir, As you all know Pak wants more violence in Kashmir and maximum coming from IA on Kashmir Civilians.... Best way to do is pissed of IA by any means.....

And last but not least... Soldiers are to fight the war for their country, protect it from foreign and domestic threats with their life... They are the most valuable possession of any country, one part that can't fail no matter what.... Our brave hearts are fighting war in Kashmir.

Quoting Sun Tzu "Be prepared to loose battles, but not War" In GoI's view winning the war is "Winning Kashmir through Plebesite".

The above are my views about the situation in Kashmir
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Regular Member
Feb 5, 2017
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its about time we bring what terrorist doesn't have AIR POWER like attack helicopters we can use it in our advantage i'm not telling to bomb kashmiri's like Paki's do in balochistan we can use mounted guns of helicopter to hunt these Rats

Ancient Indian

p = np :)
Senior Member
Aug 23, 2014
This the war we are fighting. . .
SRINAGAR: The death of a 13-year-old boy from pellet injuries allegedly sustained during a clash with security forces triggered a fresh wave of protests in Srinagar on Saturday. Junaid Ahmad Akhoon's death took the toll for Kashmir's three-month spell of unrest to 91.

Saidapora resident Akhoon allegedly sustained pellet injuries to the head and chest while pelting stones on security forces during a clash after Friday afternoon prayers. However, a report by news agency PTI quoted locals as alleging that the boy was not involved in any protest.
If army does something, all Human Rights Angels will descend onto TV studios.
Every leading news paper spins the story into some big human rights violation.

I wish I can write one post length solution for this problem.
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