What's the solution against these govt funded rotten scums?

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sum gai
Regular Member
Feb 27, 2016
Common man will never learn what is behind these things. That is why he will remain as voter.

When he plays outside his comfort zone, he will get all confused with smallest of things..
Wisdom from my tired brain.

Now go sleep and have happy dreams.

Sheep not fit for shephard role.

why bother if the current democracy produces chomus who think that RSS is more dangerous than ISIS and marxists who think that we are being ruled by a fascist government despite the fact that YOU CAN VOTE? Not to mention the islamist parties and regionalists but it wouldn't be DEMOCRATIC to shove them into work camps now would it?


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Jan 25, 2014
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Why do you think RSS and RSS sympathizers talk too much and do too little?
It is a good question and needs to be raised from time to time- people forget thing easily here- RSS talk little and do things quietly- They were called upon as reserve strength when the Chinese were reaching Assam our communists were arranging a grand welcome for their comrades in Bengal- I wonder who would have stopped the Chinese had they reached Bengal- our Army was defeated- probably Nehru would've kept whatever was left of them to save his house and Delhi maybe-

The communists do not only come from WB and Kerala.

Do you know who fought against the Nizam of Hyderabad along with the Indian Army? It was the communists. They fought on the ground, and liberated Hyderabad State, and integrated it with the Indian Union. What was the contribution of RSS? ZERO.
And they are fighting even today- yesterday they killed 16 tribals and today they killed 2 CRPF commandos- They even have liberated areas In the Jungles there- What has been the contribution of RSS- a few thousand schools for those tribal kids may be- does that even count as contribution ? I guess contribution here means something which comes out through the barrel of Gun-

Do you know who wiped out the Naxalites in WB? It was Jyoti Basu, a CPI(M) leader. He held the Indian Constitution above his ideology. Even in 2009/2010/2011, who fought against the Naxalites along with the CRPF? It was the communists. What was the contribution of RSS? ZERO.

RSS = ZERO contribution organization.
Do you know who was instrumental in the creation of Naxalites ? The CPI- Why did they do that ?- To crush down CPI(M)- Who is CPI(M) ?- The fraction of CPI who left CPI after split between Soviet Union and China-

Even in 2009/2010/2011/and even today The Army/law enforcement/IB/RAW have used rival groups against each other as a tactics to defeat each of them without much bloodshed- They do It with Jihadis, Communists, NE groups and even local gundas- does that make local gundas heros- may be- I am sure you would count over the contributions of Illyeeas Kashmiri and compare him to RSS perhaps-

And you, go on and on, in almost every post, Muzzie, Muzzie. What is your problem?

It is the Muslims who are fighting against ISIS in Syria. Even yesterday, it was the Muslims who protected the Indian Consulate in Jalabad, in Afghanistan.

Keep up your bakwaas. A barking dog seldom bites.

It is the muslims who are creating ISIS and then fighting IS to create another IS and then another- a sane person would term such a thing as Insanity- and and not praise them for fighting one evil to create another- The same Muslims in Afghanistan sold themselves at the hands of Soviets and then America, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia- Even today same thing is happening in Afghanistan- The ANA soldier who saved Indians in Jalalabad would happy switch sides to Taliban and kill very same Indians- loot the embassy and settle down in Dubai or run away to Germany as a refugee given a chance- defections has been happen there and that too at an alarming rate-

A barking dog seldom bites- you are very much correct here- RSS doesn't bark- they do things silently- They gave stability to the nation in the name of AB Vajpayee who made sure India became a nuclear state and nobody dares to destroy us again- When the nation was being looted by laloo, mulayam, devgawada etc gundaraj was at peak in UP and Bihar- They gave the nation hope in the name of N Modi when the country was put on sale and almost one whole year of revenue collection was lost in various scams- And people in the Govt- were busy framing a new term Hindu Terrorism- To create a civil war in India- don't be surprised here- Hindus may not have the tolerance displayed by RSS over the years-

So Its a good question you raised- Keep raising questions- RSS would not shoot you down for that or send you to a camp in Siberia- Nor would they behead you or burn you alive or run a tank over you- Please try a similar thing in the so called liberated areas of communists in Chattisgarh or Iraq/Syria- or even modern communist state China-



Ghanta Senior Member?
Senior Member
Jan 1, 2015
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To Kanhaiya's socialist supporters
he himself might be using some sort of phone, or laptop. He then forgets that these all are commodities of capitalist economy. What kind of fake marxists he is? And so are the others.

Kanahiya is just a puppet. Very young an unaware that he is being used. In many parts of the europe like germany the western part pays tax for the development of eastern one. This is what marxists have done.

Nuvneet Kundu

Senior Member
Jan 15, 2016
Disadvantages of being a common man in India:

1. Pakistan ISI attacking India via proxy (eg. 26/11, Pathankot etc.....) and blaming Indian spy agency RAW.
2. Some pseudo-seculars calling Ishrat Jahan killing a fake encounter.
3. Corporates looting taxpayers money through PSU banks for their own personal enjoyment and then flee to other countries (eg. Vijay Mallya).
4. Students in Universities raising anti-national slogans and getting support from some sections of the media.
5. A specific community creating Law & order problem, destroying public property and taking Delhi hostage thus getting rewarded for Reservation.
6. Killer of a former Prime Minister of India may be released on humanitarian grounds.
7. India with a billion plus population can't produce a world class soccer team.
That's according to whom? If you ask a lot of people, they will tell you that the biggest problem of living in India is having to put up with Bengali jholawalas. Can you add that as #8? thanks.


Atheist but not Communists.
Senior Member
Jan 14, 2016
To Kanhaiya's socialist supporters
What Kasparov says is nothing new and nobody ever denied it except hard-core dogmatists. Fred Engel refined and edited Marx's "The Communist Manifesto" and "Das Kapital" realising the ever changing socio-politics, role of capital, exploitation of natural resources by rogue capitalists in the wake of industrial revolution etc., calls for review & revision of Marxist Postulates. I, for one, believe Socialism begets हरामखोरी (Freeloading). V.Lenin went one step further to suggest that Socialism can only be a temporary measure to give a helping hand to the weak & down-trodden till they come up the social ladder.
I am against culture of doles & subsidies to certain categories at the cost of tax-payers' money; but don't we support our little brother in family and sponsor his studies, hobby, life-style expenses etc. till he grows up and becomes self-sufficient? However, Reservation in jobs and higher studies can in no way be justified.
Having said that, no ideology is free from defect and set in stone. Over time it needs revision/ amendment in keeping with changing circumstances, technology, social mores etc. Oligarchy, Hoarding (creation of artificial scarcity), uneven distribution of public resources give rise to black money, an ubiquitious feature of Market Economy. Lastly, many think communism= autocracy. This impression is fallacious. Even Politbureau members are democratically elected. :wink:

Abhijeet Dey

Senior Member
May 6, 2013
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That's according to whom? If you ask a lot of people, they will tell you that the biggest problem of living in India is having to put up with Bengali jholawalas. Can you add that as #8? thanks.
In case you don't know the Bengal unit of BJP and ABVP union had done a counter protest on 19th February 2016 against those shouting anti-national slogans in Jadavpur University. So not all Bengalis are anti-nationals. But I agree that majority of bengalis are with JNU students and pseudo-secular communists parties.


Senior Member
May 18, 2015
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In case you don't know the Bengal unit of BJP and ABVP union had done a counter protest on 19th February 2016 against those shouting anti-national slogans in Jadavpur University. So not all Bengalis are anti-nationals. But I agree that majority of bengalis are with JNU students and pseudo-secular communists parties.
would it be wrong to rephrase 'majority of bengalis' to 'majority of urban bengalis'?! for the rural ones i suppose are being given generous doses of peace se phull prasad everyday, so they appear to have turned wise.


Atheist but not Communists.
Senior Member
Jan 14, 2016
Disadvantages of being a common man in India:

1. Pakistan ISI attacking India via proxy (eg. 26/11, Pathankot etc.....) and blaming Indian spy agency RAW.
2. Some pseudo-seculars calling Ishrat Jahan killing a fake encounter.
3. Corporates looting taxpayers money through PSU banks for their own personal enjoyment and then flee to other countries (eg. Vijay Mallya).
4. Students in Universities raising anti-national slogans and getting support from some sections of the media.
5. A specific community creating Law & order problem, destroying public property and taking Delhi hostage thus getting rewarded for Reservation.
6. Killer of a former Prime Minister of India may be released on humanitarian grounds.
7. India with a billion plus population can't produce a world class soccer team.
Blame 1, 2 & 4 on weak governance. 3 is the most intractable and cancerous; even bank nationalisation didn't help. 7 has no solution in sight.

Nuvneet Kundu

Senior Member
Jan 15, 2016
In case you don't know the Bengal unit of BJP and ABVP union had done a counter protest on 19th February 2016 against those shouting anti-national slogans in Jadavpur University. So not all Bengalis are anti-nationals. But I agree that majority of bengalis are with JNU students and pseudo-secular communists parties.
Using the small protest march by ABVP to justify the nationalism is like clinching straws. Look at the macro picture; how does a small group of protesters in a college compare to literally crores of Bengalis think? The picture is overwhelmingly grim. You are the biggest conduit of communist propaganda, it's a bit rich that you hide behind ABVP protests to prove your nationalism. It's akin to a typical white racist gangs who have that one token 'black friend' that they hide behind when posed with tough questions : "we aren't racist, one of my friends is black".

It's the same when someone shines a spotlight on Bengalis, they say "Ohh no no, we aren't commies, ABVP did a nationalist march inside a college campus just yesterday; Therefore the nationalist credentials of Bengalis are established", then they go back to whatever they were doing once the spotlight is off. When all evasive maneuvers fail, invoke Bose, which is their 'do whatever you want and get away with it' trump card.

The fallacy in that argument is that you chastise people for generalizing the community (despite there having been a 35 year long communist rule, and the birth place of Naxalism) but you conveniently fall back to generalization whenever it suits you, by claiming that the protest march by a small group of ABVP students is proof that Bengalis are nationalists. That is generalization too, and a very incorrect one.
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Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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It’s Obvious Ishrat Affidavit was Changed: ex-NSA MK Narayanan

Former national security adviser M K Narayanan, who was at the heart of India’s security and intelligence apparatus for decades, says it is obvious the government affidavits in the Ishrat Jahan case were changed but he does not know the reasons for it.

Speaking to Hindustan Times in London on Wednesday, Narayanan, 81, said there was an intelligence report based on “fairly good evidence” of Jahan’s alleged links with the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) at the time of her killing in June 2004.

Narayanan, who is on a visit to London, said intelligence agencies produce many reports but it is up to the government of the day to accept them and act.

Former National Security Adviser M K Narayanan under the UPA Government

Recent revelations claim the first government affidavit submitted in court mentioned Jahan’s links with LeT, while the second one did not. The change was reportedly made at the political level during the tenure of the UPA government.

Narayanan said: “It is obvious that the affidavit was changed. (Former home minister P) Chidambaram seems to have said that an intelligence report is not necessarily proof, but I don’t know what went into the changing.”

He added: “The question is whether a government is willing to accept an intelligence report or not. There was an intelligence report...It (the report on Jahan) was based on fairly sound evidence at the time.”

Referring to Pakistani-American LeT operative David Headley’s recent revelations about Jahan, Narayanan said he had been “very clever” and had given details of what was already known.
“His purpose in referring to the Ishrat Jahan case, in addition to everything else, was to give a propaganda advantage to the Lashkar. We don’t accept what he says but there was an intelligence report about Ishrat Jahan, it was based on fairly good evidence but intelligence is what government finally accepts and acts on it,” he said.

According to Narayanan, the Islamic State in India was more than a threat at the moment. “It is a challenge, which can become very serious if ways and means are not found to deal with it…The number of latent supporters of ISIS in India is pretty large.”

Narayanan had previously estimated during a talk at the International Institute for Strategic Studies here in September 2014 that between 100 and 150 Indians – mostly engineers – had left the country to join IS.

It is difficult to come up with the number of IS supporters, he said, though the organisation is making a “deep dent” in the minds of youngsters. The danger is that because it was appealing to the mind, most of its ardent supporters are coming from the educated classes, he said.
“We were all the time comfortable saying that no Indian Muslim fought in Afghanistan (or joined international terrorist organisations). There has been a transformation in that sense because they are not fighting a battle on the ground, it is a bigger issue,” he said.

“Dealing with a threat like this goes beyond government. In the UK they are doing this deradicalisation program. I think this is totally misplaced. This is quite different from what existed in the past.

“India has intrinsic strengths because it has a large percentage of Muslims who understand the world in which they are living in. It is they who will have to fight this, governments can only help them fight the internal battles.”

On student-related controversies in Hyderabad and Jawaharlal Nehru University, Narayanan agreed that “a certain polarisation” was taking place and said while political parties could be part of the polarisation, no government could be part of it.

“There is a feeling that there is a dark state operating that is denying Dalits their due. All over the world we know students raise slogans. What happened in 1968 in Paris? They talked about Ho Chi Minh, Che Guevara, it had nothing to do with Paris.

“We need to be careful that we don’t overreact. Clearly some anti-national slogans were raised (in JNU) but how do you deal with it? If a child behaves in a particular fashion, you can’t beat him black and blue. This is like wildfire, this is what happened during the JP movement. He literally asked the army to revolt.

“It was decided to crush this (JP) movement, but look what happened. So we must learn some of these lessons and the extent to which you can go,” he said.


Nuvneet Kundu

Senior Member
Jan 15, 2016
It’s Obvious Ishrat Affidavit was Changed: ex-NSA MK Narayanan

Former national security adviser M K Narayanan, who was at the heart of India’s security and intelligence apparatus for decades, says it is obvious the government affidavits in the Ishrat Jahan case were changed but he does not know the reasons for it.

Speaking to Hindustan Times in London on Wednesday, Narayanan, 81, said there was an intelligence report based on “fairly good evidence” of Jahan’s alleged links with the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) at the time of her killing in June 2004.

Narayanan, who is on a visit to London, said intelligence agencies produce many reports but it is up to the government of the day to accept them and act.

Former National Security Adviser M K Narayanan under the UPA Government

Recent revelations claim the first government affidavit submitted in court mentioned Jahan’s links with LeT, while the second one did not. The change was reportedly made at the political level during the tenure of the UPA government.

Narayanan said: “It is obvious that the affidavit was changed. (Former home minister P) Chidambaram seems to have said that an intelligence report is not necessarily proof, but I don’t know what went into the changing.”

He added: “The question is whether a government is willing to accept an intelligence report or not. There was an intelligence report...It (the report on Jahan) was based on fairly sound evidence at the time.”

Referring to Pakistani-American LeT operative David Headley’s recent revelations about Jahan, Narayanan said he had been “very clever” and had given details of what was already known.
“His purpose in referring to the Ishrat Jahan case, in addition to everything else, was to give a propaganda advantage to the Lashkar. We don’t accept what he says but there was an intelligence report about Ishrat Jahan, it was based on fairly good evidence but intelligence is what government finally accepts and acts on it,” he said.

According to Narayanan, the Islamic State in India was more than a threat at the moment. “It is a challenge, which can become very serious if ways and means are not found to deal with it…The number of latent supporters of ISIS in India is pretty large.”

Narayanan had previously estimated during a talk at the International Institute for Strategic Studies here in September 2014 that between 100 and 150 Indians – mostly engineers – had left the country to join IS.

It is difficult to come up with the number of IS supporters, he said, though the organisation is making a “deep dent” in the minds of youngsters. The danger is that because it was appealing to the mind, most of its ardent supporters are coming from the educated classes, he said.
“We were all the time comfortable saying that no Indian Muslim fought in Afghanistan (or joined international terrorist organisations). There has been a transformation in that sense because they are not fighting a battle on the ground, it is a bigger issue,” he said.

“Dealing with a threat like this goes beyond government. In the UK they are doing this deradicalisation program. I think this is totally misplaced. This is quite different from what existed in the past.

“India has intrinsic strengths because it has a large percentage of Muslims who understand the world in which they are living in. It is they who will have to fight this, governments can only help them fight the internal battles.”

On student-related controversies in Hyderabad and Jawaharlal Nehru University, Narayanan agreed that “a certain polarisation” was taking place and said while political parties could be part of the polarisation, no government could be part of it.

“There is a feeling that there is a dark state operating that is denying Dalits their due. All over the world we know students raise slogans. What happened in 1968 in Paris? They talked about Ho Chi Minh, Che Guevara, it had nothing to do with Paris.

“We need to be careful that we don’t overreact. Clearly some anti-national slogans were raised (in JNU) but how do you deal with it? If a child behaves in a particular fashion, you can’t beat him black and blue. This is like wildfire, this is what happened during the JP movement. He literally asked the army to revolt.

“It was decided to crush this (JP) movement, but look what happened. So we must learn some of these lessons and the extent to which you can go,” he said.

This is the biggest Congi stooge and BJP-hater, not to mention, the most incompetent NSA we've ever had. He hates the BJP because they made him resign from the post of governor.


Regular Member
Oct 15, 2010
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You say India should give up on PoK & Aksai Chin? There are Sanghis on this forum, both Members & Mods, who echo the sentiments of Ram Madhav's 'Akhand Bharat'. Personally though, I believe more ppl means more trouble. There is no way you can annex territory sans it's Natives.
Proxy war with Pak will go on becoz, she wants to see India disintegrate; can she forget her own disintegration and humiliation at the hands of India in 1971?
Let's be real, india cannot afford to take over aksai chin or any part using military, climing somthing for bargaining or strategic advantage is different from actually " wanting or keeping a real intent or expectation to get back those territories ". So indian claims are tactical and counter propaganda, our actual intent i believe is to maintain status quo and we are pretty satisfied with that.


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2009
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It’s Obvious Ishrat Affidavit was Changed: ex-NSA MK Narayanan

Former national security adviser M K Narayanan, who was at the heart of India’s security and intelligence apparatus for decades, says it is obvious the government affidavits in the Ishrat Jahan case were changed but he does not know the reasons for it.

What kind of intelligence chief who doent know why affidavit was changed .

futher under his nose only his mens where prosecuted and he stood silent and cowardly accepted governorship

Abhijeet Dey

Senior Member
May 6, 2013
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Will behead pro-Pak people: West Bengal BJP chief


West Bengal BJP president Dilip Ghosh has threatened to chop off "six inches from the top" of those raising 'Pakistan zindabad' slogans.

He said they will be "lowered by six feet'' while threatening those helping "extremists and terrorists'', including actors, singers, politicians and educationists, would be "kicked away to Bangladesh''.

"Friends you should not forget that the Centre no longer has a Congress government. This government does not mumble. Now there is one by (Narendra) Modi. So he is blasting away anyone who is either a Maoist or a terrorist,'' Ghosh said after a meeting on Wednesday with Birbhum district magistrate against the backdrop of violence in Ilambazar over a Facebook post denigrating religious beliefs.

"Bodies are falling. They are being counted and taken away. Earlier, when our security forces, BSF, CISF, RPF and Army were slain, we used to condole them. Today it is the opposite. The same BSF, CISF, Army and police have turned their weapons."

He said the government at the Centre does not have its hands folded. "It responds to bullets with bombs. Pakistan has gone quiet, Bangladesh will also be quiet. And those touts and sycophants who toe their line will be made quiet by us.'' Ghosh said those who believe they will use "terrorists and extremists'' for votes were living in a fool's paradise and added BJP would prevent "Bengal from turning into Afghanistan or Syria''.


Atheist but not Communists.
Senior Member
Jan 14, 2016
Will behead pro-Pak people: West Bengal BJP chief


West Bengal BJP president Dilip Ghosh has threatened to chop off "six inches from the top" of those raising 'Pakistan zindabad' slogans.

He said they will be "lowered by six feet'' while threatening those helping "extremists and terrorists'', including actors, singers, politicians and educationists, would be "kicked away to Bangladesh''.

"Friends you should not forget that the Centre no longer has a Congress government. This government does not mumble. Now there is one by (Narendra) Modi. So he is blasting away anyone who is either a Maoist or a terrorist,'' Ghosh said after a meeting on Wednesday with Birbhum district magistrate against the backdrop of violence in Ilambazar over a Facebook post denigrating religious beliefs.

"Bodies are falling. They are being counted and taken away. Earlier, when our security forces, BSF, CISF, RPF and Army were slain, we used to condole them. Today it is the opposite. The same BSF, CISF, Army and police have turned their weapons."

He said the government at the Centre does not have its hands folded. "It responds to bullets with bombs. Pakistan has gone quiet, Bangladesh will also be quiet. And those touts and sycophants who toe their line will be made quiet by us.'' Ghosh said those who believe they will use "terrorists and extremists'' for votes were living in a fool's paradise and added BJP would prevent "Bengal from turning into Afghanistan or Syria''.
Hollow bluster? I predict a clean sweep by TMC in this year's Assembly polls in W. Bengal.


Ghanta Senior Member?
Senior Member
Jan 1, 2015
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Will behead pro-Pak people: West Bengal BJP chief


West Bengal BJP president Dilip Ghosh has threatened to chop off "six inches from the top" of those raising 'Pakistan zindabad' slogans.

He said they will be "lowered by six feet'' while threatening those helping "extremists and terrorists'', including actors, singers, politicians and educationists, would be "kicked away to Bangladesh''.

"Friends you should not forget that the Centre no longer has a Congress government. This government does not mumble. Now there is one by (Narendra) Modi. So he is blasting away anyone who is either a Maoist or a terrorist,'' Ghosh said after a meeting on Wednesday with Birbhum district magistrate against the backdrop of violence in Ilambazar over a Facebook post denigrating religious beliefs.

"Bodies are falling. They are being counted and taken away. Earlier, when our security forces, BSF, CISF, RPF and Army were slain, we used to condole them. Today it is the opposite. The same BSF, CISF, Army and police have turned their weapons."

He said the government at the Centre does not have its hands folded. "It responds to bullets with bombs. Pakistan has gone quiet, Bangladesh will also be quiet. And those touts and sycophants who toe their line will be made quiet by us.'' Ghosh said those who believe they will use "terrorists and extremists'' for votes were living in a fool's paradise and added BJP would prevent "Bengal from turning into Afghanistan or Syria''.

when there was no action on Malda perpetrators then why on him?


Senior Member
May 18, 2015
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JNU president Kanhaiya Kumar to campaign for West Bengal, Kerala Assembly polls

As expected!! India's worst Sickular commie states joined hangs with their new Jihadi.They know youth are turned towards right wing (BJP) and raga/kujli has no face value and failed miserably.So Jihadi+Commi+Secular+Liberal's new PROPHET is KANHAIYA.

one more marches on the way to oblivion! good....bhery bhery gwoooood!

BTW, in his mid-life crisis, this thaali ka baingan will join khangress. but hope it doesn't come to that, for we'll have to bear khangress till then! not happening. death be to khangress, like NOW! *filler -- inshallah, inshallah*
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